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Serious COE Market Crashed! Inflation Just Dropped By 25% For Car Buyers! Majulah PAP!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
SINGAPORE – The certificate of entitlement (COEs) price for larger cars fell below the $100,000 mark for the first time since October 2022 at the first tender exercise of 2024 that closed on Jan 4 afternoon.

Category B COEs, which are for more powerful cars and electric vehicles (EVs), dropped by 22.7 per cent to $85,010 from $110,001 at the previous tender.

Between the two car COE categories, the premium for Category A, which is meant for less powerful cars and electric vehicles, posted the bigger drop. At $65,010, the price is 23.5 per cent lower than the $85,000 posted two weeks ago.



SINGAPORE – The certificate of entitlement (COEs) price for larger cars fell below the $100,000 mark for the first time since October 2022 at the first tender exercise of 2024 that closed on Jan 4 afternoon.

Category B COEs, which are for more powerful cars and electric vehicles (EVs), dropped by 22.7 per cent to $85,010 from $110,001 at the previous tender.

Between the two car COE categories, the premium for Category A, which is meant for less powerful cars and electric vehicles, posted the bigger drop. At $65,010, the price is 23.5 per cent lower than the $85,000 posted two weeks ago.

Your pap earn enough already lah. now the revenue come from the additional one percent gst. no need for astronomical coe prices


SINGAPORE – The certificate of entitlement (COEs) price for larger cars fell below the $100,000 mark for the first time since October 2022 at the first tender exercise of 2024 that closed on Jan 4 afternoon.

Category B COEs, which are for more powerful cars and electric vehicles (EVs), dropped by 22.7 per cent to $85,010 from $110,001 at the previous tender.

Between the two car COE categories, the premium for Category A, which is meant for less powerful cars and electric vehicles, posted the bigger drop. At $65,010, the price is 23.5 per cent lower than the $85,000 posted two weeks ago.

Gxgx boss John, u can buy your dream Masarati at 20k cheaper


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dummies still believe COE prices are caused by demand and supply of cars i.e. market forces. :roflmao: