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why isn't anybody claiming damages from the bloody SMRT?


someone should. in fact all those very stressfully affected by their frequent breakdowns should.

the gahmen if really treating the citizens fairly should implement this law and set the rate of compensation instead of fining SMRT which simply is a left pocket transferring to the right pocket $

when we default, they fine us ...for eating, for drinking and maybe for farting and etc. but when the guns point back at them, how cum there isn't compensation from them? this doesn't sound fair, right?

the law should be blind and therefore has to be EQUAL. if SMRT abuses that to fine us, why can't that apply to them to fine them to COMPENSATE US? yes, compensate us and not another wayang of "paying the fines" to the gahmen cos the gahmen is SMRT. how can they implicate a law to summon themselves? it's the same damn avaricious pockets.

don't you agree?


like those part-timers who are paid by hourly and who are suay suay delayed by mrt breakdowns, their pays would be deducted. shouldn[t the amount be legitimately claimed from SMRT?

and what about those who are late for interview causing them their prospective job after months of CBL joblessness? should the mrt be compensating them at least a mth's pay offered by that job?

and the worst to happen. what if some advance pregnant woman chooses to bomb out her baby during the breakdown with the bloody cursed train stuck in a dark tunnel?

what if that breakdown cause her the life of her newborn? then how??

there should be a set of laws legitamised for the citizens vs bloody smrt in case such scenarios happen.

we cannot allow those bastards to always tekkan us when we default and they themselves get scots free when they default. how can this be a fair society? what happen to our national pledge?


smrt is under them and they are smrt.....and so what leaves us the citizens under their mercy??


Singaporeans have been taught since school to be obedient to authority. It is bad and wrong to question teachers, authority. This is further reinforced at NS. You complain, make sure upstairs doesn't hear it, otherwise, you kena charge. This subservience permeates Singapore society. Any rabble rousers are quickly identified and nibbed in the bud. So the land has become a land of obedient, law-abiding good citizens. Just observe the pedestrian crossing when it displays a red man and there are no cars both ways - nobody crosses right? What a law-abiding society it is, so easy to rule. Your press calls it good leadership. Never mind, as long as the char-kwey teow tastes good, life is good.


smrt is under them and they are smrt.....and so what leaves us the citizens under their mercy??


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Sinkie courts are rigged against the ordinary people, and legal costs are unaffordable.


Singaporeans have been taught since school to be obedient to authority. It is bad and wrong to question teachers, authority. This is further reinforced at NS. You complain, make sure upstairs doesn't hear it, otherwise, you kena charge. This subservience permeates Singapore society. Any rabble rousers are quickly identified and nibbed in the bud. So the land has become a land of obedient, law-abiding good citizens. Just observe the pedestrian crossing when it displays a red man and there are no cars both ways - nobody crosses right? What a law-abiding society it is, so easy to rule. Your press calls it good leadership. Never mind, as long as the char-kwey teow tastes good, life is good.


it's about time to untaught and DETOX ourselves from all these brainwashing. yep! IT'S NOW OR NEVER!!


The people first have to remove from their minds that the present government and leadership are the ones who carved out the good life for them. Singapore became prosperous because of two things - location, and regional peace. These factors were not brought in by the government, they are the circumstances of the time and place. Any level headed government could have taken Singapore to where she is now, not necessarily the one who is in power. As long as society is given the freedom to do what humans do, there will be progress. Trouble is, politicians are shrewd and take credit for the work of ordinary people and line their pockets along the way.


it's about time to untaught and DETOX ourselves from all these brainwashing. yep! IT'S NOW OR NEVER!!


someone should. in fact all those very stressfully affected by their frequent breakdowns should.

the gahmen if really treating the citizens fairly should implement this law and set the rate of compensation instead of fining SMRT which simply is a left pocket transferring to the right pocket $

when we default, they fine us ...for eating, for drinking and maybe for farting and etc. but when the guns point back at them, how cum there isn't compensation from them? this doesn't sound fair, right?

the law should be blind and therefore has to be EQUAL. if SMRT abuses that to fine us, why can't that apply to them to fine them to COMPENSATE US? yes, compensate us and not another wayang of "paying the fines" to the gahmen cos the gahmen is SMRT. how can they implicate a law to summon themselves? it's the same damn avaricious pockets.

don't you agree?

