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Trans teen’s ‘teeth exploded’ when she was punched for using school bathroom



Trans teen’s ‘teeth exploded’ when she was punched for using school bathroom​


A transgender teenager has described the horror moment her “teeth exploded” when she was allegedly sucker-punched in the face and called a “f—-t” by a male student after trying to use the boy’s bathroom at her Minnesota high school.

Cobalt Sovereign, 17, said the beating unfolded just moments after the boy had peered over the top of the stall she was occupying at Hopkins High School in Minnetonka and allegedly hurled the slur at her, KARE reported.

“I was hit in the jaw and at the time one of my teeth exploded, pieces in my mouth,” the teen said of the May 30 attack.

“My jaw was broken in two places … molar, just shattered.”


Cobalt Sovereign, 17, said her “teeth exploded” when a male student broke her jaw at Hopkins High School in Minnetonka, MN last week

The teen was rushed to hospital in the wake of the incident and underwent a multi-hour surgery to fit her jaw with three titanium plates.

“He had no reason to have anything against me, I’ve never talked to him, never done anything negative to him. And I was insulted and then eventually hit in the jaw,” Sovereign said.

While the school does have gender-inclusive restrooms, Sovereign said it’s sometimes more convenient to use the male bathrooms — even though it makes her uncomfortable.

The 17-year-old said the beating unfolded just moments after the boy peered over the top of the stall she was occupying and called her a f----t.
The 17-year-old said the beating unfolded just moments after the boy peered over the top of the stall she was occupying and called her a “f—-t”. KARE 11

“It makes me incredibly uncomfortable to be in the men’s bathroom,” the teen said, adding that she has never feared using them before.

“I would rather be uncomfortable than make other people uncomfortable by using the women’s bathroom,” Sovereign added.

Meanwhile, the Minnetonka Police Department is now investigating the alleged assault as a possible hate crime.

It wasn’t immediately clear if any charges would be brought against the male student, who hasn’t been identified publicly.


Woman holding “protect trans kids” sign

Hopkins High School officials confirmed the student responsible for allegedly punching Sovereign had been disciplined immediately, though they didn’t provide details about the punishment.


Be careful what you wish unto others.
This is a warning to those who think they are not part of the cause and effect equation.
Many in this world are ignorant and either mock or ridicule these people.
Your own punishment will be many times more than what these individuals go through on a daily basis and suffer the consequences of something not in their hands in this lifetime.
Those who mock ridicule or laugh at them remediate yourself or be subject to the rule of cause and effect.



Old Fart
Be careful what you wish unto others.
This is a warning to those who think they are not part of the cause and effect equation.
Many in this world are ignorant and either mock or ridicule these people.
Your own punishment will be many times more than what these individuals go through on a daily basis and suffer the consequences of something not in their hands in this lifetime.
Those who mock ridicule or laugh at them remediate yourself or be subject to the rule of cause and effect.

Well said and I agree with you. People should treat LGBTQ+ folks the same way they would treat any others with a mental condition. We need to sympathise and be patient with them. Having said that, instead of celebrating their condition or ridiculing them, we should seek to help them recover. It is inhumane to egg them on or to persecute them.
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Be careful what you wish unto others.
This is a warning to those who think they are not part of the cause and effect equation.
Many in this world are ignorant and either mock or ridicule these people.
Your own punishment will be many times more than what these individuals go through on a daily basis and suffer the consequences of something not in their hands in this lifetime.
Those who mock ridicule or laugh at them remediate yourself or be subject to the rule of cause and effect.

I wish you get punched.


I wish you get punched.
Your mindset is just like that of a rich man who while passing by a beggar on the street begging for alms spits at him.
Leemember no one knows what will happen to him in the next breath
Punishment comes in many forms.
I recall one guy here quoted:
“The Evil that you do leemains with you, the Good that you do comes back to you”.

The above guy who got his teeth smashed did not ask to be born the way he was. He has been going through life and will continue to go through life being spat at by the likes of you.

The poor guy will continue living his life asking the question, Why me?.

I would rather get punched from you because the consequences to the person giving the punch even in thought are far greater than the person receiving the pain from the punch.

Unless you seek forgiveness from God and the above person, be prepared to be on the receiving end of many more punches.