• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

The official OZ bashing thread.


Re: OZ Racism worst than expected....

Business Times News: Racial politics still a drag Down Under

THE curious case of an Indian doctor in Australia who was accused of involvement with the failed bombers in London and Glasgow in 2007 exposes the sorry underside of race relations in that country. An eight-month inquiry, ordered by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd shortly after he won office, has concluded that the evidence against the doctor, Mohamed Haneef, 'amounted to very little' and was 'completely deficient'.

The country's domestic intelligence agency had concluded that the doctor was innocent within two days of his arrest. Yet he was held for 25 days and subjected to intense interrogation. During his time in custody, the Australian Federal Police (the primary agency running the case) indulged in selective media leaks against the doctor and conducted raids on many Muslim homes throughout the country.

Click here to read the full story.

Or cut and paste this URL in your browser:

Be very careful if u are a chinese, and be extra careful if u are a indian...who knows during the interrogation, they stick their fist in ur ass to search for WMD...haha...

It was during the Howard government era, which hasn't respected Australian citizens during its 3 terms in office. The Rudd government was right to call for an investigation upon its election in Nov 2007.

For that it should commended for exposing a human rights violation by the Howard government. Its better than in Singapore.


Re: Boom in Australia goes bust as global slowdown hits

OZ has plenty of raw materials but are still facing this crisis, either they are lazy or they mis-managed....

Pls dont insult our national Koala (lazy) Bear.. Coz i kinda resemble them keke


Re: Boom in Australia goes bust as global slowdown hits

i do agree with u my bro, someone in the forum say singapore is in deep shit, but we are a export oriented economy and is very nimble with the rise and fall of the global economy..but even bigger countries like britain, japan, spain, germany, USA, and OZ are all in recession, so why single only singapore? OZ has plenty of raw materials but are still facing this crisis, either they are lazy or they mis-managed....they are like pointing a finger at singapore without realising they have shit in their face....
and btw why r u so against OZ?

Yeah. Just go ahead and listen to the words of a born loser cockroach who is in denial and desperate without thinking for yourself.

The difference is this. At least in US, OZ and most other countries, the leaders have acknowledged that their countries are in recession and are trying to help the public. In Sinkeeland, what recourse do the jobless Singaproeans have? Isn;t it bad enough that the government is still carrying F Trashes sky high and trying to con them into beliving that retrenching them first wil hurt Singaprorean? Go figure please.


Boom in Australia goes bust as global slowdown hits

Originally Posted by OzSucks View Post

Economists warn of ugly year ahead

Economists are warning Australians they face an ugly year in 2009, with a recession inevitable as the global financial crisis continues.

The fallout from turmoil on the global financial markets is expected to worsen over the next 12 months and into 2010 and Chris Richardson from Access Economics says the new year will see more people affected by the financial crisis.

"So far we've just seen sharemarkets halve, we've seen some sectors like retailers and car dealers hard hit, most people are still doing OK. 2009 will change that," he said.

"This will be an ugly year. Growth will slow, income growth will slow a lot, unemployment will rise, profits will fall quite sharply."

Mr Richardson says it is inevitable Australia's economy will fall into recession.

"Recession is infectious and what's happening around the world is very bad," he said.

"The US will have its worst year since 1982. The same is true for the economies of Europe, Japan will shrink by more than the US or Europe will, China will have its worst year since Tiananmen Square.

"With the other rich nations in the world in recession, we pretty much can't avoid it."

Acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard has told ABC2's News Breakfast the Government is doing what it can to support the economy.

"Are these difficult and unpredictable times? Well, yes they are," she said.

"But what we've done, in view of our own forecasts and the intelligence around the world about the global financial crisis and all of the intelligence here about what it's going to mean for our own economy, is we've done everything, to date, with the aim of protecting jobs and investing in jobs."

Ms Gillard says the Government has moved to stem unemployment and the falling growth rate.

"The economic security statement, a stimulus package, all about keeping the economy moving, keeping people employed," she said.

"The car industry package the same, investment in local governments about local jobs and then, of course, we've got the big infrastructure investments, as well as the COAG money flowing through.


Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth


4:00AM Saturday Nov 29, 2008
By Jarrod Booker

Kelvin Lawson left Auckland for Sydney about 10 years ago expecting to encounter the "land of milk and honey".

What he found was the opposite - long working hours, higher taxes, higher cost of living and intolerance and poor attitudes among the people.

He and fiancee Denise Laing moved back to Auckland a couple of months ago to be closer to their ageing parents and friends, and are relieved to be back home.

"I believe a lot of New Zealanders are going to get there and they are in for a shock," Mr Lawson said.

"Australia has been painted out to be the 'grass is greener'. It's not. Unless you are making a simple lifestyle choice as in, say, weather... then there's no other reason to go."

Although Mr Lawson, 48, might have earned more in Sydney "it's not a lot more". And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate on overtime he was expected to do working in installing and monitoring communications.

Then there was stamp duty for home ownership and higher costs of car ownership.

Back home, Mr Lawson and Ms Laing were amazed at how much cheaper they found basic food items.

Mr Lawson was also left with an impression of many Australians he encountered not being accepting of other cultures. Being from NZ was not so bad, but "if you're from other any part of the world, mate, they can make it really hard for them".

He was also unimpressed at the lack of sportsmanship shown by Australians, illustrated most recently by their reaction to the Rugby League World Cup loss. "If they win at ping pong, you are going to hear about it. If they lose, it's like it never happened. It's unbelievable


Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate

48% tax rate; almost half of what you earn goes to gahment :(


Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

48% tax rate; almost half of what you earn goes to gahment :(

Anyone who wants to hand their respective governments 48% of any income is someone who is truly an idiot.

But thats not all, in Australia the hotels, restaurants, houses, etc are so bloody expensive, your bank will ask you not to go for your sanity.

Australia is a ripp-off!


Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth


4:00AM Saturday Nov 29, 2008
By Jarrod Booker

Kelvin Lawson left Auckland for Sydney about 10 years ago expecting to encounter the "land of milk and honey".

What he found was the opposite - long working hours, higher taxes, higher cost of living and intolerance and poor attitudes among the people.

He and fiancee Denise Laing moved back to Auckland a couple of months ago to be closer to their ageing parents and friends, and are relieved to be back home.

"I believe a lot of New Zealanders are going to get there and they are in for a shock," Mr Lawson said.

"Australia has been painted out to be the 'grass is greener'. It's not. Unless you are making a simple lifestyle choice as in, say, weather... then there's no other reason to go."

Although Mr Lawson, 48, might have earned more in Sydney "it's not a lot more". And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate on overtime he was expected to do working in installing and monitoring communications.

Then there was stamp duty for home ownership and higher costs of car ownership.

Back home, Mr Lawson and Ms Laing were amazed at how much cheaper they found basic food items.

Mr Lawson was also left with an impression of many Australians he encountered not being accepting of other cultures. Being from NZ was not so bad, but "if you're from other any part of the world, mate, they can make it really hard for them".

He was also unimpressed at the lack of sportsmanship shown by Australians, illustrated most recently by their reaction to the Rugby League World Cup loss. "If they win at ping pong, you are going to hear about it. If they lose, it's like it never happened. It's unbelievable
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Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

tate tate is offline
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Default Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth
And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate
48% tax rate; almost half of what you earn goes to gahment
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Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

Anyone who wants to hand their respective governments 48% of any income is someone who is truly an idiot.

But thats not all, in Australia the hotels, restaurants, houses, etc are so bloody expensive, your bank will ask you not to go for your sanity.

Australia is a ripp-off!

Actually with all the acronyms that the PAP has, and with an abysmal saving rate- without counting the CPF contribution rates- Singaporeans don't even have 52% of their income left for personal savings.

Almost all of their spending is dependent on bank loans, mortgages and CPF- at rates they cannot afford.

It must be noted that, in Australia, as with the US in a couple of years time, the more you earn, the more you pay income tax. But as with any other western country, when the government increases taxes in one area, they will decrease taxes in another area. This is because in the end, most ruling parties of the current governments want to be re-elected.

So while a small business owner may have to pay more income tax on account of an increase in his overall income due to higher profits, the Rudd government will believe that SMEs that people like him owns will be in trouble due to an impending economical downturn, and thus reduce the corporate, and capital gains tax for a couple of years, and return back some of the GST collections to these businesses so that they would have more capital in the bank during tough times.

In the end, its all about balance.
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Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth


And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate on overtime he was expected to do working in installing and monitoring communications.

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Aiaya Hey Cockroach. Not getting the attention you want so now screaming mummy, screaming daddy, screaming Leong Sam? The maimum Oz tax itself is 45% so where the fuck could he have paid 48%???? :biggrin:


When I tried clicking on the link the article does not exist. How do you know that you have not doctored the article? Provide a proper link or don't come here and talk cock.

Try harder lah cockroach. So many Sinkees are leaving Sinkeeland so now you probably got fucked by your masters ha? :biggrin: You are going to loser your job to a cheap FT soon. Be careful ha? Give you chance lah.My new year resolution is not to reply to the posts of loser cockroaches like you but I see you poor thing Nobody wants to entertain you so I reply to your post lah, but just for now. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

Australia is a ripp-off!

