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Spore passport renewal issue


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have to sympathise with this dual nationality Sporean mate who had wanted to keep his Singapore passport going on for a while until he is settling everything.

1. He is not successful in his attempt using the on-line passport renewal because he needs to declare that he is not taken up another country's citizenship (which he has).

2. In filling up the forms to the Spore High Comm, he found out that he has to fill up more forms. Follow this link, http://www.ica.gov.sg/data/resources/docs/Citizen Services/FormP28_3.pdf

Does anyone encounter problems of Spore Passport extension rejection when filling up truthfully - ie dual nationality?


Singapore does not allow dual nationality. the high commision will want him to sign a form that says that he has no other nationality. If he says "no" on the form, and if they later find out that he does have a second nationality. That can be used as evidence and perjury in court. Read all the fine prints on the form. Out of curiosity, how old is your friend? The reason why I ask is because the problems of NS may come into factor.


This person's parents renounced but never did so for their four children who are all Australian Citizens.

Since then this cousin and his siblings travel regularly into Singapore without any problems.

Aussie Prick, I am still confused after your post. So the parent's did or did not renounce their own Singapore citizenship? Or did the parents renounce their 4 children's Singapore citizenship?

Also, you mentioned "since then..... siblings travel regularly into Singapore without any problems".... So they encountered problems before?

anyways, your story is very interesting and I think the bottom line is that it is only a matter of time before people with dual nationalities eventually have to choose one... either they are forced to do so, or willingly.:(


Alfrescian (Inf)
Aussie Prick, I am still confused after your post. So the parent's did or did not renounce their own Singapore citizenship? Or did the parents renounce their 4 children's Singapore citizenship?

Also, you mentioned "since then..... siblings travel regularly into Singapore without any problems".... So they encountered problems before?

anyways, your story is very interesting and I think the bottom line is that it is only a matter of time before people with dual nationalities eventually have to choose one... either they are forced to do so, or willingly.:(

1. I do not think parents can renounce their children's citizenship.

2. Anyway, I do not think the Singapore authorities will want the quitters to enjoy the privileges of a Singapore passport. Sometimes, ambiquity can be a good thing. Since he has served NS, he remains a Singaporean. So what he travel on Aussie passport. When it is time to decide whether to return to Singapore, he can renounce his Aussie citizenship. But if he change his mind, he can still use his last "card" to reinstate his Aussie citizenship.

Any comments?


1. I do not think parents can renounce their children's citizenship.

I think you are wrong !.. Legally, parents can decide for children if they are still a kid..

When both parents legally renounced their citizenship in SG and they have Oz citizenhip.. their children would imply the same..

SG can make an offer (for a citizenship), however, it is not necessary for them to accept. I do not think they can impose any penalty. Having said that, BULLY can always impose fines when you step onto their land. Do seek for legal advice.

So the best thing is to leave SG alone (until the old man is dead) and explore other countries.. visit JB or Batam :smile:


Yes, parents cannot renounce citizenship of their kids. Singapore constitution does allow a minor (below the age of 21) to renounce his or her citizenship. The kids must reach 21 yrs. This even applies to a female Singaporean who is below 21 but is married.

1. I do not think parents can renounce their children's citizenship.


Yes, parents cannot renounce citizenship of their kids. Singapore constitution does allow a minor (below the age of 21) to renounce his or her citizenship. The kids must reach 21 yrs. This even applies to a female Singaporean who is below 21 but is married.

Try this in the international court..?


I have to sympathise with this dual nationality Sporean mate who had wanted to keep his Singapore passport going on for a while until he is settling everything.

1. He is not successful in his attempt using the on-line passport renewal because he needs to declare that he is not taken up another country's citizenship (which he has).

2. In filling up the forms to the Spore High Comm, he found out that he has to fill up more forms. Follow this link, http://www.ica.gov.sg/data/resources/docs/Citizen Services/FormP28_3.pdf

Does anyone encounter problems of Spore Passport extension rejection when filling up truthfully - ie dual nationality?

People tend to hold on to the Sinkee passport as well as a foreign one are those who are either doing business, have little CPF money or are still sitting on a fence not having decided about their lives. However, its more of an option at the end of the day. If you can the best of both world, then why not?


So the best thing is to leave SG alone (until the old man is dead) and explore other countries.. visit JB or Batam :smile:

Well, I'm not too sure about this. History will tell you that economies under dictators were fairing very well and once they're gone, everything fell apart, Phillipinnes under Marcos, Indonesia under Suharto and Iraq under Sadam Hussein are typical examples. One Iraqi dinar was at one time equivalent to US$3 but now, its close to US$1= 1,100 Iraqi Dinnars. Now doesn't that tell you something? JB, Batam, crime rate too high mah and you have to pay kopi money to the police. :wink:


Well, I'm not too sure about this. History will tell you that economies under dictators were fairing very well and once they're gone, everything fell apart, Phillipinnes under Marcos, Indonesia under Suharto and Iraq under Sadam Hussein are typical examples. One Iraqi dinar was at one time equivalent to US$3 but now, its close to US$1= 1,100 Iraqi Dinnars. Now doesn't that tell you something? JB, Batam, crime rate too high mah and you have to pay kopi money to the police. :wink:

I think kopi money is great if it can win tenders or facilitate business opportunity :smile: kopi money can bring better relationship.. why not ? heehee..

