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US States Need Federal Bailout Now!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Schwarzenegger Tells Paulson States May Need Loans (Update1)

By Jerry Hart

Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger told the U.S. Treasury that his and other states may need emergency federal loans if turmoil in the credit markets continues to impede their access to financing.
``This credit crisis has the power to grind the U.S. economy to a halt,'' Schwarzenegger wrote in a letter e-mailed to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson last night, Treasury spokeswoman Jennifer Zuccarelli said in Washington today.
``Absent a clear resolution to this financial crisis that restores confidence and liquidity to the credit markets, California and other states may be unable to obtain the necessary level of financing to maintain government operations and may be forced to turn to the federal Treasury for short-term financing,'' Schwarzenegger wrote.
Rising borrowing costs and declining investor appetite for anything but the safest bonds are forcing states, cities and towns to deter spending on projects from road improvements to maintenance on schools. California may run out of cash at the end of the month if the state can't sell billions in short-term debt, Treasurer Bill Lockyer said Oct. 1.
Schwarzenegger said in his letter that California, the most populous U.S. state, expected to sell $7 billion of revenue anticipation notes in ``a matter of days.''
`So Large'
``While some states may be able to absorb a delay or obtain high-interest financing through private banks, California is so large that our short-term cash-flow needs exceed the entire budget of some states,'' Schwarzenegger wrote.
Without the short-term funding, the state may be forced to halt or significantly delay payments for teachers' salaries, nursing homes, law enforcement and ``every other state-funded service,'' Lockyer said.
Tax-exempt issuers have postponed more than $12 billion in note and bond deals since Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. declared bankruptcy Sept. 15, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Louisiana postponed plans to sell $500 million of bonds this month, while in Chicago, school officials will have to decide which improvements will go forward after delaying a similar offering. Erie County, New York, has delayed dozens of capital projects.
To contact the reporter on this story: Jerry Hart in Miami at [email protected].
Last Updated: October 3, 2008 10:15 EDT


The world, including EU, is in need of a serious financial readjustment, with pensions being one of the other unmentioned culprit that drove this property bubble. After the readjustment we will be able to assure a sustainable financial and economic future for our children, including an environmentally sustainable one. This is a lot better than overly challenging EU climate change endeavors, which are noble on paper, nonetheless.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The world, including EU, is in need of a serious financial readjustment, with pensions being one of the other unmentioned culprit that drove this property bubble. After the readjustment we will be able to assure a sustainable financial and economic future for our children, including an environmentally sustainable one. This is a lot better than overly challenging EU climate change endeavors, which are noble on paper, nonetheless.

If your owners' sucking efficiency is so solid, why insure Sporns' bank deposit of up to only SGD 20k while the US can still afford USD250k? It sure sounds like your owners have siphoned away Sporns' money in a sustained manner.


Our economy is less than 1 percent of the United States. 20K insurance is more than enough, given the differences in scale. If it is indeed true that the government of Singapore has siphoned money of citizens, no one is above the law. Until clear evidence is available such statements are totally untrue.


That is very very true. While countries may gloat about the financial demise of the United States many of the top few nations like Japan and Germany are export depedent.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Our economy is less than 1 percent of the United States. 20K insurance is more than enough, given the differences in scale. If it is indeed true that the government of Singapore has siphoned money of citizens, no one is above the law. Until clear evidence is available such statements are totally untrue.

Which economic theory tells u that deposit insurance should be tied to economy size? And your owners must be terribly pissed off now that u expose their leegalized corruption by paying themselves the BEST ministerial pay while the economy is but tiny snot compared to Uncle Sam's. At the rate u're going, u would soon be replaced by foreign breed.