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Chitchat Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ancestry




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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance


what a joke you acting blur with whoami comment

cry baby m&d stopped with your victim playing now?

Stop talking to urself Jamban.


Love ur sharp tinnnny feet/toes. Real bitchie u r jamban


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

So medieval chinks bound the feet of rich girls and muslims have child brides. Today, no more bound feet for women but muslim child brides persist. In most parts of the world, that is considered as paedophilia.


Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

welcome to the Chinese dog club!! Good job my fellow Chinese dog that post is very funny!

rotflmao! this post is instant classic.

Absolutely agree, and I'm with you on this! :wink: :p

when ed chigliak mentioned chink chicks behaving like slot machines, he is correct. notice in all slots the slit where coin goes in is always horizontal. designers of slots have chink cheebyes in mind - horizontal cunt slits are associated with chink chicks, and they gobble up lots of cash and make male players broke.

View attachment 29308

Good job my fellow Chinese dog our chink females like mothers and daughters have horizontal cheebyes!


Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

I have horizontal cheebyes!

Good job my fellow islambabi pig,

we mooslem puki allahBUTOH islampigs like your mother and daughters have cheebyes as big as a WC hole.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

You fool. Pretend for fark? I already clearly said that more individuals convert to the islam faith.

If an individual want to marry a mat/minah and convert, that is their problem. They are the ones who have to put up with norms of their community. Not you.
How come you are so overwhelmed by it? Who the fark are you to impose your own personal ignorant views on other peoples personal fate in life.

Oh wait..dont tell me your heart bleeds every time a Chinese girl marries a mat. Seriously, are you a wimp?

Hey fucking retard! It is Islamic terrorist like you who forces others to convert then say they convert out of their own free will. Yeah, free will my foot! Pointing guns to their head and lied about free will. Like there is no pressure existed.
When fucking Islamic terrorist like you are on the other side, you monkeys go wild and start killing! Remember Maria Hertogh riots? If fucking Islamic idiots idiots like you think it is individual decision, why the fuck Islamic terrorist go wild on killing just because Maria decided to kneel before her original religion Mother Mary?

Fucking Islamic terrorist like you are the fucking problem in this world!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

Hey fucking retard! It is Islamic terrorist like you who forces others to convert then say they convert out of their own free will. Yeah, free will my foot! Pointing guns to their head and lied about free will. Like there is no pressure existed.
When fucking Islamic terrorist like you are on the other side, you monkeys go wild and start killing! Remember Maria Hertogh riots? If fucking Islamic idiots idiots like you think it is individual decision, why the fuck Islamic terrorist go wild on killing just because Maria decided to kneel before her original religion Mother Mary?

Fucking Islamic terrorist like you are the fucking problem in this world!

Muslims forced others to convert to Islam? Can u show us the numbers?

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

Muslims forced others to convert to Islam? Can u show us the numbers?

If you want to marry a Muslim, you must convert to Islam, if not, the family will object.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

Abduction, forced marriage, forced convert, it is in the DNA of this Satanic religion.

1,000 Christian, Hindu girls forced to convert to Islam every year in Pakistan: report

Around 1,000 Christian and Hindu women in Pakistan are forcibly converted to Islam and married to Muslim men every year, according to a report released by Movement for Solidarity and Peace- in Pakistan on Monday.

The report states the estimates of the incidence of forced marriage and conversion from 100 to 700 victim Christian girls and 300 Hindu girls per year, adding that the true scale of the problem is likely to be much greater, as a number of cases are never reported or do not progress through the law-enforcement and legal systems.

The report has categorized the concurrent incidence of forced conversions and forced marriages as a distinct crime specific to minority Christian women in Punjab.

The research by MSP has lead to discovery of a distinguished pattern:

Christian girls — usually between the ages of 12 and 25 — are abducted, converted to Islam, and married to the abductor or third party.

The victim’s family usually files a First Information Report (FIR) for abduction or rape with the local police station. The abductor, on behalf of the victim girl, files a counter FIR, accusing the Christian family of harassing the willfully converted and married girl, and for conspiring to convert the girl back to Christianity.

