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Will humans find another planet to live before this one dies?


The Earth will die sooner or later because we are leeching it dry at an amazing speed.

Nuclear warfare might happen or an asteroid might hit as well.

Will humans find another planet to live?

There are no suitable planets in our solar system right now and the nearest potential ones are light years away. What gives?

Will we build colonies in enclosed domes on Mars like what Hawking suggests?

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As much as I enjoy Star Trek and Star Wars and hope humans will be human, I think the answer is NO.

We can't even use gasoline wisely. We can't even forgive.

I HOPE I am wrong.


The Earth will die sooner or later because we are leeching it dry at an amazing speed.

Nuclear warfare might happen or an asteroid might hit as well.

Will humans find another planet to live?

There are no suitable planets in our solar system right now and the nearest potential ones are light years away. What gives?

Will we build colonies in enclosed domes on Mars like what Hawking suggests?



As much as I enjoy Star Trek and Star Wars and hope humans will be human, I think the answer is NO.

We can't even use gasoline wisely. We can't even forgive.

I HOPE I am wrong.


Well learn some physics.

Humans have taken photographs of at least a few thousand planets already. And we know there are billions of planets in this galaxy.

We have landed on the moon and hopefully, we can land a human on Mars and Pluto within this decade. We have already landed spacecrafts in Mars and Pluto and many other planets to dig up soil, conduct experiments and take pictures.

Through advanced telescopes such as the hubble telescope and many telescopes on Earth, we are able to see many planets light years away as well, even those from other galaxies. It is amazing to know that these images we see are light years ago, ie maybe a few lifetimes ago. These planets are so far away that it has taken light a few lifetimes to reach us.

Life on Earth is just an evolution. All life on Earth is carbon based. Millions of years ago, the elements of carbon, water, etc mixed mashed to form life today. The Earth was formed by the gravitational pull of the sun, along with a mix mash of elements present throughout our universe - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, water, etc. Probably along with a few collisions with asteroids as well. Gravity from the Sun held it all together.

In fact, it is almost certain there is life on other planets, after all there are billion of planets in our galaxy. And there are many galaxies in our universe. The Earth is not even a speck of dust, in fact, our galaxy, with billions of planets, is not even a speck of dust in our universe. That is how big our universe is.

Take a look at pictures of mars, it looks almost like a soiled field on Earth.

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I think you mean learn some chemistry. Who's to say that life MUST be C based?

You can land on the moon, but how are you gonna stay and live there? Or any other godforsaken landscape? You can take a lot of photos of trillions more planets - now tell me how you gonna get there? E=mc2? Haha!!! Keep hoping.

I don't doubt life exists elsewhere. I think they want to be left alone.

Earth is where we learn to appreciate what we have. To play with the cards we've been dealt with and survive, hopefully happily. WE HAVE NOT LEARNT THAT.

I HOPE I am wrong.


Well learn some physics.

Humans have taken photographs of at least a few thousand planets already. And we know there are billions of planets in this galaxy.

We have landed on the moon and hopefully, we can land a human on Mars and Pluto within this decade.

Life on Earth is just an evolution. All life on Earth is carbon based. Millions of years ago, the elements of carbon, water, etc mixed mashed to form life today.

In fact, it is very possible there is life on other planets, after all there are billion of planets in our galaxy. And there are many galaxies in our universe.

It would be foolish to think we are alone in this universe. The Earth is not even a speck of dust, in fact, our galaxy, with billions of planets, is not even a speck of dust in our universe. :rolleyes:


I think you mean learn some chemistry. Who's to say that life MUST be C based?

You can land on the moon, but how are you gonna stay and live there? Or any other godforsaken landscape? You can take a lot of photos of trillions more planets - now tell me how you gonna get there? E=mc2? Haha!!! Keep hoping.

I don't doubt life exists elsewhere. I think they want to be left alone.

Earth is where we learn to appreciate what we have. To play with the cards we've been dealt with and survive, hopefully happily. WE HAVE NOT LEARNT THAT.

I HOPE I am wrong.


All life, as we know it, must be carbon based. Plants, humans, birds, all are carbon based. A second factor is water. There must be water for life to exist. Well that is the case for our planet at least.

Nah, humans are too dumb. We are already killing the Earth by drilling so much oil, polluting it to the maximum.

