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Possible electoral divisions WP will contest in 2016


Isn't it better to kill the dragon head first? Once dragon head is gone, the rest will be at a loss.
Bad strategy. Going for the dragon head now will scare off the middle ground who still wants pap to rule, but opposition to keep balance. So let the dragon head live, but cut off his legs.


Why not WP eat up RP territory? Got West Coast and Ang Mo Kio, 11 seats. More than enough, don't need to move into MP and Tampines.
West coast too far for efficient town council management and election ground work. WP concept is to invade wards adjacent to aljunied and hougang. Much easier logistically and for people to witness that WP managed wards are just as clean. It was easy for Buangkok residents to see that hougang is well managed, hence the trust in WP.


A party with many aspiring members witll fight among emselves & tear e party apart if they dun have any fight outside in any SMC/GRC.
It's no longer a choice for WP to chose or not to contest in supposedly other opp area like AMK, MParade, Pasir Ris & etc.

It's either infighting within e party when aspiring members & cadres step on each other for limited candidacy or WP contest in at least 40 seats come next GE to assure every deserving file & rank who has work hard for many years are given their shot.

3, 4 & 5 cornered fight will only push would-be swing voters away from PAP, SDP, NSP, SDA, DPP, SF, SPP, PKMS, SJP & RP into WP's hand & play ala Punggol East.

LTK's words bout no possibility or working in unity w other will be used by WP as a strategy to evoke tactical voting among the swing voters.
U think e wily old fox's still around since 1986 cos he dun think 2-3 steps ahead?

I agree with this completely. WP brand can make inroads into MP.
But can the brand make inroads into Bishan-Toa Payoh? I have stayed in that area before and it is very much a PAP stronghold.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think WP is also likely to go into Bishan Toa Payoh, since the SPP team has disbanded.
I would also like to see WP go into Potong Pasir SMC with SPP's endorsement, but probably won't happen.

Agree.. I feel WP stands a good chance if they contest in Potong Pasir..

Seetoh Cheebye can easily be beaten if WP send a good candidate to contest there..

but the problem is Uncle Chiam may not want to give way to WP..


I am expecting PAP to be sacked by us on 2016,now it looks it is impossible,PAP must go now,down with fucking PAP's stupid needs to have 8 million sardin fishes in this little island,their red dot,if they do not go,then we have to go,looks like PAP refuses to give an alternative.



I think more like LTK and company not having any intent to intrude into CST's territory. CST enjoys a peaceful co-existence relationship with the WP.

Yes. But I think it is more than just peaceful coexistence. LTK does have a respect for Chiam and so I think WP moving into Potong Pasir is a definite no-no.


No Bishan Toa Payoh as it's a charity belt ladden with elderlies who are 1st HDB dwellers since 1960-70s who now depend on COMCARE $400 mthly from CDC for their survival.


Punggol East SMC is where Pasir Ris Punggol GRC's TC is headquartered.
Also TCH is unpopular.
Worst SDA has zero grd activity there since 2011.
And WP have a new weapon who resides in Pasir Ris Punggol GRC, a very popular NUS Sociology school Assoc Prof Daniel Goh.
It's natural for WP to go there.


East (singaporeans with big balls): belong to WP + NSP opposition

West (no balls singaporeans) : belong to PAP



11 PAP heavyweights will be over 60yo come 2015 and will be ober-due for retirement as PAP continuously replace their upper echelons w newbies to ensure their long term survival:
1. LKY
2. GCT
3. LHL
4. TCH
5. Yaakob Ibrahim
6. KBW
7. LSS
8. LHK
9. WKS
10. MBT
11. Lily Neo

Sans LHL who we expect will run for one more term, the 10 listed above should be making way for younger peeps & they will no longer run for MP.
If these 10 retire in 2015/6, PAP will be some what weakened in the following 9 areas:
1. Tg Pagar
2. Tampines
3. Pasir Ris Punggol
4. MParade
5. Moulmein Kallang
6. Sembawang
7. East Coast
8. West Coast
9. Bishan Toa Payoh

Now, we can forget bout Sembawang, Tg Pagar, Bishan, West Coast as it's filled with new citizens.