Upon production in the courts or before the magistrate, the victim girl is asked to testify whether she converted and married of her own free will or if she was abducted.

In most cases, the girl remains in custody of the abductor while judicial proceedings are carried out. Upon the girl’s pronouncement that she willfully converted and consented to the marriage, the case is settled without relief for the family.

Once in the custody of the abductor, the victim girl may be subjected to sexual violence, rape, forced prostitution, human trafficking and sale, or other domestic abuse.

In its report, MSP has included 10 illustrative cases victims who have been subjected to such patterns of violence and injustice.

The report describes the history of and social context within which forced conversions and marriages take place, the particular grievances of the Christians and others minorities in Pakistan including the Blasphemy laws as under Sections 295-B, and C of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), constitutional guarantees of equal representation, underrepresentation in political institutions, and religion-specific Articles of the Constitution of Pakistan; and the issue of forced conversion and forced marriages targeting Christian girls community in Pakistan.

The report has surveyed legal, political, and procedural guarantees for rights protection and outlines illustrative cases demonstrating the pattern of violence through which the law becomes complicit in providing immunity for perpetrators, and the complex nature of associated crimes that make it difficult to categorize this crime as specific to religious identity.

The report concludes with detailed recommendations for the key stakeholders at various levels – national, provincial, and local.

MSP has appealed for action with the release of the report.

The organisation is mobilising an inclusive coalition to raise awareness on this issue.

It will be hosting outreach events in the coming weeks in Pakistan (in collaboration with the National Commission of Justice and Peace in Pakistan) and around the world.

The current investigative effort by MSP follows its 2012 release of “Shia Hazara of Pakistan: A Community under Siege”, an in-depth report revealing abuse of religious minorities in Pakistan’s eastern province of Balochistan.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

Syria: Armenian Christians Forced to Convert to Islam or Die

Arabic language websites reported earlier this week that the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant—which, throughout the course of the war against the Syrian Bashar al-Assad government has committed any number of atrocities, from decapitating “infidels” to burning churches—has successfully “forced” two Armenian Christian families to convert to Islam.

A video accompanies some of these reports. In it, what appears to be an elderly Armenian man stands alongside an Islamic cleric who announces the Christian man’s conversion to Islam—to thunderous cries of “Allahu Akbar!” In his exultation, the cleric makes exuberant statements like “You see, we have no honor without Islam—without proclaiming aloud that ‘There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet!'” (Without the religious jargon, this is simply another way of saying, “Only by joining our team can you ever escape dishonor,” the lot of all non-Muslim, subhuman “infidels.”)

Syrian people from the Christian town of Maalula, a symbol of the ancient Christian presence in Syria which is currently under control of Syrian rebels, including jihadist groups, attend a mass service at the Saint Joseph church on December 18, 2013 in Damascus. Syrian Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham, has called on his fellow Christians to stay in Syria, despite the brutal conflict raging in the country. According to the patriarch, 450,000 Syrian Christians have been displaced by the conflict that began in March 2011, around 40,000 of whom have fled to Lebanon. AFP PHOTO/LOUAI BESHARA
The cleric also adds that, because the man is the head of his household, his Christian wife and children are all now Muslim as well—“all praise to Allah!” Naturally, if they reject their new Islamic identity, they become “apostates,” a crime punishable by death.

The rather flippant and sarcastic text that accompanies this video points out the obvious:

After decades of peaceful coexistence between the various religions of Syria, and after decades of living under the moderate form of Levantine Islam … these two Armenian families were none too keen on entering Islam or learning of its eminence—except at the hands of DAASH [al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant], which has been presenting a “rosy” picture of Islam and Muslims, by way of chopping heads, whipping people, and general repression. Thus did these two Christian Armenian families finally enter Islam, “willingly”—but only at the hands of DAASH.
In other words, it’s “curious,” to say the least, that Christians who for generations lived amid moderate Muslim majorities in Syria but opted to remain Christian, are now “suddenly” attracted to Islam—and at the hands of a jihadi organization that has been bombing churches, kidnapping and beheading Christians, and even teaching children to slaughter Christians wherever they may be found.

