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Support for pap now below 50℅....


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Don"t need any nick, if u browse the forum everyday as a guest, u will know what is happening in the forum, I browse this forum too as a guest last time, now I tend to stand out and say something about Topsage, don't let this liar lies all the way.

everybody tells lies here
it's up to the forummer here to be discerning
wait until you are hit with a deluge of lies lies lies
zaps zaps zaps infracts infracts infacts
you will then wake up


Only losers complain about the Singapore health system. Many people I know from elsewhere in the world - Hong Kong, New York, Toronto, Kuala Lumpur - praise our public healthcare system to the heavens - cost and quality. Some people sing praises about private care in Bangkok - that may be so but obviously doesn't apply to this friend of yours.

Last long weekend we met up ....he suddenly said to us ..you all know medical in Singapore is very expensive. We all look at him machiam hopeless case...now then he bloody know...always say pap good everything affordable now then he know not true. Think pap compassionate caring heart try to apply medifund so long as you not completey broke they will make you pay.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don"t need any nick, if u browse the forum everyday as a guest, u will know what is happening in the forum, I browse this forum too as a guest last time, now I tend to stand out and say something about Topsage, don't let this liar lies all the way.


Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Never underestimate the dumbfuck sinkie fools.
I will still be prudent and take it as 60/40.
PEBE stats can use for reference but bear in mind overall the whole of sinkieland is still 60/40.
If you have any of the 60.1%....pls re educated these gong cheebyes....convert as many as you can....sometimes they need a hard whack on their fucking skulls to wake up their ideas.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Only losers complain about the Singapore health system. Many people I know from elsewhere in the world - Hong Kong, New York, Toronto, Kuala Lumpur - praise our public healthcare system to the heavens - cost and quality. Some people sing praises about private care in Bangkok - that may be so but obviously doesn't apply to this friend of yours.

Good only if you can fork out the dough.
Now the quality and standards going downhill due to imported ah neh and third works docs and nurses....
And costs going up too fast as with everything in sinkieland.....
And also like mrt and housing....getting crowded and running out of bed space.


Among my 5 close friends only got one support strong PAP supporter. Another 2 sit on the fence, the other 2 opposition supporters. Among us only one graduate, rest A or O levels ITE, ....the graduate is the most anti-PAP.

The pap supporter always kena teased by us because he always say pap is right...pap is good....pap is caring. We always laugh at him for being brainwashed everything on newspapers also believe. Some more his technician pay only $2K support whole family of wife and 2 children and elderly mom. Okay you may be wondering what has all this to do with the title of this posting. ...bear with me for a while.

His mother became Ill dizzy spell, vomiting, sometimes need to stay hospital 1-2 weeks then discharge. This has be been on and off for last 2yrs doctor can't pin point to one illness but most likely due to deteriorating health resulting from old age. Sometimes can pay from medisave other times pay out of pocket... so in and out of hospital specialist checks ...hospital stay very soon my friend's medisave exhausted. Everything need to pay out of pocket until half his savings gone.

Last long weekend we met up ....he suddenly said to us ..you all know medical in Singapore is very expensive. We all look at him machiam hopeless case...now then he bloody know...always say pap good everything affordable now then he know not true. Think pap compassionate caring heart try to apply medifund so long as you not completey broke they will make you pay.

Like my friend, I think many pple support pap out of ignorance. The moment they encounter various issues themselves then they wake up. Now if you are not rich in Singapore, you are likely to suffer great strain if you get sick, if you need a home, if you lose job or if you become old and cannot retire. Once people realise the pap system is very lopsided against normal pple, they will stop supporting.

So far you look at last election 40% against pap....by early this yr in PE election there is 10% swing against the pap, by now the people opposing pap would have grown due to people just waking up fromignorance.

Next 2016 GGeneral Election there will definitely be possibility of pap losing. However because the wp has said they are not ready to take over and run govt... most likely, fear of govt collapse will be used to force the electorate to reluctantly vote for the pap and continue their rule... it will be a showdown... a game of chicken with the electorate that now mostly oppose the pap

Your thread is rather amusing... Why?

Fine, I agree that things in SG are getting expensive but is it cheap in any developed nations or cities? Name me one please....

In your words it seems that when a person is poor, the govt is to be blame. If a person has no money, the govt has to slow down or even stop it's pace just to accommodate for the poor people.

As you yourself already mentioned that opposition ain't ready to run the country, then do you think in 2016 PAP will collapse? Ain't your words contradicting?

Last edited:


Good only if you can fork out the dough.
Now the quality and standards going downhill due to imported ah neh and third works docs and nurses....
And costs going up too fast as with everything in sinkieland.....
And also like mrt and housing....getting crowded and running out of bed space.

Which country living cost is not going up? Can u list down for us? Thanks.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's rubbish. Just because someone has a few personal setbacks in life doesn't mean they're going to change their political leanings.

I had a financial crisis back in the 1980s but I did not blame the PAP. I blamed myself and set about making sure it didn't happen again.

With the abundant opportunities that the PAP provided, I was soon out of the woods and cleared all my debts well ahead of schedule.

I am forever grateful to LKY and the PAP for bringing peace, security and prosperity to Singapore.

