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George Yeo can break SAF bond while Dr Allan Ooi can't???


I guess the herd instinct got the better of him. But if you recall Wong Kang Seng was baying for blood until Chua Sister Sr told LHL to call off the dogs.

As it was in his constituency, George should have taken the lead.

You are right about Tommy and his mentor until the very end was Raja.

Perhaps you have a short memory because i recall George eventually resorted to dirty gutter politics started by Harry against James Gomez when George appeared to insinuate in public that James was the same as a shop lifter/thief...he first appeared to show this dirty side and exposed his 'fangs' when he publicly attacked and cornered Dr Chee in the televised parliamentary meeting on health care costs in the 90s

Scroobal is probably right to say that George may be intellectually one of the smartest amongst all the PAPs but he is certainly not below getting dirty and grimy in the political arena so I would not ascribe "grace" to his character...

the one with true "grace" is Tommy Koh and he is honest enough to admit that he rather be a golden retriever and stay clear of the party political arena not wanting to get his hands dirty...

Porfirio Rubirosa

Sorry Locke but i don't buy that one bit...there was NO NEED for George to stoop to such gutter politics and make such public statements against James...i expected that of Harry and goons like WKS...no this demonstrated his true character which inevitably comes out when one is under pressure...

Dear Por

I would say that G was an unwilling participant in the PAP's attacks on J Gomez. In terms of the J Gomez bandwagon there was varying degree's of errr eagerness in the line of attack started by WKS. Some who could stayed out of it intelligently aka Tharman all the way in Jurong. G Yeo I would say made the best of a bad deal



there was NO NEED for George to stoop to such gutter politics and make such public statements against James

Unfortunately he couldn't stay out like Tharman or whatever other examples who were not involved - he was in the thick of action. What would the ministers busy tossing Gomez all around think if the minister he faced kept silent.

Porfirio Rubirosa

I think you, Locke and Goh Meng Seng are being a tad too kind to George over this issue...

Look as you rightly pointed out George is no babe in the woods, he is an intellectual heavyweight powerhouse...again i say there was NO NEED for him to muddy his hands...in fact GCT came out of this sad pathetic episode much better when he was the first to publicly come out and say "let's move on"...unfortunately he too capitulated to some extent when he did a u turn the next day probably after being brow beaten by Harry but to his credit he never stooped to George's level of playing gutter dirty politics during that episode...

Raja was an intellectual heavyweight par excellence...and like you said a humble man who was not interested in pomp wealth and ostentatious living...however Raja was also knew how to play the dirty gutter politics game unlike his mentee Tommy...

Out of the old guard heavyweights...i think the one who stood out most for grace and humility and who did not play Harry's dirty games was Hon Sui Sen
I guess the herd instinct got the better of him. But if you recall Wong Kang Seng was baying for blood until Chua Sister Sr told LHL to call off the dogs.

As it was in his constituency, George should have taken the lead.

You are right about Tommy and his mentor until the very end was Raja.


Ok, you got me.

I think you, Locke and Goh Meng Seng are being a tad too kind to George over this issue...

Look as you rightly pointed out George is no babe in the woods, he is an intellectual heavyweight powerhouse...again i say there was NO NEED for him to muddy his hands...in fact GCT came out of this sad pathetic episode much better when he was the first to publicly come out and say "let's move on"...unfortunately he too capitulated to some extent when he did a u turn the next day probably after being brow beaten by Harry but to his credit he never stooped to George's level of playing gutter dirty politics during that episode...

Raja was an intellectual heavyweight par excellence...and like you said a humble man who was not interested in pomp wealth and ostentatious living...however Raja was also knew how to play the dirty gutter politics game unlike his mentee Tommy...

Out of the old guard heavyweights...i think the one who stood out most for grace and humility and who did not play Harry's dirty games was Hon Sui Sen

Porfirio Rubirosa

Yes, but that shows his true character...i.e. that he ain't all that gentlemanly and full of grace when push comes to shove...in any event George should have taken the cue from GCT instead who never stooped to dirty name calling
Unfortunately he couldn't stay out like Tharman or whatever other examples who were not involved - he was in the thick of action. What would the ministers busy tossing Gomez all around think if the minister he faced kept silent.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Sorry Locke but i don't buy that one bit...there was NO NEED for George to stoop to such gutter politics and make such public statements against James...i expected that of Harry and goons like WKS...no this demonstrated his true character which inevitably comes out when one is under pressure...

Dear Porf,

Nobody really know the TRUTH about James Gomez affairs except those who are involved directly in one way or another. I, for one, would claim openly that James Gomez is innocent of what PAP has said about him basically because I am in the know of what happened ON THE GROUND. This is why I have defended James Gomez OPENLY in one of the rally.

I would even say that there were even times that serious doubts had been raised within WP as well as those people in the think tank about James Gomez back then.

Thus, I am not surprised at all that George Yeo would say what he had said back then, without full information and knowledge of the truth behind the event. I mean, if even WP members and helpers themselves have raised serious doubts on James Gomez back then, wouldn't it be "natural" for our opponents to make speculative statements and attacks on him?

Besides, as many people here have said, George Yeo could not possibly run away from such attacks on James Gomez, unlike Tharman or other more mild candidates within PAP's rank. He was right in front of the battlefront!

While I say George Yeo is a respectable opponent, I don't expect my opponent to be soft and lenient towards his opponents in the political contest. It is about the manner and honor that one holds in the hustling of the fighting that matters ultimately.

Goh Meng Seng


Yes, but that shows his true character...i.e. that he ain't all that gentlemanly and full of grace when push comes to shove...in any event George should have taken the cue from GCT instead who never stooped to dirty name calling

I don't know how GY is as a person and that's not important. But I think following GCT would be a bad cue. The latter already had his plate full with the opposition wards, how was GY to follow, I wonder.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Please lah Goh Meng Seng...you cannot have it both ways here ok...what George did was downright dirty gutter politics period...George could have questioned what James did in a more respectable manner without resorting to calling him a "shoplifter/thief"...sticking to the facts at hand...not playing Harry's dirty game of flamebaiting and despicable character assasination...there was "no honour" in what George did viz James' affair...

Dear Porf,

Nobody really know the TRUTH about James Gomez affairs except those who are involved directly in one way or another. I, for one, would claim openly that James Gomez is innocent of what PAP has said about him basically because I am in the know of what happened ON THE GROUND. This is why I have defended James Gomez OPENLY in one of the rally.

I would even say that there were even times that serious doubts had been raised within WP as well as those people in the think tank about James Gomez back then.

Thus, I am not surprised at all that George Yeo would say what he had said back then, without full information and knowledge of the truth behind the event. I mean, if even WP members and helpers themselves have raised serious doubts on James Gomez back then, wouldn't it be "natural" for our opponents to make speculative statements and attacks on him?

Besides, as many people here have said, George Yeo could not possibly run away from such attacks on James Gomez, unlike Tharman or other more mild candidates within PAP's rank. He was right in front of the battlefront!

While I say George Yeo is a respectable opponent, I don't expect my opponent to be soft and lenient towards his opponents in the political contest. It is about the manner and honor that one holds in the hustling of the fighting that matters ultimately.

Goh Meng Seng

Porfirio Rubirosa

No GCT was particularly relevant in this episode because GCT came out publicly to make comments on the same...GCT was the first to realise that what Harry and his goons WKS etc were doing was pure overkill and eventually GCT was vindicated when LHL realised this at the very last minute and back tracked on this dirty bad ill conceived strategy
I don't know how GY is as a person and that's not important. But I think following GCT would be a bad cue. The latter already had his plate full with the opposition wards, how was GY to follow, I wonder.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Please lah Goh Meng Seng...you cannot have it both ways here ok...what George did was downright dirty gutter politics period...George could have questioned what James did in a more respectable manner without resorting to calling him a "shoplifter/thief"...sticking to the facts at hand...not playing Harry's dirty game of flamebaiting and despicable character assasination...there was "no honour" in what George did viz James' affair...

I guess different people have different views about the manner of engagement. I would say that calling James Gomez liar, cheat...etc is even worse. :wink:

If you were on the other side, how would you put it through as a punch on your opponent? Well, personally I would not call a person a "thief or shoplifter" that easily unless I am very damn sure that I have full knowledge about the truth about the matter.

However, if my boss and comrades start to put up more devastating comments on my own opponents, what am I supposed to do? Keep quiet? Well, I for one will ask my comrades to keep out of my own fight right from the beginning. I don't think George has such luxury, really.

Goh Meng Seng


Going from one gabramen institutions (SAF) into another (Civil service) means breaking bond?



Nothing beats a good post that strikes hard... sending the sympatheticand apologetic to their hurried defences... :smile:

i am pondering.....shall i post the link of one unhappy husband who went to a office building near shenton way to find a lawyer who slept with his wife?


i bet this is much much better to show the rest of the people the TS cheated on her hubby and slept with a screwed up lawyer......LOL.


No GCT was particularly relevant in this episode because GCT came out publicly to make comments on the same...GCT was the first to realise that what Harry and his goons WKS etc were doing was pure overkill and eventually GCT was vindicated when LHL realised this at the very last minute and back tracked on this dirty bad ill conceived strategy

Hardly remember how he was involved in the matter. The chap was assigned to recapture the opposition wards, and then he was telling stories every day.


Dear Ramseth

Ahhh thats personally, politically I do not like him and would support Sylvia :_)) Personally well do not have a beef to grind :_)).



the notorious ABC troll is only abc standard who loves picking cherries off gohmengseng, baey yam keng and the likes. very soon u would be one of her favoured cherries tree. be careful. she's especially good at picky grapeseeds after u run out of cherries.

such a troll is only fitted as a discord sower and only thinks highly about herself.

let's hope she can sell her ABC executive flat at the price she bought without profiteering like what she accuses HDB in one of the lamest bo liao speech.

PM talks during NDP. ministers also speak. mps also join in. but all their messages carry real n imminent problems singapore face. they carry also the hope and aspiration we must perserve. the encouragement and the unity and harmony that all singaporeans must remind one another.

my goodness! what kind of SDP sent out to speak on their behalf? one that's not even their cec members. how cheapo and desperate can SDP really go? preaching about GLOOM & DOOM:rolleyes:

c'mon SDP listen to your own laukuabu chee s c: WAKE UP YOUR FUCKING IDEAS!!

sdp just continue to make a fools about themselves without any reservation or shame. truly sdp! the true losers!!



that's the mentality of our national betrayer opp party. what a shameful disgusting mess of shitheads!


<style></style>I am amazed at the logic of the PAP apologists here.George is a nice a and a pleasant guy so therefore he represents all that is good.Or George was nasty to Gomez so he is a baddie.What kind of shit logic is this?.....Now chew on this !...Hitler was a a vegetarian and don't drink alcohol..So I suppose our PAP apologists here should claim Hitler is personally a nice chap if not for his murder of just a few million Jews ....otherwise he is a OK guy ya ?



COOL DOWN, friend!

u must know that SDPpies are a bunch of zombied imbeciles totally misled by chee. leave them alone with their warped mentality. it only serves them the right path into the big big longkang.

the troll spoke about HDB profiteering from "subsidised" flats. let see how much she stand to PROFITEER when she sold off her IPO bought executive point block flat.

just like chiatilik who sold his 2nd floor YISHUN flat after separating from his official wifey. HOW MUCH DOES HE PROFIT?

must be alot ...or else he won't be owning 3 junk bikes that cannot move! he ownself blogged one hor...that he "got bo sen li" or those biz he handles do not bring in much dole. LOL!:rolleyes:


George was supposed was to have been the party ideologue and the foil to those who had authoritarian traits. He did his best on this but did not have the strength that Raja had. However he did help to temper many things that might have been unplatable to the masses.

Just look at the website of his wife's law practice. She does not mention any links to government unlike the rest. He is the exception. Both of them are accessible and very humble. Why do you think he is engaging Singaporeans when he has not aspirations to any higher posts.

What many are not aware is that he is probably the most intelligent in that lot.

Essentially he is not a Politician. One of those who who thought he could influence the party.

as long as they're with pap, SDP n chee shall never fail to smear them. those SDP imbeciles think along with the lesser but more sinister fool csj. they pride themselves over their silly immature and amatuerish political nonsense. to most peasants, they are nothing but troublemaking clowns.

you can bet your last dollar that SDP shall lose more votes or might even close before the next GE.



Either she wears the pants in the relationship or the sex is too good. Nevertheless, I would never allow someone I care for, to make a fool of themselves in this manner. This is not case of over confidence or being gutsy, just that the standard of debate or the realm of politicking is well beyond her capability.

This is not a spurious observation. There are things in black and white in this and other forums. The fact that Sam had to tell her that corridor lighting and puddles after rain is not in the critical path in politics should have lighted up something up there.

Do not get me wrong, its not about the command of the language. There are others ways to contribute.

The heart is certainly in the right place but if people close to her do not come clean, then one can only deduce that she has been exploited.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

if they do know what SHAME is, they would have crawled and hid in some dark damp cave.

one forsake his wifey; the other betrayed the husband. what good can come out of such unfaithfuls?

this is for you guys - BEN & MICHELLE!


Dear Porf,

Nobody really know the TRUTH about James Gomez affairs except those who are involved directly in one way or another. I, for one, would claim openly that James Gomez is innocent of what PAP has said about him basically because I am in the know of what happened ON THE GROUND. This is why I have defended James Gomez OPENLY in one of the rally.

I would even say that there were even times that serious doubts had been raised within WP as well as those people in the think tank about James Gomez back then.

Thus, I am not surprised at all that George Yeo would say what he had said back then, without full information and knowledge of the truth behind the event. I mean, if even WP members and helpers themselves have raised serious doubts on James Gomez back then, wouldn't it be "natural" for our opponents to make speculative statements and attacks on him?

Besides, as many people here have said, George Yeo could not possibly run away from such attacks on James Gomez, unlike Tharman or other more mild candidates within PAP's rank. He was right in front of the battlefront!

While I say George Yeo is a respectable opponent, I don't expect my opponent to be soft and lenient towards his opponents in the political contest. It is about the manner and honor that one holds in the hustling of the fighting that matters ultimately.

Goh Meng Seng

mr brown's funny BAK CHO MEE would have satirised that incident. but gomez is not selling bak cho mee. gomez was a prospective opp mp wannabe. if such simple task of depositing his application form was messed up, how much further or specific when he were handed the task of a ward mp?

gomez was careless and worst ignorant about his carelessness. it was as simple as that. paps over-exploited a very minor mistake. but who says politic isn't a dirty word?:wink: