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CPF!!! Good Or Bad???


Alfrescian (Inf)
Idiotic??? I'm still waiting for you to copy n show me in which post did I mentioned about the HK Pension Plan... What a disgrace to your mum n ancestor!!!

What a foul mouth! Guess, when you are all muddled up with your lies and can't get your facts right, you just have to curse and swear.
Please go post #12 to refresh your depleting brain on what you wrote.


Alfrescian (Inf)
To put it short, most sinkie will think CPF is good that it is a forced saving. However when they reach old age, i.e. 55 it should be returned to them and maage by themselves., Life is short, 55 should be the right age to enjoy life and not work like a dog.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Your point is inetrest rate for CPF is too low. >>>> that I agree
But now dont ever think of 8%. Is not easy

Please lah ...read my post and do your research. An 8 percent return is conservative and achievable. Just buy the S&P ETF.

Past is past. Now what is a fair deal to CPF account holder ?? For me is guarantee min 4% for all amount in CPF. And extra up to 2% if 10YSGS ROI is 6%.
You are selling yourself short.
CPF wants to keep your money until 55, then you can withdraw amount above the min sum. So, I used a period of 33 years for the investment period. If your money was in that ETF in 1980 and you pulled it out in 2013, you would have accumulated $1.3 million from an investment of $330k ($10k a year for 33 years). CPF outcome is $450k ...so after 33 years of savings, you only manage to earn $100k!

If 10YSGS less than 4% >> CPF still need to pay min 4%
And if 10YSGS more than 6% eg. 10% the invester pay CPF 6% the rest they can keep. That to make sure the management in 10YSGS performce. Less they need to top up until 4%.
No way head the win and tail they also win in the end CPF account holder get short change.
You are a perfect customer for financial advisers (aka unit trusts salesperson). You don't care about MER and am happy to accept below benchmark returns. Actually, the CPF is benchmark against nothing just the government's bs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Have read many forum posts regarding CPF. Most arguments are at the both extreme ends, whether CPF is good or bad. They can argue until kingdom come and would still get no result until one started to fook the other. The title of this thread is likely to end the same. It is just like whether it is good to migrate. It has always the content of ‘the green is greener at the other ends and the moons are rounder there.”

We know that CPF is here to stay. Like many system, it has the goods and the bads. Lets focus on why Singaporeans are not happy about the CPF system and why one of the Singaporeans has taken offence to defame the PM.

About 10 years ago when CPF interest rate was high, there was not much complaints except for a very few who could not withdraw their savings at will. After 2007/08, things started to change. The CPF members were seeing lower interest rate. At first, no one was alarmed because interest rates were lowering everywhere all thanks to Bernanke’s QE monetary policies. Then when someone found that the Malaysian EPF and the Hong Kong Provident Funds etc could offer higher interests to their members, some members like Furry Brown beginning to question why in 2009. (Don’t get wrong ideas, I am not Furry Brown).


There were also grumblings in many Forums after Malaysia and Hong Kong published their figures in 2008.

Lets forget about how and why this has developed until today’s stage where our PM has to take one of his citizens to court. As an ordinary Singaporean, I could only look helplessly as our Government has ignored the voices from the ground since 2008. What are those “grassroots” were doing or is it the present Government is so complacent that they are sure they will also win in the 2016 election? I am still seeking good answers.

Thanks for your contributions.

If you put in $10k a year into your CPF until age 55, you would have contributed $330k. When you withdraw, you get $450k, assuming they let you take out the full amount.
For 33 years, you only earned $100k in interest. In real terms, ie after accounting for inflation - you lost money.

Please tell me what is so good about the CPF?

The angmos invented pensions for a good reason. Please read up on the Canadian Pension Plan to see how a viable system can provide some secure retirement income.


You can't even get your story right ...you say you gave up your sinkeehood, collect your CPF in whole, live in China/HK ...now you say you live here.
Time for you to take your meds.

I didn't know you retard level is as low as i can't imagine....

First of all you claimed there's no developed country having a similar scheme like CPF n when I mentioned HK, you turn n twist to talk about the HK Pension Plan interest. And I've also ask you since CPF in SG is being introduced by the British, are you sure Britain do not have such a similar scheme to the CPF which you have not answer.

On what hand you claim you wanna talk about facts but on the other, when you can't show facts, you claimed SG is of no significance and bla bla bla which is all lame n rubbish excuses just to cover up your low-self esteem which makes you love to complaint.

So your new topic here is about SG being a laundering hub in ASIA.... So is Singapore good or bad since the rich chose this tiny little island???? Why slap your own cheap mouth again by flip flopping???

Didn't you know Lee Kuan Yew ever say that those who only can complaint n does nothing are cowards....

