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Part 2 - MP Baey now pays $3.70 ...... up from $2.50....


Alfrescian (Inf)

50 cents for Bundung...... in his own words.....

His hypocrisy exposed. He claimed in parliament and in his musings that he's a lover of local food - but does not know that a glass of Bandung at 50 cents went with the dodo years ago.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
His hypocrisy exposed. He claimed in parliament and in his musings that he's a lover of local food - but does not know that a glass of Bandung at 50 cents went with the dodo years ago.

Elites like him makan their hawker fare in posh hotels.
Remember kee chiu and his $10 carrot cake?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Elites like him makan their hawker fare in posh hotels.
Remember kee chiu and his $10 carrot cake?

fuck you narong!
what so elite about eating in hotel!
you are one jealous fucking hypocrite.
i am not an elite! i enjoy paying $30 for my chicken rice at chatter box!!

what fucking wrong with you guys!!!

eat at hawker centres also kpkb
eat at posh hotels also kpkb!!

all of you should be just go die and give dogs fuck!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
fuck you narong!
what so elite about eating in hotel!
you are one jealous fucking hypocrite.
i am not an elite! i enjoy paying $30 for my chicken rice at chatter box!!

what fucking wrong with you guys!!!

eat at hawker centres also kpkb
eat at posh hotels also kpkb!!

all of you should be just go die and give dogs fuck!!!
LIAR = Kopiuncle a.k.a ilovesingapore a.k.a theblackhole a.k.a. Extremist a.k.a. RonRon a.k.a. LIONHEART a.k.a. k0piuncle
Same Clan with Fishypie



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
nabez, this maths question beri difficult rite? my intel i9 cpu also cannot calculate. shud be a doctorate level question. not for psle.

fucking idiot chonbrifc, you are a fucking hypocrite
go dogs fuck and you will be a better maths eater!!!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
one of them is massaging his "lionheart" with his left hand and tickling his "blackhole" with his right hand................. :biggrin:

you are absolutely right mother fucker JW5 - a back stabber , a dirty perineum licker and a screwballed retarded brain!!!

you are too stupid to comment on this nasi padang thingie...just go and lick the nice sticky perineum of narong and chonbrufc!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
fucking idiot chonbrifc, you are a fucking hypocrite
go dogs fuck and you will be a better maths eater!!!

fucking idiot kopiuncle see post#275 in daily rubbish.

LIAR = Kopiuncle a.k.a ilovesingapore a.k.a theblackhole a.k.a. Extremist a.k.a. RonRon a.k.a. LIONHEART a.k.a. k0piuncle
Same Clan with Fishypie



you are absolutely right mother fucker JW5 - a back stabber , a dirty perineum licker and a screwballed retarded brain!!!

you are too stupid to comment on this nasi padang thingie...just go and lick the nice sticky perineum of narong and chonbrufc!!!

Your shitfu already advised that we should all bottle our sweaty perineums into a bottle of gong perineum for you.
It will surely taste better than your pappy masters' cheap version which you have been partaking all this time. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I cannot help but notice the fetish kopisai has got for perineuming ever since I yanked him out by the neck from the ignore bin.
I did not notice that in him before.

But then with those like hk14k and peppercunt that I shut up there with him, perhaps they have been giving their perineums singularly or collectively to kopisai thereby corrupting his mind even more.


When is ah gua baey going to learn to STFU and not embarrassed himself by talking cock all the time?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I cannot help but notice the fetish kopisai has got for perineuming ever since I yanked him out by the neck from the ignore bin.
I did not notice that in him before.

But then with those like hk14k and peppercunt that I shut up there with him, perhaps they have been giving their perineums singularly or collectively to kopisai thereby corrupting his mind even more.

Is MP Baey also into perineuming?
Did he get his on discount or is it cheaper for him by the dozen?
He got to bay $2.50? or $ 3.70?
That come with a glass of bandung at 50 cents or gratis?

Is MP Baey flogging his perineum?

A kaypoh mind needs to know.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If you want to know how to buy cheap food, please go talk to him....


yeah if your house got any guantau or discount coupons plkease give to him....he will also drink your house free barley and green bean soup if you have any also...

cheap monkey grabbing at peanuts .......


Yesterday (18 Dec), the Straits Times (ST) finally reported on the nasi padang saga involving Tampines

GRC MP Baey Yam Keng (‘MP speaks up over nasi padang furore’, 18 Dec):

However, in its article, ST deliberately stayed clear from stating that MP Baey had accepted a “goodwill discount” from the nasi padang stall.

In his original testimony in Chinese, published in MyPaper on 17 December 2013 [Link], Mr Baey acknowledged that the stall had given him a discount and he had accepted it:

He acknowledged that his staff had recognised me that day and out of respect for my work and service in the community, charged me only $3 when it was more than $4. It was really out of simple goodwill and there was no ulterior motive or expectations on his part. He was deeply apologetic that the matter has somehow been blown out of proportion….

I thanked the owner for his goodwill and explanation, and asked him not to feel bad as we have done nothing against our conscience.

Even though SPH published Mr Baey’s testimony in MyPaper, the latter’s distribution is obviously a lot less than ST, Singapore’s main broadsheet. Furthermore, Mr Baey’s testimony in MyPaper was written in Chinese and a substantial number of Singaporeans do not read Chinese, let alone MyPaper.

ST defended MP Baey, saying, “Yesterday (17 Dec), he (Baey) said his conscience was clear and he did not knowingly accept a discount for the meal of two vegetables, chicken, rice and a glass of bandung.”

But the fact is, Mr Baey visited the stall again to clarify the matter. The owner, who was present and aware of the controversy, explained to him that he was charged $3 instead of the more than $4 i.e. given a discount, out of “respect” and “goodwill”. The MP then thanked the owner for the “goodwill discount” and explanation. Therefore, Mr Baey did eventually know about the discount and chose to keep it.

This part was conveniently left out by ST.

ST went on, “Some netizens, the nasi padang seller and other MPs defended Mr Baey, saying the matter has been blown out of proportion.”

To draw the heat and attention of readers away from Mr Baey, ST quoted other MPs, which of course has absolutely nothing to do with what happened in Mr Baey’s case:

MPs said they would usually insist on paying the full price, especially if it is stated.

Marine Parade GRC MP Tin Pei Ling said she would not accept discounts on food, as a matter of principle.

Chua Chu Kang GRC MP Alex Yam added: “When offered a discount or free drinks, we tell the stallholders we appreciate their gesture… and we try as much as we can to err on the side of caution to ensure everything we do is above board.”

Thus, ST gave the impression that PAP MPs refuse any sort of discount as a matter of principle, which is obviously not true in Mr Baey’s case.

The inescapable fact of the matter is, when Mr Baey sought clarification from the stall owner, he discovered that he had been given a discount out of “respect and goodwill”. Mr Baey then willingly accepted the discount. ST avoided mentioning this and painted a completely different picture.

By quoting the other MPs – whether the MPs mean what they say being a totally different matter – ST gave the impression that similarly, MP Baey does not accept discounts as a matter of principle and did not do so in this particular case, which is simply false.

At best, ST gave the impression that MP Baey had accepted a discount unknowingly, which is only half the story.

Mr Baey, one of the PAP’s most active MPs on social media, said he will continue to remain active online. “It’s a learning point in how to deal with such an online response,” he said. “But it’s important to be consistent… and I’ve no intention of changing it.”

The last bit conveys the distinct impression that the whole nasi padang saga “was an honest mistake… let’s move on.”


Two months ago, a personal blog broke the story that Auckland (New Zealand) Mayor Len Brown was involved in a two-year extra-marital affair with a woman 25 years his junior which was uncovered by freelance journalist Stephen Cook:


Sensational details of sex in office, masturbation and thinking of his mistress while his wife of 20 years was in the next room and being caught with his pants down, literally, spilled into the public arena.

Ernst & Young (EY) were commissioned by the Auckland City Council to undertake a review to look into any improper use of council resources, any preferential treatment given to the mistress, as an employee, contractor or advisor to the council and any other issues, over the course of their two-year affair.