I surmise 7 GRCs listed below can be contested by WP:
- AJ
- Nee Soon
- Tampines
- Pasir Ris Punggol
- MP
- MK
- EC

I also think there will be 3/4/5-cornered fights in:
- Tampines
- Pasir Ris Punggol
- MP
- MK
- PE

I foresee WP may win 24 seats from:
- AJ (5)
- HG (1)
- Punggol East (1)
- Joo Chiat (1)
- Pasir Ris Punggol (6)
- East Coast (5)
- Tampines (5)

I think NSP will muscle in back into MK as they are very unhappi w WP for snatching all their volunteers, members & media attention.
I predict WP will narrowly lose MParade (5) & MK (4) due to vote splitting from NSP.
I also foresee WP will lose more votes in Nee Soon (5) as KShanmugam is getting popular.

NSP will lose Jurong with worst % of votes due to ever increasing popularity of Tharman.
SDP may do much better than e 33% votes they garnered in Sembawang as KBW leave Spore for Penang come 2015.
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Maybe AJ, Tampines, Pasir Ris Punggol, East Coast, MK, NS, Punggol East, Potong Pasir, Joo Chiat, Hougang & MParade will no longer be there come 2015.
I am very sure e Election Dept will carved em all to pieces & merge em back awkwardly to destroy all association to previous wards.

Expect to c these 11 wards with 40 seats be mashed into pieces & merge into unrecognisable 10 GRCs w just 4 MP per GRC that minimise PAP's losses if they lose, & yet still able to curb any oppo from running by splitting their resource further if they run against PAP:
- Seranggon GRC
- Payar Lebar GRC
- Bedok GRC
- Changi GRC
- Simei GRC
- Sengkang GRC
- Geylang GRC
- Kembangan GRC
- Kaki Bkt GRC
- Ubi GRC


This and similar threads will closely be monitored by interested agencies with an eye on 2016 opposition strategy. Wow! Internet is indeed making life easy and comfortable for fantastically paid analysts and researchers who plagiarize credible views expressed by netizens and pass them off as their own formulation to the decision makers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Punggol East SMC is where Pasir Ris Punggol GRC's TC is headquartered.
Also TCH is unpopular.
Worst SDA has zero grd activity there since 2011.
And WP have a new weapon who resides in Pasir Ris Punggol GRC, a very popular NUS Sociology school Assoc Prof Daniel Goh.
It's natural for WP to go there.

SDA can pack up and leave the scene. They are just for show that we have opposition parties around.

Agree with you. Best for WP to enter the fray. TCH could well emulate GY. Best of all, the first DPM to lose.


SDA can pack up and leave the scene. They are just for show that we have opposition parties around.

Agree with you. Best for WP to enter the fray. TCH could well emulate GY. Best of all, the first DPM to lose.

More best, 1st Army brass to lose an election.
This will scare aspiring generals & colonels from coming into PAP fray.
Already WP sacred e crap outta Unionists like OYK and Desmond Choo rendering all NTUC directors frozen in their comfy seat off Raffles MRT


SDA can pack up and leave the scene. They are just for show that we have opposition parties around.

Agree with you. Best for WP to enter the fray. TCH could well emulate GY. Best of all, the first DPM to lose.
TCH is at risk. He knows it, that's why on election night press conference, he was so unhappy that he can potentially go the George way. His only hope is for LHL to switch him to another GRC far away from aljunied. West coast if possible. Pasir ris can be helmed by teo sir fuck, lost cause anyway.


If the demographic of PE SMC is a macrocosm of PR-P GRC, then it spells trouble for TCH .

I would think it very much depend on firstly whether the voters are prepare to lost one DPM.

Secondly if WP is prepare to send a team to PR-P GRC since I am quite sure this GRC wasn't on their radar screen for GE2016 initially. But all of a sudden WP had captured PE SMC, which is an excellent beachhead for final assault on PR-P GRC, they might perhaps want to give MP GRC a miss if they can't find the resources.

On another note, there is a slight possibility that WP might want to send a team of rookie to chope TP GRC where WP last contested in 1988 (when LTK was part of the team.)
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I think WP is also likely to go into Bishan Toa Payoh, since the SPP team has disbanded.
I would also like to see WP go into Potong Pasir SMC with SPP's endorsement, but probably won't happen.

If the demographic of PE SMC is a macrocosm of PR-P GRC, then it spells trouble for TCH .

I would think it very much depend on firstly whether the voters are prepare to lost one DPM.

Secondly if WP is prepare to send a team to PR-P GRC since I am quite sure this GRC wasn't on their radar screen for GE2016 initially. But all of a sudden WP had captured PE SMC, which is an excellent beachhead for final assault on PR-P GRC, they might perhaps want to give MP GRC a miss if they can't find the resources.

On another note, there is a slight possibility that WP might want to send a team of rookie to chope TP GRC where WP last contested in 1988 (when LTK was part of the team.)

KeeChiu maybe unpopular but Indranee has her photo pin up in almost all hawker stalls & homes.
She is e 2nd goddess after Lily.

Tg Pagar even w a dead LKY is a Okinawa beach head we can't attack until we get Iwo Jima.
It's too far to spread e volunteers.

Each candidate will need 100 volunteers.
Spreading e flank thin oso may make voters think WP is greedy & rash


Winning any campaign using old medieval Mecedonian/Roman/Chinese/Persian/European arts-of-war according to Sylvia Lim is why the Mongols, Tartars, Visigoths, Gauls & Vikings walk all over em for 1500yrs.

Mongolian art of war is now e latest fad in all corporate culture but Sylvia has been quietly deploying it since she join in '01.

Basically winning any campaign, be it war or biz or politics is about winning e hearts of ya supporters & damning e hearts of ya enemies, according to all of Temujin's 4 companions; Cakathai, Ogedei, Sugedei & Subedei when they attack 5 civilizations in unison from e Mongolian steppe over 800yrs ago.

For WP, I see the way they move, act, talk & behave is like a Mongolian herds as described by many books on Genghis Khan's successful exploits & Mongolian culture over the steppe 900yrs ago.

Send fear into ya enemies' heart w rumours over rumours over many more rumours years before u attack.
Confuse em till they sianz and respond no more.
Make em think u will attack everyday till the grew lethargic so much so, they hand e kingdom to ya without fighting.

In WP, a smaller war is waged against PAP grassroots.

3 yrs before election, send all 50 candidates & close party members in grp of 2 ppl each, to knock on every door, in all ward WP wanna contest.
That will take 2-3 yrs to complete.
That gives u 10% of e votes.

Do weekly Hammer sales in rotation of all foodcourts & kopitiam in all ward over 5 yrs period and that gives u another 10%.

Grassroots activities on quarterly basis, another 10%.

Candidates w good caliber, charisma & track record recruitment & grooming, 10%.

Getting e stickers on & putting up posters in all lamp posts & signposts in under 90min using 40 volunteers/contractor per candidate after nominations, ahead of PAP, 5%.

Deliver all fliers in under 2hrs after nomination to all homes in all contested wards with 50 volunteers, 5%.

Good emotive, sticky & catchy rally/parliament speeches/writings, 10%.

House to house visit after nomination to cover all blocks in all wards with 40 volunteers, 15%.

PAP screw up in housing, transport, FT, living cost, education, security & healthcare, 10%.

Multi-cornered fights, invoking tactical voting among swing voters & uniting their votes to 1 oppo, 5%

MSM & PAP below-waist low-blow attack on WP candidates, 5%.

Heavy rain during rally & supporters stayed back, 5%.

Total 100%