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The jews have prepared this for gentiles to continue for them to live in delusion


What will then happen to the Ah Nehs and Ah Bengs in Singapore?
Whack the Dodis to pulp

Forget Ukraine, here's why 400,000 troops on the China-India border could start WW3​

The risk of a major war between Chinese these two governments with strong nationalist tendencies cannot be ruled out, writes Jonathan Saxty​

Tensions are rapidly rising between China and India as both sides have amassed around 200,000 troops each along the border.

Although most of the focus with regards to China relates to Taiwan, there is little doubt that the Communist Party has its eye on territory within its giant Asian neighbour to the west, all the while seeking to encircle India.

This is especially true regarding Pakistan - with whom Beijing has an especially close relationship - amid rumours that Pakistan's Gwadar Port could be weaponised by China in the event of a wider war in Asia.

Then there is the nearby Maldives which, like neighbouring Sri Lanka, China and India have contested influence over for years. India is set to pull 80 troops from the island nation as it moves closer to China under new President Mohamed Muizzu.

Border tensions between China and India have simmered for years of course, but have increased dramatically since 2020, when border clashes took place in the Himalayas, especially at Eastern Ladakh along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

With tensions rising this year again, China's People's Liberation Army (or PLA) has now carried out a live-fire test at the border.

Adding to the drama, this week India also tested its own intercontinental ballistic missile, with the Indian Army having recently moved a further 10,000 troops to the border with China.

It is reported that around 400,000 troops are amassed on the Sino-Indian border, about 200,000 on each side. One thing neither country is short of is manpower, which makes the prospect of escalation even more worrying.

This comes in the context of Narendra Modi's bid for re-election as India's Prime Minister in the upcoming general election. Modi - widely regarded as a Hindu nationalist - remains the favourite but will want to be seen taking a tough line on both China and Pakistan.

It is in this context that Modi visited Arunachal Pradesh, an eastern border state which India controls but which China also claims. China predictably objected to Modi's visit in the strongest possible terms.

USA will be itching to get these two to go head to head against each other.


Yindian astrologer says WW3 on 10 June 2024.

Indian Astrologer "Predicts" Exact Date World War 3 Will Start​

While many scenarios have been proposed by analysts, futurists, and political leaders, the possibility of World War 3 remains uncertain, shrouded in both fear and speculation​

The astrologer then revealed the date he thinks a global war will break out.

"Now, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3 although 10 and 29 June may have a say as well," he said in his article.



Indian Ceca Astrologer says WW3 tomollow
He dropped a bombshell.

An Indian astrologer dubbed “New Nostradamus” is predicting the start of World War III is mere days away.

“NOW, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3,” Kushal Kumar told The Daily Star, doubling down on a May prediction after Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash.

On Thursday, Kumar rattled off a series of current, disturbing events justifying his claim in another post to Medium.
Dodi says if not on
He added that June 29 might also be doomsday; the Nostradamus knockoff previously predicted June 10, which came to pass.

Even if WWIII doesn’t come to pass in a matter of days, state officials warn it is a serious concern.


Indian Ceca Astrologer says WW3 tomollow
He dropped a bombshell.

An Indian astrologer dubbed “New Nostradamus” is predicting the start of World War III is mere days away.

“NOW, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3,” Kushal Kumar told The Daily Star, doubling down on a May prediction after Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash.

On Thursday, Kumar rattled off a series of current, disturbing events justifying his claim in another post to Medium.
Dodi says if not on
He added that June 29 might also be doomsday; the Nostradamus knockoff previously predicted June 10, which came to pass.

Even if WWIII doesn’t come to pass in a matter of days, state officials warn it is a serious concern.
KNN who da fuck trust a fucking ceca snake.... lol....



World War Three is on the Horizon.


Serbian President Vučić: "There will be a world war in 3-4 months - we are checking the stocks of oil, flour, sugar"

What does the Serbian president know? Shocking interview for the Swiss media..

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić gave a long interview to the Swiss weekly Weltwoche in which he revealed that Serbia is checking oil, flour and sugar stocks because there will be a world war in 3-4 months.

Given the very good relations of the Serbian president with Vladimir Putin and Moscow, it is possible that Vučić knows what is happening behind the scenes and interpreted the Russian ultimatum to NATO, especially after admitting the transfer of Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets to NATO bases in Romania and Poland.
In the interview, he stated, among other things:

The rhetoric is getting worse day by day and it reminds me of a quote from a famous historian: "The train has left the station and no one can stop it." I believe that the last days are approaching when we have the opportunity to reevaluate and reflect on what is happening in Ukraine . If the big powers don't do something soon, yes, I'm pretty sure we're in for a real disaster.

If you're betting that someone is bluffing, it means you don't have better cards. You just think that the other person has weaker cards. You're not sure because you don't know his cards and haven't seen them. I am always very cautious and circumspect when assessing Putin's wishes or possible future move.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that everyone is talking only about the war. No one seeks peace. Nobody talks about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

I find it very strange that no one is trying to stop the war. There is another theory - which I understand.

I am not saying that I approve of her - that the West thinks that they can easily defeat Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then enter the space and Russia with its current territory will cease to exist and Putin will be overthrown, etc. Maybe it is doable, but... ..

Why do I say that we are walking right next to the edge of the abyss? Analyze the situation of NATO and the USA. They cannot afford the luxury of defeat in the war in Ukraine.

Second, the position of Europe and the collective West will deteriorate so much from a geopolitical point of view that no one will be able to regenerate and restore it.....


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God's Chosen People indeed.
Now God's chosen Devils.
WW3 is near.

Israeli Activists Destroy Gaza Aid - And Israeli Authorities Do Nothing​



Where are the NS men, are they WW3 ready?
Or they hiding in the longkangs.

Malaysia and Indonesia are all waiting to pounce on Sinkies.
The US will be busy protecting its own arse from the unbeatable Russian nuclear strikes.
The blady angmo colonials cannot let other live in peace.

Standby insai SG MRT Underground Stations and continue to Jiak Liao Bee
..blow aircon and pak Mobile Legend on the HP openly


But the sons of Jacob are complicit in Zionist atrocities too, no?
no. The sons of Jacob are not Zionists. They are Israelites, Jews of pure stock, the real sons who reject Zionism and protest against it. What many don’t know, and the media censures it, is that there are these sons living on both sides of the West Bank, amongst the Palestinians. The Israel of 1948, a British construct to keep an eye on the Middle East, are the Israelis and Zionists. Many are Jewish converts. The world has been lied to, it behooves us to differentiate and discern the truth.