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All the Hoo Ha On Smoking - Where Will Smokers Light Up


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am way past 60s in age. I smoke and partake alcohol. I enjoy this activities till today.

So much recent hoo ha on smoking. It is sickening and hypocritical.

Ridiculous letters sent to, and published by ST Forum by many anti-smoking activists.

Some writers even have the cheek to get smoking totally banned even within our PRIVATE abodes.

Those running the government have new plans to further curtail this "dirty habit" (smoking).

They want to add new places where smoking would be banned.

Let me bring you back to the past into the corridors of power within Singapore. It was filled with smell of lighted cigarettes.

Then Harry Lee was a heavy smoker and so were Messrs Eddie Barker, S Rajaratnam, Devan Nair, Toh Chin Chye and Dr Lee Siew Choh.

Favourite brand was then State Express 555.

Our good old Chief Justice Wee Chong Jin loved lighting up too and so were many famed judges and lawyers of yesteryears.

When Harry gave up, many followed the move by the Great Leader and gave up too. "I shall follow you" style.

But they continued to drink wine for it was said to "be good for the heart".

Harry Lee, I was told, loved Lowenbrau Beer "at room temperature" till these very day. You can see the redness on his face.

Slowly the prices of cigarettes, whiskies, brandies and poor Ah-Peks Ngo Kar Pee went up in the name of "good health reasons".

However the price of their favourite (wine) remained low to this day.

Deng Siow Peng came to the Istana in 1973. He was allowed to smoke. Thanks to Harry Lee for lifting that order against "No Smoking".

To me this is hypocritical. But Deng was a strongman of China. Don't play play hor...Sinkies are nothing so can "hantam to submission".

Cigarettes were given out to well-wishers attending Chinese weddings. I too did it my way. Thats history.

PAP please come clean and make public your true aim.."Either make cigarettes a "controlled drug" under the Misuse of Drugs Act, along with whiskies, brandies and Ngo Kar Pee. You are the majority in Parliament and can easily get all the "Aye, Aye, Aye".

Be brave to resist the temptation to earn more money from excise duties on cigs and hard drinks. Love Sinkies more then money for their health is important, isn't it dear leaders.

Singapore tax vehicle by engine capacities. Hard liquour is also taxed according to alcohol content - below 40% and above 40 %. That was why Ngo Kar Pee @ 47% died off.

The poor Ah-Peks are today drinking unfinished glasses left by patrons. remember the murder of the 70 year old Ah Pek in Chinatown recently. Some have resorted to "beedies" (reef cigs from India) - a dangerous substitute.

If I were the government I would impose a TOTAL BAN on cigarettes just like what the Arabians have done. Follow their style. You can do it.

Why all this suddenly


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Me love de goot old days where u can light up inside de bus...wasn't a smoker bk then but it never bother me in any way...:biggrin::biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
At last a thread about smoking.. I'm a smoker and I really do feel that smokers are discriminated alot in Spore.. Bloody hell.. We are not druggies.. Its acceptable for smoking to be banned at bus stops, taxi stands and in restaurants, but at Clubs and pubs..??? :confused: :mad: Now you even have to light up your ciggies in a designated small crammed room in clubs with 30 other clubbers or you can have the option of smoking outside the club which is a hassle when the songs are pumping in full blast.. No smoking even at multi storey carparks, under the void decks and worse these fucktards are even thinking of banning smoking at the HDB common corridors.. That means I can't even have a smoke outside my house..:mad: They keep on increasing the ciggarette prices every few years to enrich their coffers.. Bloody hypocrites.. Fuck the PAP..!!! :oIo:


Alfrescian (Inf)
At last a thread about smoking.. I'm a smoker and I really do feel that smokers are discriminated alot in Spore.. Bloody hell.. We are not druggies.. Its acceptable for smoking to be banned at bus stops, taxi stands and in restaurants, but at Clubs and pubs..??? :confused: :mad: Now you even have to light up your ciggies in a designated small crammed room in clubs with 30 other clubbers or you can have the option of smoking outside the club which is a hassle when the songs are pumping in full blast.. No smoking even at multi storey carparks, under the void decks and worse these fucktards are even thinking of banning smoking at the HDB common corridors.. That means I can't even have a smoke outside my house..:mad: They keep on increasing the ciggarette prices every few years to enrich their coffers.. Bloody hypocrites.. Fuck the PAP..!!! :oIo:

Harry Lee and Gang were smokers once upon a time.

They gave up and now hate cigarettes.

Customs and Excise duties from alcohol and cigarettes go up by billions of dollars, not forgetting fines paid by those poor smokers caught lighting up "illegally" and possessing illegal cigarettes.

These sudden"hatred" has spawned an illegal cigarettes enterprise in Singapore.

Smoking in "so-called designated areas" is a clear indicator of the sick mind. Don't that "smoke" from that area waft into areas where the so-called "protected people" are.

Now people want them to ban us from smoking in our own homes. Where is my privacy?. This clearly show (if that stupid rule of not smoing in your own home kicks in) that it is NOT my home but something leased from them. Home-Ownership, my foot....

Filipino students and other foreigners are employed to catch our sinkies for smoking in banned areas and littering. I was one of the unlucky and had to appear in a Night Court where I was fined $200/-. Is this my country????


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro, keeping writing these articles. All good read. Where have been all these years - Feb 2009

Bro, I am doing charity work in remote places within Indonesia's far flung provinces along with a group of people my age.

We do it on our own and am happy doing it. At the same time cigarettes and medical is filthy cheap in Indonesia.

Also can smoke wherever you want - even in long distance buses, ferries and taxis. The waiting area of airport also can.

This is what I call "freedom of individuals".

Indonesia is advancing far ahead of Singapore.

The Immigration and Customs officials love us for what we are doing for their less fortunate.

I don't recieve such respect in my beloved Singapore. Thats why I prefer to stay away from this place...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro, I am doing charity work in remote places within Indonesia's far flung provinces along with a group of people my age.

One packet cigarettes in Singapore, you can buy 10 packets in Indonesia and still have spare change.:biggrin:

In Philippines, it cost as much to buy a bottle of San Miguel (Singaporeans call it Send Me Girl) for one common bottle of water in Singapore (less than S$1.00). Cigarettes there are cheap too.:biggrin:


A lot of respect for what you are doing. You are certainly enriching your life as well as others. Good to hear Singaporeans looking after our neighbours rather than belittling them.

Bro, I am doing charity work in remote places within Indonesia's far flung provinces along with a group of people my age.

We do it on our own and am happy doing it. At the same time cigarettes and medical is filthy cheap in Indonesia.

Also can smoke wherever you want - even in long distance buses, ferries and taxis. The waiting area of airport also can.

This is what I call "freedom of individuals".

Indonesia is advancing far ahead of Singapore.

The Immigration and Customs officials love us for what we are doing for their less fortunate.

I don't recieve such respect in my beloved Singapore. Thats why I prefer to stay away from this place...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Filipino students and other foreigners are employed to catch our sinkies for smoking in banned areas and littering. I was one of the unlucky and had to appear in a Night Court where I was fined $200/-. Is this my country????

You are not alone Mr Kohliantye.. Happened to me too on Feb last year after my fishing trip at Changi.. I put my hands up and admit that its my fault.. I accidentally threw a ciggie butt on the ground at the Changi Village carpark.. Then just when I was about to enter my car, a smartly dressed bloody nerdy spectatcle guy came up to me and stopped me from entering my car..:confused: Then he showed me his NEA pass bearing his name.. He quickly took out a booklet and saman me $300.. :mad: :( I then protested to him that it was my first time and he should at least gave me a verbal warning for that.. But the bloody bastard was having none of my protestations.. Gave me a green slip of paper and he just walked off from me.. Feeling infuriated, I then shouted at him in full view of other people at the carpark.. A young Malay gal then came up to me and told me that the fucktard who fined me was her partner and both of them were actually Cisco Auxilliary officers attached to NEA.. She told me to calmed down and said that its no use pleading to him because he is the ''on the ball'' type.. She then told me that her partner was a Cisco chap from Malaysia and she kindly told me to just pay up the fine and not to cause any more trouble for myself.. But I was still seething with anger and I ran after that Malaysian fucktard who then proceded to the CV hawker centre and sarcastically clapped at him and telling him that Yaacob Ibrahim the then Minister Of Enviroment would give him further promotion for a job well done.. Sensing trouble, my bro in law then dragged me away from the hawker centre and headed to the carpark and pushed me into the car.. I did not want to pay the saman but my wife was having none of it especially if it concerns the law.. 2 days later, paid up the saman at the AXS machine..


You all be careful. I just come back from my kopitiam togo and fag relac session. Two fucking plainclothes came and flash dont know what fuck cards to check our ciggies. Lucky we all smoking legal expensive ciggies. Otherwise combine fine sure >$1,000 liao. Agree with Kohliantye question. Is this my country? Togo, fag and relac just one Friday night also kana spotcheck KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
You all be careful. I just come back from my kopitiam togo and fag relac session. Two fucking plainclothes came and flash dont know what fuck cards to check our ciggies. Lucky we all smoking legal expensive ciggies. Otherwise combine fine sure >$1,000 liao. Agree with Kohliantye question. Is this my country? Togo, fag and relac just one Friday night also kana spotcheck KNN

Should be Custom plainclothes officers or Cisco chaps.. My colleague just kena last week at Boon Lay MRT.. Luckily he was smoking Spore ciggarettes..

One packet cigarettes in Singapore, you can buy 10 packets in Indonesia and still have spare change.:biggrin:

In Philippines, it cost as much to buy a bottle of San Miguel (Singaporeans call it Send Me Girl) for one common bottle of water in Singapore (less than S$1.00). Cigarettes there are cheap too.:biggrin:

Agree.. Had a great time in Jakarta this year with all those cheap ciggarettes.. Indonesia is a Smoker's Paradise..:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
A lot of respect for what you are doing. You are certainly enriching your life as well as others. Good to hear Singaporeans looking after our neighbours rather than belittling them.

This is also the reason why I wrote on the Malays as Gracious People.

I have worked with this people and they love me just like their own.

I carry along used clothes for the kids and buy cheap powdered milk for the little ones too.

Many people are highlighted and on our TV and in the papers.

We prefer to be on our own because WE CAN AFFORD IT COLLECTIVELY and don not want to come into the limelight.

What the poor partake, we do the same with them. No preferences.

We don't behave in an authocratic and despotic manner like their former Dutch masters.

We love them for what they are irregardless of their religion and beliefs.

One thing I found out is that these poor people are much holy the the Holiest and sincerely in God, despite the poverty.

What else can we do in Life? Carry On Helping not Carry On Enriching Thyself.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Agree.. Had a great time in Jakarta this year with all those cheap ciggarettes.. Indonesia is a Smoker's Paradise..:biggrin:

A friend told a tale after advising another about buying smuggled cigarettes. He was caught and the officer asked to go to his home to check for more smuggled cigarettes. Foolishly he allowed and his collection of porno VCD's were found but no more cigarettes. He was fined about 1K for that.:biggrin:


Should be Custom plainclothes officers or Cisco chaps.. My colleague just kena last week at Boon Lay MRT.. Luckily he was smoking Spore ciggarettes..

Agree.. Had a great time in Jakarta this year with all those cheap ciggarettes.. Indonesia is a Smoker's Paradise..:biggrin:

Be extra careful during holiday season. They ambush you on ciggies and drunk driving. It's harvest season for them.

Indonesia one pack of ciggies $1+ and one can of beer $1+. :smile:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
A friend told a tale after advising another about buying smuggled cigarettes. He was caught and the officer asked to go to his home to check for more smuggled cigarettes. Foolishly he allowed and his collection of porno VCD's were found but no more cigarettes. He was fined about 1K for that.:biggrin:

Yes Bro thats the standard practised by the authorities.. Few years back, an ex colleague of mine struck a deal with a Vessel Captain whose vessel was docked in Spore.. This Indonesian Vessel carried 300 over cartons of Indonesian ciggarettes mostly the Kreteks ciggies.. The chap bought 100 cartons of it for a cheap $20 each.. He foolishly stored it inside his brother's condo.. Then he sold the cartons for $50 each.. Business was good and he got a lot of buyers mostly Bangladeshi shipyard workers until one day someone reported him to the Custom.. Custom officers were swift to detain him at my office compound that very same day and they straight away proceded to his Brother's condo... Another colleague quickly called the chap's brother to warned him on the upcoming arrival of the Custom officers to his place..Luckily for him his brother's quick thinking saved him that day.. His Brother managed to dumped the remaining cartons inside the rubbish chute.. Think the condo cleaners would have free cigarettes that afternoon...:smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another colleague quickly called the chap's brother to warned him on the upcoming arrival of the Custom officers to his place..Luckily for him his brother's quick thinking saved him that day.. His Brother managed to dumped the remaining cartons inside the rubbish chute.. Think the condo cleaners would have free cigarettes that afternoon...:smile:

Phew...that was a real close call, thank his lucky stars. The determination of the authorities to stamp out illegal ciggies just shows the greed of the government. The loss in revenue from tax duties can be in millions, yet they do not want to ban ciggies. Banning the substance can be a boon for the country but then the government will lose an income. So is that ethical?