In what way? In all the Australia-bashing posts here, you all have failed to mention the most important, salient fact: Australia has modeled much of its political and education system on the American model.

The set up of the federal government- in terms of the Australian lower house, and the Senate- is similar to the American House and Senate. The legal boundaries of a state government and the federal one is also the same to an American state to the federal one in the US.

The education system of Australia is also the same as the American- with pre-school for kids below 6, and elementary, middle and senior high school for kids above 6 years old, 3 month summer vacations, and 2 months of winter break.

The only differences between Australia and America are geographical, historical and in the social culture. Crime rates are also lower generally in Oz. Otherwise, Australia is almost like the US.


Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth


4:00AM Saturday Nov 29, 2008
By Jarrod Booker

Kelvin Lawson left Auckland for Sydney about 10 years ago expecting to encounter the "land of milk and honey".

What he found was the opposite - long working hours, higher taxes, higher cost of living and intolerance and poor attitudes among the people.

He and fiancee Denise Laing moved back to Auckland a couple of months ago to be closer to their ageing parents and friends, and are relieved to be back home.

"I believe a lot of New Zealanders are going to get there and they are in for a shock," Mr Lawson said.

"Australia has been painted out to be the 'grass is greener'. It's not. Unless you are making a simple lifestyle choice as in, say, weather... then there's no other reason to go."

Although Mr Lawson, 48, might have earned more in Sydney "it's not a lot more". And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate on overtime he was expected to do working in installing and monitoring communications.

Then there was stamp duty for home ownership and higher costs of car ownership.

Back home, Mr Lawson and Ms Laing were amazed at how much cheaper they found basic food items.

Mr Lawson was also left with an impression of many Australians he encountered not being accepting of other cultures. Being from NZ was not so bad, but "if you're from other any part of the world, mate, they can make it really hard for them".

He was also unimpressed at the lack of sportsmanship shown by Australians, illustrated most recently by their reaction to the Rugby League World Cup loss. "If they win at ping pong, you are going to hear about it. If they lose, it's like it never happened. It's unbelievable


Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

Anyone who wants to hand their respective governments 48% of any income is someone who is truly an idiot.

But thats not all, in Australia the hotels, restaurants, houses, etc are so bloody expensive, your bank will ask you not to go for your sanity.

Australia is a ripp-off!

Aiaya. Yeah yeah yeah. Don't go to Oz the rip off country. Stay on in Leeland where you get the following benefits.

1. National Slavery. 2 years of your life running and jumping even in the rain, eating dog biscuits, crawling in the m&d rwhereas FTs come in, enjoy all the benefits and fuck your spgs while you are fucked in the army by your officers and NCOs. You should be proud that you are protecting the Leegime and the F Trashes for the ministars to draw their million $$$ salaries and for the
F Trashes to enjoy themselves and fuck your spgs. :biggrin:

2. F Trashes don;t have to serve NS. No need. This benefit is only for Sinkees. Connsider yourself lucky ok? The FTs should be very jealous. :biggrin:

3. Jobs for FTs and when you lose your job if you are >40, you'll have to drive a taxi or do blue collar job. The papayas have advocated for you to take on "any job".They are world class and so can't be wrong.:biggrin:

4. So many FTs are coming in and as a result salaries get depressed. The cost of living keeps going up whereas your salary never goes up in real terms. Better for employers. So Sinkeepore can be cheap cheap like how you want it. :biggrin:

5. There is no safety net. Your CPF is not going to be enough for your old age so you have to work till you die. Ok mah. Follow the example of the 80 year old fart. :biggrin:

5. Affording a car is a dream for the majority. Public transport so efficient in Sinkeeland so you want to drive for fuck? Just take bus or MRT, ok what? :biggrin:

6. The only house you could purchase is an overpriced pigeon hole. Ok what? Want to have such a big house for what? Just a roof over your head ok what? :biggrin:

7. No freedom of speech. No need. The Leegime is always right. :biggrin:

8. Even if the Leegime is wrong, refer to (7) :biggrin:

Yeah. You are right. Oz can get all these benefits or not? So stay on in Leeland. Leeland is the best country in the world. :biggrin::biggrin:

MAJULAH SINGAPOURA!!!!!! :biggrin:


Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

Originally Posted by tate View Post
48% tax rate; almost half of what you earn goes to gahment
Anyone who wants to hand their respective governments 48% of any income is someone who is truly an idiot.

But thats not all, in Australia the hotels, restaurants, houses, etc are so bloody expensive, your bank will ask you not to go for your sanity.

Australia is a ripp-off!


Re: Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth

The only differences between Australia and America are geographical, historical and in the social culture. Crime rates are also lower generally in Oz. Otherwise, Australia is almost like the US.