At a press conference last Friday, Auckland Council chief executive Doug McKay announced the findings, saying Mr Brown’s use of resources was “generally within the guidelines”. The EY report confirmed nothing untoward was uncovered except that Mr Brown had, on a couple of occasions, used his council provided vehicle to give the mistress a lift home, texted or called her on the council provided mobile phone and received free rooms at a number of Auckland City hotels.

Len Brown explained he often worked until late in the evening – attending meetings, functions or civic events – and would start work early the next morning hence his use of those hotel rooms.

“I was not charged for nine of these hotel rooms, including one occasion in relation to (my mistress)”.

He further clarifies, “As the (EY) report notes, I never used council resources for private accommodation or in relation to (my mistress), and I do not hold a council credit card.”

However, Mr Brown conceded that as Mayor he is “subject to a higher standard of public accountability”.

“In this context I should not have accepted the free rooms offered to me, and should have disclosed this fact when I was asked about it in October.”

The recent “nasi padang” incident involving Baey Yam Keng tells a very different story about the standards office holders in Singapore measure themselves against.

Mr Baey received a discount on his nasi padang meal (knowingly or unknowingly) and then tried to justify it by saying the stall was new, the stall owner wanted to reach out to more customers, the stall owner wanted to give a special deal to senior citizens and students and finally, the stall owner wanted to do his part to fulfil his “corporate social responsibility”.

Mr Baey also pointed out that it was “really out of simple goodwill and respect for my work and service in the community” that the stall holder gave him a discount for the meal consisting of 3 dishes and rice.

Given the high salary and the numerous benefits that come with this part-time job, one could hardly call their work a service to the community.

While a meal discount is not a big deal, how the PAP MP responds to receiving one speaks volumes of what he thinks of his role as a public servant.

Do office-holders in Singapore, especially those holding Ministerial posts and MP-ship, hold themselves to such high standards as practised in other democratic, first-world countries? How else can they conduct their international governmental business with dignity?

Borrowing the concept and words of Lim Wee Kiak, MP of Nee Soon GRC, if the PAP Ministers and MPs do not hold themselves to the same high standards, it may pose some problems when they discuss policies with other first world leaders who subject themselves to a high level of public scrutiny and transparency, because they (the world leaders) may not listen seriously to Singapore leaders’ ideas and proposals.

Hence, subjecting themselves to a higher standard of public accountability will help our office holders to maintain a degree of dignity.


“I am not naive, I would not accept any discount and I have done nothing wrong.”

MP Baey Yam Keng

Tampines GRC MP Baey Yam Keng in his column in MyPaper today (‘马来饭菜’, 17 Dec), explained the “mystery” of the $2.50 nasi padang dish which he bought from a Tampines coffee shop last week (11 Dec).

What started out as an innocent Facebook posting when he posted a picture of the $2.50 meal he had had, turned into something controversial on social media. Many netizens asked him how he could get such a low price for his nasi padang meal, which usually does not come cheap.

To clarify the matter, Mr Baey went back to the stall a few days later and posted an update on his Facebook page. This time, he paid $3.70. He wrote, “I paid $3.70 for my lunch today. Had a good conversation with Mr KK, the shop owner. Will share more in my column in MyPaper on Tue.”

In his column in MyPaper today (17 Dec), Mr Baey started by saying that he loves hawker food and likes to eat at hawker centres, coffee shops and food courts.

“There are not many countries in the world like Singapore where one can easily find reasonably priced food with the same high level of hygiene and great variety. Singapore is indeed a food paradise,” he said.

“In Parliament, I have spoken a few times on hawker centres, hawker food and our hawker culture. I have urged the government to help preserve this heritage and national identity of Singapore, and even proposed setting up a Singapore Food Museum.”

He said that he likes to post photos of hawker food on social media, not to promote the stalls but to “document and celebrate the richness of our hawker food that many of us love”.

Last Wednesday (11 Dec), he dropped by a coffee shop at Tampines St 44 Blk 475 for lunch. He ordered a piece of chicken and two veggies, plus a bandung drink. He gave the attendant $10 and got $7 change back.

Mr Baey said, “I thought the price was quite cheap. As the coffee shop was new in the neighborhood, I thought it could be a promotional price. I seldom order nasi padang so I am also not familiar with the typical price.”

He said that he did not think too much of it and later, posted the picture of his nasi padang meal on Facebook. When a netizen asked him how much his nasi padang meal cost, he thought that it should be about $2.50 because he had estimated the bandung drink to be about $0.50.

However, the next day, another netizen, seeing Mr Baey’s posting, decided to go to the same shop for nasi padang. He was charged $6 instead and decided to post on Mr Baey’s Facebook page to inform everyone of the vast discrepancy. The netizen felt that it was double standards and wondered why MPs enjoyed preferential pricing. The netizen’s revelation went viral.

Mr Baey said:

Some netizens opined that it was the coffee shop owner who offered a discount to me, as he would for his regular customers. I had not asked for it and hence I have done nothing wrong.

However, other netizens disagreed and felt that the coffee shop owner was ‘bribing’ me and this was corruption for a MP to accept discounts. Hence, CPIB should investigate. They also felt that when MPs enjoy such discounts, we would be out of touch, and not understand the real costs of living and hence could not appreciate the public’s financial burden.

Mr Baey said that he wanted to get to the bottom of the matter and decided to go back to the coffee shop on Sunday (15 Dec). Apparently, the owner had already been approached by reporters and was aware that the matter had been widely circulated online.

Mr Baey said:

In fact, he had wanted to see me at my Meet People Session on Monday to explain. He acknowledged that his staff had recognised me that day and out of respect for my work and service in the community, charged me only $3 when it was more than $4.

It was really out of simple goodwill and there was no ulterior motive or expectations on his part. He was deeply apologetic that the matter has somehow been blown out of proportion.

Actual wording of MP Baey's testimony in MyPaper (17 Dec)

The owner shared with Mr Baey that since the coffee shop opened, he has been offering a special $2.50 deal for a meal and a drink for senior citizens and students. “According to him, his prices are lower than other nasi padang stalls because he would like to reach out to more customers,” Mr Baey explained.

“He (owner) was aware that a netizen claimed that he was charged $6 for ordering a chicken item and an egg item, but he seriously doubted the authenticity as it would not have cost so much. He must have ordered something else he did not declare. As there were no price labels for the different food items, the owner explained that they would usually give an overall discount depending the type of items ordered, hence the final price would differ from order to order.”

Mr Baey then thanked the owner for his goodwill and explanation, and asked him not to feel bad.

“We have done nothing against our conscience,” Mr Baey consoled him.

Apparently, after the controversial incident, the stall owner wanted to do his part to fulfil his “corporate social responsibility”. The owner intended to offer a $2.50 deal for nasi padang and a drink to all customers over lunch time (11am-2pm) this weekend (Dec 21-22). Up to 100 customers per day will enjoy the special offer and he will donate all proceeds to the Tampines North welfare fund to help needy residents.

“I naturally applauded and supported his initiative,” Mr Baey said. “I shared this charity plan with my activists. One of them decided to give his support by pledging dollar for dollar so as to raise more money to benefit the community.”

Mr Baey assured the public that he would never accept any discounts, as an elected MP. He said, “As an elected member, I know I have to be totally above board in what I do. If there is a price clearly listed, I would not accept any discount even it was kindly offered to me.”

He also said that he is not so naive as to think that all food is cheap. “And if I were to jump to the conclusion that all food is cheap just because I had paid $2.50 for nasi padang, that would have been too naive of me.”

Of course, it would be stupid for Mr Baey to conclude that all food is cheap just because he paid $2.50 for nasi padang. Still, as disclosed by Mr Baey himself, “I seldom order nasi padang so I am also not familiar with the typical price.”

To find out the actual price of a typical nasi padang meal, Mr Baey ordered mutton, egg and a veggie from the nasi padang stall on Sunday (15 Dec). This time, the owner charged him the “full price” of $3.70.

“However, some netizens still refused to accept that it was the reality and insisted that I had been ‘corrupt’ again. I decided that any explanation was futile and I would just let actions speak for themselves,” Mr Baey concluded.

Actually, if Mr Baey had wanted to compare apple with apple, he should have ordered a piece of chicken and two veggies, plus a bandung drink – the exact same food he ordered on 11 December. Then Singaporeans would know how much actual “goodwill” he received from the stall owner that day.