Sound like genuine conviction to you? Maybe things like the 2012 news that “a family of Armenian Christians was found murdered, and all members of the family horribly decapitated” in Syria is compelling these Armenian families into seeing the “wisdom” of embracing Islam?

Here we reach an important but overlooked historical point: While many Christians, past and present, have indeed willingly embraced martyrdom—the sword, death—rather than recant Christ for Muhammad, the majority of born Christians, when faced with converting to Islam or dying, have opted for the former. Indeed, call it a lack of idealism or a lack of faithfulness, when faced with converting to the “winning team” of Islam or simply being third-class subjects (dhimmis), many nominal Christians throughout the centuries have opted to convert.

That is precisely how and why the so-called “Islamic world”—the majority of which was almost entirely Christian before the Islamic conquests—came into being: a fact Western people were once well acquainted with, before the current age of political correctness and alternate realities fell upon us.


New information has just emerged concerning the recent killing of a young Armenian man, Minas, for refusing to convert to Islam, again at the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (so much for their claims that they do not threaten Christians to convert).

He was reportedly killed in one of ISIL’s dungeons in Aleppo, north Syria, which has a notable Armenian minority.

According to iNews, “Minas and his father were held in ISIL’s prison for 115 days, according to one activist, and his accusation was that he refused to submit [to Islam, i.e., convert].”

iNews adds that activists from the region sent the accompanying picture, saying it is of the slain Minas. Others confirm that the picture is of a slain Armenian in Syria, but not of Minas. In any case, the man appears to be wearing the garments of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Aleppo.

The same report mentions other Christian Armenians slaughtered, including one who reportedly had “his head chopped off and placed in a biscuit box.”

Ed Chigliak

Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

So medieval chinks bound the feet of rich girls and muslims have child brides. Today, no more bound feet for women but muslim child brides persist. In most parts of the world, that is considered as paedophilia.

Let me get this straight. People are outraged by muslim child brides and Mohd’s preference for young girls but are people are less outraged by paedophilia/child abuse across board all countries?

Did it comes across to you that maybe in reality, paedophilia is very real and possibly rampant in many western 1st world countries and rural 3rd world countries? Heard about paedophile priests in the Vatican?, Hollywood?, English soccer youth etc? Australia not only exports sheep, they export pedos to poor countries like Indonesia, Bali, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. White Australia has a long history of sexual abuse and cover ups of young children by the Church/Childcare agencies in the 60, 70s.

“Rumors” have been going on for years about paedophile rings being enormous and pervasive amongst the elites (eg English Royal family class and US top elites). Heard of Jimmy Saville and his connection with the Royals?

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit that centuries ago when people lived off the land, child brides, sexual relations with underage boys/girls were the “cultural norm”. Do your research (if you want), but there are articles about paedophilia during the Ancient Greek/Roman culture....probably also in the 15/16th century Chinese/Japanese Buddhist monasteries too. What about India....those farkers also have child brides, child prostitutes..not only that....they fuck goats too (oh boy....Jah’s clone Piggy is going to cut and paste and save it to his Ammunition folder). Dont worry guys.. ..Chairman Mao also kept his favourite female pet goat on his bed.

Side note to Jah: I’m digressing but....if you are curious about your ancestry, I suggest setting yourself up on ancestry.com. You might be pleasantly surprised who your ancestors are....it’s possible your great-great-grandmother might be a goat. Yep...she would have worn all the bridal robes and had her 4 hooves/feet tied up.

To get some perspective, have a read of this article by a Chink academia.


An excerpt:

In China, the current minimum legal age for sexual intercourse is 14 for both sexes and marriage age 22 for males and 20 for females. However, in ancient China when population control was not a concern, the age was quite low. For most of Chinese history, the minimum marriage age suggested by the government had ranged between 12 and 16, and it was not legally binding, especially in the wealthy classes or in certain ethnic minorities. Until the first half of the last century, there was still the practice of the “child bridegroom” in, but not restricted to, the Hubei region of China (Lou 1970). A male child of any age, even before birth, could by parental arrangement take an adult woman as a wife. The purpose could be to consolidate family status and relationship, or simply to have someone to help taking care of the child. After marriage, the couple slept in one bed like all other husbands and wives. No one would pay attention to what type of sexual relationship they might have and when. In the normal course of events, they would begin with those sex plays they were capable of and wanted, until one day, when the child was old enough to desire and do it, they had coitus. After the boy grew still older, he usually took a second wife closer to his age, but he would continue to keep, love and respect the first wife. .
Some writers very vehemently question the capacity of children to give valid consent to sexual activity with adults. Despite their arguments, to the Chinese - who are particularly conscious of the importance and priority of social (and hence adult) values - the focus of discussions on the child consent issue in pedophilic activities is blatantly irrelevant and hypocritical.

Now that you have read it, do take some time out and digest it. Ed Chigliak’s interpretation is that the chinks (like their fellow muslim pedos) have this thing for young ones.

Here is the sick part ...the male child even before birth can get married to an adult chink bitch. Far out..I can handle eating plastic rice and use gutter oil to cook my fries...but this chink shit takes the cake!...wahahahaha.

Mohd will be rolling in his farking grave and laughing his sandnigger ass off. ;-)


Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance


There are many detestable teachings and practices in Islam. Sexual-slavery, raping of war-captives, murdering of infidels, looting and pillaging the property of murdered infidels, the subjugation and beating of women, the killing of apostates and the immoral reward of unlimited sex with multiple sexual partners in Paradise are just some samples of the unethical teachings of Allah in the Qur’an. However, in this article we will confine our discussion to a subject that many are unaware of. The subject of Incest in Islam. Please read this article carefully and be prepared for some shocking revelation about the dark teachings of Islam.

The truth about Islam has been one of the world’s best-kept secrets. For centuries, it has been practically impossible to raise any objection against Islam or the character of Muhammad in Muslim majority countries. Those who dare raise any objections against Islam would place his or her life in great danger. But things have changed. With the advent of the Internet, it is now virtually impossible for Muslims to keep the dark teachings of Islam a secret anymore. Many who are now enlightened about the truth of Islam are shocked at the true teachings of the Qur’an. And Muslims are unable to silence everyone.

Incest is defined as sexual relations between persons who are so closely related that their marriage is illegal or forbidden by custom. The prohibition of Incest is and has been one of the most common of all cultural taboos – both in the present and past societies. Most societies have laws regarding the prohibition of closely consanguineous marriages. However, it may come as shock for many to learn that in some specific instances, Incest is not a sin and is permitted in Islam.

There is a religious ruling in Islam that is taught and upheld by prominent Islamic scholars. This religious ruling reveals the approval of incest within its theology. The approval of this extremely debased practice serves as a character witness of the religion of Islam. In accordance with the most authentic teaching of Islam, a Muslim man is permitted to marry his own biological daughter and consummate the marriage with her if she was conceived illegitimately. In other words, a Muslim man is permitted to marry his own biological daughter if she is born to him out of wedlock. The foundation for Incest in Islam is laid in the following verse:

Surah 25:54: It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power over all things. (Yusuf Ali)

Al-Qurtubi is one of Islam’s premiere commentators. In his Commentary (Tafsir) on Surah 25:54, he quotes Ibn Al-Arabi (1165 C.E. – 1240 C.E.), the most influential author of Islamic history. He is also known to his supporters as al-Shaykh al-Akbar (The Greatest Master). Al-Qurtubi wrote:


“Lineage and relationship through marriage are two terms that describe the personal relationships that may exist between humans.”

Ibn Al-Arabi said, “Lineage is an expression referring to the mixture of fluids between a male and a female from a religious legal point of view.

However, if this union (between male and female) occurs through disobedience (fornication) then the resulting child is not considered a part of a person’s true lineage. That is why a daughter born from adultery is not mentioned in Allah’s saying, ‘Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mothers and daughters’ (Surah 4:23) because she is not considered a daughter according to the most authentic teaching of our (Islamic) scholars and the most authentic teaching of our religion.

