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this is how u can make your wife accept and consent you having a mistress or second wife



‘His Sex Drive’s Too High!’ – M’sian Woman Looks For Second Wife For Her Husband With RM3K Offer​

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NOVEMBER 21, 2023

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya

In a turn of events resembling a daytime drama plot, a Malaysian woman has embarked on an unconventional quest to find a second wife for her husband’s needs.

Contrary to traditional norms, she’s not just accepting, but actively seeking a second wife for her spouse on social media.

This 28-year-old, using the anonymous Twitter handle @meinmokhtar, has been soliciting for a co-wife.

This bold move is not just talk. She’s offering RM3,000 monthly to any woman willing to enter this unique marital arrangement.

Her motive? To cater to her husband’s heightened sexual appetite, which she attributes to the pressures of his engineering job that pays RM18,000 a month.

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
Image via Twitter/ @meinmokhtar
I don’t mind sharing my husband, even if he stays at your home, but the most important thing is don’t be a gold digger,” the woman stated.
‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
Image via Twitter/ @meinmokhtar
The 28-year-old further described her husband as a skinny, average-looking, non-smoking, and quiet individual with strong sexual desires.

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
Image via Twitter/ @meinmokhtar

She also noted her intention to meticulously review each applicant’s profile and meet the shortlisted candidates before introducing them to her husband.

Many interested​

The post has sparked considerable interest, with several women expressing their willingness to consider this extraordinary offer.

A few anonymously messaged @meinmokhtar, sharing their criteria for participation.

One respondent mentioned, “I am cute without bad habits, mature, and seek a halal sex life without the responsibilities of children or constant attention.”

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‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
Image via Twitter/ @meinmokhtar
Another woman, also not interested in having children, expressed readiness to become a second wife, provided there are formal agreements (black and white).

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
Image via Twitter/ @meinmokhtar
A single mother of two also showed interest, hoping to provide a father figure for her children.

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
Image via Twitter/ @meinmokhtar

‘Are you sure?’​

However, there are those who have reacted sceptically or humorously, questioning whether the financial compensation is adequate for such an arrangement.

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Some speculated that the husband initiated the request, but the wife clarified in a follow-up message.

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya
Image via Twitter/ @meinmokhtar
One comment read, “I don’t think RM18k is enough for two wives.”

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya

Another referenced a news story, stating, “A person with an RM20k salary can’t afford a sugar baby. Now, this person is offering RM3k for a second wife.”

‘his sex drive’s too high! ' - m'sian woman looks for second wife for her husband with rm3k offer  | weirdkaya