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Heavily Partitioned Condo for Rent - Legal? Humane? Insatiable Greed!


Alfrescian (Inf)
agree. we need a visionary leader who can give us a Singapore Standard of living that will be the envy of other 1st world nations.

You want Swiss standard of living? Ok, first thing first...........Make Goh Chok Tong liberate the gun laws in Singapore.

Every Swiss adult is legally required to possess a gun. We should also be allowed to legally carry guns in Singapore. We're wussies who had allowed LKY to ban our basic human rights to bear arms to protect ourselves.

Then we also allowed LKY to ban cannabis, which can cure cancer. It's laws that restrict us that you guys are welcoming. How dumb can you get?




My neighbor has 45 people staying inside his 3-room flat.........they're all relatives and next-of-kin. You have a problem with it?
There are several incidents of deaths resulting from overcrowded buildings with insufficient escape route. Go google it yourself instead of ranting like a mad person.

It is your stupid self for allowing your neighbor to squeeze so many people into his unit. Most people will not tolerate a pile of shit in their neighborhood, but if you like such living conditions, knock yourself out.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)

My neighbor has 45 people staying inside his 3-room flat.........they're all relatives and next-of-kin. You have a problem with it?
When growing up I had neighbors who squeezed extended family members 10-20 pax in their tiny 3 room hdb....our family of 7 felt so blessed.
I dun think TS wants the vile pap to do anything....pap wont do anything either because there's no money to be made and this is afterall a peasant problem that won't affect the elites.
In the meantime those who crammed with FTs...grin and bear it.
Those lucky ones who are not....just for your info it could be you next...
Those smart ones will make lemonade from lemons and profit from this...
Huat to all for voting pap!


Alfrescian (Inf)
city square is apparently well known for this sort of thing and other residents are defiantely not happy.

im almost next door, and the smallest unit in my building is 32sqm... including a huge balcony and and bomb shelter as well... owner cannot find tenants,
i was in the lift with his agent and now they want to put in bunk beds, so that owner can hopefully get the rent price he wants...

should develper even be allowed to sell a unit that has livable space of LESS than 32 sq m?

but of course, one has to be FOOking grateful for whatever one can get with no thought to any other considerations .... superb singapore style

Better than staying in a van...........so you complain so much for what? Imagine you've no place to stay but in a cave............and then you asking the government for a licence to stay in a cave...............DAMNED, WHY ARE THERE SUCH DUMB PEOPLE IN SINGAPORE, IT IS MIND-BOGGLING.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When growing up I had neighbors who squeezed extended family members 10-20 pax in their tiny 3 room hdb....our family of 7 felt so blessed.
I dun think TS wants the vile pap to do anything....pap wont do anything either because there's no money to be made and this is afterall a peasant problem that won't affect the elites.
In the meantime those who crammed with FTs...grin and bear it.
Those lucky ones who are not....just for your info it could be you next...
Those smart ones will make lemonade from lemons and profit from this...
Huat to all for voting pap!

There're many FTs staying in condos and terrace houses.................the fact remains that if you're just average, no matter if you're an FT or not, all are considered peasants................YES, THERE'RE PEASANT FTs too..............and RICH, filthy rich FTs who stay in condos and bungalows with swimming pools.

This is a fact of life. Deal with it.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Better than staying in a van...........so you complain so much for what? Imagine you've no place to stay but in a cave............and then you asking the government for a licence to stay in a cave...............DAMNED, WHY ARE THERE SUCH DUMB PEOPLE IN SINGAPORE, IT IS MIND-BOGGLING.

ya lor, so i must be eternally FOOking greateful what and know my place


i always feel that threads like these only serve to prove that many shit-stirrers always rely on the government to control our lives. Frankly, what some one else does with his own property is none of anybody's else concern. Everything to these morons are illegal except what the government explicitly says so. This is nonsense thinking from idiots.

Some people have not much money and these small rooms for rent could be a god-send................if it is not humane, then they would not stay in it. Simple as that.

agree with you.

While others see a problem with this, i call it entrepreneurship.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There are several incidents of deaths resulting from overcrowded buildings with insufficient escape route. Go google it yourself instead of ranting like a mad person.

It is your stupid self for allowing your neighbor to squeeze so many people into his unit. Most people will not tolerate a pile of shit in their neighborhood, but if you like such living conditions, knock yourself out.

Show me the evidence that Singaporeans had died due to over-crowding.
Dun ask me to Google.....................


Alfrescian (Inf)
ya lor, so i must be eternally FOOking greateful what and know my place

No..............it's your mindset that you need to change.

No one is giving you problem. But instead, you ask the government can you do this, can you do that? THAT IS STUPID AND NO MEDICINE CAN CURE SUCH STUPIDITY. YOU JUST NEED TO CHANGE YOUR FUCKING MIND SET.

Dun always depend and rely on the government to complain this and that about your neighbors and yourself. Change your fucking mindset and you'll be fine.


