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Serious [Words of Wisdom by Lord Byron] "Self-Praise is NO Praise at all."




  • self-praise is no praise.png
    self-praise is no praise.png
    118.5 KB · Views: 481


Dear fellow anti- @ginfreely members, I discovered some words of wisdom, which seem to be by:
and I feel a strong need to share them with all of you:

Finally, please help me pass this message to @ginfreely as soon as possible!
Another shameless self declared hakka self entitled bully dog that thinks he is self entitled to persecute and bully me while condemn people for self praise. Btw your self praise examples obviously don’t apply to me because I state facts of my performance managed to clear up all shit in my clear shit jobs while other people come and go is not called self praise but all facts. And I didn’t say I earn alot or I am the best musician whatsoever. Pui! Liar criminal bully telling lies to cast aspersions on me as usual.


Another shameless self declared hakka self entitled bully dog that thinks he is self entitled to persecute and bully me while condemn people for self praise. Btw your self praise examples obviously don’t apply to me because I state facts of my performance managed to clear up all shit in my clear shit jobs while other people come and go is not called self praise but all facts. And I didn’t say I earn alot or I am the best musician whatsoever. Pui! Liar criminal bully telling lies to cast aspersions on me as usual.
Don’t forget this self declared Hakka bully dog self admitted to befriend me in order to attack me. Such an irony that a despicable evil scumbag @empathizerofeatshitndie is acting like an angel condemning people for making self praise. So shameless indeed. Pui!


Don’t forget this self declared Hakka bully dog self admitted to befriend me in order to attack me. Such an irony that a despicable evil scumbag @empathizerofeatshitndie is acting like an angel condemning people for making self praise. So shameless indeed. Pui!
Btw @empathizerofeatshitndie i am definitely a superior human being to you and is a fact not called self praise. At least I have NEVER befriended anyone to attack him/her unlike you so despicable so fake bully dog. Pui!