I have another idea.. standby your money and wait for the old man to pass away.. then stocks will fall.. real estate will tumble.. with mighty AUD, its time for us to return to SG and do some minor investments.. cheap labour ~ why not ? I'm sure the pappies will welcome us during the crisis :smile:


There seems to be something wrong with this forum. To repost, I have some cousins in Perth who migrated 30 over years ago. Their parents became Australian citizens as did their children but no renounciation occured for the 4 siblings. One cousin did apply for an EP at the MOM 5 years ago but was rejected as the computer listed him as a Singapore Citizen who cant get EPs. He was told to renounce Singapore or Australian to work in Singapore. To get a Singapore Passport he would need clearance from NS but they had no file on him.

Since then he and his siblings have been able to travel in and out of Singapore with no problems.

goodness!!! your families had lived in OZ for the past 30 years and after they had benefited from it after all these years, u can complain about how bad Oz is! it really baffled me about the state of your past complaints; did u or did u not make it to another country or u are stuck in sg forever?


Alfrescian (Inf)
goodness!!! your families had lived in OZ for the past 30 years and after they had benefited from it after all these years, u can complain about how bad Oz is! it really baffled me about the state of your past complaints; did u or did u not make it to another country or u are stuck in sg forever?

You are trapped in a troll world.
Aussie prick is not interested in your explanation.

Anyone who had lived in OZ for that long will experience what it is like to be called a banana republic - and went through the "recession that we had to have". I still have a newspaper ad for a whopping 15.5% interest rate from Challenge Bank - from that era.


are we street smart and cunning enough to find a niche here so that we can thrive? ..

Aiyo.. you are encouraging them to be cunning ? well, street smart is ok lah. They are a bunch of nice chaps who deserve to be treated in a Singapore way :smile: I have seen heaps.. who never change a single bit.. Even for buying hses, they like it to be a sinkie way. I tried to tell them the "local perspectives" but in vain... in the end, I have to learn to let go..

Hey, I havent got the time to meet you today, perhaps kopi next time.. my return flight was 5pm :( I travelled 2hrs flight Brisbane on my day-off, and had 4 meetings.. bloody busy sia.. Australia is such a wonderful place for me :p


Aiyo.. you are encouraging them to be cunning ? well, street smart is ok lah. They are a bunch of nice chaps who deserve to be treated in a Singapore way :smile: I have seen heaps.. who never change a single bit.. Even for buying hses, they like it to be a sinkie way. I tried to tell them the "local perspectives" but in vain... in the end, I have to learn to let go..

Hey, I havent got the time to meet you today, perhaps kopi next time.. my return flight was 5pm :( I travelled 2hrs flight Brisbane on my day-off, and had 4 meetings.. bloody busy sia.. Australia is such a wonderful place for me :p

shit! my post got deleted by trigger happy moderator. no wonder i cant find it. axe, Be careful not to divulge too much personal info here. else they will use it against u.

oh so u are here today in brisbane, other time perhaps.


shit! my post got deleted by trigger happy moderator. no wonder i cant find it. axe, Be careful not to divulge too much personal info here. else they will use it against u.

oh so u are here today in brisbane, other time perhaps.

Thanks for the reminder.. I think i know the moderator, if he reveal much, I strip him naked, hehehe..

My next trip will be GuangZhou.. to inspect the China mei-meis.. importing in Chinese chickens ! uhhh.. ahhhh... hmmmm... :biggrin:

I'll probably be in Bris by May 2010.. my ex-Shanghai neighbour may join me.. He said he'll like to learn the how to start a failed business.. haha.

Aussie Prick

Singapore does not allow dual nationality. the high commision will want him to sign a form that says that he has no other nationality. If he says "no" on the form, and if they later find out that he does have a second nationality. That can be used as evidence and perjury in court. Read all the fine prints on the form. Out of curiosity, how old is your friend? The reason why I ask is because the problems of NS may come into factor.

There seems to be something wrong with this forum. To repost, I have some cousins in Perth who migrated 30 over years ago. Their parents became Australian citizens as did their children but no renounciation occured for the 4 siblings. One cousin did apply for an EP at the MOM 5 years ago but was rejected as the computer listed him as a Singapore Citizen who cant get EPs. He was told to renounce Singapore or Australian to work in Singapore. To get a Singapore Passport he would need clearance from NS but they had no file on him.

Since then he and his siblings have been able to travel in and out of Singapore with no problems.

Aussie Prick

Aussie Prick, I am still confused after your post. So the parent's did or did not renounce their own Singapore citizenship? Or did the parents renounce their 4 children's Singapore citizenship?

Also, you mentioned "since then..... siblings travel regularly into Singapore without any problems".... So they encountered problems before?

anyways, your story is very interesting and I think the bottom line is that it is only a matter of time before people with dual nationalities eventually have to choose one... either they are forced to do so, or willingly.:(

No they never renounced on behalf of thier children. The only problem they encountered was not getting an EP. This cousin was told they cant give a Singapore Citizen an EP but Singapore did not force them to renounce either citizenship even though they knew they were dual.

Dual nationality has been discussed on this forum. It is considered a grey area and not a "one size fits all" policy in Singapore.

Aussie Prick

goodness!!! your families had lived in OZ for the past 30 years and after they had benefited from it after all these years, u can complain about how bad Oz is! it really baffled me about the state of your past complaints; did u or did u not make it to another country or u are stuck in sg forever?

You have a point, but that was many years ago. However, compared to Singapore I grudgingly have to admit Australia is a better venue for someone wishing to make a fresh start. What is a matter of debate is the gap between Australia and Singapore today.

I am indeed very critical of Australia - but as you know I am unable to air my views as I am now a "troll" - whatever that means. Apparently the moderator feels that contrarian views have no place on this forum. Luckily learned Singaporeans can make educated, informed choices for themselves despite the moderator's efforts.

Well you know you do have another valid point. I got carried away poking fun at Singaporeans down under on this forum. My views - contrarian though they may be - were always benign but I have to confess to pushing it too far.

But I see now its more important not to lose sight of the goal of emigration- providing an alternative to life in Singapore. As I said, I do still believe Australia is still a viable migration destination but the demographic has changed - in my opinion.

My points revolve on updating Singaporeans about the current status of migration conditions, the gap over lifestyle, quality of living, etc. We all know Australia has changed since the Goh quitter speech - but then so has Singapore.

My points revolve around where things stand today, and how global conditions has altered migration. Is Australia still the haven it once was? Is Canada? There is no easy answer to this question but it is important to remind people its 2010 and not 2000. That is my point.

I hear you had your ups and downs - as can be expected. Sharing is a valuable tool and I look forward to hearing more so others may gain from your experience.


Alfrescian (Inf)
My points revolve on updating Singaporeans about the current status of migration conditions, the gap over lifestyle, quality of living, etc. We all know Australia has changed since the Goh quitter speech - but then so has Singapore.

You can play the devil's advocate. But it is really hard to compare the Singapore of today with the Australia of today. And it is harder to generalise about migration conditions.

Both countries are at different stage of development.

As far as I can see, Singapore is past it's prime - even LHL admitted that. On top of that, Singapore has been effectively on zero % interest rates for some time. This is worrying.

As for Australia, a remote continent that has been left out before the days of globalisation. Suddenly, it has become a world attention grabber with its Gas and Uranium resources (let's not forget Gold, iron, diamonds and other metals)

With the watershed global financial crisis still sticky, we may be looking at a new era araising from the ashes of the Great Recession.

It is still early days for the ever changing world.

Aussie Prick, perhaps you want to join me in Egypt. God willing.

This country is cheaper than China, has a lot more young talented people and still flush with money remitted from the rich gulf states.

You can always invest next door in Libya as well, they need infrastructure for the booming tourism industries.


You can play the devil's advocate. But it is really hard to compare the Singapore of today with the Australia of today. And it is harder to generalise about migration conditions.

Both countries are at different stage of development.

As far as I can see, Singapore is past it's prime - even LHL admitted that. On top of that, Singapore has been effectively on zero % interest rates for some time. This is worrying.

As for Australia, a remote continent that has been left out before the days of globalisation. Suddenly, it has become a world attention grabber with its Gas and Uranium resources (let's not forget Gold, iron, diamonds and other metals)

With the watershed global financial crisis still sticky, we may be looking at a new era araising from the ashes of the Great Recession.

It is still early days for the ever changing world.

Aussie Prick, perhaps you want to join me in Egypt. God willing.

This country is cheaper than China, has a lot more young talented people and still flush with money remitted from the rich gulf states.

You can always invest next door in Libya as well, they need infrastructure for the booming tourism industries.

I agree with you dude.. these ppl can only see the micro view.. if they look hard enough Oz is gonna boom for the next 20-50yrs.. due to abundance resources.. the prices are high now but the future is gold ! Lets jus sit back & relax.. get ready harvest time & enjoy the Australian Pie :smile: