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Devan Nair's son sleeping on the job, PAP goes back to past SOP


Alfrescian (Inf)
NatCon’s narrative was that the govt is willing to listen to the people.

Well the way the govt is conducting itself on the tudung* issue seems to contradict the narrative of a govt willing to listen to the people. Maybe it has decided to return to the Hard Truth of dismissing views or facts that do not support the canon of Hard Truths? Even if these views are articulated by senior PAPpists?

Government leaders yesterday weighed in on the hijab issue, which made its way back into the national spotlight in recent weeks, with Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean reiterating that, while the Government understands “community perspectives”, it also “has the responsibility to balance all these different community requirements and keep in mind what we need, to maintain overall social harmony”.

Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim, who met Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong together with Malay Members of Parliament (MPs) from the People’s Action Party over the matter, called for “constructive dialogue” as the way forward. “This is the Singapore way and has served everyone well over the years,” he said on Facebook. (Today 6 Nov)

If the govt is a listening govt, shouldn’t DPM’s comments come some days after the meeting, after the govt has had time to analyse the views of the Malay minister and PAP May MPs? I mean it’s not as though the tudung wearers and friends, and their enemies are rioting in the streets. Everything is at the “discussion” stage, and is likely to remain at that level: uniquely S’porean for any topic. Action of any sort is haram in S’pore: witness the reaction to Alex Au’s piece on doing something other than talking.

And if the govt can’t be bothered to listen to and ponder on the views of the Malay minister, and the PAP Malay MPs (kaki lang, orang sendiri), why should anyone think it listens to anyone else?

I couldn’t help laughing at Yacoob’s “This is the Singapore way and has served everyone well over the years” . The Singapore way is “Sit down, shut up, and do as you are told”: “constructive dialogue” is a dog-whistle meant to fool the masses. I’m happy to report that the plebs have caught on, even if the govt and the constructive, nation-building media don’t realise that the unwashed masses have caught on. The PAP govt and the local media still thinks that since 70% of the voters still “Like” the PAP, that the plebs are deft?

But let’s give the govt two cheers that it isn’t into “faking it” PR.

If DPM Teo had waited a few days, then the comments couldn’t be seen as undercutting Yaacob and the Malay MPs, and would buttress the NatCon narrative that this PAP govt listens.

For this bad PR, we should be thankful. We should glad that the govt is not resorting to Tony Blair’s appointment of a team to clear all misterial statements to ensure that even if there are contradictions, disagreements, inconsistencies, muddled-thinking in govt policies and actions, at least a fake consistency is projected.

S/o Devan Nair is sleeping on the job? Or he isn’t being listened to? Dr Goebbels would be spinning in his grave excepted that he was cremated.

Update at 8.35 am: NSP has come up with a sensible idea. It also calls on the government to “commission an official survey to gauge how the other communities feel about Muslim women wearing the hijab in Government professions.”. Hear, Hear.

*I prefer the term “tudung”. “Hijab” to me implies that the item of dress is a recent import, It isn’t. It’s been around for many a year.Halimah was using it it law school in the mid 70s, if my memory is correct.

Conspiracy theorists could spin then all the references to “hijab” by the govt, ministers, MPs, local media, is as an attempt to frame and spin that the petitioners are introducing something alien . But the evidence seems to indicate the word “hijab” was used in the original petition.

Self-inflicted PR wounds are not uncommon as pointed out above.

- http://atans1.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/pap-reverts-to-form/


Alfrescian (Inf)
Government is willing to listen but it does not mean government is willing to give in on all the requests made by various groups of singapore society.

On Hijab issue, i agree with the request made by our muslim friends. They shall be allowed to wear hijab in non military and non police sector. I dont understand why they are not allowed to wear Hijab in Airport counters / clinics / hospital / Banking halls?


Alfrescian (Inf)
They are doing the wrong things, the wrong way.
Highly paid civil servants go awol.
Ministers silenced, for fear of leaving their foot in their mouth when they open it.
Prostitutes waiting for signals.
Worse of all, the silence from the Istana is eery.
Anyone home?


Alfrescian (Inf)
They are doing the wrong things, the wrong way.
Highly paid civil servants go awol.
Ministers silenced, for fear of leaving their foot in their mouth when they open it.
Prostitutes waiting for signals.
Worse of all, the silence from the Istana is eery.
Anyone home?

Where got time to be at home?

Those PAP bastards with no fucking moral compasses are all either laughing all the way to their banks or laughing all the way back from their banks


Alfrescian (Inf)
The muslim minitoot if doing his job. Should get the imans together n chart out a new direction for the muslims in spore to move on. There r issues with education. Large families etc. Will wearing the veil etc solve problems? This is just a red herring. Muslim should try n fit into main stream society n not harp on the past.