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The Workers' Party


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
by Daniel Yap

THE vote is cast; the wait begins. As upbeat as anyone may have been during the rallies, we are all subdued now after 24 hours of Cooling-Off Day and a full day of polling. The rhetoric has died down and with the results secreted in cardboard boxes, everyone has time to doubt their assumptions.

Will there be a swing to the Opposition? Will PAP recapture lost ground? Will we retain the status quo?

And without knowing what will come, many are fearful – fearful that tonight’s result will usher in a regression to the old ways, fear that tonight’s result will mean destabilisation, fear that tonight’s result will be the beginning of the end. Many are expectant of a watershed result. Many will be disappointed.

I ran into my parents at an Opposition rally for their hotly contested ward (we live close by, thanks to positive reinforcement from the G) and afterwards my father remarked to me that when he was a child, back in 1959, Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s PAP won the elections and my late grandfather, who worked in the Public Works Department, had proclaimed, “We’re finished, we’re finished! How can someone like Lee Kuan Yew run a country? How are we going to survive without David Marshall?”

I am sure that my grandfather is pleased that history has proven him wrong. Was it destiny? Was it a roll of the dice? That’s the problem with history – it is impossible to say.

Today is a day for the people, not for one party or another. Singapore belongs to the people and it is we who choose our destiny, collectively. When the results are announced, I believe that we will see a dwindling of the rhetoric. I believe that the most rancorous voices will move back to the fringes. I believe that sense will prevail and that the middle ground, however it is comprised, will lead the way forward.

In my grandfather’s day, Mr Lee Kuan Yew was just another man in the street. Which man in the street today will bring us into the future? It is you. It is I.

We will survive. We will prosper. We will find a way.



No more $16,000 for this fat woman :biggrin:

She admitted she didn't work hard enough


From 46.6% to 39.8%, the people have rejected the cheats and liars of Workers' Party!


No more $16,000 for this fat woman :biggrin:

She admitted she didn't work hard enough

From 46.6% to 39.8%, the people have rejected the cheats and liars of Workers' Party!

No need to bash people lah. You are no better than her. All you can do is copy and paste information. lol :biggrin:


You are smart, damage done first to WP then later suddenly become Opposition supporter.

Now EVERYBODY in this forum has finally seen your true colors ! LOL :biggrin:

Told your guys Liao, SDP cannot be trusted ONE.

Pappy Tan The only PAP 'B' Team Singaporeans witness past 20 years is SDP and Dr Chee. Dr Chee at 1994 broke up a perfectly growing SDP under Chiam See Tong and lost all 3 seats at GE1997 that was won at GE1991 under Chiam See Tong's SDP.

This is because Chee's SDP decide to focus on making as much inaccurate noise in Parliament, being aggressive in Parliament, exposing SDP to lawsuits , conducting civil disobedience and getting arrested rather than running town councils and bonding with residents via grassroots.

The loss caused Singaporeans to lose faith in Alternatives for 20 years untl GE2011 when WP made a difficult breakthrough. PAP kept harping Alternatives cannot run a SMC let alone a GRC because of SDP's loss at GE1997. SDP almost destroyed Alternatives Government Cause with their antics.

Civil disobedience, bankruptcy, arrests, lawsuits etc gave Alternatives a bad image and reminded Singaporeans to fear PAP even more. SDP actually helped made PAP more feared and more powerful instead and Singaporeans felt more hopeless.

Many good people wanted to join Alternatives but seeing Dr Chee's situation decided not to. This lack of good people joining Alternatives gave many Walkovers to PAP for 20 years in every elections. SDP only gave Walkovers to Singaporeans at elections because CSJ and gang kept getting barred from elections because
of their antics.

What choice, what democracy, what rights, what hope, what change, what impact and what freedom did SDP gave Singaporeans past 20 years ? Nothing at all.SDP did nothing at all to contribute to
the Alternative Government Cause.

Now PAP once again wants to unleash the Kraken in CSJ to confuse and disrupt alternative parties progress from GE2011 by agreeing to give discount from $500,000 to $30,000 so that CSJ can take part in elections. Destructive, disruptive and history repeats itself.

SPP at least kept one seat in Parliament for 15 years after GE1997 and never got voted out and lose seats before GE2011. SPP was already small and weak when Chiam started it. 15 years down the road under different political landscape, SPP did contest one GRC at least. One less than SDP only who under Chee did not grow much too despite having longer time of brand name.

