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John Tan speaks his mind


PAP knows what people (hard core - usually 60% with another 15% swing vote). WP is going for the hard core 25% opposition voters, the 15% swing and trying to bite into at least 10% more of the hardcore PAP supporters. The reCHEEme can't even get any of the 15% swing voters and sometimes even lose the hardcore opposition voters.

The media has distorted facts and negatively portrayed SDP so badly that these affected its share of votes. It is the 144th ranked media with its battalions of prostitutes and running dogs journalists fawning on their ultimate paymasters and hounding the SDP for their career advancements.


Singaporeans will let the MONGREL who bit his masters' hands LOUDAILER chee soon juan and his reCHEEme and all they represent rot in jail.

When it comes to their own money, Singaporeans will not relent in getting their money back. That is why the reCHEEme gets charged again and again and again while the MAS is quick to demand that the banks make amends for any misselling of the minibonds.

Chee is breaking unjust laws, going to jail each time but coming out stronger each time.


It is a long hard slog not suitable for the weak minded and faint hearted political wannabes. I salute them for their strong political beliefs and convictions.

when er do something, its not abt the process but its abt result.

though one cant be fault for not trying, one can be faulted for using the wrong process and in the end still unable to produce any result no matter what.

u can claim whatever u want to be but y take the long hard road when the short soft road could get better results? what r u? sadist? want to suffer when suffering is not needed?

political conviction is one thing, stubborn and not using the brain is another. its uselss to have ultra strong strong cnviction when ur mind is clouded by what could be a better way towards the objective when u just want to show others u r sufferomg towards ur objective.

hey, singaporeans aint stupid, they might r more calculative and practical than you ever expect them to be.


is it fair that one unhappiness from a very vengeful chap be allowed to spread through the land? does that make an unhappy person happier if many are unhappy along with him??

chao ah kwa you've shown yourself not only to be most unhappy and most vengeful but also most JEALOUS!!!

haha you kena diabetes and even your fucking kidneys kaput liao

fucking moron you claimed to be a Buddhist so karma bounce and karma kicked you in your rotten karchng ... LOL

when did your doctor said must go for amputation?

PAP dog did asked your PAP MP Ah Baey to get you discounts for amputation?

knowing your cheebai kia type of con you will also ask for free clutches and motorized wheelchair!

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Porfirio Rubirosa

Not all of the time.

And the track record after the 1st generation PAP old guard appears to be getting more blotchy year by year, made worse by its loss of moral standing to govern after pegging ministerial salaries to the top private sector group.

The government knows what matters and what doesn't.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Did JBJ "cook up a distorted tale"?

Did Francis Seow "cook up a distorted tale"?

Did Tang Liang Hong "cook up a distorted tale"?

Did President Ong Teng Cheong ""cook up a distorted tale"?

Did Devan Nair "cook up a distorted tale"?

did chee cook up a distorted tale from a wrong city??!!


when er do something, its not abt the process but its abt result.

though one cant be fault for not trying, one can be faulted for using the wrong process and in the end still unable to produce any result no matter what.

Every society encourages its people to try and not to be afraid of failures. You belong to those who are resistance to change, even though you know that the change will bring greater good.

Whether political activism will make further headway in the years ahead, nobody knows for sure. Only time can tell.


u can claim whatever u want to be but y take the long hard road when the short soft road could get better results? what r u? sadist? want to suffer when suffering is not needed?

political conviction is one thing, stubborn and not using the brain is another. its uselss to have ultra strong strong cnviction when ur mind is clouded by what could be a better way towards the objective when u just want to show others u r sufferomg towards ur objective.

hey, singaporeans aint stupid, they might r more calculative and practical than you ever expect them to be.

On the contrary, the path Chee and his activists have chosen requires a lot more brain than the one you seems to favour. You need a very good brain, guts and clear thinking to take on the best and brightest in the establishment.

S'poreans generally are meek, calculative and ultra materialistic. But I don't think they will reject more rights given to them.

You appear to enjoy seeing pain and suffering inflicted on Chee and his activists. Are you a sadist?


At least, today, the unjust acts, strong arm tactics, tyrannical oppression by LKY and PAP are attracting international attention. Unlike the 70s, the tyrant abuses his power to quash those that oppose him and abuses his power to benefit his own family members. Even though it is still practise today, but the famiLEE has legalize the corrupted practises.

However, sinkies are still sinkies - willing slaves and they have no wish to liberalize themselves except for some minorities. For one, I am not a willing slave and Kuntakinte will never be a willing slave.......

Chee is breaking unjust laws, going to jail each time but coming out stronger each time.


Economically happy and politically fearful emotions can and do co-exist in S'pore.

FEAR is overly exaggerated by sdppies. the correct term should be arrogant defiance against the LAW. the actual "FEAR" should be the one that they need to answer for their antics.

they lost because there wasn't anything logical, rational and sensibility that supported their actions. they lost not because of FEAR but because they themselves couldn't account reasonably and acceptably for their actions.


Did JBJ "cook up a distorted tale"?

Did Francis Seow "cook up a distorted tale"?

Did Tang Liang Hong "cook up a distorted tale"?

Did President Ong Teng Cheong ""cook up a distorted tale"?

Did Devan Nair "cook up a distorted tale"?

in the remaining times of JBJ, he was enlightened and realised all that he was fighting for was rather personal.

tang n seow fell into the verbal traps. they were lawyers and they should know better.

otc appeared to have discovered something hideous. it was a pity he didn't push it all the way. why? we would never know.

devan was full of nonsense until they couldn't cover up any longer which soured the relationship between he n the old man.

in the end, the clash between the paps and all the incumbents turned into something more personal than political...except for otc who quietly faded away.


At least, today, the unjust acts, strong arm tactics, tyrannical oppression by LKY and PAP are attracting international attention. Unlike the 70s, the tyrant abuses his power to quash those that oppose him and abuses his power to benefit his own family members. Even though it is still practise today, but the famiLEE has legalize the corrupted practises.

However, sinkies are still sinkies - willing slaves and they have no wish to liberalize themselves except for some minorities. For one, I am not a willing slave and Kuntakinte will never be a willing slave.......

Actually during the 70s and 80s, the Singapore Govt used to get a lot of flak from developed govts, their opposition numbers and political parties. Very common then for snide remarks and accusation hurled at the PAP and the old man. Its was also a period when we had a lot of political detainees, suitability certificate for tertiary admissions, Tan Wah Piow's supposed riots. Remember Socialist International and the crucification old man received. In those days, there were alot of issues such as gagging the press, assault on Nanyang Siang Pau, the Herald. Even the Australians lodged complaints. Even UN bodies like the ILO used to take pot shots on a regular basis. In those days, there was no Internet so we really do not what are the other complaints unless you are frequent traveller.

Nowdays except for some silly NGOs and the guy from NYT, not a whimper. The only recent remark was during the IMF.

Thats why the tactic has to change. The PAP has removed all the obvious manifestations of authoritarian rule. They are now very subtle.

We have to get votes. NGOs are basically the bottom of the opinion stakes and there are thousands of them. Except for going on junkets and attending meetings, there is very little result from NGOs. Said Zahari's release was as a result of pressure from the House of Lord and not Amnesty or other NGOs.

Singaporeans I realise do not read widely, know very little of the country's history and thus seem to clutch at straws when discussing options.

My sense is that the capable ones who know that changes has to be made will move in when old man kicks the bucket.