If there is no legal lineage then there is no legal relationship; for adultery does not prohibit (from marriage) the daughter of the mother (you committed adultery with) nor the mother of a woman (you committed adultery with). What is lawfully prohibited is not also prohibited due to sin, for Allah has bestowed lineage and relation through marriage upon His servants and greatly esteemed these relationships. Allah has also established laws identifying what is legal and what is prohibited, which are not equal to each other; therefore falsehood cannot be a part of these laws.” (Tafseer Qurtubi, Surah 25 verse 54; Translated from Al-Azhar’s official website).

Let us analyze this Islamic ruling very carefully. According “to the most authentic teaching of Islamic scholars and the most authentic teaching of Islam,” a daughter born out of wedlock is not considered as the daughter of the man. Consequently, it becomes permissible for him to marry her. The above Islamic ruling clearly states that “the resulting child is not considered a part of a person’s true lineage.” As a result, the daughter is regarded the same as any other unrelated woman. As such, Islam does not prohibit the marriage between the father and his own biological daughter who is born through fornication or adultery.

We are mooslems babi pigs. We love incest because Allah puki say boleh.

Yup. Beyond reasonable doubt that we islambabi pigs are genetically programmed to fuck our own mothers and daughters.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

Let me get this straight. People are outraged by muslim child brides and Mohd’s preference for young girls but are people are less outraged by paedophilia/child abuse across board all countries?

Let me get this straight: most Muslims I know and talk to are more outraged about any talk of his paedophilia than they are of the actual deed. They prefer it hushed it, declare that child brides were not wrong by societal norms back then or the hadith were plain wrong on her age.

The problem of child brides cannot be eradicated in many muslim conservative societies today because that would construe a huge insult on what their prophet did long ago. Other societies which practiced child brides long ago, including chinks, could gradually solve this problem just like they largely solved bound feet and slavery.

Paedophilia is paedophilia, regardless whether it was done by an arab, chink, greek, christian priest or anyone else.


Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

Let me get this straight: most Muslims I know and talk to are more outraged about any talk of his paedophilia than they are of the actual deed. They prefer it hushed it, declare that child brides were not wrong by societal norms back then or the hadith were plain wrong on her age.

The problem of child brides cannot be eradicated in many muslim conservative societies today because that would construe a huge insult on what their prophet did long ago. Other societies which practiced child brides long ago, including chinks, could gradually solve this problem just like they largely solved bound feet and slavery.

Paedophilia is paedophilia, regardless whether it was done by an arab, chink, greek, christian priest or anyone else.

What are the cultures or religions that pedophiles would use scripts from their religion books to justified their acts? Single them out and the problem is easier to solve!

Ed Chigliak

Re: Why Malays find their Muslim identity to be more salient than their "Malay" ance

Let me get this straight: most Muslims I know and talk to are more outraged about any talk of his paedophilia than they are of the actual deed. They prefer it hushed it, declare that child brides were not wrong by societal norms back then or the hadith were plain wrong on her age.

The problem of child brides cannot be eradicated in many muslim conservative societies today because that would construe a huge insult on what their prophet did long ago. Other societies which practiced child brides long ago, including chinks, could gradually solve this problem just like they largely solved bound feet and slavery.

Paedophilia is paedophilia, regardless whether it was done by an arab, chink, greek, christian priest or anyone else.

Child marriages are still being practiced in India...both amongst Hindus and Muslims.

You may have a “logical” point when you say the muslims still practice child marriage in line with what their prophet did. Ok fair enough as it is based on the muslims you have been in contact with.


I had a quick look at the India census (most recent one done some years ago)

It shows that the Indian Hindus have a higher % of child brides as compared to the Indian Muslims. I would roughly estimate it as 70-80% Indian Hindu child brides and 5-10% Indian Muslim child brides in India. Give and take errors.

If one wants to solve this specific problem in India, do they solve it from a religion perspective (i.e get rid of the archaic religion and practices) or solve it through other means (eg literacy/education, infrastructure, amenities, poverty level etc).

On the surface, the numbers show that it is more of a Hindu faith problem than an Islamic faith problem. I can only speak for myself..it is clearly a literacy/education/infrastructure etc problem.
