Yes. Obviously there are other intangibles like whether he can bring in network of contacts and whether he has experience in overseas projects if i should expand.
You are the type of idiot boss who deserves to rot in Singapore, becos you equate everyone a same value regardless of other factors. :oIo:
You sounded like you are 7. I wonder which planet you come from, in this world, our planet its all about deliverables.
Anyone here can earn a Masters Degree if they wanted to, what is stopping them is only time and money.
Not anyone here have what it takes to be the top echelon of the company and/or to convince others to pay them $8K a month (for her case), and papers is not a good measure, it only opens doors to interviews and it stops there.
I never believe that just because you went for the Masters course and you read a Phd, your course mates will give you new leads and preferences to a project..unless you are talking about small time projects (perhaps), for multi million dollar projects, stop daydreaming it will never happen.