• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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Singaporeans conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

Why are you homesick? I KNOW!!! SG gals dun spread their legs for you rite? Malaysia easier rite?

You're obviously LOST. This not the other SAMMY BOY forum. Why dont you go there? If you had read my earlier posts, in other forums you'd know I am a Malaysian lady married to a Singaporean man.


I can't believe some of the comments 1Nottiboy made. He obviously doesn't think much of his moral values and infidelity is probably the name of the game! It made me wonder what sort of values would he be expecting from his family members. Does he mind if his wife did the same? Is this the sign of degradation of our society values?

What do you guys think?



Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

I agree with you. We have learnt to live in harmony and accept that we're in a Malay Muslim country. There are enough opportunities in the pte sector and if we feel its not enough can leave. May I add that most Singaporeans of any race are the same and in fact the forummers here have shown the utmost respect for our country, just look at our Moderator:smile: . Unfortunately a couple of bad hats are now trying to take this down a rather unsavoury road.

It is a fair world in forum. The "good guys" can promote to the sky whatever benefits their investments while others branded "bad hats" can also bring sanity back to earth by revealing the truth happenings around.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

It is a fair world in forum. The "good guys" can promote to the sky whatever benefits their investments while others branded "bad hats" can also bring sanity back to earth by revealing the truth happenings around.

yes agree, this is what makes a forum great !


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

Don't be too notti. The ladies can't accept what you write. I also think you shouldn't think like that. Maybe Wuqi can open a folder for you to write anything that is notti.

The reason why they are not converting is because they get to enjoy the best of both worlds. Earn SGD and pay RM for pussies when they go back on home leave. occasionally, they might given get a free tasting of the lengendary SG pussy. if its me, i wont convert too.

the reason why they are not converting is because of the lack of incentives for them to convert. offer them a free HDB flat if they convert and you will see a rush of SPRs throwing their original citizenships away. throw in a BMW and the whole world will wanna become Singaporeans. know what i mean? its all abt the rite incentives. anyway, this got me really upset many years ago when i saw my school mate get a scholarship in SG, gave up his PR, got his degree overseas, came back to SG to work, and is now screwing a SG pussy for a wife. he got all the benefits i had without doing 2.5 years of NS!!! and because he is still a Malaysian, his son can make use of the same loop hole and screw all Singaporeans for another generation!!! oh well, thats all in the past. i am not upset at him anymore. its not really his fault. its the government's for dangling out the wrong incentives. now i am upset at the govt for not giving me a job and HDB when i needed one, and for making it so difficult for me to buy a HDB from them now that I have private property!!! PAP OWES ME!!! GIMME MY HDB FLAT!!! OR EC ALSO CAN!!!

so angry. now i need to go Malaysia and take advantage of their women. bye for now.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

oh..chocorate 也是巧克力姐姐...

many orang kaya 妈妈 stay in ST. View attachment 10841


  • titter.gif
    1.4 KB · Views: 193


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

All I am saying is racist happen among Msian Chinese too, it is a fact not a racist remark. I didn't call Malay names or label I.e I am not making racist remark against Malay myself. Just as you have commented and stating a fact that Singaporean esp Chinese have made racist remarks against Malay.

All I am saying is we shouldnt make comments that are of this nature whether Malaysian or Singaporean .Not good for inter-racial harmony and the non Malays lose out at the end of the day. May 13th was before my time, but I have heard abt it from my parents.
I apologise if I was wrong abt your investment views, its just that a lot of very hostile views, hostile to investors are being put fwd here so its getting confusing.As for my logic, yes Malaysian Chinese who make racist remarks are not welcome also, not only by bumis but also the rest of us as it makes things difficult for us . However they are Malaysian so they have the right to stay, but the govt may not tolerate the presence of foreigners who make similar comments.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

Yeah Singaporeans are gracious, not like someone here who thinks only she is entitled to comment on others but branded people who tell her the same logic applies to themselves as bad hats.


totally agree with you. Don't forget who are the policy makers and where they originally come from? Policies seemed to benefit only certain lucky group of people and Singaporeans have been so gracious!


