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The Pink Trojan Horse (sorry, someone has to be the wet blanket)


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Firstly, their gay agenda is not hidden. It is in plain sight when all of them attended Pink Dot and when Jo and Vin practically strutted around.

Secondly, there has so far been no conflagration of issues.

Thirdly, the public can always choose to disagree with one agenda but yet support another. People are more discerning and you should start giving the Singaporean public more credit in that regard.

Fourthly, it is we who should be ashamed that more straight men and women are not coming forward to add their voices. The shame is on us, not on the gays and their purported hidden motives.

Fifth, you can choose not to have two mummies or daddies if you don't like it. Nobody is forcing you. And besides such is not going to be allowed in SG anytime soon, so even if you are into that kind of thing you can't do it.

First to Fourth... you are entitled to your opinion.

Fifth... the kids don't have a choice. What do you expect a 7 year old with 2 daddies to do? run away from home and seek out a normal family?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Nobody complained about maids, Bangladeshi cleaners and Indian construction workers who have been in our midst for decades and we know their contribution to Singapore. They do not take away jobs from Singaporeans. Yet VW use them as examples knowing full well where we stand.

Agree on this. Re-watched his video and it was clear he did classic PAP move of conflating PMETs and unskilled migrant workers. Very unfortunate way to slip up and hope he doesn't do it again.

In the recent parliamentary debate, LHL did the same thing when he bragged that pace of migrant workers coming in had been slowed. It was a pity no one caught him out.
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Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
1. You have gay loong at the helm so that's ok?

2. Using this issue is to try to garner the religious votes who oppose gays

Pathetic, desperate and dirty

Precisely. If you look at what this chap PTADER has proposed:

(i) spoil vote if WP stands in your ward because WP is fake opposition

(ii) don't support CPF and population white paper activists because many of them are homosexual

it is basically telling us to keep PAP in power and let PAP continue to screw us unimpeded. I wonder what PTADER has to say about VB using the gay/religious angle to attack VW. Now he's doing the same thing to CPF activists, half of whom aren't even gay (HHH, Uncle Leong, etc)


Ptader and WP is emotional baggage from the past. I have no idea what happened but I got the impression over the years from his postings that it relates to LTK's loyalty to JBJ and JBJ's old guard. I will give some leeway as their old guard did provide the Anson breakthrough.

I am sure despite his sentiments here, PAP will not get his vote and neither will he spoil it either.


What is interesting is that the term xenophobia was not used by PAP first but by this group. I also noticed that not once did VW, AA or JW mention job losses facing Singaporeans. This is the central theme of the entire FT issues. Over crowding yes, infrastructure unable to support the numbers yes, failing to assimilate yes, superior attitude yes, but it's the fear of losing jobs to cheap foreign arseholes the overriding concern.

This does not mean that I write off VW and AA as they have delivered on many other fronts on so many occasions and are far superior to the PAP in terms of concern for Singapore and Singaporeans and certainly for natural justice. We can' have everything can we.

Agree on this. Re-watched his video and it was clear he did classic PAP move of conflating PMETs and unskilled migrant workers. Very unfortunate way to slip up and hope he doesn't do it again.

In the recent parliamentary debate, LHL did the same thing when he bragged that pace of migrant workers coming in had been slowed. It was a pity no one caught him out.


I would not worry at least for the next few decades. Nobody is going to pass any law that allows this kind of practices where kids are involved.

377a is a signpost to that. It's an OB marker.

First to Fourth... you are entitled to your opinion.

Fifth... the kids don't have a choice. What do you expect a 7 year old with 2 daddies to do? run away from home and seek out a normal family?


This is an absurd and spurious argument. It like blaming the lone player who scored 7 goals in a one sided ruby match (7-80) instead of faulting other players who didn't perform.

How is it "absurd and spurious"???

You mean it is okay to castigate one well paid group (PAP MPs) for not performing but it suddenly becomes "absurd and spurious" when another well paid group (WP MPs) is castigated for not performing?


I knew this angle would come out sooner than later. Can't stand the fact that these ragtag bunch of activists are making waves, so attack their sexuality and claim to have hidden agenda. Seriously, can you be more original. American politics is filled with the exact same bullshit (common core being part of gay agenda, and so on), and you want to import this kind of bullshit here.

What's wrong with the same activists championing civil liberties and CPF transparency to also champion for gay rights? Don't tell me your kids are going to start kissing men just because some ragtag bunch of activists like to kiss men. Besides, name me one instance when those activists have conflated the two issues together. Did you see VW and Jolovan put their sexuality on display at the CPF rally? You should know by now that juxtaposition, spurious claims, and loaded statements aren't swallowed wholesale by sammyboy forummers. Maybe if you tried this on the Fabrications About the PAP page they would lap it up like the dogs they are. But not here.

I credited this young man and that tiny girl for their courage. However, it's important also to note there's another agenda to this.

You should know by now that juxtaposition, spurious claims, and loaded statements aren't swallowed wholesale by sammyboy forummers.

So is the attempt by you, posting in this nick, to sidestep one important issue. And that is, there are well paid WP MPs in Parliament who should be articulating all these grievances in Parliament instead of expecting lowly-paid cleaners, ordinary men in the street, gays, unpaid bloggers, online voices or a scrawny 33 kilo, 22 year old girl (Han Hui Hui) do it because these $1.4 million / year "opposition" WP MPs are not doing the job they were elected to do and lack the balls to do the job they are paid to do.
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I wonder what PTADER has to say about VB using the gay/religious angle to attack VW. Now he's doing the same thing to CPF activists, half of whom aren't even gay (HHH, Uncle Leong, etc)

Don't wonder. I've posted my views on it. Look it up and search for it in this forum.

We don't need "CPF activists". We HAVE an opposition in Parliament who should use the platform they have in Parliament to do what all these "CPF activists", "HDB activists", "Public Transport activists", "Anti-FT activists", etc are doing, i.e. to voice out such issues in Parliament.

These well-paid WP MPs have proclaimed they have such a "platform" in Parliament. What's stopping them from using this platform???


PAP has 92% of Parliament but this CB PTADER keeps marking the 8% of seats held by the opposition. FUCKING hell which is the more important priority to address.

These useless WP MPs /NCMPs are happy to receive 100% of an MP's/ NCMP's allowances, hospital class "A" wards, and other perks and privileges of being an MP/NCMP.

However, when it comes to articulating issues and being the voices of the electorate, suddenly they are a pitiful, oh-so-poor-thing lot with only "8%" of the seats and hence, can do no more than sell their party papers and attend funerals.

Tell you what. Why don't you tell these 7+2 WP MPs /NCMPs to pay 92% (100%-8%), i.e. $1, 292, 772 of their yearly combined MP /NCMP allowances to these lowly paid cleaners, unpaid gays, unpaid activists, unpaid bloggers, unpaid 33 kg, 22 year old, scrawny, bespectacled girls, etc who are doing the job these WP MPs are unable to do and have no balls to do.


Ptader and WP is emotional baggage from the past. I have no idea what happened but I got the impression over the years from his postings that it relates to LTK's loyalty to JBJ and JBJ's old guard. I will give some leeway as their old guard did provide the Anson breakthrough.

I am sure despite his sentiments here, PAP will not get his vote and neither will he spoil it either.

The PAP will never get my vote and I will discourage people from voting for the PAP.

However, that does not mean my vote will automatically go to any opposition party that lack the drive, intelligence and balls to do what they are elected and paid to do. So the pusillanimous WP will never get my vote. Instead, I will spoil it and I will encourage and continue to encourage people to spoil their votes and not vote for the WP until and unless these WP MPs lift their game and do the job they were elected to do and are generously paid to do.

There's no point voting for cowardly, incompetent people, be they from the PAP, WP or any other party. My method is an improvement from WP's Mr Angela Oon who prefer to cast his vote for the PAP rather than a non-WP opposition party candidate who he sees as being incompetent.


On the other hand the useless WP don't even talk cock. They just sit there silently and pocket their monthly allowances. They should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

The Workers Party is the equivalent of the City Harvest Church.

With the flock of unquestioning WP congregation, Millionaire-Pastor Low Thia Khiang, Pastor Sylvia Lim and their fellow pastors (WP MPs), just like Millionaire-Pastor Kong Hee, Pastor Sun and their fellow CHC pastors, have neither guilt, qualms nor problems in getting rich whilst their congregation are left to fend for themselves and to graze off the dying and drying pastures.

The WP cell group leaders, operating in forums such as these, are the cheerleaders for Millionaire-Pastor Low, Pastor Sylvia and the other WP pastors. These WP cell group leaders compete amongst themselves for their attention. For to ascend into the ranks of Pastorhood and the wealth and world comforts that it brings, they need to receive the heavenly blessings of Millionaire-Pastor Low and Pastor Sylvia.

And these WP cell leaders work hard for it.

So, we see the rubbish spewing out from Millionaire-Pastor Low’s blessed mouth being passed off by these WP cell leaders as precious nuggets and ingots of gold. The WP Pastors' silence on issues that matters to and affect their flock are lauded as sagacious silence and not the disgraceful behaviour and cowardly conduct that it represents. When Millionaire-Pastor Low's farts, the stench of his fart is described by these cell group leaders as the best smelling perfume money can buy. Ditto for their Pastors’ gaseous burps after a good meal. They are not burps but pearls of wisdom encapsulated in holy pockets of heavenly air specially blessed by Millionaire-Pastor Low and Pastor Sylvia .

The WP cell leaders have been born with a miraculous ability of being able to convince the unsuspecting flock in the WP congregation that shit is gold, that the minuscule, empty box their WP pastors carry in their hands hold the large, shining golden keys to a better life. Their pastors’ silence are passed off as priceless diamonds of silence With the blessings of heaven, they are able to convince the not-too-bright WP flock that it requires heroic and enormous courage to be silent.

Meanwhile, just like in City Harvest Church, the unsuspecting WP flock, including those who are aware of what their pastors are doing, nevertheless are contented to lap up and defend these WP cell leaders excuses. They continue to worship and adore these pastors in a misplaced hope that the empty, minuscule box Millionaire-Pastor Low and Pastor Sylvia are carrying in their hands is not really empty but hold the large, shining golden key that has been promised to them.


I think they won't dare to do it. If they really push their gay agenda, then the pushback against them will be greater than even against PAP. Singaporean society simply will not accept it.


What is interesting is that the term xenophobia was not used by PAP first but by this group. I also noticed that not once did VW, AA or JW mention job losses facing Singaporeans. This is the central theme of the entire FT issues. Over crowding yes, infrastructure unable to support the numbers yes, failing to assimilate yes, superior attitude yes, but it's the fear of losing jobs to cheap foreign arseholes the overriding concern.

This does not mean that I write off VW and AA as they have delivered on many other fronts on so many occasions and are far superior to the PAP in terms of concern for Singapore and Singaporeans and certainly for natural justice. We can' have everything can we.
The adverse effects is not on locals alone but as you can see they simply locust from one country one continent to another for even cheaper source with scant regards to the livelihoods of others, and this perverts parish to deal with inflation. Real pay itself is not growing.