Mate, my New Year resolution that I have taken on myself is to ignore the postings of these cockroachs. However, seeing this desperate loser posting the same craps made me feel a little sorry for him. So I'm just giving him a small benefit by replying just for this. Rest asured, I'm not going to reply to any more of the postings from shockshit or his other loser nicks.



Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth


4:00AM Saturday Nov 29, 2008
By Jarrod Booker

Kelvin Lawson left Auckland for Sydney about 10 years ago expecting to encounter the "land of milk and honey".

What he found was the opposite - long working hours, higher taxes, higher cost of living and intolerance and poor attitudes among the people.

He and fiancee Denise Laing moved back to Auckland a couple of months ago to be closer to their ageing parents and friends, and are relieved to be back home.

"I believe a lot of New Zealanders are going to get there and they are in for a shock," Mr Lawson said.

"Australia has been painted out to be the 'grass is greener'. It's not. Unless you are making a simple lifestyle choice as in, say, weather... then there's no other reason to go."

Although Mr Lawson, 48, might have earned more in Sydney "it's not a lot more". And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate on overtime he was expected to do working in installing and monitoring communications.

Then there was stamp duty for home ownership and higher costs of car ownership.

Back home, Mr Lawson and Ms Laing were amazed at how much cheaper they found basic food items.

Mr Lawson was also left with an impression of many Australians he encountered not being accepting of other cultures. Being from NZ was not so bad, but "if you're from other any part of the world, mate, they can make it really hard for them".

He was also unimpressed at the lack of sportsmanship shown by Australians, illustrated most recently by their reaction to the Rugby League World Cup loss. "If they win at ping pong, you are going to hear about it. If they lose, it's like it never happened. It's unbelievable
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Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth


4:00AM Saturday Nov 29, 2008
By Jarrod Booker

Kelvin Lawson left Auckland for Sydney about 10 years ago expecting to encounter the "land of milk and honey".

What he found was the opposite - long working hours, higher taxes, higher cost of living and intolerance and poor attitudes among the people.

He and fiancee Denise Laing moved back to Auckland a couple of months ago to be closer to their ageing parents and friends, and are relieved to be back home.

"I believe a lot of New Zealanders are going to get there and they are in for a shock," Mr Lawson said.

"Australia has been painted out to be the 'grass is greener'. It's not. Unless you are making a simple lifestyle choice as in, say, weather... then there's no other reason to go."

Although Mr Lawson, 48, might have earned more in Sydney "it's not a lot more". And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate on overtime he was expected to do working in installing and monitoring communications.

Then there was stamp duty for home ownership and higher costs of car ownership.

Back home, Mr Lawson and Ms Laing were amazed at how much cheaper they found basic food items.

Mr Lawson was also left with an impression of many Australians he encountered not being accepting of other cultures. Being from NZ was not so bad, but "if you're from other any part of the world, mate, they can make it really hard for them".

He was also unimpressed at the lack of sportsmanship shown by Australians, illustrated most recently by their reaction to the Rugby League World Cup loss. "If they win at ping pong, you are going to hear about it. If they lose, it's like it never happened. It's unbelievable
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Sam Leong,Other Ex-Sinkees Cannot Handle Truth


4:00AM Saturday Nov 29, 2008
By Jarrod Booker

Kelvin Lawson left Auckland for Sydney about 10 years ago expecting to encounter the "land of milk and honey".

What he found was the opposite - long working hours, higher taxes, higher cost of living and intolerance and poor attitudes among the people.

He and fiancee Denise Laing moved back to Auckland a couple of months ago to be closer to their ageing parents and friends, and are relieved to be back home.

"I believe a lot of New Zealanders are going to get there and they are in for a shock," Mr Lawson said.

"Australia has been painted out to be the 'grass is greener'. It's not. Unless you are making a simple lifestyle choice as in, say, weather... then there's no other reason to go."

Although Mr Lawson, 48, might have earned more in Sydney "it's not a lot more". And he was hit with a 48 per cent tax rate on overtime he was expected to do working in installing and monitoring communications.

Then there was stamp duty for home ownership and higher costs of car ownership.

Back home, Mr Lawson and Ms Laing were amazed at how much cheaper they found basic food items.

Mr Lawson was also left with an impression of many Australians he encountered not being accepting of other cultures. Being from NZ was not so bad, but "if you're from other any part of the world, mate, they can make it really hard for them".

He was also unimpressed at the lack of sportsmanship shown by Australians, illustrated most recently by their reaction to the Rugby League World Cup loss. "If they win at ping pong, you are going to hear about it. If they lose, it's like it never happened. It's unbelievable
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