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Jabs and potshots on Obama


Palin is using the VP slot as her nationwide OJT program as well, and that's saying it lot. Plus she was only in charge of a state that has 650,000 people. It may sound a lot to a lot of Singaporeans, but for such a large state like Alaska, its probably like 3 people for every 100 sq km or something like that.

Palin had her training on executive experience beforehand. Its Obama who has gotta do a OJT program in the White House.

3 people for every 100 sq km? yes, but its a fucking big piece of land to manage.


Palin had her training on executive experience beforehand. Its Obama who has gotta do a OJT program in the White House.

3 people for every 100 sq km? yes, but its a fucking big piece of land to manage.

Yes a land full of poor animals slaughtered by her and her gun savvy members. Animal right groups should protest more.


Obama personally said he would not say anything on Palin's family or character. Biden too.

wait for the VP debates. Then see how great you Palin is not.

BS lah. This Obama, one mouth say one thing, action wise, different direction...


Obama: I Have More Executive Experience Than Palin

<!-- No Summary --> Barack Obama contends that he is more experienced in executive matters than Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because he has managed his presidential campaign for the past 18 months.

Speaking on a cable news channel Monday night, the Democratic presidential nominee said he is better prepared to handle a disaster like Hurricane Gustav because of his pursuit of the White House.

“Well, my understanding is that Governor Palin’s town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We’ve got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. So I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute I think has been made clear over the last couple of years,” Obama said.

John McCain’s spokesman called the suggestion “laughable.”

“For Barack Obama to argue that he’s experienced enough to be president because he’s running for president is desperate circular logic and its laughable. It is a testament to Barack Obama’s inexperience and failing qualifications that he would stoop to passing off his candidacy as comparable to Governor Sarah Palin’s executive experience managing a budget of over $10 billion and more than 24,000 employees,” said spokesman Tucker Bounds.

Republican National Committee Victory 2008 Chairwoman Carly Fiorina also blasted the Democratic campaign.

“I am appalled by the Obama campaign’s attempts to belittle Governor Sarah Palin’s experience. The facts are that Sarah Palin has made more executive decisions as a mayor and governor than Barack Obama has made in his life,” Fiorina said, adding that the Obama camp’s attacks raise the question of sexism.

“Because of Hillary Clinton’s historic run for the presidency and the treatment she received, American women are more highly tuned than ever to recognize and decry sexism in all its forms. They will not tolerate sexist treatment of Governor Palin,” she said


Am I right to say its Obama who is the first to brought up the issue of Palin's executive experience? So why the flip flop from the Obama's camp, and say, executive experience is not an issue??

The question is not whether about Palin's executive experience, but why after so many months of McCain questioning Obama's lack of experience, and then choosing a person like Palin, a person even younger and whose scale of responsibility was even smaller than Gov. Kaine, or Barack Obama.

And as Jon Stewart pointed out in the Daily Show clip, Karl Rove has no reason to promote Palin as a mayor of the "2nd biggest city in Alaska" as a viable VP when her hometown is no more than a small town of 7000 to 9000, while Gov Kaine was the mayor of Richmond- in the late 90s- in his home state which had 200,000 population, and was also considered to be in the top shortlist of Obama's choice.

Besides there's the many questions that have come out through the internet and through the media about her decisions she took. The Bridge To Nowhere flip-flop encapsulate what a hypocrite Gov. Palin is. And the democrats will bring that- and others of a professional nature in relation to her job- to the open sunlight. And that's how it should be done.


Palin had her training on executive experience beforehand. Its Obama who has gotta do a OJT program in the White House.

3 people for every 100 sq km? yes, but its a fucking big piece of land to manage.

Oh please. What a joke. In this post of you, you have indeed become a big mockery you have made yourself up to be. I can't believe you are still trying to have this debates. You're just turning round and round in your arguments, because you have nothing left.


The question is not whether about Palin's executive experience, but why after so many months of McCain questioning Obama's lack of experience, and then choosing a person like Palin, a person even younger and whose scale of responsibility was even smaller than Gov. Kaine, or Barack Obama.

And as Jon Stewart pointed out in the Daily Show clip, Karl Rove has no reason to promote Palin as a mayor of the "2nd biggest city in Alaska" as a viable VP when her hometown is no more than a small town of 7000 to 9000, while Gov Kaine was the mayor of Richmond- in the late 90s- in his home state which had 200,000 population, and was also considered to be in the top shortlist of Obama's choice.

Besides there's the many questions that have come out through the internet and through the media about her decisions she took. The Bridge To Nowhere flip-flop encapsulate what a hypocrite Gov. Palin is. And the democrats will bring that- and others of a professional nature in relation to her job- to the open sunlight. And that's how it should be done.

haha... After Palin's RNC speech, most of the republicans are so glad of McCain choice. Only the Democrat and Obama's supporters are so concern with McCain's choice of VP. Which of course, its understandable: Palin is a threat to the Obama's camp. She's hot!


Oh please. What a joke. In this post of you, you have indeed become a big mockery you have made yourself up to be. I can't believe you are still trying to have this debates. You're just turning round and round in your arguments, because you have nothing left.

Why's that? You think its easy to be a Governor of Alaska?


Alfrescian (Inf)
haha... After Palin's RNC speech, most of the republicans are so glad of McCain choice. ....!

According to the news, she's making speeches but takes no questions. Why not let her take up questions?

Pretty obvious that they think she'll have a case of foot in mouth. She's got many extreme views that are sure to alienate moderates. She's a loose canon that has to be 'managed' :biggrin:


nobody questioning biden's experience u twit. its Obama's experience which is the focus.

Obama is not the one to debate with your idol Palin, asshole, Biden will. In any case, Biden or Obama have more brains that the whole republican pre marital sex, guan totting team has. Brains that can transfer good policies, not simply drilling more oil and allowing more US soldiers to die in an unlawful war.


Obama is not the one to debate with your idol Palin, asshole, Biden will. In any case, Biden or Obama have more brains that the whole republican pre marital sex, guan totting team has. Brains that can transfer good policies, not simply drilling more oil and allowing more US soldiers to die in an unlawful war.

hey dumbfuck. end of the day its not how u perceive them candidates. its the americans perception. and dick morris (political analyst) had said it well, obama think too much. over thinking. thats why he cant react well in debate. he cant think on his toes. he's too blood BRAINY! he's good only in his speeches.

lets see how the americans react to his, 'erm..... annnnnnddd..... erm...' speech pattern result of over thinking, this coming November.


Why's that? You think its easy to be a Governor of Alaska?

Its not that, buddy you. Its about the scale of responsibility, and the scale of political battles that she has in Alaska, as compared to her rivals for the nomination in her party, whom both were, as I said, in charge of states that were more populated, and had bigger Democrat opposition in the state legislatures- which forced them to be a bit more bi-partisan.

After all, as I said, Mitt Romney passed a statewide universal health care plan in his home state as Governor, and he couldn't have passed it without the help of Sen. Ted Kennedy, a liberal Democrat, and the state legislature majority leaders, also Democrats, in both local Houses.


Its not that, buddy you. Its about the scale of responsibility, and the scale of political battles that she has in Alaska, as compared to her rivals for the nomination in her party, whom both were, as I said, in charge of states that were more populated, and had bigger Democrat opposition in the state legislatures- which forced them to be a bit more bi-partisan.

After all, as I said, Mitt Romney passed a statewide universal health care plan in his home state as Governor, and he couldn't have passed it without the help of Sen. Ted Kennedy, a liberal Democrat, and the state legislature majority leaders, also Democrats, in both local Houses.

u still think mitt romney is a better choice than palin for VP candidate? its u are the amazing one who wanna keep this debate on. there's no doubt that Palin had strongly boost up the Mccain's poll. romney don't bring that kind of energy to the republican camp.


u still think mitt romney is a better choice than palin for VP candidate? its u are the amazing one who wanna keep this debate on. there's no doubt that Palin had strongly boost up the Mccain's poll. romney don't bring that kind of energy to the republican camp.

Polls mean nothing. Americans know that if they want their troops to suceed in the War against Al Queda, they'll vote Obama. Even the Pentagon acknowledges its tiem to transfer troops. Bush and McCain wants troops there forever, putting thousands of young Americans at risk.


u still think mitt romney is a better choice than palin for VP candidate? its u are the amazing one who wanna keep this debate on. there's no doubt that Palin had strongly boost up the Mccain's poll. romney don't bring that kind of energy to the republican camp.

You know, there's something more important than poll numbers. Poll numbers don't help you govern in a proper way, the rightful way, and it clearly doesn't give you a lot of wisdom. I mean, look at Bush. He won 2 elections, and had Karl Rove at the bean counter- but did it help Bush become a good President?

The same goes here: so what if Palin and McCain has the poll numbers now? It doesn't mean they will be good if they are elected- if most of us have to come to terms with such a consequence. That doesn't mean they are right on the environment. That doesn't mean that they are right in any assertion about any war with Iran. That doesn't mean they are right in extending the Bush tax cuts. That doesn't mean they are right in appointing more conservative judges so that society can be managed by government and special interests. That doesn't mean that they are right to isolate Russia and China just because both countries aren't democratic.

In the end, the Obama-Biden team is right about many things, and do the things that are required to repair the damage done by the Bush administration. The only question is that many heartland Americans are leery about change, and the world outside of their world, and they have many qualms about candidates talking about change and globalisation, let alone a candidate who happens to be black. But if the question is about economical security, financial security, and social security and social safety, the democrats have it right. Now their challenge is to make it palatable for all Americans.

Because in the end, McCain and Palin is more of the same, and not a change team. Why is it so? That's because their records say so.


McCain gets Barack'rolled in the recent RNC convention:

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