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Blair tells Murdoch: God told me to visit Wendi

But Rupey's having none of it, while this week in politics David Cameron is revisited by Raisa the ex-police horse and George Osborne worries about why no one noticed the problems with Paul Flowers
Tony Blair: I only come in peace.
Rupert Murdoch: That's not what I'm hearing, sonny.
Blair: What are you talkin' about?
Murdoch: According to my sources …
Blair: Not phone-hackers, I hope.
Murdoch: Don't get clever with me, sport.
Blair: Now guys ... I mean, Rupert ... Let's just calm down a bit, shall we? Let me categorically state this: I never made wild and beautiful love to that woman while the coyotes howled outside under the Californian stars.
Murdoch: Yeah? Then how come you just happened to spend a few nights –
Blair: I prefer to call them "encounters".
Murdoch: – at my ranch, with my wife, when I wasn't there and neither of you bothered to tell me.
Blair: It was like this, Rupey. I just happened to be driving my Chevvy convertible down the Pacific Highway late one July night. The hood was down. The hot tub was calling. My shirt was unbuttoned to the waist and the soft summer breeze was blowing through my hair. I had the Eagles' Witchy Woman playing on the stereo and I was just, like, you know, chillin' out, wonderin' what more I could do for world peace and how much I could get away with chargin' for my next lecture tour.
Murdoch: And?
Blair: You know, I just had this sense that God wanted me to go to Wendi. To offer her comfort. To let her know her daughter – your daughter – and, most importantly, my godchild, is truly blessed.
Murdoch: And this cosmic intervention happened on several different occasions?
Blair: It's like that when you're doing the work of God.
Murdoch: Well, I'm telling you this for nothing, drongo. You and me – we're through!
Cherie Blair: Have you heard all the rumours about you and Wendi?
Tony Blair: You don't want to believe everything you read in the Daily Mail.
Cherie Blair: It's absolutely scandalous ...
Tony Blair: I know, Cherie.
Cherie Blair: That someone else got to sell that story to the Mail before we had a chance to. That's £300K we've missed out on. That's another new flat for Euan. Or a new spring wardrobe for me. We're going to be absolutely destitute now, Tony.
Tony Blair: Aw shucks, Cherie, I do love you so much. I'm sure we will get by.
George Osborne: Christ, Cams, what do you make of the Murdoch-Blair story? Did Tony give you a heads-up about it when we were all hanging out together at the Freud-Murdoch party a few weeks back.
David Cameron: Don't believe everything you read in the Daily Mail.
Osborne: Tell you what, Cams. It's not a good idea to get on the wrong side of anyone in the Murdoch empire, is it?
Cameron: Too right, Ozzy.
Raisa the ex-Police Horse: There you are, my darling. Where have you been all this time?
Cameron: Er ... I've been a bit busy.
Raisa: Have you forgotten all those sweet nothings you used to whisper into my ear as your chubby thighs tightly gripped my flanks? How you said we were going to be best friends for ever?
Cameron: I'm sure I didn't say anything like that ...
Raisa: But we all thought it, didn't we? The happiest day of my life was when I was tethered up outside your home, panting and sweating after a hard morning's hack across the Cotswolds.
Cameron: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Lynton Crosby: Are there any bits of your past you would prefer were erased?
Cameron: Only the past 10 years ...
Crosby: That's no problem, cobber. I think you'll find that every broken promise you've ever made has just been accidentally deleted from the Tory website.
Cameron: Masterful, Lynters. Now, has anyone seen that idle fucker Cleggster?
Nick Clegg: I'm not an idle fucker.
Cameron: Then how you come you never seem to be doing anything?
Clegg: Because you never let me do anything.
Cameron: To be fair, Cleggster, you are a bit useless.
Clegg: That is SOOOOO unfair. I've done loads of things. I've emailed every radio and TV station to say I'm ready to talk about what a huge difference the Lib Dems have made and how we are going to be a force to be reckoned with at the next election ...
Cameron: And have any of them got back to you?
Clegg: No. But it's still early days ...
Osborne: Sure, Cleggster, sure. Now bugger off and rearrange the glasses on the Cabinet table. Dave and I have things to talk about.
Cameron: Do we?
Osborne: Only Paul Flowers, the Co-op bank chairman ...
Cameron: What about him?
Osborne: You know we were smearing Labour for not having suspected he was an incompetent druggie and for trousering loads of cheap loans ... Well, it turns out our mob weren't so clever either. We all met with him loads of times to talk about how the Co-op was the best bank to take over the Lloyds branches, and none of us had a clue.
Cameron: So no one noticed he only had the vaguest grasp of banking or economics ...
Osborne: To be fair, that could apply to any of us ...
Cameron: True. Ah, well, no real harm done. Back to business. Do we have any plans to help all those we've forced off benefits?
Osborne: Sure do. We're going to try to limit the interest rates of Pay Day loans companies to 1,200% per annum.
Cameron: Who says we're not the caring party?


Murdoch's feud with Blair over wife Wendi: 'Terminal' end of friendship over claims of 'multiple encounters' between ex-PM and tycoon's wife

By Simon Walters
21:58 23 Nov 2013, updated 12:09 24 Nov 2013

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Sources claim that Mr Blair and Ms Deng had ‘multiple encounters’ of which Mr Murdoch was unaware
The former Prime Minister has always maintained his friendship with Ms Deng is platonic
The Blair camp insists the claims are 'ridiculous and untrue'

Tycoon and his TV girl: Mr Murdoch and glamorous Wendi in 2011. They met in China when she worked on his satellite network
Relations between Rupert Murdoch and Tony Blair have collapsed over reports of Mr Blair’s friendship with the media mogul’s ex-wife, Wendi Deng.

The former Prime Minister has always maintained his friendship with Ms Deng is platonic.

But Mr Murdoch is said to regard the rift with Mr Blair as ‘terminal’ and has refused to speak to him since he filed for divorce from Ms Deng in June. Mr Blair has tried to contact Mr Murdoch but has been rebuffed.

Sources close to Mr Murdoch in London say that staff at his home in California claimed Mr Blair and Ms Deng stayed there overnight at the same time on weekends in October 2012 and April this year, without Mr Murdoch’s knowledge.

It is also claimed that Mr Blair and Ms Deng had ‘multiple encounters’ of which Mr Murdoch was unaware. They are said to include a weekend overnight stay at Mr Murdoch’s home in Los Angeles and meetings in London and New York.

There is no suggestion by this newspaper of any impropriety by Mr Blair or Ms Deng. And Mr Blair’s friends have repeatedly denied he had an affair with Ms Deng.

The divorce of Mr Murdoch, 82, and his 44-year-old third wife, was finalised by a US court last week.

A bitter war of words broke out last night between the rival camps of Mr Blair and Mr Murdoch.

A close friend of Mr Blair said: ‘Rupert Murdoch is putting out ridiculous stories about Wendi and Tony which are not true. It is the ravings of a sad old man.’

A friend of News Corporation boss Mr Murdoch, whose newspaper empire includes The Sun and The Times, said: ‘Rupert Murdoch will have nothing more to do with Tony Blair. Not ever.’

Rupert Murdoch reaches 'amicable' six minute divorce deal with wife of 14 years Wendi Deng as she 'gets the NY home and he the California mansion'
A source close to Mr Murdoch said: ‘Rupert has been thorough, careful and has not acted lightly.

‘If you think that Rupert made a decision to end his marriage and a long-term friendship without just cause, you are sorely mistaken.’

An individual who has known Mr Murdoch for many years, said: ‘Rupert and Wendi’s marriage was already in a bad way. But the connection with Blair did not help.’

Mr Murdoch and Mr Blair formed one of the most powerful alliances in British politics, and it was a key factor in the three election victories which kept the Labour leader in Downing Street from 1997 to 2007.

Powerful allies: Rupert Murdoch and Tony Blair in Washington in 2008
Unlike other leaders endorsed by Mr Murdoch, such as Margaret Thatcher, Mr Blair became a family friend which culminated in Mr Blair becoming godfather to the Murdochs’ daughter Grace in 2010. Sources close to the household staff at Mr Murdoch’s sprawling $20 million cattle ranch in Carmel Valley, California, said the staff told Mr Murdoch of two overnight stays at weekends by Ms Deng and Mr Blair at the ranch – both without Mr Murdoch’s knowledge.

Murdoch bought the ranch with second wife, Anna, in the 1990s and it is where his three older children, Elisabeth, Lachlan and James spent their summer holidays.

‘I come here because my family and I love it,’ Mr Murdoch said in 2006. ‘I feel completely relaxed. It’s where we gather as a family. I use the ranch as a retreat to entertain my executive and senior team members. People appreciate that you entertain them in your home.’

Sources close to Mr Murdoch claim Ms Deng and Mr Blair also met in London – where Murdoch owns a luxury apartment near The Ritz hotel – and in New York.

They are also said to have stayed overnight in Los Angeles, where Murdoch also has a home.

It is understood that the Murdochs’ daughters, Grace, 11 and Chloe, nine, were not present at any of the alleged meetings.

Mr Blair’s friends are adamant that the relationship between him and Ms Deng was ‘entirely innocent and above board.’ One said: ‘They never met alone, there were always others around.

They are friends and Blair is godfather to one of the couple’s children, for heaven’s sake.’ Allies of Mr Murdoch say he was ‘shocked’ to learn Wendi had met Mr Blair without his knowledge, and on more than one occasion – and in particular that Mr Blair had been in his home without him knowing.

Murdoch's $20million California ranch: Sources close to staff at the sprawling ranch say Mr Blair and Ms Deng had two overnight stays here at the weekends without the knowledge of Rupert Murdoch
It is understood he asked her for an explanation. Her reply is not known. ‘From Rupert’s point of view, she was not completely open with him and he disapproved of that,’ said one source.

Mr Murdoch’s camp insist the account of Wendi’s meetings with Mr Blair are accurate.

They say that the alleged meeting at Mr Murdoch’s ranch in Carmel was reported back to him by domestic staff. They deny he used private investigators to check on the movements of Ms Deng and Mr Blair.

Claims of an affair between Mr Blair and Ms Deng swept the internet when Mr Murdoch filed for divorce in June. They were sparked by a tweet from BBC journalist Robert Peston who said: ‘Am told that undisclosed reasons for Murdoch divorcing Deng are jaw-dropping and hate myself for wanting to know what they are.’

At the time, a spokesman for Mr Blair denied he had had an affair with Ms Deng.

The friendship between Ms Deng and Mr Blair was well known long before the Murdoch marriage break up. In 2012, in an article in the Guardian newspaper, headlined ‘Tony Blair and the Murdochs: a family affair’, Murdoch’s biographer Michael Wolff described Mr Blair as ‘one of Wendi’s first official social conquests.’

Ambitious: Wendi pictured with Cherie Blair during an event to promote the Chinese version of the former PM's autobiography
Wolff suggested Mr Blair regarded Ms Deng as a key link in his political wooing of her husband. He wrote: ‘Blair becomes one of Wendi’s first official social conquests, in her developing role both as Murdoch social emissary and social power player. Wendi . . . is a way for Blair to see himself as having control of Murdoch, of joining with Wendi to handle him.’

Wolff said that when he wrote about Mr Murdoch in 2008, Ms Deng urged him to speak to Blair and ‘personally set up the appointment.’

In an article in the New York Times last year, friends of Ms Deng said the Murdochs were living ‘largely separate lives.’ She looked after their children while her husband focused on his business interests, it said.

Mr Blair’s place at the heart of the Murdoch dynasty appeared to be sealed at Grace’s christening in 2010 on the banks of the River Jordan, at the spot where Jesus is said to have been baptised. Mr Blair wore a white suit.

Also there were Hollywood stars Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, Queen Rania of Jordan, Donald Trump’s daughter and a photographer from Hello! magazine

Murdocharrives at New York State Supreme Court with his lawyers

Wendi Deng exits the State Supreme court in New York
Mr Blair’s role was kept secret until it was disclosed a year later by the then Mrs Murdoch in an interview with Vogue magazine which described him as one of her ‘closest friends’.

Mr Murdoch and Ms Deng met in 1997 when he visited Shanghai for a business trip and wanted to hire a translator and guide.

Ms Deng, a brilliant and highly ambitious graduate from America’s Yale business school, and who worked at Star TV, Murdoch’s Asian satellite network, came to his rescue. Mr Murdoch later said: ‘Who wouldn’t fall in love with a beautiful woman like that?’