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

Haha... sorry my bad. Cos there is a professional male Jap AV porn actor by the same name. you may wanna check out his videos when he was younger. hunky and rather good looking.

Why are you homesick? I KNOW!!! SG gals dun spread their legs for you rite? Malaysia easier rite?

You're obviously LOST. This not the other SAMMY BOY forum. Why dont you go there? If you had read my earlier posts, in other forums you'd know I am a Malaysian lady married to a Singaporean man.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

well, you are right that i am generalising. i randomly picked a few projects projects that caught my eye and spoke to the sales ppl to guage the "heat" of the mkt. an informal survery of sorts.

the point i am trying to make is that, Malaysians are wealthier than what most Singaporeans think. On a per capita level, Malaysians cant compete with Singaporeans. BUT on the mirco level, the absolute number of wealthy individuals in Malaysia is sizeable.

As to Malaysians not buying into Zone B, i suspect it is because they see better value in Zone A or places a little further. Same price, bigger land. It is not a question about affordability. it is about the perception of value. Of cos, this is just a single part of my whole theory. anyway, its just my view.

You're generalising. Setia Tropika is more of a Malaysian area, most buyers are Malaysians and SP Setia doesnt have quota problems selling to foreigners. But In Bukit Indah its the reverse. Foreign quota is filled super fast , they dont even want to entertain foreigners for waiting list, that's what one staff told me. But units for Malsysians dont go so fast. Zone A is more popular with Malaysians, B with Singaporeans and also SPR I believe. Many are mixed families like mine. My hubby and kids are Singaporeans.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

I am a really nottiboy aint I.


I can't believe some of the comments 1Nottiboy made. He obviously doesn't think much of his moral values and infidelity is probably the name of the game! It made me wonder what sort of values would he be expecting from his family members. Does he mind if his wife did the same? Is this the sign of degradation of our society values?

What do you guys think?



Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

I agree. sometimes, we are so caught up in our made-up fantasy of potential riches that we forget abt the dangerous just round the corner.

So, i am gonna play the "bad hat" today. US Fed says that they could be tightening QE3 by end of the year and ending it by mid next year. interest rates are inching up so it might change the ball game altogether.

I know some of you are gonna say "i not scat, my property under DIBS! i shall worry only when it VPs/TOPs." What's the problem with this thought???

Answer: your developer likely created a Pte Ltd to develope your project. He would have taken financing from the banks to purchase the raw material to build your house and/or condo. when interest rates go up, his financing costs goes up too, because he is absorbing your financing costs for you!!! so if he is financially not sound, he might go bust. and if he goes bust, thats the end game for your property, DIBS or not.

just a friendly reminder to watch your blind spots.

It is a fair world in forum. The "good guys" can promote to the sky whatever benefits their investments while others branded "bad hats" can also bring sanity back to earth by revealing the truth happenings around.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

noted. if you follow my postings, i am selectively notti in my postings. i am not notti all the time. besides, my notti postings has got economic value/truths. read my PRC SYT theory. it took me many years of close, intense experience before penning it down. it has got more nuitrition than some of those racist and political postings.

you guys are too serious sometimes. lighten up. take a deep breath and smell the pu...... I mean flowers. have a nice day.

Don't be too notti. The ladies can't accept what you write. I also think you shouldn't think like that. Maybe Wuqi can open a folder for you to write anything that is notti.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

I have some thoughts on this racist subject.

Firstly, arent we all a little racist? its a matter of degree and who has got the balls/stupidity to pen down their thoughts. Let me give a one example. Some food for thought. I can be friends with ppl of all races (male and female), but there is no way in hell i will ever sleep with a dark skinned woman. no matter how much she pays me to(kidding). Hairy ones are out too. And smelly ones are a definite no-no. So am I racist? (this question is not meant to be answered, in case anyone was thinking of answering)

secondly, with regards to racist policies... the truth is, you (this "you" is meant in general. i dont mean u) can always leave. Australia is anti-asians? nobody asked you to move there. Malaysia is anti-Chinese? You can always move to Singapore or even Macau or Taiwan. But what for? there will probably be some anti-something policy that works against you. Even within China, Chinese from different provinces looked down on the "outsiders". So what if your skin color is the same? Its the same in India too. My point is, where ever you go, there will bound to be rules and regulations that work against you. You just hafta make it work for you.