Yea man, I agree someone should....................and why not u!? :S:

Dun talk so much here la, turn ur words into action. Go ahead and initiate a class action against SMRT la, I am sure u will find a lot of supporters.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
everytime smrt breakdowns, they MUST issue to every commuters who wanna file a claim against them.

make it simple and make it quick :smile:

the govt who have to talk and discuss and make that law wont they ,and that wont happen, to compell SMRT to go down that road


The people first have to remove from their minds that the present government and leadership are the ones who carved out the good life for them. Singapore became prosperous because of two things - location, and regional peace. These factors were not brought in by the government, they are the circumstances of the time and place. Any level headed government could have taken Singapore to where she is now, not necessarily the one who is in power. As long as society is given the freedom to do what humans do, there will be progress. Trouble is, politicians are shrewd and take credit for the work of ordinary people and line their pockets along the way.


many have already felt the heat. it's going from bad to worse and from worse to worserer.

trouble is why aren't they awaken yet to VOTE THEM OUT??


Yea man, I agree someone should....................and why not u!? :S:

Dun talk so much here la, turn ur words into action. Go ahead and initiate a class action against SMRT la, I am sure u will find a lot of supporters.

my li'l brother leetahsar had made numerous claims. however, after u deduct the trouble and the fare u need to make to file the claim, the amount refunded is really miniscule. so u see, smrt is also playing the head they win, tail u lose game which the pap is damn good at.

unless they legislate it and compensate people when they overcharge including the amount of to/fro fare to file a claim, many ppl would just shun the trouble.

BUT really, it's a matter or principle more than the miserable refund. if they con one commuter of say 50c, just imagine how many might have been unwittingly conned and still didn't aware of it. how could such a lst class transport expedite their monopoly business like that? only in singapore they can cos the gahmen is the smrt and vice versa.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A legal battle costs money. Against SMRT, you better have lots to spare. A long drawn battle will cripple one financially. 95% I suspect belong to this category.

Most importantly, chances of winning? Almost zero against SMRT.


no bullet liao.all bullet stole by Narong Wongwan in action

Narong Wongwan.jpg


A legal battle costs money. Against SMRT, you better have lots to spare. A long drawn battle will cripple one financially. 95% I suspect belong to this category.

Most importantly, chances of winning? Almost zero against SMRT.
precisely what i wanna highlight.

is there anyway an average man could claim respite from all these "bullying"? why isn't our gahmen doing something to it so that this would be a "fair" society with "equality" and prosperity for our nation and not for the pap?


The working class and the elderly is feeling the rising costs of living - although it is not the government's doing totally, but too bad for them, they bare the brunt of it. My feel is the PAP has lost the bulk of the electorate BUT many people are not convinced that the opposition is a viable replacement for the current institution, which is by now a behemoth machine. These fears are not real as "natural" forces, or other organisations are in place to work the system, and the region is still peaceful and quite stable. Many times I hear people doubting the ability of opposition parties' capability - but I say, they're all people, same as the PAP. The voters need not fear casting their votes to the opposition, but whether this will effect changes to improve their lives, that depends on many other factors, many of which are not in one's control. At the end of the day, it makes no difference to who they vote for, many things will remain unchanged.


many have already felt the heat. it's going from bad to worse and from worse to worserer.

trouble is why aren't they awaken yet to VOTE THEM OUT??


the opps especially WP gotta work harder to prove that THEY BOLEH and win more confidence over to swing the votes.

the pap meanwhile to continue paying stupigly and obscenely to guys like kee chiu, suay suay, rayclown wong and etc to entertain us with their lame comedies.

fucktard guys like tanjuanjin is hopelessly arrogant and clueless and harp on destroying anything that holds dear to the ppl. he shall have his dessert served soon. the denizens of bt brown are going to let him or his proteges rest in peace.

the worserer of the worst is to have no respect and disturb the deads and the rested.


Alfrescian (Inf)
A legal battle costs money. Against SMRT, you better have lots to spare. A long drawn battle will cripple one financially. 95% I suspect belong to this category.

Most importantly, chances of winning? Almost zero against SMRT.

Where got almost zero chance.
It is absolutely zero in Stinkapore law courts stacked with PAP corrupt perverted stinking kangaroos paid to hop at the bidding of their fucking PAP masters
