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Breaking News - Sinkie Mat Lone Wolf's mission of 72 Virgins in Paradise Foiled by ISD


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nowadays they are coerced to wear just to prevent from being hassled from other malays.

If u love attention, U and even ur female members can walk naked in public. Better still walk at serangoon ah neh stronghold.
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Oh yes. Muslims will get pahala doing good deeds. All these will be rewarded in the Hereafter which is permanent. This is a temporary world. U can 24/7 deny Allah, the Prophet and the Quran existence. But u will be questioned by the angles when ur in 6ft underground!

Yes good deeds towards minorities



Nowadays they are coerced to wear just to prevent from being hassled from other malays.
They need to wear hijab to prevent from being hassled (supposedly)by envious women and lusted by men. At home they will still be envied/bullied by their sisters, and get beaten/molested/raped by their father/brother.
Other religion seems to have much better ability/accountability and control over their actions due to a healthier/kinder foundation/fundamentals in their religion.
Why Chinese women can wear spaghetti straps/very short shorts and yet it is rare to read their father/brother sexually abuse them; yet sexual abuse by family members in moslem families are much more common to hear.


Alfrescian (Inf)
They need to wear hijab to prevent from being hassled (supposedly)by envious women and lusted by men. At home they will still be envied/bullied by their sisters, and get beaten/molested/raped by their father/brother.
Other religion seems to have much better ability/accountability and control over their actions due to a healthier/kinder foundation/fundamentals in their religion.
Why Chinese women can wear spaghetti straps/very short shorts and yet it is rare to read their father/brother sexually abuse them; yet sexual abuse by family members in moslem families are much more common to hear.

Why cheena dont report incest case cos their pride very big. Kiasi kiasu.


Why cheena dont report incest case cos their pride very big. Kiasi kiasu.
Actually bcoz there is nothing to report. Cheena men have better ability to discern right from wrong. Can you imagine what will happen to moslem women if they wear short shorts/spaghetti straps at home in front of their father/brother?
The problem is apparent not just in moslem men, but also amongst their women. Unlike moslems, women from other religion generally support and inspire each other, and are competitive in legit activities like: to excel in their studies/work. Whereas minahs wd generally be lazy to compete at school studies/work, but actively competing, attacking and backstabbing other women(even their family members) bcoz of the imaginary beauty competition in their turd faced head.
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syed putra

Why Chinese women can wear spaghetti straps/very short shorts and yet it is rare to read their father/brother sexually abuse them; yet sexual abuse by family members in moslem families are much more common to hear.
Thats because incest is not a sin but a tradition in chinese custom.

syed putra

Incest cases in chinese families goes unreported.



Incest cases in chinese families goes unreported.

View attachment 105831
From this undated article, I quote,’among the Chinese, incest is not an acceptable theme in mythology or literature, and there have been no reports on incest in the Singapore medical literature. In 1982, 410 cases of suicide attempts were seen by the author. Of these, three gave a history of incest...’ If we were to run a study on Moslem incest cases, the amount of cases would likely be at least double or triple than that of Chinese/other religion.

Now, back to our current world, majority of the incest related news currently are linked to moslem family. These are the ones that were reported, there are far more that goes unreported. Given the nature of Islam whereby fear and blind following practices are instilled, many moslem women would choose to sweep these incidents under the carpet because oftentimes the victims are the ones blamed for the perpetrator’s actions. Without deterrence, the pattern most likely will be repeated in their future generation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually bcoz there is nothing to report. Cheena men have better ability to discern right from wrong. Can you imagine what will happen to moslem women if they wear short shorts/spaghetti straps at home in front of their father/brother?
The problem is apparent not just in moslem men, but also amongst their women. Unlike moslems, women from other religion generally support and inspire each other, and are competitive in legit activities like: to excel in their studies/work. Whereas minahs wd generally be lazy to compete at school studies/work, but actively competing, attacking and backstabbing other women(even their family members) bcoz of the imaginary beauty competition in their turd faced head.

Teres nothing to report cos they are ashame to report to the authority. How can u be so "ignorant"? Look at chicom. All sui sui. Population 1.5 Billion. No incest?:rolleyes: Sinkieland 80% cheena. No incest AT ALL?:rolleyes: Ya...if u believe pigs could fly.

Legit activites? Cheen involve in halal actitives? No vices? Hey, u talked like a retard. Just google and u can see for yourselves cheena cheat here and there. Alamak u got the cheek to deny tat and simply single out only the Malays. Backstabbing....i worked with cheena before. Unlike u....i am just being honest. Not all. But some cheena do backstabbed. Wat more backstabbing other races. They backstabbed their own race more often cos glamouring for top posts.


Alfrescian (Inf)
From this undated article, I quote,’among the Chinese, incest is not an acceptable theme in mythology or literature, and there have been no reports on incest in the Singapore medical literature. In 1982, 410 cases of suicide attempts were seen by the author. Of these, three gave a history of incest...’ If we were to run a study on Moslem incest cases, the amount of cases would likely be at least double or triple than that of Chinese/other religion.

Now, back to our current world, majority of the incest related news currently are linked to moslem family. These are the ones that were reported, there are far more that goes unreported. Given the nature of Islam whereby fear and blind following practices are instilled, many moslem women would choose to sweep these incidents under the carpet because oftentimes the victims are the ones blamed for the perpetrator’s actions. Without deterrence, the pattern most likely will be repeated in their future generation.

Nonsense. If teres fear, malay family would not have reported incest case to the authority. On the other hand, typical cheena with kiasi kiasu, howlian, full of pride ashame to report incest case to police simply by sweeping it under the carpet and hush hush. I have relatives working with social services. So i know it. 80% cheena in sinkieland. No incest case. ya ....sure...:rolleyes:

At least Honkies have to guts to report to the authority and bring the culprit to justice. Unlike typical kiasi kiasu howlian cheena sinkies rather let the culprit go scot free

Hong Kong dad jailed for 16 years for ‘despicable’ sexual abuse of his daughter over a decade, including six rapes

  • Abuse that ‘even beasts could not match’ started when the girl was just nine years old
  • In one attack, the father told her: ‘There is no use in yelling. Mum is not here’

A Hong Kong father was sentenced to 16 years in jail on Monday for raping and molesting his daughter 12 times over a decade.
High Court Deputy Judge Anthony Kwok Kai-on said “even beasts could not match” the abuse carried out by the dad, who was referred to as HWK to protect his daughter’s identity.
Kwok said the “despicable” acts “made one’s blood boil” after being told by the prosecutors the first rape took place when the girl was nine years old.

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Nonsense. If teres fear, malay family would not have reported incest case to the authority. On the other hand, typical cheena with kiasi kiasu, howlian, full of pride ashame to report incest case to police simply by sweeping it under the carpet and hush hush. I have relatives working with social services. So i know it. 80% cheena in sinkieland. No incest case. ya ....sure...:rolleyes:

At least Honkies have to guts to report to the authority and bring the culprit to justice. Unlike typical kiasi kiasu howlian cheena sinkies rather let the culprit go scot free

Hong Kong dad jailed for 16 years for ‘despicable’ sexual abuse of his daughter over a decade, including six rapes

  • Abuse that ‘even beasts could not match’ started when the girl was just nine years old
  • In one attack, the father told her: ‘There is no use in yelling. Mum is not here’

A Hong Kong father was sentenced to 16 years in jail on Monday for raping and molesting his daughter 12 times over a decade.
High Court Deputy Judge Anthony Kwok Kai-on said “even beasts could not match” the abuse carried out by the dad, who was referred to as HWK to protect his daughter’s identity.
Kwok said the “despicable” acts “made one’s blood boil” after being told by the prosecutors the first rape took place when the girl was nine years old.

Let’s talk about what has been happening in Singapore. No need to dig news of HK, India, etc.








Nowadays they are coerced to wear just to prevent from being hassled from other malays.
Now they are coerced not to...

Sri Lanka to ban burqa, shut many Islamic schools, says minister
FILE PHOTO: A Muslim woman wearing a hijab walks through a street near St Anthony's Shrine, days after a string of suicide bomb attacks across the island on Easter Sunday, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 29, 2019. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui/File Photo
13 Mar 2021 06:43PM
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka will ban the wearing of the burqa and shut more than a thousand Islamic schools, a government minister said on Saturday (Mar 13), the latest actions affecting the country's minority Muslim population.
Minister for public security Sarath Weerasekera told a news conference he had signed a paper on Friday for cabinet approval to ban the full face covering worn by some Muslim women on "national security" grounds.
"In our early days Muslim women and girls never wore the burqa," he said. "It is a sign of religious extremism that came about recently. We are definitely going to ban it."
The wearing of the burqa in the majority-Buddhist nation was temporarily banned in 2019 after the bombing of churches and hotels by Islamic militants that killed more than 250.
Later that year, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, best known for crushing a decades-long insurgency in the north of the country as defence secretary, was elected president after promising a crackdown on extremism.
Rajapaksa is accused of widespread rights abuses during the war, charges he denies.
Weerasekera said the government plans to ban more than a thousand madrassa Islamic schools that he said were flouting national education policy.
"Nobody can open a school and teach whatever you want to the children," he said.
The government's moves on burqas and schools follow an order last year mandating the cremation of COVID-19 victims - against the wishes of Muslims, who bury their dead.
This ban was lifted earlier this year after criticism from the United States and international rights groups.
Source: Reuters/ga


Pls add this to the list

Ministry: 543 child marriages, including applications, in Malaysia from Jan-Sept 2020 | Malay Mail
Students protest against child marriage outside the Parliament in Kuala Lumpur November 13, 2018. — Picture by Hari Anggara
Students protest against child marriage outside the Parliament in Kuala Lumpur November 13, 2018. — Picture by Hari Anggara
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KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 4 — 543 child marriages, including applications, were recorded in Malaysia from the first nine months of this year, with Sarawak being the state with the highest reported figures, the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry has said.
In a written parliamentary reply yesterday, the ministry said the Syariah Judiciary Department Malaysia’s (JKSM) records for Muslim couples showed that there were 520 applications for underage marriages recorded from early January to September 2020, with the highest number of such cases recorded in Sarawak (83 cases), followed by Kelantan (80 cases) and Sabah (63 cases).
The ministry however did not say how many of these applications were approved, and did not provide the number of child marriage applications by Muslims for other states.
As for non-Muslim couples, the ministry said the National Registration Department’s (NRD) records showed 23 underage marriages recorded in the same January to September 2020 period, with the highest in Sarawak (seven cases), followed by Selangor (six cases).
Again, the ministry did not provide the number of child marriages among non-Muslims for the other states.
The ministry appeared to indicate possible gaps and deficiencies in Malaysia’s official child marriage statistics, noting: “As you know, data on underage marriage recorded by various agencies differ in definitions and have different age ranges, including non-Muslim customary marriages not recorded by the NRD.”
“In relation to that, the latest data that can provide an accurate picture about marriages as a whole under the age of 18 is 2018 data based on statistics from the Department of Statistics Malaysia.
“In 2018, a total of 1,856 children were involved in marriages under the age of 18, with 1,674 of Bumiputera ethnicity, 100 of Chinese ethnicity, 20 of Indian ethnicity, and 62 from other ethnicities,” the ministry said in its parliamentary reply.
The ministry was replying to Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto, who had asked for the child marriage statisics in both the civil and Shariah courts since January 2020 and their locations, as well as the progressin government’s efforts to curb child marriages and towards the seven states in Malaysia that disagreed with fixing the minimum age for marriage at 18.
Previously, the ministry had on August 16, 2018 in the Dewan Rakyat said that JKSM’s records showed that there were 5,362 applications for marriages below the age of 18 for Muslim couples from 2013 to 2017, while the NRD’s records showed 2,367 marriages below the age of 18 for non-Muslim couples from 2013 to 2017.

