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The reason behind the 24hr Cooling Off Period


The first question that political pundits would have asked themselves is - what prompted such a bizarre rule? Clearly it must be important for the PAP or even critical for them to have it implemented having taken the meaning of gerrymandering to the extreme, having introduced undemocratic features such as the GRC etc. Why this? This is party that believes in having quick elections at short ntoice without the opportunity to ponder and think. So why the need to ponder and think.

So the search began. Quick phone calls which was basically futile because the guys in the know seemed to be surprised as well. And the answers always seem to come after a late night supper.

Apparently the adage - a picture paints a thousand words has sent shivers down the spine of the PAP. The photos of the Hougang Rally where the crowd overflowed with stairways and corridors of neighbouring HDB blocks completely occupied was quite telling in comparison to less attended PAP rallies. SPH never carried those pictures.

The fear that Alex might again capture the mood to the detriment of the PAP is indeed a fearful thought. Add that ramping up of opposition inclined blogs and forums that we carry content about Temasek mismanagement, so called independent candidates who are associates of PAP or proxies etc. Thus the pre-emptive mood.

Don't be surprised if Singtel which managed the links does a 24 hr takedown of external based sites which cannot be marsalled by local laws.

ps. the new elections rally sites will also be interesting.


"Don't be surprised if Singtel which managed the links does a 24 hr takedown of external based sites which cannot be marsalled by local laws. "

You hit the nail on the head. Once this law is written, authorities will have the ability to shut down the net from foreign sites. They have no fears with local media which is controlled but with internet that is a whole new world.

The internet is a level playing field with politicians being able to telegraph their message 24/7. This is an attempt to shut down the internet.


what if someone wears opposition oarties t-shirts walk ard,,,, will the opposition parties get penalised? who will implement such laws?

what if the PAP gets someone to pose as Oppositions then flaunt the law? will they get disqualified?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The internet is a level playing field with politicians being able to telegraph their message 24/7. This is an attempt to shut down the internet.

Wonder if shutting down the internet would help the PAP in an election:confused:

Many jobless Sporeans out there who are aware of the foreigners in Spore.

Losses of Temasek is no secret, only the true extent of the losses.

We all know the lazy, incompetent,......are getting million salaries while our salaries are stagnant or cut.

PAP abuses are well known so will a news blackout help them:confused:


Wonder if someone can buy up a whole page to put out an ad with a litany of all the ills, wrongdoings, iniquities of the govt as a aide-de-memoire for voters? Will this be considered as 'campaigning' and included under the 'cooling off' rules?


Dear Scroobal

When the going gets "tough" the "tough million dollar PAP minister" get creative with one sided legislation and administrative roadblocks. When their credibility diminishes, blame external influences instead of their own inability to maintain that credibilty. When leaders start sounding like Bagdad BOB , do not recruit better leaders or a better message but blame the media and influences they cannot control.

The PAP have always used rules which favor bigger parties and since well they are the ONLY big party around it works to their advantage. Election rally site choices have not been choices between good and good but rather good and bad with the good going to the pap crowd of one thousand or so because they have the grass roots numbers to create a hello kitty overnite cute for the better sites. I know I swam in m&d at the last GE for the opposition

How "tough" is the going ? I hear their internal pre election polling is going pretty badly for them and hence these new measures ? Chiam is at 45 +/- 3 in TP not even taking into account swings which can be generated during a nine day campaign. Rumours rumors even from the well informedg.

Losses or near losses in previous GE's have resulted in well GRC Bigger GRCs and the elected president. I can't figure out why their moves currently as nothing in 2006 would indicate to me a need for such pre-emption. So how "tough" is the going and how bad is the ground sentiment ?



Alfrescian (Inf)
Ya, under PAP policies, Singaporeans have been boiled alive, barbecued, toasted, baked, scorched, burned until someone was set on fire, literally, for playing fire with us. Now they said we need to cool off for a day before torching us again for the next 5 years. This is rediculous. If we don't end PAP, PAP will end you. That is life kicking lesser mortal in the butt quoting from Wee Shu Min and Charles Chong.


PAPpy is like the little naughty boy who misbehaves for an entire year and tries hard to be good in the days leading to Xmas, hoping to get a present from Santa.

This year Santa might not come knocking!


Wonder if someone can buy up a whole page to put out an ad with a litany of all the ills, wrongdoings, iniquities of the govt as a aide-de-memoire for voters? Will this be considered as 'campaigning' and included under the 'cooling off' rules?

You think the States Times will accept this advert ? Who is the chairman of The States Times and does he has a personal stake in making sure his company work to his favour? They are not called States times for nothing.


<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4KEjTt8s-c0&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4KEjTt8s-c0&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>​


<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AXKa5uP1fMQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AXKa5uP1fMQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>​


<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AXKa5uP1fMQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AXKa5uP1fMQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>​

I was one of them there in the stadium, chanting and waving workers party flag..the next day I vote for PAP

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Dear Locke,

PAP is just like a helpless and headless chicken running wide now. The pre-elections poll is far worse than what you have indicated. Not only Bishan-TP , Aljunied, Tampines and even Tanjong Pagar have become big danger zones with Aljunied and Tampines in the range of 50% (or more) +/- 3%. This is the primary reason why they want to cut down the sizes of GRCs to cut loss, nothing about heeding to calls for fairer playing ground.

Some may be surprised about Tampines and that include me. But from my last round of coming in contact of Tampines, the ground has indeed swollen pretty badly. Even Jalan Besar's ground is losing grip. Jalan Besar has the least P65 percentage but it seems that the mood swing among the 50 yr old and above is creating tremors there.

The main key reason why PAP wants this 24hr cooling off period is to contain mood swing among the growing size of P65 voters. According to my estimation, the percentage of P65 voters would have crossed the 50% mark by the next election. They are being viewed by PAP as the potential vote swinger because they are from a generation that missed the fruits of early economic growth but made to pay almost 10 times more than their parents for their HDB flats. Furthermore, they are the ones who suffered the brunt of 1998 financial crisis, 2003 SARS economic crisis and the present 2008 financial crisis. Many of them lost their money in scams like minibond saga which PAP government refused to do anything about it. On top of this, the FT influx have adversely affected their earning level.

This is the main threat of PAP which it tries to address. Cutting down the sizes of GRC will make opposition contesting less seats if they do not have enough Malay or Indian candidates. When it comes to electoral rules, PAP will always make the rules with most advantages to themselves. No doubt about that.

So my take is this, the key now is for the professionals among the Malay and Indian community to make their moves. This is will be the watershed elections and if they miss this boat, we will not have another similar chance to change Singapore's political landscape in many years to come.

Goh Meng Seng

Dear Scroobal

When the going gets "tough" the "tough million dollar PAP minister" get creative with one sided legislation and administrative roadblocks. When their credibility diminishes, blame external influences instead of their own inability to maintain that credibilty. When leaders start sounding like Bagdad BOB , do not recruit better leaders or a better message but blame the media and influences they cannot control.

The PAP have always used rules which favor bigger parties and since well they are the ONLY big party around it works to their advantage. Election rally site choices have not been choices between good and good but rather good and bad with the good going to the pap crowd of one thousand or so because they have the grass roots numbers to create a hello kitty overnite cute for the better sites. I know I swam in m&d at the last GE for the opposition

How "tough" is the going ? I hear their internal pre election polling is going pretty badly for them and hence these new measures ? Chiam is at 45 +/- 3 in TP not even taking into account swings which can be generated during a nine day campaign. Rumours rumors even from the well informedg.

Losses or near losses in previous GE's have resulted in well GRC Bigger GRCs and the elected president. I can't figure out why their moves currently as nothing in 2006 would indicate to me a need for such pre-emption. So how "tough" is the going and how bad is the ground sentiment ?





The type of rally won't happen again at Tampines, the ruling party has successfully converted it into a soccer training ground. For who I have no idea.


I was one of them there in the stadium, chanting and waving workers party flag..the next day I vote for PAP

I'm not surprised! Karaoke lounge whores like you say I love you to clients and go to bed with them can still get it wet and suck the cocks of their MIW Pimp boyfriends.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
How much will that cost? $15,000? Perhaps GMS can cough out the money.:biggrin:

You must have got it wrong. Your party leader is paid as MP and he is leader of opposition. If leader of opposition doesn't take the lead, who should? :wink:

Goh Meng Seng