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this is why u shouldn’t take roller coaster ride when you have heart conditions...



Mother forced to sit through entire Disney World ride with her son's limp body after his heart stopped 20 seconds after it started​

A Florida mother revealed the shocking moment she was forced to finish a rollercoaster next to her son's limp body after he passed out during the ride.

Christine Tagle said the dramatic episode unfolded on September 21 at Disney World Orlando, after her family boarded their 'favorite' Guardians of the Galaxy ride.

Around 20 seconds into the ride, her son Ernesto, 5, passed out, and she said in a Facebook post that 'through the whole ride I couldn't wake him up.'

The panicked mother said she 'screamed for help' as soon as the rollercoaster ended, as staff members sprang into action and shocked him with an automated external defibrillator (AED).

Christine and Ernesto Tagle said their day out to Disney World Orlando last month turned into a nightmare as their five-year-old son collapsed during a rollercoaster ride

  • Christine and Ernesto Tagle said their day out to Disney World Orlando last month turned into a nightmare as their five-year-old son collapsed during a rollercoaster ride
Ernesto Tagle, 5, passed out last month as he rode the Guardians of the Galaxy ride with his family, sparking a frantic scramble to revive him

  • Ernesto Tagle, 5, passed out last month as he rode the Guardians of the Galaxy ride with his family, sparking a frantic scramble to revive him
Thankfully, Ernesto survived the terrifying ordeal, which his parents said was down to the quick thinking of his mother, staff members, an off-duty EMT couple and paramedics.

When Christine raced her son off the ride, she said staff joined her as she laid him down in a hallway and she began CPR, with staff also using an AED to restart the 5-year-old's heart.

She said her husband, also named Ernesto, found a couple who were a nurse and EMT during the frantic episode, and they jumped in to help when her son began suffering seizures as they waited for paramedics.

First responders arrived at the scene and continued CPR efforts, until Ernesto was taken to hospital via helicopter, his father said in a post to Instagram.

Following 'test after test' to determine why Ernesto passed out on the ride, it was found that he suffers from a genetic heart condition - catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, or CTVT - that flared up during their family trip to Disney World.

The youngster suffered a medical emergency while riding the Guardians of the Galaxy ride (pictured), as his mother said she was left to finish the ride next to her son's limp body

  • The youngster suffered a medical emergency while riding the Guardians of the Galaxy ride (pictured), as his mother said she was left to finish the ride next to her son's limp body
Tests found Ernesto suffered from a genetic heart condition - catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, or CTVT

  • Tests found Ernesto suffered from a genetic heart condition - catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, or CTVT
In pictures shared to social media by the family, Ernesto was seen initially appearing to be in bad condition, with an array of tubes and medical equipment around him as he lay unconscious.

But thankfully, following emergency surgery at another hospital, Ernesto recovered well, and his father said he is 'doing well with no signs of brain or heart damage.'

He added: 'Even better this warrior is already home and already asking to ride his motorcycle.'

In subsequent images, the relieved father shared pictures of his son smiling from his hospital bed, and eventually as he left hospital with a variety of teddy bears.

Ernesto's parents said the boy is 'doing well with no signs of brain or heart damage' as they shared a smiling image of him leaving hospital

  • Ernesto's parents said the boy is 'doing well with no signs of brain or heart damage' as they shared a smiling image of him leaving hospital
After Ernesto's quick recovery, his dad said he is 'already asking to ride his motorcycle'

  • After Ernesto's quick recovery, his dad said he is 'already asking to ride his motorcycle'
Both parents took to social media after the panic-inducing near-miss to share their relief and thanks to those who helped rescue their son, and both urged other parents to get CPR trained.

His mother Christine said: 'My son lived because when his (now we know) genetic heart disease presented itself we were at Disney where there is an AED everywhere.

'My son is alive because we were at Disney with trained staff. My son is alive because of this couple. My son is alive because I was a trained in CPR (parents PLEASE PLEASE get trained if you aren’t).'

Ernesto's father added in his post that he was particularly thankful of the couple who stepped up to help, adding: 'Not all heroes wear capes.'


Alfrescian (Inf)
I took roller coaster in Singapore once, happened in suburban fun fair and in my 20s, and it was not even an aggressive one. From outside, it look fun and slow, but those on the seat belt felt like hell. The machine carried a dozen customers to a 2 storey high tower, and then it spin slowly before tossing us up and down along the shaft of the tower. I kept my eyes closed throughout the operations.

After it stopped and we were unbelted, I felt physically and mentally weak. I have to find the nearest patch of grass to sit down, nearly collapsing, and it took me more than an hour to be able to stand up but my mind was a little foggy still, I could still see objects spinning before my eyes. My phone in hand, ready to call emergency line if I find something amissed. So I rested at nearby void deck, worrying about my conditions. Having rested enough, I walked extremely slowly home, keeping my eyes glued to the ground, to keep myself stable. I mean at snail pace to prevent fainting suddently.. Once reached home, I slept through the night. That was my first and last roller coastal experience.