Oh.... If you wanna play a twist n turn story, play it wisely.... Since when did I ever mentioned I gave up SG citizenship??? Show me the link please.... It's your forte

Since when did I mentioned that I collect my CPF in full???? On the contrast I did still mentioned that my CPF has a small sum of SGD$30k.... Is either your mum born you blindly or you're illiterate. Not contributing to CPF for 12 years means collecting CPF in full???? Wow, your retard level of understanding is unbelievable....

By living in HK n China, you mean one cannot make go back to SG n buy property????

Please show me the links to support all your so-called accusation or points!!!




You don't even remember your posts! You brought up Germany first.

:biggrin: Show me the link to support your post or you can simply name me the on which post did I brought up Germany first....

No wonder LTK look so timid infront of LHL coz his supporters like you are balless as well... :biggrin:



What a foul mouth! Guess, when you are all muddled up with your lies and can't get your facts right, you just have to curse and swear.
Please go post #12 to refresh your depleting brain on what you wrote.

:rolleyes: Oh ye, which word look so foul to you???

Who's telling lies, turning n twisting, I believed everyone can see.... In your post #5 in this thread, you started comparing the Germans with your this sentence ( Retirement and housing are too different concerns. You can still live comfortable without buying a house. Look at the Germans where home ownership is not such widespread. ).... This is what you wrote on post #5 in this thread which results in my post #12 asking you "Why compare with the Germans?".... Please open up your chicken eyes and see clearly that my sentence in post #12 ended with a question mark...

So who's lying, side-stepping, twisting n turning.... I assumed you'll again avoid my this post after being exposed by me on all your twisting n turning....

Talking about facts, you have non.... You COWARDS can only play a flip-flopping game of words but yet still failed badly!!!

In future if you wanna play twist n turn or roti prata game, chose your opponent well....

Indeed one of your sentence is right "when you oppo supporters are all muddled up with lies and can't get the facts right, you just have to curse n swear".... It's good to have a clear view of yourself n your bunch of coward buddies here!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
I didn't know you retard level is as low as i can't imagine....

First of all you claimed there's no developed country having a similar scheme like CPF n when I mentioned HK, you turn n twist to talk about the HK Pension Plan interest. And I've also ask you since CPF in SG is being introduced by the British, are you sure Britain do not have such a similar scheme to the CPF which you have not answer.

On what hand you claim you wanna talk about facts but on the other, when you can't show facts, you claimed SG is of no significance and bla bla bla which is all lame n rubbish excuses just to cover up your low-self esteem which makes you love to complaint.

So your new topic here is about SG being a laundering hub in ASIA.... So is Singapore good or bad since the rich chose this tiny little island???? Why slap your own cheap mouth again by flip flopping???

Didn't you know Lee Kuan Yew ever say that those who only can complaint n does nothing are cowards....

Oh.... If you wanna play a twist n turn story, play it wisely.... Since when did I ever mentioned I gave up SG citizenship??? Show me the link please.... It's your forte

Since when did I mentioned that I collect my CPF in full???? On the contrast I did still mentioned that my CPF has a small sum of SGD$30k.... Is either your mum born you blindly or you're illiterate. Not contributing to CPF for 12 years means collecting CPF in full???? Wow, your retard level of understanding is unbelievable....

By living in HK n China, you mean one cannot make go back to SG n buy property????

Please show me the links to support all your so-called accusation or points!!!


Your reply is void of meaningful content to deserve a response.


Alfrescian (Inf)
:biggrin: Show me the link to support your post or you can simply name me the on which post did I brought up Germany first....

No wonder LTK look so timid infront of LHL coz his supporters like you are balless as well... :biggrin:

I have spoonfed you enough. If you can't remember your posts, please take your meds.


Please lah ...read my post and do your research. An 8 percent return is conservative and achievable. Just buy the S&P ETF.

You are selling yourself short.
CPF wants to keep your money until 55, then you can withdraw amount above the min sum. So, I used a period of 33 years for the investment period. If your money was in that ETF in 1980 and you pulled it out in 2013, you would have accumulated $1.3 million from an investment of $330k ($10k a year for 33 years). CPF outcome is $450k ...so after 33 years of savings, you only manage to earn $100k!

You are a perfect customer for financial advisers (aka unit trusts salesperson). You don't care about MER and am happy to accept below benchmark returns. Actually, the CPF is benchmark against nothing just the government's bs.

A blind or should i say retard asking some others to do a research when you yourself are foolish n idiotic enough not to have know what a load of rubbish you have wrote. The Germany issue is the best example...

If you can't even dare to admit you started the Germany issue, I doubt you have ballz for other thing let alone me accepting your challenge to verify whether am i living in HK n China...

Dun bark for the sake of it when you dun even know what you are barking at!!!



Alfrescian (Inf)
:rolleyes: Oh ye, which word look so foul to you???

How to help you when you don't even know you are foul?

