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Breaking: Roy Ngerng got fired from Tan tock Seng Hospital!


bky can you please fuck off your signature
it's a bloody waste of space and it is damned annoying
i would petition boss to ban you if you persist with your stoopid signature

no go dogs fuck


Alfrescian (Inf)
if you want to play the game
if you want to fight in the arena
you should be prepared for everything
if you are not prepared
just by the side and watch the wayang

Nigger wtf are you talking about?

How can this be compared to a fight in an arena. The proper way would be the fight takes place in the arena both sides are properly armed not one side isn't armed or the other side is more heavily armed.

If you want to make the pap vs roy fight into an arena analogy then roy is the arena champion but has no weapons while the pap side is heavily armed with lots of rest and food while roy has little to no food but has food donated to him by the spectators. Yet the pap side isn't content with this and decides to poison his food. That's fucked up and the romans back in the day didn't do this cos it's just dishonorable.


Alfrescian (Inf)
bky can you please fuck off your signature
it's a bloody waste of space and it is damned annoying
i would petition boss to ban you if you persist with your stoopid signature

no go dogs fuck
you back from rimming manwoman so soon, or kena asked to go because your mouth and tongue stinko.

try write this similar type of message to manwoman to apologise


I really don't know who you are. Thanks for saving me last night. I think I will be off for some time
to reflect. No use wasting my time being battled and whacked by I H P and his Gang.

Anyway, thanks for the advice and thanks for all the beautiful songs.

I am just an ordinary Singaporean with no political agenda. Just came in for the fun of the forum Never know I could get embroiled in such a mess with more than 20 predators attacking me.

Thanks once again.



Roy should apply for this job of Content Strategist with George Soro's Open Society. He will have to move to New York though, unless they set up in Southeast Asia, most probably Hong Kong. Is Roy bilingual? If yes, I like to interview him :rolleyes::

The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. We seek to strengthen the rule of law; respect for human rights, minorities, and a diversity of opinions; democratically elected governments; and a civil society that helps keep government power in check.


The Open Society Foundations seek a writer/editor who would focus on web and content strategy for Open Society web platforms. The content strategist will help us achieve our organizational objectives by maximizing the impact of our online content. In collaboration with the Communications team, the content strategist is responsible for creating actionable content strategies across a variety of digital project types.


As a web and content strategist, Roy or his ilk will be able to produce fun videos like this and be paid good and stable salary to do so. By the way, video states the law of defamation in United States which is more fair and just as opposed to Sinkieland's so-called "law".



Alfrescian (Inf)
Apparently according Tan Cock Seng Hospital, exposing lies is not proper, not honorable nor is it an act of integrity.

Therefore, TTSH must have lots of liars working in there.


As a web and content strategist, Roy or his ilk will be able to produce fun videos like this and be paid good and stable salary to do so. By the way, video states the law of defamation in United States which is more fair and just as opposed to Sinkieland's so-called "law".


Ppl like you still stubbornly do not want to 'get it'.

Although I do not like Pinky's style, their methods is to tell Roy to fuck off their land.

Their saying..If you so want to disturb their pappy style of ruling, go exile yourself.

So if you are providing such a dream route for him. Good. Hope it works out ( just hope lah see those fucked off like the ah neh , francis seow blah blab blah..

But as i say, many have fucked off and their voices from 'outside' are hardly audible to make any difference to common Sinkie's pathetic life.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
you and your bastard vulval mouth once again'
no brains no reasons no nothing
just shut up
got guts go in and fight and dont be an internet armchair warrior

Roy is fighting on our behalf and we give him full support.
To paraphrase scroobal....."his shoes are too big for me but I will pay for those shoes".


aiyah nothing to do with the sister lah
this is the course of law
the path of justice
the way of heaven
you do wrong
you suffer
you bring upon yourself
all the bad things
all the bad mouthings
all the wrong accusations
you hang yourself

No what I meant is, why many people blame the PM?

It may not have been the PM who applied pressure on the hospital to fire Roy.


Lunch Corporal
Apparently according Tan Cock Seng Hospital, exposing lies is not proper, not honorable nor is it an act of integrity.

Therefore, TTSH must have lots of liars working in there.


"TTSH is my father hospital ok, I work there, problem?"


  • lkylwl.jpg
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No what I meant is, why many people blame the PM?

It may not have been the PM who applied pressure on the hospital to fire Roy.

It doesn't matter if he was the one who did it. All that matters is that he kept silent which meant the action has been tacitly approved by him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
please lah winni
there are many more vocal critics
their rice bowls have turned into gold
where got broken
look around those robust critics of our government
are still around enjoying the peace and prosperity of this wonderful country

Those are mickey mouse critics. Ordinary Roy is generating too much heat for Pinky.

Pinky must be feeling hot ...you had to be called back from the dead, gangster HK14k had to come back from god knows where ...soon peppercrab will join in too. The heat is on.

So, kopiuncle, are you advocating a violent response to the government's incessant attack on Ordinary Roy?


What was the ruling when miw were found in the polling station at chengsan????? Law and justice......

aiyah nothing to do with the sister lah
this is the course of law
the path of justice
the way of heaven
you do wrong
you suffer
you bring upon yourself
all the bad things
all the bad mouthings
all the wrong accusations
you hang yourself



So Roy has been terminated from the services of Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

The reasons given were:

1.) Misuse of company resources and neglect of work duties
2.) Improper public conduct

Staff are free to pursue their personal interests outside of work, they must conduct themselves properly, honourably and with integrity.

His activities at Hong Lim Park have raised a few eyebrows in this area.

…in particular, they cannot defame someone else without basis, which essentially means knowingly stating a falsehood to the public. Now, Roy has already pleaded apology to the Prime Minister – so essentially, he has already admitted to defamation.

Further than that Roy is widely, and very popularly known for his involvement with TTSH, the proximity of brand is just too close for comfort.

So if you continue your monkey business with your neighbour's wife, you could lose your job ?? No! Wait ! The trigger will be when you are anti pap..........


Alfrescian (Inf)
if i was a ultra high networth multi millionaire,i would offer to be ROY's sugar daddy....bankroll him for the next 2 years until 2016,help him source for the best lawyers overseas and the best freedom of speech activists,then after 2016 buy him a plane ticket to australia and a visa.

Play the PAP from behind the scenes like america and china played korea and vietnam.

If ROY kena assasinated i will pay for his coffin and funeral.21 gun salute at hong lim park.plus full US contingent military band to play funeral "Taps".

but if that bitch han hui hui kena raped and murdered by PAP wild dogs i will not give a shit.
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Nigger wtf are you talking about?

How can this be compared to a fight in an arena. The proper way would be the fight takes place in the arena both sides are properly armed not one side isn't armed or the other side is more heavily armed.

If you want to make the pap vs roy fight into an arena analogy then roy is the arena champion but has no weapons while the pap side is heavily armed with lots of rest and food while roy has little to no food but has food donated to him by the spectators. Yet the pap side isn't content with this and decides to poison his food. That's fucked up and the romans back in the day didn't do this cos it's just dishonorable.

stupid bugger
if you go into the arena unarmed and unprepared
you deserved to be pulverized
so dont talk cock


Alfrescian (Inf)
stupid bugger
if you go into the arena unarmed and unprepared
you deserved to be pulverized
so dont talk cock

bro in ancient roman times,they throw u in the arena with a wooden stick and open the iron gates and release the lions and the cheetahs that have been starving for a month....u think u have a choice.... stupid?

have u heard of the saying in Rome...."bring u to the circus"....wtf u think PAP is bringing Roy to the circus for?he is the main act dumbdumb...
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