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One Singaporean's Story for Migrating


Who says grumbling doesnt help?

Well, we grumbled abt the unfair GRC system. PAP added more NCMPs and NMPs and reduce the GRC size. We grumbled abt the huge inflow of FTs; now they say they are going to 'calibrate' it. We grumbled abt the HDB flat prices and affordability; now they say they'll build more. So it goes on.

Of cos, we are still not happy with their answers, because they are so arrogant with their wealth and insult us by saying that we're lazy and choosy, and taunt us with their disbelief and out of touchness. So we must fight on.

If we follow you, hunker down and 'change your expectations', we'll get bullied even more. So even if more Opp means a slower govt, more trading, so be it. The patient is so ill now he has to get worse before he gets better.

So you register your unhappiness by voting against the PAP and not because the opposition has a platform you believe in. In that way, you become the opposition's pawn.

The same problem remains - you still need to get on with your life. Voting against the PAP relieves your anger, but you still need concrete actions to further your own life.

What I am saying is that your desires and happiness does not lie in any party but in your own actions.

Have a good day :smile:


Aw c'mon, how can taking part in the political system be construed as being somebody's pawn? What are these steps relevant to yrself? An example?
By voting for somebody/nobody, you are signalling that you subscribe to that someone/nobody else's stand, platform or manifesto who best fitsdo not fit yr needs. That, or you stand as an independent. No such thing as neutral. A neutral guy is a freeloader.

Ah there you are getting abusive. No need for that.

Still I will end my discussion at this point.

Have a good day even if our opinions do not agree :smile:


What I am saying is that your desires and happiness does not lie in any party but in your own actions.


what kind of answer is this? surely u must be from the ruling parties.

please get out of our emigrant uncaring faces.


Some people just don't get it. Who says protest votes are mere palliatives. That's naive. Even the PAP regards a protest vote seriously.
PAP leaders must be laughing their way to the nomination centres comforted by the thought that Sinkies will cast a vote for PAP because they don't believe in casting a protest vote when a clear Opp choice is not there. That will be the death of the Opposition's cause now and forever.


Who says grumbling doesnt help?

Well, we grumbled abt the unfair GRC system. PAP added more NCMPs and NMPs and reduce the GRC size. We grumbled abt the huge inflow of FTs; now they say they are going to 'calibrate' it. We grumbled abt the HDB flat prices and affordability; now they say they'll build more. So it goes on.

"Grumble" is may not be a good word..

We "seek answers" and we "question the outcomes".. Only a true leader will provide full explanation... convince and persuade his men to rally behind him.. What you see now.. is our leader refusing to take on tough questions. Bringing fear to the public. And sit on their comfort chairs collecting paychecks and votes..

The media can be on their side but not the google world :smile: Soon they'll face the toughest fight of all time... they sued for bankruptcy? soon they'll understand the pain.. If they ever run-road to down under, I'll make sure I throw rotten eggs (at them) on a daily basis :smile: hehehe


Tks for the contribution, but I was really using the original writer's word.

While I'm here, I might just say it again, as one can't say enough of it.
Protest votes are a second resort to expressing your displeasure with the PAP's policies, acions, attitudes etc. The first resort of course is to vote for the Opposition. It's a zero sum game. One vote for the Opp or one spoilt vote denies the PAP one vote. If you continue to vote for the PAP and give them an overwhelming majority, the next thing you know they are gloating already - how you have given them the mandate to bring in more FTs, to raise ERPs, to affirm that HDB flats are affordable, to sell yr mother etc. Many of you have amnesia - soon after the 2006 GE they raise GST ok? So while you may vote them in because they kept yr lifts clean, and you get electricity when you turn on the switch, the PAP treats yr vote as mandate to do all those nasty thins to you telling you it's medicine good for you, bitter but good. So think wisely, dont waste that vote. Give it to the Opp. or spite them by a protest vote.

"Grumble" is may not be a good word..

We "seek answers" and we "question the outcomes".. Only a true leader will provide full explanation... convince and persuade his men to rally behind him.. What you see now.. is our leader refusing to take on tough questions. Bringing fear to the public. And sit on their comfort chairs collecting paychecks and votes..

The media can be on their side but not the google world :smile: Soon they'll face the toughest fight of all time... they sued for bankruptcy? soon they'll understand the pain.. If they ever run-road to down under, I'll make sure I throw rotten eggs (at them) on a daily basis :smile: hehehe

Aussie Prick

Did i touched a raw nerve? Note that i did not tell you what to do. You can do what you want. But what gives you the right to abuse others?

You should know that there are people who find singapore worthwhile enough to come here. People who lived with situations they cannot control but try their best to find good solutions. People who do not find singapore to be a problem because they compare it with problems elsewhere. People who find PAP a big problem but live with it and find their own solutions.

My final point still stands. If you want to leave, then leave. If you want to stay, then stay. But there is no need to grumble. Grumbling doesn't help.

The OP has found happiness overseas. Not everyone is predisposed to living under an Orweillian regime. Some seek liberty. Some seek challenge. Some seek communion with nature. Singapore is not for everyone.

I take issue with people like you who sell themselves short and say "dont grumble". I take issue with an entire generation of Singaporeans who are incapable of thinking for themselves - maybe its not your fault as the state has turned you into a vertiable robot.

I am a human being not an economic unit. This has been discussed at length but please dont come here and try to impose your Singaporean feel-good agenda here. There are those who are interested in truly living life to its fullest.

As far as the future is concerned - and this is my opinion - after looking at the master plan - Singapore does indeed have a future. And to me it looks like Hong Kong with Lee's ghost forever overshadowing the people. Another wasted generation. How sad.

But many dont want that future. Many want to live.


Did i touched a raw nerve? Note that i did not tell you what to do. You can do what you want. But what gives you the right to abuse others?

You should know that there are people who find singapore worthwhile enough to come here. People who lived with situations they cannot control but try their best to find good solutions. People who do not find singapore to be a problem because they compare it with problems elsewhere. People who find PAP a big problem but live with it and find their own solutions.

My final point still stands. If you want to leave, then leave. If you want to stay, then stay. But there is no need to grumble. Grumbling doesn't help.

The only people who find it worthwhile are the FTrashes who use Singapore as a door to the Western world. I mean instead of bringing in cheap FTrahses to replace Singaporeans who are leaving, shouldn't the govt be focused on how to retain the vast majority who leave? I don't think that the PAP realizes that the problem is themselves.