And asteroids or planets do hit each other all the time in the galaxy, it is not some fancy movie story it is the truth, it is science. Right now, there are countless asteroids and planets crashing into one another as I type.

We are searching for a suitable planet to live right now. But we need oxygen and water. Most planets do not have oxygen. Quite a few planets have water - or at least ice. And many planets are too near to the sun and lack an atmosphere to block out the UV rays. Something we have on Earth.







Carbon based life. Si(licon) has four outer electrons like C. And can tolerate high temp. Keeping an open mind, we cannot rule out that lifeforms MUST be based on carbon. But for simplicity sake, I will go along with Carbon.

The thing about life is it is finite. Otherwise it won't be life, it'd be something else. Because our life is finite, we must treasure the things we can attain, feel, or experience during our "lifespan." Maybe someday we will find a way to travel through a wormhole and arrive somewhere else lightyears away, that is if we can construct a vessel that will survive the forces in this wormhole. Let's take it one step at a time. If the US, Ruskies, Chinese, or a joint-venture comes up with a spacecraft that can make it through the asteroid belt, then we have something to look forward to. But for now, we have only the earth. In my lifetime, I am only hoping we preserve the planet and not pollute it any more than we have. If this were there case, Hybrids will be selling better than multi-cylinder SUVs; but I don't see this happening. So we can rule logic and ration out.

Yes, we need to find another planet. And we will. But how are we to get there? If the Vulcans don't help us, will the Klingons or Romulans? Back to the drawing board.

Bud, let's learn to live with what we got. And so far, capitalism isn't getting us there. Steven Hawkings is brilliant, but he doesn't influence the world.


All life, as we know it, must be carbon based. Plants, humans, birds, all are carbon based. A second factor is water. There must be water for life to exist. Well that is the case for our planet at least.

Nah, humans are too dumb. We are already killing the Earth by drilling so much oil, polluting it to the maximum.

And asteroids or planets do hit each other all the time in the galaxy, it is not some fancy movie story it is the truth, it is science. Right now, there are countless asteroids and planets crashing into one another as I type.

We are searching for a suitable planet to live right now. But we need oxygen and water. Most planets do not have oxygen. Quite a few planets have water - or at least ice. And many planets are too near to the sun and lack an atmosphere to block out the UV rays. Something we have on Earth.


Carbon based life. Si(licon) has four outer electrons like C. And can tolerate high temp. Keeping an open mind, we cannot rule out that lifeforms MUST be based on carbon. But for simplicity sake, I will go along with Carbon.

The thing about life is it is finite. Otherwise it won't be life, it'd be something else. Because our life is finite, we must treasure the things we can attain, feel, or experience during our "lifespan." Maybe someday we will find a way to travel through a wormhole and arrive somewhere else lightyears away, that is if we can construct a vessel that will survive the forces in this wormhole. Let's take it one step at a time. If the US, Ruskies, Chinese, or a joint-venture comes up with a spacecraft that can make it through the asteroid belt, then we have something to look forward to. But for now, we have only the earth. In my lifetime, I am only hoping we preserve the planet and not pollute it any more than we have. If this were there case, Hybrids will be selling better than multi-cylinder SUVs; but I don't see this happening. So we can rule logic and ration out.

Yes, we need to find another planet. And we will. But how are we to get there? If the Vulcans don't help us, will the Klingons or Romulans? Back to the drawing board.

Bud, let's learn to live with what we got. And so far, capitalism isn't getting us there. Steven Hawkings is brilliant, but he doesn't influence the world.


Well the only life humans know are on this planet, so we extrapolate to other planets as well. All life must be carbon based and there must be presence of water. Of course, there might be life that don't require either of those elements.

We already have the means to live on Mars or the moon.

If we can have men live in space for years (the ISS station), which is very much harsher, we can build houses and communities on the moon or mars easily.

We can build big buildings there with ventilation systems that provide oxygen. The windows can be coated to reflect UV rays from the sun. Humans can only live inside these buildings of course, they cannot go out because they will die of lack of oxygen and the uv rays from the sun will burn their skin as well. There is gravity on these planets due to their mass, so humans can walk around as per normal.

The technology is there. We can do it if we want to but we don't but it is meaningless and costly that is all.

What we are looking for is a planet that can support life without us living in a capsule or a big building.

