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Yong Vui Kong’s family pleads at Istana


if WKS can continue enjoying his position despite the chain of blunders under his watch
if TCH can be the next in line for seat warmer despite training bloopers under his watch
if VB can continue smiling & cheering while the budget for YOG tripled under his watch

then, YVK should be given another chance in life.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
even the petition goes into millions of signatures..he will still served his sentence..

Teo Kok Eng

They caught this other guy, Lim Foo Seng who received the drugs from Yong Vui Kong.

Lim Foo Seng was only jailed for 22 years and not given the death penalty.

This does not seems to be fair to Yong Vui Kong.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Save Vui Kong Campaign
Signatures for petition : 111,331

33,837 from internet.
43,466 from Sabah.
33,716 from East M'sia
312 - from Singapore.

That pretty much sums up the local sentiments about the case

1)we dun care
2)we want to see him dead

For all we know he may have(actually I think I remember reading this wasnt his first time doing it) done it multiple times and enjoying the life back home. It's only when jokers like this gets caught when the cock and bull story about how pitiful they are surface. If they dun want to get hang for stupid crime like this, here's a thought, why not, not do it in the first place :oIo::oIo:



Save Vui Kong Campaign
Signatures for petition : 111,331

33,837 from internet.
43,466 from Sabah.
33,716 from East M'sia
312 - from Singapore.

If the Malaysian MPs feel so strongly, why don't they eradicate mandatory death penalty in their country?


That pretty much sums up the local sentiments about the case

1)we dun care
2)we want to see him dead

For all we know he may have(actually I think I remember reading this wasnt his first time doing it) done it multiple times and enjoying the life back home. It's only when jokers like this gets caught when the cock and bull story about how pitiful they are surface. If they dun want to get hang for stupid crime like this, here's a thought, why not, not do it in the first place :oIo::oIo:

Have not heard them question the charges have they?

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
our law is strict - 47g fuck...thats how many times the mandatory death sentence of 15g?

He deserve the death penalty and moreover, he cannot claim he din noe the law. Not happy, dun come Singapore = simple. No one forced him here.

And the mudland politicians happy fuckers who jumped onto the band wagon for anything wayangs like this. Mudland themselves have death penalty - go fight the war there.

Imagine this 47g is to go into the market, how many families, children will be affected while this joker laughed his way to the bank. Ok, he is a drug mule, so what? He took this path, he ought to know he is going to pay.

I will be disappointed if the law let him off. And surely, I don't want to pay taxes to support him in prison be it life term or what.

I am adamant that drug pushers and peddlars get death penalty.


our law is strict - 47g fuck...thats how many times the mandatory death sentence of 15g?

He deserve the death penalty and moreover, he cannot claim he din noe the law. Not happy, dun come Singapore = simple. No one forced him here.

And the mudland politicians happy fuckers who jumped onto the band wagon for anything wayangs like this. Mudland themselves have death penalty - go fight the war there.

Imagine this 47g is to go into the market, how many families, children will be affected while this joker laughed his way to the bank. Ok, he is a drug mule, so what? He took this path, he ought to know he is going to pay.

I will be disappointed if the law let him off. And surely, I don't want to pay taxes to support him in prison be it life term or what.

I am adamant that drug pushers and peddlars get death penalty.

Found this online: "Member of Parliament for Tawau, Datuk Chua Soon Bui, who arrived in Singapore on Sunday, said of the more than 43,000 signatures from Sabah, about 30,000 were from Sandakan, 10,000 from Tawau and the rest from Kota Kinabalu, Lahad Datu and other towns."

Vui is from Sandakan.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If you dare to do the crime then please be willing to do the time.

Dun be a coward and ask for 2nd chance after being caught. The world dun need a person who may turn to become a drug trafficker again.