It took Chiam and SDP 15 years to win 3 seats at GE1991. So how can you say SDP would not have grown under Chiam when SDP did grew under Chiam at GE1991.Not even WP lost seats before. JBJ was disqualified from Parliament after being charged and Yaw Shin Leong was sacked by WP. None was voted out.

SDP under Dr Chee after GE1997 past 15 years got voted out of Bukit Gombak and Nee Soon Central, never grow but got smaller and did not even win any seats. You call this good record ?

It is not grandmother's story but true facts. No Singaporean Alternatives Supporter want to sacrifice another 20 years and see no result from any Alternative Parties.

Technically and officially, somebody here said there is only one Opposition in Parliament which is WP because the rest are either NCMPs or alternative parties with no seats. Even to be Opposition, political parties need to win enough seats to be Opposition.

I still believe in growing only WP to be Government as fast as possible base on Hougang and Aljunied platforms. This is regardless what other alternative parties try to pull off, their antics and plans. Every party have its own style, voters will decide.

No point running down each alternative parties now. You can run down WP all you want ONLY after WP is government and be blamed for WP government policies.

No more Alternative Parties Musical Chairs we seen last 47 years.

What bloody use is NATO policies from SDP if SDP cannot win seats. Original idea of DEMOCRACY is change governments via voting, NOT change Opposition Parties. Where is the Alternative Government when voters keep growing and shrinking Opposition Parties while PAP happily stay in power. All those supporting SDP to take part are PAP IBs.



[FONT=&quot]There are good laughs to be had reading about some more clear lies by Chee Soon Juan cited in Parliamentary transcripts:

[FONT=&quot]""" Let me talk about Chee Soon Juan. Chee Soon Juan's behaviour was most illustrative. When pressed on the obvious contradictions between the SDP team's statements during the Select Committee hearing, and its written defence for the Committee of Privileges hearing, Chee Soon Juan based his "explanations" on a strangely convenient coincidence of typographical errors, confusion and selective amnesia. Or he simply stubbornly stood his ground even though he was wrong, and his answers contradicted themselves.

[FONT=&quot]Let me cite you an example. At the Select Committee on Health Care Subsidy hearing on 12th August, BG George Yeo asked Chee Soon Juan: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]`I would like to ask Dr Chee whether he knows the difference between a time series in current dollars and a time series in 1985 dollars.'

[FONT=&quot]Chee Soon Juan's answer was, "Yes." (This is in paragraph 1489 of the Minutes of Evidence.)

[FONT=&quot]Then on 24th October this year, at the Committee of Privileges hearing, Mr Davinder Singh asked Chee:

[FONT=&quot]`Dr Chee, you know the difference between a time series in current dollars and a time series in 1985 dollars?'

[FONT=&quot]His answer this time was, "No, I do not." (This is in paragraph 674 of the Minutes of Evidence.)

[FONT=&quot]When Mr Davinder Singh pointed out to him that he gave inconsistent answers to the same question asked on two separate occasions, he denied that the answers were inconsistent! With such direct evidence staring in his face, he continued to lie. In fact, it is a perjury before the Committee of Privileges since he was under oath.

[FONT=&quot]So even when he was caught lying, committing perjury, he would flatly deny it. We can understand why a naughty and naive 4-year old boy would deny that he was stealing candy from a candy jar, even though he was caught red-handed by his mother with his hand still in the jar. In fact, if Members remember, and I think Dr Vasoo certainly remembers, when Chee Soon Juan was caught secretly taping a conversation he was having with Dr Vasoo, he flatly denied it, claiming that the tape recording was for his class, even though the tape recorder was still running and this part of the exchange was captured on tape. I managed to get a copy of that transcript from Dr Vasoo. Let me read this out. This was a conversation, I believe, which took place in 1992 before Dr Chee put himself up as a candidate of the SDP. I think he went to tell Dr Vasoo that he was going to be a candidate. So he held a tape recorder in his hand, probably outside the room, and said "testing, testing" to make sure that it worked. Then he went into the room and the process of telling Dr Vasoo what he wanted to do and Dr Vasoo's advice to him. And this is how it goes from the start of the conversation:

[FONT=&quot]`Dr Chee: I've to give you my, I apply for visit passport. I was hoping, lah, see if I can apply or not. (Pause) No, I tell you Vasoo, I tell you, I came in basically because I hope. No, no, you listen to me, OK? Vasoo.

[FONT=&quot]Dr Vasoo: You're taping that? [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr Chee: What? [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr Vasoo: Taping. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr Chee: Taping what? [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr Vasoo: You're recording, is it? [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr Chee: This is for my own, class one ah, what. Seriously, what a hell eh. No, I can tell you. OK, I'm sorry, I don't. Right now, there's no problem. I need to, I just basically want to say I don't want to.

[FONT=&quot]Dr Vasoo: No, no, you see, it's turning or not.

[FONT=&quot]Dr Chee: What? [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr Vasoo: Recording.

[FONT=&quot]Dr Chee: This is for my class one. What is that? No, no, wait, wait, wait, this is for my class one, listen, listen, Vasoo.'

[FONT=&quot]I think we all find it very funny, but here is a man who really has no honour, no sense of decency, who went to have a conversation with his Head of Department. He secretly taped the conversation, either hoping to use it against him or for whatever reason. And yet when caught that he was tape recording the conversation, he completely denied it. But remember my story of the 4-year old boy. Dr Chee is not a naughty 4-year old boy. He is a grown man of 34 years old. He has a PhD. He claims to be a trained neuro-psychologist who treats patients and helps them with their brain and behavioural problems.

[FONT=&quot]Sir, Dr Chee Soon Juan's propensity to speak the untruth knows no bounds. He does not seem to be a man of principle, honour or courage. You remember, in 1992, he also said, "I have a good brain and a strong heart" and that was what he wanted Singaporeans to believe him to be. A courageous man is not afraid of admitting his mistakes. It is no wonder that even his own SDP members and collaborators have been disappointed by his behaviour."""

[FONT=&quot](Source: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]http://sprs.parl.gov.sg/search/topic.jsp…[/FONT][FONT=&quot] from Column 978)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Tagging Away in No Particular Order: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Singapore Democratic Party (SDP)[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Jaslyn Go [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Mohamed Jufrie Bin Mahmood[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Christopher Ang[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Jeffrey George [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Corinna Liang[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Yeo Poh Hong[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Clarence Ziting Zeng[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Chong W Fung[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Sng Choon Guan[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Chee Siok Chin[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Jufri Salim[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Ananth Tambyah[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]People's Action Party[/FONT][FONT=&quot]: Thank you for this entertainment.[/FONT]


Blame the WP and not the PAP for this election result
Quote Originally Posted by mojito View Post

I have witnessed Papsmearer morph into Wapsmearer but he is right. I think the lack of robust debate in parliament with the introduction of 6 more WP MPs might have diminished the nation's desire for more opposition voices in parliament. But i think there must be a better reason to explain for the nationwide swing.

I am waiting to hear it. Initially, I was hopeful like everyone else that the 6 more WP MPs would be aggressive and fight the PAP tooth and nail. After 3 years of timid and weak performances, I gave up on them. I did not morph into anything. I analysed their performance, went In depth into their websites and concluded that these guys were either fake oppo, or the most useless bunch of oppos in the world. Not only don't they did not whack the PAP in Parliament, they couldn't whack other people.

Remember the asshole former HDB Chief Liu who say that we needed to plan for 10 million population? Did you hear the WP condemn him? Did you hear the WP ask in Parliament why no PAP govt official refuted his idea? Did they agree with Liu? That means 10 million akang dating. Not a whimper from the WP on this PAP insider and his 10 million? Seriously?


Blame the WP and not the PAP for this election result
Quote Originally Posted by PTADER View Post

These useless WP fucks even chose to remain silent on their very own local Hougang by-election issue (see below). It took one 42-year old part-time cleaner, Vellama D/O Marie Muthu, to raise the issue. If this does not prove their utter uselessness and spinelessness, I don't know what will.


WP's First World Parliament or WP's Deaf-Mute Parliament

Despite the $16,041/month each and every of the WP MP earns or the one million dollars each and every of them would earn after a five year term, the WP MPs have clearly shown they are incredibly useless and hopeless.

If they are unable to stand up for their very own AIM issue and instead, conveniently rely on their Vellama Marie Muthu doctrine in getting non-elected politicians, netizens, bloggers, their very own supporters and the ordinary men in the street do that hard work and take the risks of raising issues, you can forget about them being your "voices".

It is not a WP's First World Parliament. It is a WP's deaf-mute Parliament.