The nearest possible ones are a few light years away, meaning we will never get there with current technology. There are a few moons of pluto that look promising, we have yet to explore them. But they are very small anyway. We do have the technology and means to build communities on the moon or mars, it is not far fetched, it is reality. We have men living in space right now for years at a go, without gravity. Google the International Space Station. With gravity on these planets, it would even be easier to carry out daily life.

Wormholes? That is too far fetched.

Life is finite? Most probably but I believe humans can live for hundreds of years if we work on it.

If I could say put my brains onto a metallic robot body, I would be able to live for hundreds of years. It is far fetched and high technology but since we already have fake hearts pumping blood in humans today and fake arms and limbs, it is not that far fetched is it?

Cloning would also be quite fascinating in this respect. Too bad the idiots are trying to prevent cloning of humans. I say we clone humans because we don't want to die.
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moon of pluto? cough, although through spectroscopy we know they are mainly water ice object, but...its still too cold. all less than 100k

i think you mean moon of jupiter, europa where current spectroscopy technique found large volume of liquid water below the icy surface. this is the most promising one which they are surely planning to send satelite there. just read on wiki a mission to it on 2016

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Carbon based life. Si(licon) has four outer electrons like C. And can tolerate high temp. Cheers!

Silicon based life is not likely because the bond energies of Si-Si, Si-H, Si-N, Si-S, etc, which are needed to create a living organism, are too low. Only carbon can form strong enough covalent bonds with a variety of other elements to give rise to life.


si bond compound is fucking strong. don't anyhow say, some of the toughest and strongest things around are Si based. a good example sand.

asas to whether life can be si based a not that....well Si is honestly a lot larger than C. the major concern here is not abt the strength of its bond. but rather can it replace C and this you have to look into many other factors like steric, stability of the compound formed. another issue is due to its size, si to si do not form pi bond very well. this very much restrict its variation which is really required for many complex proteins in living system.

the fact that si is very much larger, imagine replacing simple amino acid with all Si, the very building block for DNA to store information. do remember Si can expect its octet as its not a 2nd period elements, its likely such "amino acid" will not be very stable. to me this does not make a good candidate. but i do not ruled out the possiblility of life based on other elements. but personally, just well a guess based on feeling, its not going to be anything below period 2.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Yes, but I think you also understand that Si is not very versatile in forming compounds in the same way that carbon can.

Actually, apart from organic chem, Si-Si bond is considerably weaker than C-C; just look at pure silicon versus diamond. Silicon dioxide may be strong, but there is no comparison to CO2 because they are different molecular structures altogether in the solid state.

It is unlikely that Si can expand octet. Just like carbon, the maximum hybridization of Si is sp3, for example in silicon tetrahydride or tetramethyl silane. Its not like sulfur for instance that can expand octet by promoting one of the 6 valence electrons into the d subshell.

Forming coordination compounds is possible, but in terms of organic chem or forming of life, its not relevant.

si bond compound is fucking strong. don't anyhow say, some of the toughest and strongest things around are Si based. a good example sand.

asas to whether life can be si based a not that....well Si is honestly a lot larger than C. the major concern here is not abt the strength of its bond. but rather can it replace C and this you have to look into many other factors like steric, stability of the compound formed. another issue is due to its size, si to si do not form pi bond very well. this very much restrict its variation which is really required for many complex proteins in living system.

the fact that si is very much larger, imagine replacing simple amino acid with all Si, the very building block for DNA to store information. do remember Si can expect its octet as its not a 2nd period elements, its likely such "amino acid" will not be very stable. to me this does not make a good candidate. but i do not ruled out the possiblility of life based on other elements. but personally, just well a guess based on feeling, its not going to be anything below period 2.


si max hybridisation is not sp3 that i can assure you. look at all the alcohol protecting group based on si example TMS. yet they can be easily deprotected and removed via sn2. there are many other examples in inorg compounds where Si can easily hydrated i think but not C compounds due to its ability to expend its octet. octet rules never holds for things below period 2

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
si max hybridisation is not sp3 that i can assure you. look at all the alcohol protecting group based on si example TMS. yet they can be easily deprotected and removed via sn2. there are many other examples in inorg compounds where Si can easily hydrated i think but not C compounds due to its ability to expend its octet. octet rules never holds for things below period 2

I think you are talking about penta-coordinated complexes of silicon with a ligand like hydroxide or halide. Not familiar with those though...


I share your optimism, or rather, hope, that human-developed technology can take us there; but our current model of capitalistic-based economy will not sustain that as everything is based on return on investment. On this, even the moon doesn't make sense, let alone Mars. Despite the technology, all supplies must still come from Earth.