Found this online: "Member of Parliament for Tawau, Datuk Chua Soon Bui, who arrived in Singapore on Sunday, said of the more than 43,000 signatures from Sabah, about 30,000 were from Sandakan, 10,000 from Tawau and the rest from Kota Kinabalu, Lahad Datu and other towns."

Vui is from Sandakan.

East Malaysia guys very 'Pai See.' Got a lot of Hard Core criminals amongst them. Like the 7 who riot and chop people to Death in Kallang.

Once locked up in a cell, act like innocent lost Lamb, but outside, if you 'suay-suay' meet them in a Cul-de-Sac, you will end up like the Bangladesh and India victims of the Sarawak Seven: hands, arms, legs missing after kena chopped.

If you dun believe, go to Geylang, Kallang where the East Malaysians hang out. They will not hesitate to chop you if you cross them.

Sg government has no choice but to kill the guy. Law of the Jungle is the only Law this type of Buggers understand. The Sarawak Seven will be next to be killed by SG Government. "See you in Hell!":biggrin:


if before that drug trafficker was caught, ah seng's mother plead with him : pls dun sell drugs to my son. will that CCB listen??

fuck him. dun waste time saving these arseholes. the more drug traffickers hang the merrier.:mad:


yong made a drug mule/ scapegoat, nobody does. but 1 thing's for sure........ 包青天 died a long time ago liao.

Queen Seok Duk

But if they let him off the hook and change it to life sentence, they are sending a message that as long as the drug mule is young , media-savvy, has many friends and supporters and glib, he can get away with the death sentence. It does not do justice to the family members of the executed drug mules.

You left out one important consequence. If they let him off the hook, M Ravi will dislodge Subhas as the 'media' counsel for drug related offences, and perhaps, other capital cases as well. M Ravi's status as a 'human rights' lawyer will take a quantum leap, even though I doubt he studied human rights law as a student. Well, you could not have asked for a better form of publicity than this.

Having said that, I'm not suggesting that M Ravi may have been motivated that way. But the outcome is obvious.

Back to Yong. In fact he was already prepared to serve the death sentence. I read somewhere that the monk or pastor came to speak to him, and he was already geared up for such eventuality. Now with the frenzy over the possibility of a second chance, his mental status will have been severely disturbed. The analogy is like a young recruit who is serving his BMT, and his mind keeps thinking of how to 'keng' out of course. He will surely find the BMT tough because his mind is conditioned in the opposite way.

You're absolutely spot on that the media has been romanticizing Yong, and with the frequent mention of Yong's parents, selling 'parental love'. I would like to read a more detailed coverage of their parental love. How did they bring up Yong ? And how did the upbringing end up with Yong becoming a drug mule ? Drugs suppliers don't just go for anyone in the street. Did the parents even express regret for the way they have brought up Yong ? This would have been a good education for parents of aspiring drug mules, on the importance of proper upbringing.

Queen Seok Duk

If Yong had been carrying drugs more than once, then he had had 'many' chances before to reform himself. He didn't have to plead for a second chance at all. In fact, he had much better chances of reforming himself before the law caught up with him.

Whether it's a second or third chance, one must start counting from the first time he carried drugs, not the first time he gets caught.


If Yong had been carrying drugs more than once, then he had had 'many' chances before to reform himself. He didn't have to plead for a second chance at all. In fact, he had much better chances of reforming himself before the law caught up with him.

Whether it's a second or third chance, one must start counting from the first time he carried drugs, not the first time he gets caught.

Are you threatening our Multi-Million dollar men in white ?
That they keep increasing their own salary without remorse ?


If Yong had been carrying drugs more than once, then he had had 'many' chances before to reform himself. He didn't have to plead for a second chance at all. In fact, he had much better chances of reforming himself before the law caught up with him.

Whether it's a second or third chance, one must start counting from the first time he carried drugs, not the first time he gets caught.

not only that, he can use his ill gotten gains to play his role of filial son/loving boyfren etc.

fuck him. no need debate. hang him faster.:mad: