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This Chinese M’sian Man Becomes ‘Father’ To 3 Malay Boys & Raises Them As His Own For 16 Years



This Chinese M’sian Man Becomes ‘Father’ To 3 Malay Boys & Raises Them As His Own For 16 Years​

Love beyond blood relations and race.

MAY 25, 2024

This chinese m'sian man becomes 'father' to 3 malay boys & raises them as his own for 16 years | weirdkaya
Cover image via Harian Metro

In a touching tale of love transcending blood relations and race, Michael Tong Wai Siong, a 55-year-old Chinese man, has devoted more than 16 years of his life to caring for three Malay orphaned siblings.​

Chinese M’sian man becomes ‘father’ to 3 Malay boys​

Michael tong wai siong and his 3 malay boys with grandchild
Photo via Harian Metro
This journey began with his encounter with Rafei Ahmad Fauzi, then a 12-year-old boy, at an orphanage in Gombak, Selangor.

Today, Michael, affectionately known as Uncle Mike, shares his home and heart with Rafei, now 29, and his two brothers, Rasyid, 28, and Abdul Rahman, 24, forming a close-knit and happy family.

How it all began: Meeting at the Gombak Orphanage​

Michael tong wai siong and his 3 malay boys with grandchild
Photo via Harian Metro
Michael’s story began with his involvement in charity work through his car club, which frequently visited the orphanage where Rafei lived, reported Harian Metro.

Observing the boy’s withdrawn demeanour, Michael felt compelled to help him.

Rafei and his siblings were sent to the orphanage after their parents passed away a month apart in the same year,” Michael recalls.
“Rafei and his two siblings were sent to the orphanage after their parents passed away a month apart. Umi, who manages the orphanage in Gombak, said that Rafei didn’t want to go to school. I went to the school to meet his teacher and talked to Rafei. I found out he had learning difficulties.

Determined to provide Rafei with a better life, Michael began taking him to school every day, ensuring he received the necessary support.

‘I have become both ‘father’ and ‘mother’ to them‘​

Michael tong wai siong and his 3 malay boys with grandchild
Photo via Harian Metro

This arrangement continued for some time until it was suggested that Rafei stay with Michael to make things easier.

“So, I started taking him to school every morning. After school, my worker would pick him up, take him to a tuition centre, and then bring him back to the orphanage.

This went on for a while until it was suggested that Rafei stay with me to make things easier. He also wanted to stay with me,” Michael notes.

And so, a new chapter began with Rafei moving in with Uncle Mike.

One day, Michael found a poignant note from Rafei expressing his longing for his two younger brothers, who were in another orphanage in Klang, Selangor.

Moved by the boy’s heartfelt words, Michael arranged for the siblings to reunite.
I still remember the note asking why their parents had to die early and why he was separated from his siblings. It made me emotional, so I brought him to meet his brothers. Soon after, Rasyid and then Abdul Rahman came to live with us,” Michael explains.
“Since then, I have become both ‘father’ and ‘mother’ to them, and we have been together ever since,” he added.

‘My family didn’t object either’​

Despite having no prior experience in parenting, he was driven by a desire to give them a better life, focusing on their education and religious upbringing.

“At first, I was scared because I had no experience, which is why I only took one child at first, but many friends supported and helped me. My family didn’t object either, especially my mother, who treated them like her own grandchildren,” he says.
Understanding the importance of their religious education, Michael ensured the boys continued their Islamic studies even while living with him.

He arranged for a religious teacher to visit their home every night and cooked sahur and iftar meals during Ramadan.

“I know we have different religions, but I wanted them to continue their religious education even while living with me, so I hired an ustaz to teach them Quranic studies at home every night.

I would also cook sahur and iftar meals for them, and we would fast together throughout Ramadan. I have been doing this since they were little to support them in fasting fully. At home, I make sure to respect Islamic dietary rules”, he said.

‘For me, name isn’t important’​

Living in Damansara, Selangor, Michael reflects on the challenges and joys of raising three boys.

“Each of the boys had their mischief, but they are good children. They don’t call me ‘dad’ because I want them to keep calling me Uncle Mike.

For me, the name isn’t important.

What matters is that I sincerely care for them as my own. I still remember when they were young, I would wake up as early as 5 a.m. to prepare breakfast. I would often scold and nag them because I love them and want them to be good people.”

Michael, who is still unmarried, admits he doesn’t feel lonely with the presence of his three adopted sons, especially now that life is happier with two grandchildren who are Rafei’s children.

A Singaporean

He will be blessed. So unlike money face coolie gene Sinkies who probably will demand compensation for taking in any kid.