Even if the nearest inhabitable planets are "only" light years away, we must still travel at the speed of light to get there in that number of years.

Most people's minds can only perceive 3D; but that doesn't mean that there aren't more dimensions - my good friend tried to explain to me there are 27 (from his 3 cube matrix math - but I told him to stop or I'd punch him.) Perhaps it is in these higher dimensions that we could get there, and not from the basal senses that create the technologies we have, limited by Newtonian physics and his crap gravitation.


Well the only life humans know are on this planet, so we extrapolate to other planets as well. All life must be carbon based and there must be presence of water. Of course, there might be life that don't require either of those elements.

We already have the means to live on Mars or the moon.

If we can have men live in space for years (the ISS station), which is very much harsher, we can build houses and communities on the moon or mars easily.

We can build big buildings there with ventilation systems that provide oxygen. The windows can be coated to reflect UV rays from the sun. Humans can only live inside these buildings of course, they cannot go out because they will die of lack of oxygen and the uv rays from the sun will burn their skin as well. There is gravity on these planets due to their mass, so humans can walk around as per normal.

The technology is there. We can do it if we want to but we don't but it is meaningless and costly that is all.

What we are looking for is a planet that can support life without us living in a capsule or a big building.

The nearest possible ones are a few light years away, meaning we will never get there with current technology. There are a few moons of pluto that look promising, we have yet to explore them. But they are very small anyway. We do have the technology and means to build communities on the moon or mars, it is not far fetched, it is reality. We have men living in space right now for years at a go, without gravity. Google the International Space Station. With gravity on these planets, it would even be easier to carry out daily life.

Wormholes? That is too far fetched.

Life is finite? Most probably but I believe humans can live for hundreds of years if we work on it.

If I could say put my brains onto a metallic robot body, I would be able to live for hundreds of years. It is far fetched and high technology but since we already have fake hearts pumping blood in humans today and fake arms and limbs, it is not that far fetched is it?

Cloning would also be quite fascinating in this respect. Too bad the idiots are trying to prevent cloning of humans. I say we clone humans because we don't want to die.


Life on Earth is just an evolution. All life on Earth is carbon based. Millions of years ago, the elements of carbon, water, etc mixed mashed to form life today.

Sorry but as a creationist, I find this very hard to believe. Even evolutionists won't claim that life came out of carbon mixed with water.


Hmmm, my thermal science knowledge not so chim, but I've seen a Carbon (more accurately latex) sex doll and it was more like something to laugh at. I've also seen a Silicon play doll, and admit the bloody thing looks real enough to talk a desparate buddy to cum in it. It may not be living, but it'd make ya cock come alive if there was no one else around. Si got low bond energies?


Silicon based life is not likely because the bond energies of Si-Si, Si-H, Si-N, Si-S, etc, which are needed to create a living organism, are too low. Only carbon can form strong enough covalent bonds with a variety of other elements to give rise to life.


Even if the nearest inhabitable planets are "only" light years away, we must still travel at the speed of light to get there in that number of years.

Humans need a lot more than certain selective elements in a planet to survive. All elements of human survival need to be present. Not only does it have to be oxygen, there has to be enough water, temperature must be correct, there must be plants, animals etc. None of the planets fit the bill. Even the latest planet found recently, one part of it never gets dark and one part never gets bright. This is unlikely for long term human survival because we'll either get skin cancer or go blind.

Earth is made with a precision for human survival. That's why I'm a creationist.

And if you want to travel at the speed of light, you probably won't survive either - you will be mashed into flat bits.



Earth was created for us. The tides, the seasons, night and day, our senses and emotions are tied into this. We must appreciate this and not yearn for something else. Too bad we've gone the pathway where futures traders are better off than farmers and fishermen. We need to turn back.


Humans need a lot more than certain selective elements in a planet to survive. All elements of human survival need to be present. Not only does it have to be oxygen, there has to be enough water, temperature must be correct, there must be plants, animals etc. None of the planets fit the bill. Even the latest planet found recently, one part of it never gets dark and one part never gets bright. This is unlikely for long term human survival because we'll either get skin cancer or go blind.

Earth is made with a precision for human survival. That's why I'm a creationist.

And if you want to travel at the speed of light, you probably won't survive either - you will be mashed into flat bits.