lastly, a lot of these racist remarks are actually profiling. its just the way your mind works. its instinctive. we all do it. i have got tons of examples. black man walking towards you after you withdrew some money from the ATM. Do you worry? What if it was a Chinese man walking towards you? Another example: How about a bearded Arab man walking away from a briefcase at the airport? Do you call the cops? What if it was a white bearded man? what if...... i have too many to list but you get the idea. i am not saying the profiling is rite or wrong but what can you do about it when its your brain thats doing it AUTOMATICALLY???

Anyway, i did a course on sociology before and there was this big debate on racism. The debate got BLOWN ALL OUT OF PROPORTION. Anything and everything can be picked on. There is NO SAFE ANGLE. Nobody wins in this debate.

All I am saying is racist happen among Msian Chinese too, it is a fact not a racist remark. I didn't call Malay names or label I.e I am not making racist remark against Malay myself. Just as you have commented and stating a fact that Singaporean esp Chinese have made racist remarks against Malay.


Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

Yep, greed. The same 'desire to huat' greed which drove some twits in this very forum to punt on Iskandar property.

Good luck to those who recently bought units at Ataska 68 storey condominium.

Small to midsize development they already play punk; how could they deliver such a huge project?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

Hello, Bro Whoami, that woman who made remarks about Malays wedding is not a Singaporean but "Malaysian born Australian citizen". Lucky for her as a foreigner, case closed with just a warning letter, not even need to go police station. If she's a Singaporean, already charged under sedition act lah.

I think Singaporean Chinese got more sense and are more tolerant towards other religion/race, unlike these foreigners who are used to living in their own enclaves. Since when before her incident did we ever hear any Singaporean Chinese making such an offensive remark on Malay wedding? Never before in my decades of life in SG haha..


Birdie, sorry for tat confusion.:smile::o

Nowadays cant really tell the diff btw Msian and Sinkie Chinese.:smile:

Ehh..as for Sinkie Chinese being tolerant towards other races/religion, maybe birdie should go read some of the racist post at tis forum. U can gauge the level of tolerance the Chinese has for the minority Sinkies. Like i always said teres no 1 perfect race on tis surface of the Earth.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

--double post--
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

I like Malaysia as compared to other countries that I have lived before..

The beaches, the people, the weather and so on.. the culture is also very similar. The difference is we make S$ and they make Rm.. (So when we are buying those houses at the time that locals shunt due to the record prices we are paying, hope they understand we are not fighting with them at all) From statistic there are more than 500K malaysians are working in Singapore.. I want to be like them, work here and live in Malaysia.

Malaysia --- truly asia!!!

Yes, Gunner. And is so near SinkieLand.

So even if u have siblings here, its still now tat far to travel up and down. And i too forsee soon sporeans will be following our neighbours way of life i.e. live in JB, work in Sinkieland.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.


I can't believe some of the comments 1Nottiboy made. He obviously doesn't think much of his moral values and infidelity is probably the name of the game! It made me wonder what sort of values would he be expecting from his family members. Does he mind if his wife did the same? Is this the sign of degradation of our society values?

What do you guys think?


Bro, relac lah. Hes juz being naughty.

Earlier on tere were some exchanging of heated post. I supp hes trying to cool us down by posting such. Sense of humour lah. Dont take those post too personal. Afterall tis is cyber ya.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Bodoh Sinkies conned by M'sian condo developer. Again.

noted. if you follow my postings, i am selectively notti in my postings. i am not notti all the time. besides, my notti postings has got economic value/truths. read my PRC SYT theory. it took me many years of close, intense experience before penning it down. it has got more nuitrition than some of those racist and political postings.

you guys are too serious sometimes. lighten up. take a deep breath and smell the pu...... I mean flowers. have a nice day.

Yes. U got sense of humour. U remind me of another bro. MIA leow. Sure miss his post.

Up u! Not prc ya.:smile:
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