I cant understand why pple keep talking about swiss standard of living??????
Goh chok tong was an idiot to mention that.
Sporeans are even more idiotic to believe what gct said.

Just like the thousands of sporeans buying with ppty in jb thinking it will some economic powerhouse; all that iskandar development nonsense; about how the sultan is personally overseeing the project blah blah; about how spore gov also going in etc...

As though our spore gov has a good track record in overseas investments.

Remember suzhou ???

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Nonsense...........we have a lot of unused land in Singapore..................many of them are State Land. Singapore is not crowded. The government made it seems like so, that's all.

You do not have to put up with FT shit because you do not live in a condo. If you happen to live in a condo with such FT shit, just too bad. There is no law to say a condo owner cannot let out his own property to others. You dun like FT shit as your neighbor, go buy a bungalow to stay in. Simple as that.

We're not caged. There is no such thing as Swiss standard of living. Goh Chok Tong was speaking through his arse then. He still is.
Why so? Because this is Singapore................not Switzerland. Deal with it.

Look, this is Switzerland............

Thank you for helping the cause.
I am not here to kpkb for pap to do anything....
I am here to gloat at the dumbfucks who voted pap in.

FYI it was my bad luck when my condo was colonized by ah nehs....I did not wait for vile pap to rescue me....I partitioned my unit and rent out to FTs....i pocket rental 70% higher than if I just rent out whole unit.

Another unit in the city I rent out bed space to working ladies I squeeze dozens of them in....daily collect cash without need to pay pay taxes. Rental returns this way works out to more than 10%....where to find in SG?
I am looking for properties to do similar in geylang and joo chiat.

You dun need to believe....I have posted this before....that's why me so free to fuck pap here everyday....
I make lemonade from lemons.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
There're many FTs staying in condos and terrace houses.................the fact remains that if you're just average, no matter if you're an FT or not, all are considered peasants................YES, THERE'RE PEASANT FTs too..............and RICH, filthy rich FTs who stay in condos and bungalows with swimming pools.

This is a fact of life. Deal with it.

I am not only dealing with it...I am reminding fellow sinkies of it.
Thank you for helping to show up the social divide...this will come in handy for the revolution....if not at least for GE 2016


thank you for helping the cause.
I am not here to kpkb for pap to do anything....
I am here to gloat at the dumbfucks who voted pap in.

Fyi it was my bad luck when my condo was colonized by ah nehs....i did not wait for vile pap to rescue me....i partitioned my unit and rent out to fts....i pocket rental 70% higher than if i just rent out whole unit.

Another unit in the city i rent out bed space to working ladies i squeeze dozens of them in....daily collect cash without need to pay pay taxes. Rental returns this way works out to more than 10%....where to find in sg?
I am looking for properties to do similar in geylang and joo chiat.

You dun need to believe....i have posted this before....that's why me so free to fuck pap here everyday....
I make lemonade from lemons.

i admire your style.

While most sinkies complain and complain about why this can or cannot etc...
Others secretly make money!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No..............it's your mindset that you need to change.

No one is giving you problem. But instead, you ask the government can you do this, can you do that? THAT IS STUPID AND NO MEDICINE CAN CURE SUCH STUPIDITY. YOU JUST NEED TO CHANGE YOUR FUCKING MIND SET.

Dun always depend and rely on the government to complain this and that about your neighbors and yourself. Change your fucking mindset and you'll be fine.

i most defiantely do not reply on the gov

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I cant understand why pple keep talking about swiss standard of living??????
Goh chok tong was an idiot to mention that.
Sporeans are even more idiotic to believe what gct said.

Just like the thousands of sporeans buying with ppty in jb thinking it will some economic powerhouse; all that iskandar development nonsense; about how the sultan is personally overseeing the project blah blah; about how spore gov also going in etc...

As though our spore gov has a good track record in overseas investments.

Remember suzhou ???

No one believes in the Swiss standard of living...
Just harping on it to show the liar and outrageous promises of GCT and pappies at large.
Yes remind sinkies of Suzhou and the likes.
Iskandar I hope they fail....more sinkies will hate pap when it does...


no one believes in the swiss standard of living...
Just harping on it to show the liar and outrageous promises of gct and pappies at large.
Yes remind sinkies of suzhou and the likes.
Iskandar i hope they fail....more sinkies will hate pap when it does...

politics all over the world is about lying; spore is no different.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i most defiantely do not reply on the gov

So you dun rely on the govt, so why you complain so much asking for the govt to impose this, restrict that for owners renting their own property out for fuck???

If you're smart, you would time-share your van usage. There're many who needs to stay in a van, just like you but could not afford a van. Are you going to ask the govt permission if you can do that or not? Most probably, your shackled mindset will cage you in because you think the govt is KING.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
i admire your style.

While most sinkies complain and complain about why this can or cannot etc...
Others secretly make money!

I make small money compared to the white leeches that's why I still fuck the pap.
Because I feel for my fellow sinkies and my children and their children next time.