What the ministry is doing about child marriages
Referring to the five-year National Strategy Plan in Handling the Causes of Child Marriage which the ministry had launched in January 2020, the ministry yesterday told Kasthuri that the implementation of the plan is monitored by a steering committee chaired by the ministry’s secretary-general, with the steering committee also enabling continued cooperation between the ministry and the related agencies in handling the causes of child marriage.
With the steering committee to carry out its functions during the plan’s five-year period of 2020 to 2025, the ministry said this steering committee is also required to meet twice a year and had met on August 24.
As for the states which have resisted fixing the lowest age that one can be married at 18, the ministry yesterday said: “Since Malaysia is composed of a mutliracial society which has different customs, cultures and religions, therefore talks and engagement sessions with the relevant experts including child experts, culture experts and Syarie experts still have to be conducted to ensure views from all are taken into account in the fixing of the minimum age of marriage at 18 years old, especially in states that have yet to agree.”
Previously, in a November 17 written parliamentary reply to Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, the ministry had also said that the fixing of the minimum age of marriage is also subject to the powers of the state Islamic religious councils.
The ministry had also said then that the August 24 meeting was intended to monitor the progress in the programmes and actions for each of the national plan’s strategy, and said the ministry had also prepared a communications strategy plan and a comprehensive advocacy programme for the national plan.
In that reply, the ministry said it was committed to continue efforts to tackle child marriages, stating that it was holding on to the principle that children should be given a chance to realise their full potential, in line with Malaysia’s obligation to the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“Marriage at a young age contravenes with the principle of child development and should be avoided as it can affect the child’s rights to education, reproductive health, emotional and mental health,” the ministry had said.
Which are the seven states refusing to revise laws?
In a parliamentary reply on November 19, 2019, the ministry said only Selangor had changed its state laws to fix the minimum marriage age at 18 and that the Federal Territories was in the process of doing so, while the five states of Penang, Sabah, Johor, Melaka and Perak had agreed to do so, while seven states (Sarawak, Pahang, Terengganu, Perlis, Negri Sembilan, Kedah and Kelantan) do not agree with amending the related laws.
As for marriage laws relating to non-Muslims, ministry had in the November 2019 reply said that the Home Ministry said there was “no need” to change the minimum marriage age in the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976, as the existing law there already provided for the minimum marriage age for both male and female at 18, but with exceptions allowing girls aged 16 and 17 to marry if permitted by a state’s chief minister or mentri besar.

syed putra

If we were to run a study on Moslem incest cases, the amount of cases would likely be at least double or triple than that of Chinese/other religion.

Now, back to our current world, majority of the incest related news currently are linked to moslem family. These are the ones that were reported, there are far more that goes unreported
I would rather use logic rather than based on police reports. We know chinese families will not make any report wrt incest cases. They either divorce or the girl will split from the family at a young age, end up with gangsters and work in night clubs snd whore houses to survive. That at keast can explain why chinese girls dominate this profession. No right minded parents would want them working in these places.


I would rather use logic rather than based on police reports. We know chinese families will not make any report wrt incest cases. They either divorce or the girl will split from the family at a young age, end up with gangsters and work in night clubs snd whore houses to survive. That at keast can explain why chinese girls dominate this profession. No right minded parents would want them working in these places.
Logic=facts based on police reports (especially valid from 1st world country like Singapore) and news sources like straits times, channel news asia and today online.
What you have written here abt Chinese families are yr assumptions, not based on logical reasonings.


Logic=facts based on police reports (especially valid from 1st world country like Singapore) and news sources like straits times, channel news asia and today online.
What you have written here abt Chinese families are yr assumptions, not based on logical reasonings.
Actually bcoz there is nothing to report. Cheena men have better ability to discern right from wrong. Can you imagine what will happen to moslem women if they wear short shorts/spaghetti straps at home in front of their father/brother?
The problem is apparent not just in moslem men, but also amongst their women. Unlike moslems, women from other religion generally support and inspire each other, and are competitive in legit activities like: to excel in their studies/work. Whereas minahs wd generally be lazy to compete at school studies/work, but actively competing, attacking and backstabbing other women(even their family members) bcoz of the imaginary beauty competition in their turd faced head.
If a proper report were to be compiled it would be the 80/20 rule. 20% of the population n 80% of the crime