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PAP Abuses


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't consider this an abuse as it is reusing old buildings. It is only an abuse when PAP gave subsidized rental flats to foreign workers while denying these cheap housing for locals.

yes..that's what the pap did. it took SERs hdb flats in Toa Payoh from the owners under the pretext of Selective Enbloc. But the HDB didnt redevelop the flats and instead rented them to foreign casino groupiers under subsidised rates. SG groupeirs are not allowed to rent these flats and had to pay market rate


not many may voluntarily want to do NS...but if it i a citizen's duty, it shd not be confined to only SG guys.

All Singaporeans shd do NS

Don't understand what all the cissy anti-NS complains and fusses about. A chance to serve one's country is a privilege and should be carried out with zeal and honour. Most Singapore men are wimps. Fucking clean rifle and they say siong. Run 2.4 km and they say siong. A female cousin of mine married a German. This man is into extreme sports, enjoys cooking (tasted his "Peranakan Turkey") local fusion, plays electric guitar and is able to converser on diverse topics from beer to motorcycles. And is CEO of an investment branch of an international bank. Compared to other local men (eg. my Singapore male cousins) - all they do is complain about NS and poke the buttons on electronic gadgets. Myself, I enjoyed my NS days.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't understand what all the cissy anti-NS complains and fusses about. A chance to serve one's country is a privilege and should be carried out with zeal and honour. Most Singapore men are wimps. Fucking clean rifle and they say siong. Run 2.4 km and they say siong. A female cousin of mine married a German. This man is into extreme sports, enjoys cooking (tasted his "Peranakan Turkey") local fusion, plays electric guitar and is able to converser on diverse topics from beer to motorcycles. And is CEO of an investment branch of an international bank. Compared to other local men (eg. my Singapore male cousins) - all they do is complain about NS and poke the buttons on electronic gadgets. Myself, I enjoyed my NS days.


it can be an honour if all SG citizens do NS. it becomes a thorny issue when some citizens are exempted


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't understand what all the cissy anti-NS complains and fusses about. A chance to serve one's country is a privilege and should be carried out with zeal and honour. Most Singapore men are wimps. Fucking clean rifle and they say siong. Run 2.4 km and they say siong. A female cousin of mine married a German. This man is into extreme sports, enjoys cooking (tasted his "Peranakan Turkey") local fusion, plays electric guitar and is able to converser on diverse topics from beer to motorcycles. And is CEO of an investment branch of an international bank. Compared to other local men (eg. my Singapore male cousins) - all they do is complain about NS and poke the buttons on electronic gadgets. Myself, I enjoyed my NS days.


NS is a big issue because of PAP's abuse.

why shd new citizens be exempted?

why shd SG gals be exempted?

why shd Patrick Tan get preferential treatment?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't understand what all the cissy anti-NS complains and fusses about. A chance to serve one's country is a privilege and should be carried out with zeal and honour. Most Singapore men are wimps. Fucking clean rifle and they say siong. Run 2.4 km and they say siong. A female cousin of mine married a German. This man is into extreme sports, enjoys cooking (tasted his "Peranakan Turkey") local fusion, plays electric guitar and is able to converser on diverse topics from beer to motorcycles. And is CEO of an investment branch of an international bank. Compared to other local men (eg. my Singapore male cousins) - all they do is complain about NS and poke the buttons on electronic gadgets. Myself, I enjoyed my NS days.


i am happy for you that you enjoyed NS.

i am happy for you too if you enjoy laksa.

but just because you like NS and laksa, why shd other guys like them too?

other guys dont have the same kind of experience and taste as you

so, can you respect their opinions that pap has abused and badly managed NS?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some PAP abuses are:

1. Using NSFs as free labour at F1 races to help OBS and businesses make profits. F1 races are private businesses and they shd employ commercial sstoremen, commercial security guards, etc at F1 races. NSFs are meant to protect SG and defend Singaporeans, not to be abused and help private businesses make profits.

2. Socialising costs but privatising profits..using tax payers money to buy buses for SBS/SMRT and subsidise their operating costs. SBS and SMRT are public companies and pay their Management staff good pay and bonuses and shareholders good dividends. If they are not making good profits, the mgmt does not deserve good bonuses and shareholders shd not get good dividends. Why is the pap abusing tax payers' money to help a public listed company? Might as well nationalise these transport companies if they need tax payers money and run them as non profit organisations

3. NS for Singaporeans, jobs for foreigners

4. AIMgate?

5. Budgeting S$97m for YOG but end up spending abt S$400m for the Games

6. Using public funds to entice voters to vote PAP

7. Using PA (a proclaimed impartial SG public institution) Staff to support PAP at GE 2011

8. State funded PAP kindergartens.

9. State funded cheap housing for foreigner workers while locals need to be almost bankrupt to be eligible for such subsidy.

10. Diverting public hospitals resources for private foreign patients. Grossly insufficient medical resources to cater to locals, resulting in long queues for basic dental and hospital care. Patients ended up spending nights along hospital corridors.

11. When we tell them that GLCs are marginalising the small businesses for government tenders, PAP says for greater synergy and economy of scales.

12. When we say foreigners are taking away our jobs, they say foreigners are here to create jobs and help to grow GDP.

13. When PMETs cannot find jobs, they say degree holders can earn $5k (ref: SMU student).

14. When we highlight about the huge income divide, they say winner take all.

15. When we complain about long waiting time and high cost of healthcare, they say only $8 for heart by-pass.

16. When we say HDB flats are unaffordable, they say they are affordable even though you earn $1,000 a month.

17. When we say we have little left for retirement, they say top up CPF.

18. When we say Ministers are the highest paid in the world, they say corporate CEOs earn much more.

19. When we say COEs do not ease road congestions, they say cars are for the riches.

20. When we say buses and MRT are too crowded, the Public Transport Council raised fares.

21. PAP leaders abusing Singaporeans, calling us daft, lazy, not hungry enough, needs foreigners to stick spurs in our hide when the truth is that Singaporeans work the hardest in the world and are always pressured to make ends meet because of the high cost of living

22. PAP leaders trying to replace Singaporeans in Sg with foreigners


I'll never vote for them again even if my constituency will have a lousy oppposition. Last GE also didn't vote them
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't understand what all the cissy anti-NS complains and fusses about. A chance to serve one's country is a privilege and should be carried out with zeal and honour. Most Singapore men are wimps. Fucking clean rifle and they say siong. Run 2.4 km and they say siong. A female cousin of mine married a German. This man is into extreme sports, enjoys cooking (tasted his "Peranakan Turkey") local fusion, plays electric guitar and is able to converser on diverse topics from beer to motorcycles. And is CEO of an investment branch of an international bank. Compared to other local men (eg. my Singapore male cousins) - all they do is complain about NS and poke the buttons on electronic gadgets. Myself, I enjoyed my NS days.


Dude to be honest not all ang moh/foreigner or german men are like that husband of the cousin of yours. I am sure there are many german men that whine all day about this and that subsequently i am sure there are sinkie guys out there that are adventurous and love to do numerous things and are high fliers in their careers too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dude to be honest not all ang moh/foreigner or german men are like that husband of the cousin of yours. I am sure there are many german men that whine all day about this and that subsequently i am sure there are sinkie guys out there that are adventurous and love to do numerous things and are high fliers in their careers too.

well said...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Other than spreading all the wrong doings by the PAP regime to further discourage those that I encounter, I already resided out of Sinkie Land as Plan B.

yes...we must speak to our friends, family and colleagues abt PAP's abuses, wrong doings and bad policies


Alfrescian (Inf)
One sentence: Fuck the PAP.

I'd never believe a word from them nowadays.

At least you woke up nowadays.
20 years ago, I realised that nothing but lies came from them in form of beautiful self serving words.
Their footprints told me a totally different story and I realised their words were meant only for our ears.
And they never meant what they said.

Just as a con man will never walk to you telling you that he want to con you of your money.
The con man will tell you wonderful words and then part you from your money.

At least the con man and thief just take your money and walk away
Fucking chowcheebye LKY and his fucking cockroaches in white after taking your money, stay on to take even more money from you.
And then want you to thank them for their pleasure of robbing the money from you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hawkers being charged a bomb so cannot engage assistants.
Using sinkies as unpaid hawker assistants to convey food from hawker to table under slogan of self service

Something PAP MPs and their running dogs never have to face as they are paid $$$$$$$ from $ taken from us and can go eat at french and italian restaurants with waiters to serve them.

For sinkies , it is the chopping of places with tissue paper and acting as hawker assistants.

Now they think of using sinkies to dispose of rubbish from table.
Next will be sinkies doing the washing up for the hawkers

Just one of the many ways cockroaches in white make sinkies head to go down to ground and arse hole high up up to be screwed at by them to their hearts content

So it seems sinkaporeans are delighted to learn how to be hawker asssistants in serving themselves and chopping seats at tables.
That is not an abuse if sinkgaporeans were so abused by that that they decided that is natural.


Well said Tracy,
PAP really abusive they just do what they want and don't care less about
the ppl who vote them in! there's a Malay saying: "Kachang lupar kulit"


Alfrescian (Inf)
At least you woke up nowadays.
20 years ago, I realised that nothing but lies came from them in form of beautiful self serving words.
Their footprints told me a totally different story and I realised their words were meant only for our ears.
And they never meant what they said.

Just as a con man will never walk to you telling you that he want to con you of your money.
The con man will tell you wonderful words and then part you from your money.

At least the con man and thief just take your money and walk away
Fucking chowcheebye LKY and his fucking cockroaches in white after taking your money, stay on to take even more money from you.
And then want you to thank them for their pleasure of robbing the money from you.

you are a wise and enlightened man. we wish more Singaporeans are like you.

We must not just listen to what the pap say. We must be discerning and see what they do. A liar can easily be detected by what they do