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Turf City Site in Bukit Timah to Feature Up to 20,000 Homes, Preserving Heritage Structures in New Housing Estate


**SINGAPORE:** Approximately 15,000 to 20,000 public and private homes are planned for a new housing estate at Turf City in Bukit Timah over the next 20 to 30 years, announced Minister for National Development Desmond Lee on Thursday (May 23).

This marks the first time in nearly 40 years that public housing is being planned in Bukit Timah, he noted.

"This initiative aims to meet the growing aspirations among Singaporeans to live closer to their workplaces in the city."

According to the Housing and Development Board (HDB), Bukit Timah currently has about 2,500 flats.

The Turf City estate will be designed to be car-lite, pedestrian-friendly, and well-served by public transport, stated the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) in a separate press release.

The 176-hectare site was home to Singapore's second racecourse from 1933 to 1999, until the Singapore Turf Club relocated to Kranji, noted Mr. Lee. Although largely zoned for residential use since 1998, the site was leased out for lifestyle and recreational purposes until the end of 2023.

The government is planning for 10-minute neighborhoods, ensuring that most amenities will be within a 10-minute walk.

“These amenities will also be situated close to MRT stations to maximize convenience for all, including existing residents nearby,” he added.

Heritage and environmental impact assessments were conducted in collaboration with heritage and nature groups, according to the National Development Minister.