Who's telling lies, turning n twisting, I believed everyone can see.... In your post #5 in this thread, you started comparing the Germans with your this sentence ( Retirement and housing are too different concerns. You can still live comfortable without buying a house. Look at the Germans where home ownership is not such widespread. ).... This is what you wrote on post #5 in this thread which results in my post #12 asking you "Why compare with the Germans?".... Please open up your chicken eyes and see clearly that my sentence in post #12 ended with a question mark...

You are really daft. Germany was brought up because home ownership is not widespread there. Renting is the norm.
Then you ask how much taxes the German pay ....it is pointless to debate with you because you have dementia.

So who's lying, side-stepping, twisting n turning.... I assumed you'll again avoid my this post after being exposed by me on all your twisting n turning....

Talking about facts, you have non.... You COWARDS can only play a flip-flopping game of words but yet still failed badly!!!

In future if you wanna play twist n turn or roti prata game, chose your opponent well....

Indeed one of your sentence is right "when you oppo supporters are all muddled up with lies and can't get the facts right, you just have to curse n swear".... It's good to have a clear view of yourself n your bunch of coward buddies here!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

ok lah, you win.


Alfrescian (Inf)
:rolleyes: Oh ye, which word look so foul to you???

How to help you when you don't even know you are foul?

Who's telling lies, turning n twisting, I believed everyone can see.... In your post #5 in this thread, you started comparing the Germans with your this sentence ( Retirement and housing are too different concerns. You can still live comfortable without buying a house. Look at the Germans where home ownership is not such widespread. ).... This is what you wrote on post #5 in this thread which results in my post #12 asking you "Why compare with the Germans?".... Please open up your chicken eyes and see clearly that my sentence in post #12 ended with a question mark...

You are really daft. Germany was brought up because home ownership is not widespread there. Renting is the norm.
Then you ask how much taxes the German pay ....it is pointless to debate with you because you have dementia.

So who's lying, side-stepping, twisting n turning.... I assumed you'll again avoid my this post after being exposed by me on all your twisting n turning....

Talking about facts, you have non.... You COWARDS can only play a flip-flopping game of words but yet still failed badly!!!

In future if you wanna play twist n turn or roti prata game, chose your opponent well....

Indeed one of your sentence is right "when you oppo supporters are all muddled up with lies and can't get the facts right, you just have to curse n swear".... It's good to have a clear view of yourself n your bunch of coward buddies here!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

ok lah, you win.


I have spoonfed you enough. If you can't remember your posts, please take your meds.

:rolleyes: Oh... you mean post #5 that is being posted by you is not valid??? Or is it being posted by some others???

In your post #5 in this thread, you started comparing the Germans with your this sentence ( Retirement and housing are too different concerns. You can still live comfortable without buying a house. Look at the Germans where home ownership is not such widespread. ).... This is what you wrote on post #5 in this thread which results in my post #12 asking you "Why compare with the Germans?".... Please open up your chicken eyes and see clearly that my sentence in post #12 ended with a question mark...

You mean you are blind enough not to have see what you wrote about the Germans in your post #5???

Are you taking medications for your retarded illness then??? :biggrin:


winnipegjets;1893453 You are really daft. Germany was brought up because home ownership is not widespread there. Renting is the norm. Then you ask how much taxes the German pay ....it is pointless to debate with you because you have dementia.[/QUOTE said:
I though in your post #81, you wrote : "You brought up Germany first."... It's just above this page n I believe even if you're blind enough you could see it on page 5 #81....

So now twisting n turning again, dun even have the ballz to admit who brought up Germany first!!!

Wanna play a roti prata game, first of all chose your opponent and secondly, play it wisely.... Why do you wanna stoop so low n cheap to allow me to expose your flip-flopping game!!!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Many aunties and Malays played the same game as you. They won the first round, bought a bigger one, took a bigger loan and spent the difference. When the game ends, they lost every plus their shelter. Some are worse. They joined in too late and are stuck with a huge loan. Lost their job, sold house at a lost, ended up with no house and reduced CPF.

That's because they over stretched their finances and had insufficient savings to ride the down turn. That is their own fault. It is not CPF's fault and it is not the PAP's fault.

I made sure that I had least 2 year's worth of savings to tide over loss of income.

Life is full of risk. The foolhardy take the plunge without evaluating the pros and cons. Again you cannot blame the PAP for that. PAP does not make people foolish. They were either born foolish or were influenced by others to become foolish.


Alfrescian (Inf)

... They were either born foolish or were influenced by others to become foolish.

You have brought out the most valid point. If the leader kept preaching the wonder of homeownership and asset value enhancement, without highlighting the pitfalls, can the less-educated not be taken in. If the leader comes out with scheme that facilitates the purchase of housing beyond one's mean without warning them that assets can become a liability would the faithful followers not believe? It is quite clear who is the greatest influence and maker of fools. Govt, CPF or what?