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are not alone Mr Kohliantye.. Happened to me too on Feb last year after my fishing trip at Changi.. I put my hands up and admit that its my fault.. I accidentally threw a ciggie butt on the ground at the Changi Village carpark.. Then just when I was about to enter my car, a smartly dressed bloody nerdy spectatcle guy came up to me and stopped me from entering my car..:confused: Then he showed me his NEA pass bearing his name.. He quickly took out a booklet and saman me $300.. :mad: :( I then protested to him that it was my first time and he should at least gave me a verbal warning for that.. But the bloody bastard was having none of my protestations.. Gave me a green slip of paper and he just walked off from me.. Feeling infuriated, I then shouted at him in full view of other people at the carpark.. A young Malay gal then came up to me and told me that the fucktard who fined me was her partner and both of them were actually Cisco Auxilliary officers attached to NEA.. She told me to calmed down and said that its no use pleading to him because he is the ''on the ball'' type.. She then told me that her partner was a Cisco chap from Malaysia and she kindly told me to just pay up the fine and not to cause any more trouble for myself.. But I was still seething with anger and I ran after that Malaysian fucktard who then proceded to the CV hawker centre and sarcastically clapped at him and telling him that Yaacob Ibrahim the then Minister Of Enviroment would give him further promotion for a job well done.. Sensing trouble, my bro in law then dragged me away from the hawker centre and headed to the carpark and pushed me into the car.. I did not want to pay the saman but my wife was having none of it especially if it concerns the law.. 2 days later, paid up the saman at the AXS machine..

Bro, its good that your wife and bro in law had pushed you away, otherwise they will not hesitate to charge you for a serious offence under the Penal Code, Preventing a Public Servant from Discharging His Duties - lagi chiaaalaaaat. Anyway forget abouyt the $300/ as you can earn it back. A day will come when that guy will also face the same predicament that we encountered. Karma. Retribution. Payback time akan datang....for him


Alfrescian (Inf)
Phew...that was a real close call, thank his lucky stars. The determination of the authorities to stamp out illegal ciggies just shows the greed of the government. The loss in revenue from tax duties can be in millions, yet they do not want to ban ciggies. Banning the substance can be a boon for the country but then the government will lose an income. So is that ethical?

Bro, they can never stamped out those illegal ciggies.. Big vessels coming to Spore would usually have countless cartons of ciggarettes.. Custom and Immigration officers present onboard this vessel would not bother to fully check the whole huge vessel unless there's a tip off from someone.. I don't think the Govt will ban cigarettes.. Its has been generating alot of income for them over the years and There would be an outcry from all the smokers here.. I foresee a further increase in ciggarette prices in the coming future..:( Btw the late PAP MP Harun Ghani was also smoker.. He used to go out for lunch with my former GM who was his old buddy... Once accompanied my GM and him to a Nasi Padang stall behind Sultan Mosque.. Barely minutes afte finishing his meal, he straight away lit up a Sampoerna Menthol ciggarette.. That was in 2003 after he retired from politics..


Alfrescian (Inf)
A friend told a tale after advising another about buying smuggled cigarettes. He was caught and the officer asked to go to his home to check for more smuggled cigarettes. Foolishly he allowed and his collection of porno VCD's were found but no more cigarettes. He was fined about 1K for that.:biggrin:

Windsor, something has gone terribly wrong. It is ultra-vires (against) their powers to check homes for cigarettes.

Who the hell is he to go to your friends house.? Under what authority. Even police officers and Narco guys has no such powers.

Someone in authority MUST accompany them. This is under the Criminal Procedure Code.

Please make a report against him for Criminal Trespass. There is nothing to worry.

This has truly going over-board. Clear case of abuse of authority.

What happens if one day such a check is conducted on a female and the so-called "cigarette detective" ask her to go to a dark spot and conducts a physical check on her?

Case of Outraging of modesty.........Molestation............

Very frightening indeed..... I hope Yaakob Ibrahim is going through my contribution to this page. He better do..........., otherwise I will ask my favourite writer from
Starits Times, Zuraidah Ibrahim to make it into an issue of public interest.