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Very Sad: 81 yrs old retired nurse reduced to garang guni woman........


Alfrescian (Inf)
only $1200 a month?thats kinda shyt...is enrol nurse something like when u sign on army during bmt and u get a starting pay of $1300 as a private?

enrol nurse is entry level nurse, ITE level. dipolma level ard $1500 starting pay.

and because nobody want to be nurse, hospital lower their standards. Dont be surprise when you see anggong xiao ah lian with angmo hair color attending to patients in hospital nowadays. Hospitals now also competing with airlines for manpower. Airlines love to hire ex nurse as stewardess, so many hospitals are losing their nurses to airlines. many nurses quit after completing their bond.

remember the shaw guy who fark underage whore? his ahtiong wife was a air stewardess who once work as a nurse in a hospital that reputed to be cannot go home.


Alfrescian (Inf)
only $1200 a month?thats kinda shyt...is enrol nurse something like when u sign on army during bmt and u get a starting pay of $1300 as a private?

With such a low salary it is no wonder that Sporeans do not want to become nurses. It is easier to become a bus driver, taxi driver,... the pay might not be any higher but it is easier.


An 81 year old ex Singaporean nurse would be on a pension scheme. I should know because my aunt is a retired nurse and she gets a monthly pension for life.

you should tell tat to the speaker of the house..a seemingly but seriously stupid person who does not know pple still get pension.


Alfrescian (Inf)
In this sad case, there is no point speculating about the victim's circumstances.

This is where journalism in sillipore (meaning property company masquerading as media play -aka SPH) has failed. It should be a human interest story and they should have found out her background ect2.
Maybe they have other priorities-like selling integration with foreigners, Pinoy Day celebration, ect2.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually death is a blessing..if really 81,n collecting card board for a living.. I dont see the point of living.
waiting for boss sam leong to come in to tell us how lucky she is.....a cement truck is a symbol of singapore's prosperity and progress so shes lucky to be killed by a cement truck......also shes lucky to be of good health and spirit to be hauling cardboard at 81 and not lieing somewhere looking like a wax dummy in a muesuem.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
An 81 year old ex Singaporean nurse would be on a pension scheme. I should know because my aunt is a retired nurse and she gets a monthly pension for life.

fuck off la sam....obviously you long time never come back to stinkapore liao....

a lot of these older civil servants got conned by the fucking govt to accept their "cpf" scheme...which is a bullshit...

all got pressured into accepting less than what they deserved....

the best part is this....

all the fucking stinking bastards who are in their elite range like DS PS MOS and ministers....THEY ALL GET TO HAVE THEIR PENSIONS SCHEMES *STILL*


Wowowowow tears in my eyes...i finally got points from boss sam..n i am not a pap ib...i need to go buy toto today..thanks..
hahaha...i am papee ib and yet the twit have not added any points to me so far.....
no wonder i have yet to strke the jackpot......kns.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
November 2012, she would have been born 1931, by 1961 she would started working as a nurse, let us assume that, she would have retired in 1986 or worked beyond to say 1991 (60 years old). People of those days, usually work 30 years or up to 55 years old in the same job, & beyond, is usually a year-year contract.The cut off pension scheme would have been around April 1976, if my memory serve me well, she would be on the pension scheme.

She is just a Nurse...how much pension in the number of dollars can she be collecting? not ex Ministers, Presidents..etc.. But people from that era are hard working & frugal...so they will continue to work, when they can...who knows, she may be a spinster...woman of those time..any are.

Fat Pension no.....enough to go by & may have illness etc...not enough to survive...

If I am not mistaken, her pension is based on the salary that she earned back than, right?. And in those days, the pay was low for nurses compared to today. very likely, her monthly pension was not enough and she had to supplement it by being a garang guni lady.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
In this sad case, there is no point speculating about the victim's circumstances.

This is where journalism in sillipore (meaning property company masquerading as media play -aka SPH) has failed. It should be a human interest story and they should have found out her background ect2.
Maybe they have other priorities-like selling integration with foreigners, Pinoy Day celebration, ect2.

Cannot find out lah, If they do, everyone will know she got screwed by the PAP and the same fate awaits them at that age.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
my mom's friend who now ard 70s was a ex nurse and she on pension. according to my mom, her ex nurse friend receive ard $1000+ a month from her pension. she retired as a staff nurse.

the granny who was run over by the tipper was 81yo in 2012. that would mean she retired in ard 1986. With no idea what her last drawn salary for her job grade, it rather difficult to know how much her pension was. But it cannot be great as i doubt govt pay big salary to nurses in those days as the current enrol nurse get around $1200 a month. All the nurses get the same amount despite working in different hospitals as MOH dont want the hospitals to compete for qualified nurses.

$1000 a month pension how to survive? Even if her HDB flat is fully paid, she still has to pay electricity, conservancy fees, water fees, property tax, and than buy food, etc. No wonder she is out there and have to sell cardboard. Damn sad.


Granted her pension not much. But don't think she needs to resort to collecting cardboard!! More likely she stopped work early or she got some mental problem!!


She got her pension but spend them on PRC man, for male is the revert. Quite lucky LKY locked my money in my CPF. see no touch. Thank you lau lee!

An 81 year old nurse would be earning a big fat pension. There is no reason for her to be collecting cardboard scraps.


how can that be lucky.. you should ask him to lock you up as well just to make sure you will get your cpf


Alfrescian (Inf)
If I am not mistaken, her pension is based on the salary that she earned back than, right?. And in those days, the pay was low for nurses compared to today. very likely, her monthly pension was not enough and she had to supplement it by being a garang guni lady.

Back then....in the 1960's to the 1970's...would be around $300-$400 per month...& if she retire in 1986 at age 55 years of age...would be around $700-$800 & that, might be her pension for life.....she would be issued a civil service card for medical entitlement....