Blame the WP and not the PAP for this election result

If you say the Singapore electorate are like sheep, weak and kiasu. Then the way to lead them is not to be weak and timid yourself. Singaporeans obviously follow authority figures, like LKY. But the WP has been exactly weak and timid in the last 4 years in Parliament. If the WP are strong and whack the PAP with complete disregard in Parliament, voters will recognize this and be emboldened. They will see this and see that the WP could get away with it. Even better if the WP can reverse some of the crap that happened. For example on the issue of transportation fare increases, if the WP had raised a stink, showed surveys in the Parliament, threaten to organize rallies against it, etc. and it ended up reversing the fare increase, people would be more open to voting for them this time round. Even if they failed to reverse the fare increase, voters can see that they are representing their views in Parliament rather then seeing the PAP ignore them and bulldoze anything they like over all objections.


Blame the WP and not the PAP for this election result

If you say the Singapore electorate are like sheep, weak and kiasu. Then the way to lead them is not to be weak and timid yourself. Singaporeans obviously follow authority figures, like LKY. But the WP has been exactly weak and timid in the last 4 years in Parliament. If the WP are strong and whack the PAP with complete disregard in Parliament, voters will recognize this and be emboldened. They will see this and see that the WP could get away with it. Even better if the WP can reverse some of the crap that happened. For example on the issue of transportation fare increases, if the WP had raised a stink, showed surveys in the Parliament, threaten to organize rallies against it, etc. and it ended up reversing the fare increase, people would be more open to voting for them this time round. Even if they failed to reverse the fare increase, voters can see that they are representing their views in Parliament rather then seeing the PAP ignore them and bulldoze anything they like over all objections.

[FONT=&quot]A PAP MP may think that he roars like a tiger in parliament. but when come to a vote, the PAP MP is a real mouse in the house. A little mouse! - [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Sylvia Lim[/FONT]


WP is a no balls party.
Has WP members ever comments about RN been bullied by PM ?
Has WP members ever comments that a 16 years child been sent to IMH for 2 weeks?
WP will not confront PAP in parliament.
Hope there is a by-election soon and Victor Lye n team kick WP at Aljunied GRC.


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WP is a no balls party.
Has WP members ever comments about RN been bullied by PM ?
Has WP members ever comments that a 16 years child been sent to IMH for 2 weeks?
WP will not confront PAP in parliament.
Hope there is a by-election soon and Victor Lye n team kick WP at Aljunied GRC.

you look like habans sing, lol


Blame the WP and not the PAP for this election result
Quote Originally Posted by PTADER View Post

These useless WP fucks even chose to remain silent on their very own local Hougang by-election issue (see below). It took one 42-year old part-time cleaner, Vellama D/O Marie Muthu, to raise the issue. If this does not prove their utter uselessness and spinelessness, I don't know what will.


WP's First World Parliament or WP's Deaf-Mute Parliament

Despite the $16,041/month each and every of the WP MP earns or the one million dollars each and every of them would earn after a five year term, the WP MPs have clearly shown they are incredibly useless and hopeless.

If they are unable to stand up for their very own AIM issue and instead, conveniently rely on their Vellama Marie Muthu doctrine in getting non-elected politicians, netizens, bloggers, their very own supporters and the ordinary men in the street do that hard work and take the risks of raising issues, you can forget about them being your "voices".

It is not a WP's First World Parliament. It is a WP's deaf-mute Parliament.


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Blame the WP and not the PAP for this election result
Quote Originally Posted by PTADER View Post

These useless WP fucks even chose to remain silent on their very own local Hougang by-election issue (see below). It took one 42-year old part-time cleaner, Vellama D/O Marie Muthu, to raise the issue. If this does not prove their utter uselessness and spinelessness, I don't know what will.


WP's First World Parliament or WP's Deaf-Mute Parliament

Despite the $16,041/month each and every of the WP MP earns or the one million dollars each and every of them would earn after a five year term, the WP MPs have clearly shown they are incredibly useless and hopeless.

If they are unable to stand up for their very own AIM issue and instead, conveniently rely on their Vellama Marie Muthu doctrine in getting non-elected politicians, netizens, bloggers, their very own supporters and the ordinary men in the street do that hard work and take the risks of raising issues, you can forget about them being your "voices".

It is not a WP's First World Parliament. It is a WP 's deaf-mute Parliament.

SDP asking WP for NCMP, SHAME on you!