A spokesperson for Mr Murdoch declined to comment, as did Ms Deng’s spokesman. We emailed questions to Mr Blair’s spokesperson yesterday morning. She said she would reply later in the day, but despite repeated calls and emails, declined to make a statement.

A source close to Mr Blair said that he had insisted claims of an affair were ‘categorically untrue’ and that remained his position.

Tony and Rupert, an unlikely flirtation that changed the face of British politics


When Tony Blair accepted Rupert Murdoch’s invitation to address a News Corporation summit in Australia in July 1995, he changed a fundamental dynamic of British politics.

Mr Murdoch introduced the then Labour leader to the Hayman Island gathering by telling them: ‘If the British press is to be believed, today is all part of a Blair-Murdoch flirtation.’

The media mogul then added: ‘If that flirtation is ever consummated, I suspect we will end up making love like two porcupines – very carefully.’

Appearances: Blair and Murdoch at the Leadership Awards given during the Atlantic Council of the United States Gala in 2008
The courtship led two years later to The Sun, which has always given the clearest indication of Mr Murdoch’s views, dramatically switching its support to Labour.

In March 1997, just six weeks before the General Election, the paper’s front page headline read: ‘The Sun Backs Blair.’

An accompanying editorial described Mr Blair as the ‘breath of fresh air’ that Britain needed, and called the Tories ‘tired, divided and rudderless’. It dealt a devastating blow to John Major’s

Government, and marked the end of more than 20 years of continuous backing for the Tories.

Mr Murdoch – and by extension The Sun – had been an enthusiastic supporter of the Conservatives since Margaret Thatcher had become leader in 1975, attracted by her anti-union stance and her unflinching opposition to Brussels.

Mr Blair’s gambit had been vindicated, despite the fury of the ‘Old Labour’ wing of his party.

Neil Kinnock, who had been vilified by The Sun during the 1992 election campaign, felt particularly betrayed.

The paper’s animosity to him had infamously culminated in a front page which superimposed his head on to a light bulb with the headline: ‘If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights.’

But, as Mr Blair explained in his memoirs, A Journey, it seemed ‘obvious’ that he should accept the invitation. ‘The country’s most powerful newspaper proprietor, whose publications have hitherto been rancorous in their opposition to the Labour Party, invites us into the lion’s den,’ he wrote. ‘You go, don’t you?’

Married: Rupert Murdoch and Wendi Deng pose near the Statue of Liberty on their wedding day in 1999
Although critical of many of the Labour leader’s policies, The Sun maintained its support for Mr Blair through both of his subsequent landslide election victories.

The pro-Labour line held until Gordon Brown took over as Prime Minister in June 2007. A series of increasingly hostile editorials culminated in a coup de theatre on 30 September 2009, deliberately timed to appear the day after Mr Brown’s last speech to the Labour Party conference before the 2010 general election.

The Sun ran the headline: ‘Labour’s Lost It’ and announced that it was switching back to the Tories in the hope that the party could ‘put the great back into Great Britain’, a move which enraged Mr Brown. Copies of the newspaper were torn up on stage.

Assuming that The Sun remains an impeccable guide to Mr Murdoch’s thinking, then it appears he currently supports David Cameron – but with reservations. In his memoirs, Mr Blair admitted that he has always found Murdoch to be ‘an enigma’.

He wrote: ‘In the end – and I am aware of the shrieks of disbelief as I write this – I came to have a grudging respect and even liking for him. He was hard, no doubt. He was Right-wing.

‘I did not share or like his attitudes on Europe, social policy or on issues such as gay rights, but there were two points of connection: he was an outsider, and he had balls.’


Alfrescian (Inf)
Uh,,,this Wendi is nothing special,,if Tony blair fall for her,,it just proves that Ang mors got no taste in asian women,,if I tony blair got power and influence I go for an SYT,,,go for all these used and abused good for what?

Belusconi is now my hero,,at least he have orgies with young chicks,,they could be underage, but hey ang mor gals are harder to tell as they mature faster and start younger,,,not like they virgins,,,


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wendi Deng gets any men she wants, because she has mastered the concubine art of seducing emperors.


Alfrescian (Inf)
she was a babysitter when she first landed in the u.s. and seduced her way to college. from thereon, it was every which way up thru' her lobang. :rolleyes:
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