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Cock-Ups at Marina Bay Sands


That is what you expect from a rushed job.

This project should only be completed in 6-12 months time; not in April.

But what to do. One mouth DEMAND; die die must open. SO die lah; electricity die, toilets die, aircon die, etc. FTs build FTs maintenance sure die.

I hope foundations strong because built on reclaimed land. Wait Indon earthquake, MBS will do the 2 step or tango dance for all it's customers.

ONLY IN SINGAPORE. UNIQUELY SINGAPORE....YOUR SINGAPORE!<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">


Why is all rushed?

First, the oldman was so confident and he said there would be no casino during his lifttime.

Until his brilliant and 'pretty' daughter-in-law thrown almost all the monies..the oldman began to worry and tell his dogs that make sure there would be two but not one casino before his lifetime ends.

That's why it's rushed.

Don't be surprised one day SG will be rushed to doom juz becos of the oldman.

The older he is, the more impatient he's getting. I suspect his spiritual master is telling him that he can start counting his number of his days..

Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
why the mad rush to open in the first place when it's not totally ready and operational...

the car park is like the sahara desert...your car is covered with dust, your nose and your eyes covered with dust...your lungs also kena...and when you comb your hair, it's black!!!...and you sneeze sneeze and cough cough all the way to the casino...where some entrances were not even open...

you walk all the way from the basement car park which is still under renovation filled with dust...and you walk and walk to the casino...pay your levy...and then kena double check your ic and your dl.....again and again every time you exit and return...damned sian.....lose money and kena checked like a burglar...

and constructions everywhere....even the venice is dry like hell...no water yet...why open so early for what..

and drinks in the casino...aunties all shouting for drinks....very thirsty...the trolleys come with diluted drinks and cold coffee....aunties all cursed and sweared....and they lost more and more money..

one aunty told me she lost $3K that morning....and not even have to drink anything yet!!!...not hungry also...no convenient food outlet ....hungry like fart...exit..scan...check...walk another mile and another few levels before got a cafe that serves s hit fast food.....quickly gobble the foot...fill the stomach...quickly walk another mile...and enter the slaughter house!!!

drive out thru the desert storm...NNB! $28!!!...drive out...NNB Gantry fee!!!...all in all... a damned loser's hell..

any reason you want to return to MBS???

It appears that Sheldon Adelson doesn't give a fuck for he's after all only the minority shareholder and front-man managing the place for GIC.


Sibeh lau kwee, if never mentioned Spore or MBS, just by reading abt the cock up, you would probably think they are talking about a hotel in a third world country....:p:p


I hear of talk about GIC having stake in casino. Opposition should ask this question in Parliament. Does GIC or any other Gov linked entity have a stake or have an interest in MBS.

Cannot blame MBS lah. Given size of project, they clearly need another 6 months to get their act together. To rush it is to ask for trouble. They were lucky that there was no major food poisioning incidents. Maybe they really need the $$$ from casino.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I see it as a continuing drop in quality as a result of the emphasis on lower cost instead of on quality-due to the mass import of cheap and low quality foreign labour.

Singaporean's complaints about poor quality service from cheap foreign workers have long been ignored by the ruling party.

How often have we heard about Filipino telephone operators/customer service officers , sales personnel and medical staff who speaks funny English that customers do not understand and have a hard time getting their message through-resulting in extreme frustration ?

There have been countless occasions where PRC workers who do not understand a single word of English are asked to serve customers and insist that customers speak Mandarin to them instead.

How times have the IT staff from India caused problems for the company and its customers.

Its a matter of time before we see major disasters eg infrastructure collapse from shoddy construction , huge investor losses due to questionable accounting practices , major IT failures, data theft, leakage , medical malpractice ect2 due to the low quality and unreliable cheap foreign workers.


All along it is very clear that these operators are only interested in the casinos. All the rest of the craps like Universal Studios, convention centres....etc, are just side-shows to change the label from 'Casino' to 'IR'.

Casino is the key to the opening and the convention centre, Universal studio, etc, are just paddings to get around the license's condition that the casino cannot be more than certain % of total area in operation.

See how the problems in Universal Studio and the convention centre is hitting them now ? Any MIW interested to comment ?


The RULING PARTY of SCUMS is famous and now , world known, for PROSTITUTING Singapore.

SIA already sells tickets to foreigners cheaper than to Singapore citizens. This has been happening for years.

I can see if the 2 IRs were to fail, the SCUMS will also give rooms to foreigners at a cheaper rate than Singapore Citizens.

SINGAPORE CITIZENS ARE NOW THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WHOLE WORLD. Don't believe just talk to some FTs here. Singapore Citizens have very little DIGINITY left.

The SCUMS have crossed the line in my books.


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Alfrescian (Inf)
if the 2 IRs fail, they will turn their hotel rooms into 炮房 for those tiongkok meimei to entertain foreign tourists.:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
$500 fine even $50k/day MBS also willing to pay to make sure that the Casino in operation.
Someone must have pocket big amount of money without the safety in place. All double standard. :mad:

In other words, I own a building; I fail to obtain FCC etc., the authorities will haul me to court...close down the building right!:p

But M.B.S., with money, 'members'...it is all right! baby!...one country two systems...or I hear "kangaroos" hoping...:biggrin:


Looks like even full power backup isn't ready. Probably only the casino and cage got confirmed power backup. Lift jammed 20 minutes, luggage delayed 2 hours, yawn... HDB standard or IR standard?

The latest problems at MBS are a symptom of a wider problem. The PAP has such a good propaganda machine that the PAP themselves are fooled into thinking that they are world best when they are clearly not.

For those who had warned about the impending disaster, they are dismissed as "trouble makers".

The next big failure is likely to be the YOG. Already we have the instances of disgraceful sexual harassment. The YOG will likely be a flop. It is not a matter of if but rather how bad it will be.


The latest problems at MBS are a symptom of a wider problem. The PAP has such a good propaganda machine that the PAP themselves are fooled into thinking that they are world best when they are clearly not.

For those who had warned about the impending disaster, they are dismissed as "trouble makers".

The next big failure is likely to be the YOG. Already we have the instances of disgraceful sexual harassment. The YOG will likely be a flop. It is not a matter of if but rather how bad it will be.

But we will probably never get to know the extend of it considering that the mass media will be used to cover up any screw up.


Only a midget himself would insist that he is tall.

Remember the time when the sick old lady needed treatment in London, and was told to get in line? Then of course there is the Romanian merry-go-round.

It's interesting that a nation could become so autistic as to lack total self-awareness.


Alfrescian (Inf)
not surprised marina bay n sentosa lands are cursed oredi.
nicoll highway collapsed during tunnelling for circle line.
pulau blakang mati still got many lingering n wandering souls since jap times.


Moderator - JB Section
Is there anyone here who has not gone to either casino and does not intend to go?

Myself and my family, we think the prices are appalling even though we can afford it. This smells a lot like other familiar attractions like Haw Par Villa before it crashed.

I definitely have no wish to see either, my family have seen enough of glitzy places and casinos when i brought them abroad. Though my dad likes gambling, i abhor gambling so the chances of me in a casino again is extremely slim.