You having diarrhea of the mouth
You might be forever grateful to LKY and PAP
I and many others wished a slow and painful death to smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY and total implosion of PAP maggots cockroaches who are the selfish vicious greedy scum of socieity


You're the one who is a fucking loser who can't handle the truth.

You having diarrhea of the mouth
You might be forever grateful to LKY and PAP
I and many others wished a slow and painful death to smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY and total implosion of PAP maggots cockroaches who are the selfish vicious greedy scum of socieity

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
As i said.
There 1/3 PAP supporter no matter what happen
1/3 Opposition supporter no matter what happen
And lastly 1/3 the most powerful decider is sitting on fence like me.
We the one who decide who win. We look at the fact and policy.
Mostly sitting on fence will vote for PAP.

Dun pride yourself on being 'most powerful'.
We are in this situation now with fate in the hand of undecided 'fence sitters' gets to decide because sinkies are still immature and ignorant.
You dun vote for politicians who are fence sitters....then why do you want to be a fence sitting voter then?

"In politics the middle way is none at all." - John Adams

“Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.” - Margaret Thatcher.


Only a fucking loser will complain about Singapore healthcare system recognised by healthcare providers to be among the best in the world - rivalled only by the socialist (communist?) countries.

Your thread is rather amusing... Why?

Fine, I agree that things in SG are getting expensive but is it cheap in any developed nations or cities? Name me one please....

In your words it seems that when a person is poor, the govt is to be blame. If a person has no money, the govt has to slow down or even stop it's pace just to accommodate for the poor people.

As you yourself already mentioned that opposition ain't ready to run the country, then do you think in 2016 PAP will collapse? Ain't your words contradicting?


Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
If 55-45% at this point in time, consider seepay ho liao. Hopefully it will build up to near 50-50 in 2015 and allow a year for the tsunami to arrive for the MIW.

Yes quietly optimistic but still fingers crossed....like I said cannot trust the cowardly gongkias from 60.1%.
Kena saboed in 2011 before.


The charges are still relatively cheap - but if idiots want to stay in A1 or B1 when they can't afford it, tough. Go stay in C class, Medishield and Medisave covers almost all of it - amount out of pocket is only a few thousand bucks for very very serious treatments (otherwise almost nothing out of pocket).

Good only if you can fork out the dough.
Now the quality and standards going downhill due to imported ah neh and third works docs and nurses....
And costs going up too fast as with everything in sinkieland.....
And also like mrt and housing....getting crowded and running out of bed space.


Never underestimate the dumbfuck sinkie fools.
I will still be prudent and take it as 60/40.
PEBE stats can use for reference but bear in mind overall the whole of sinkieland is still 60/40.
If you have any of the 60.1%....pls re educated these gong cheebyes....convert as many as you can....sometimes they need a hard whack on their fucking skulls to wake up their ideas.

Then what about yourself??? Don't you need a banana to put inside your mouth before you even wake up???

You called those who support PAP Gong CB, you mean you very clever??? By looking at the way you post I already can see that you're not a loser but gooner...

You insult your own nation as sinkieland and yet on the other hand trying to show everyone you have the nation at heart.... "How smart of you"!!!



You having diarrhea of the mouth
You might be forever grateful to LKY and PAP
I and many others wished a slow and painful death to smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY and total implosion of PAP maggots cockroaches who are the selfish vicious greedy scum of socieity

Think of something new apart from your "Smear of shit on your mother's smelly hole"...

I think many forum are bored with you lousy vulgarities vocabulary!!! Ha Ha


Only a fucking loser will complain about Singapore healthcare system recognised by healthcare providers to be among the best in the world - rivalled only by the socialist (communist?) countries.

Do you know what... All this cowards are coming to a forum to vent their frustration n jealousy on the society. They see that others are rich they cannot take it. Just like alot of ppl here calling chinese Ah Tiongs n indian Ah Nehs without realising that their ancestor comes from this country.

Worst of all there's a member who exchange debate with me claiming he doesn't regards himself as a descendant of China grandparents. If a person can even forego its own ancestry roots, will you think he or she will go far?



Alfrescian (Inf)
Dun pride yourself on being 'most powerful'.
We are in this situation now with fate in the hand of undecided 'fence sitters' gets to decide because sinkies are still immature and ignorant.
You dun vote for politicians who are fence sitters....then why do you want to be a fence sitting voter then?

"In politics the middle way is none at all." - John Adams

“Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.” - Margaret Thatcher.

they said the middle ground is the stabilizing force between the two extreme ends of the political spectrum.

i consider myself a swing voter. but i voted the oppositions for every general election since i can vote. am i really a swing voter ? it seems that my vote cannot swing at all. :biggrin:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
The charges are still relatively cheap - but if idiots want to stay in A1 or B1 when they can't afford it, tough. Go stay in C class, Medishield and Medisave covers almost all of it - amount out of pocket is only a few thousand bucks for very very serious treatments (otherwise almost nothing out of pocket).

Yes everything is still relatively 'cheap and affordable'....that's the pap tagline.
That means still can go up more.
Funny pappies like to do selective comparisons....but when comes to out of this world salaries they say its uniquely Singapore. I wonder what's the Swiss standard for healthcare.