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The Rigged US Election

Porfirio Rubirosa

When or when or when?
This sounds like the Trump health are plan that was forever being promised to be published but never came out, because there never was a plan...just like this lying piece of shit...
Don't need to wait...fact is Biden being inaugurated on the 20th with Pence in attendance...as for Trump, who cares and good riddance...even his neighbours in mar-a-lago FL don't want him living there...probably Melania now calling her divorce lawyer to stand back and stand by... LOL...

Porfirio Rubirosa

This piece of shit Lin Wood dare talk about Nazis...All should go and view Arnold Schwarzenegger's youtube video uploaded today where he shares his pain never revealed in public until now about destruction Nazis caused to all German Austrian families post war including Arnie's and Arnie compared what happened on Wednesday at the Capitol to the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s and totally condemned Trump and MAGA insurrection mob.




From James Gilliland's Newsletter

It’s On - This Is Not A Drill

Over 6,000 troops are now at the White House and Capitol building. The President has signed the Insurrection Act. The main stream and social media, Treason Inc. along with those who knowingly committed Treason by certifying the votes even when notified there was extreme foreign intervention and fraud are all scurrying and screaming to protect their assets minus the ets. Super computers and the military in Italy were used to alter the votes in 17 states through dominion and other software. Key players including the President of Italy have been arrested and the Vatican’s hands are extremely dirty. During the orchestrated breech at the Capitol building by Antifa and those who infiltrated Antifa, Nancy Pelosi and others lost their lap tops. Rumor has it this is why many democrats and rhinos are screaming impeachment because the lap tops have damming information on them including communications with Antifa and the CCP. Communist China.

It is also rumored Nancy was arrested trying to cross the border. These are gray areas as all breaking news because there are moves and counter moves in the 5D chess game, it is verified the military has the lap tops.

Those in the know suspected Mike Pence to back stab the president as many others due to blackmail and other dirty dealings. There is the possibility he played a part to get the others to sign on the dotted line verifying the known fraudulent votes. I personally believe Pence and others saw it as a way out. If they are successful none of them get prosecuted. Their lives and careers are on the line and when everything is made public which is unstoppable they will not be able to walk the streets, or the airports. Trump and the military have it all.

Dos and don’ts. Do not listen to mainstream and social media they are complicit in the coup spreading the deceptions and lies. They are owned by the corporate elite. Soros, the global elite, and the CCP are heavily invested in Hollywood, Mainstream News, Social Media, many politicians both Republican and Democrat, Governors, Judges Antifa, BLM, Open Boarders etc. The covid was a biological attack by the CCP orchestrated by the WHO and CDC as well as vaccine manufacturers, who hold the patent for the virus and the test kits. Some of these patents go back to 2005. Follow the money. The Governors who are heavy handed forcing lockdowns and destroying businesses are corrupt, signed on and part of the Take down America Plan.

The take down America plan is in full swing, they all played their cards and now comes the Trump Card and the patriot or white hat card, those in the military, law enforcement and other sectors still honoring their oath and allegiance to America. As we have said earlier the net and the power grid in some areas will go down. Prepare for net and power outages. This includes accessing banks take out enough money to get through a couple weeks, may be shorter or longer. Stock up on food for at least 10 days. Gas up your cars as we have said pumps don’t pump water or gas when the grid goes down and they won’t be able to accept payment other than cash. Do not get involved in the military operation. Protect your families and your neighbors learn to share. One of the most important things we can share is pray, meditate, learn how to clear any unseen negative influences. This is a multidimensional spiritual war. Many of the patriots and messengers are under heavy attack by unseen negative influences.

Those who do Satanic rituals, Luciferians have their dark lords, reptilian and negative greys are also in the mix. It is time to wake up, grow up stand in your divinity, call on the many saints, sages and masters to clear these energies. This is not just an American event it is global. Whether you call on Jesus, Buddha, Kwan Yin, the House of Mary, too many to name, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off Worlders they are all part of Creators Army. It is time to transcend all cultural and religious boundaries and focus on Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Do not get into fear, this is a good thing. We are sharing the original Lord’s prayer in Aramaic which is unifying and genderless along with the clearing unseen negative influences technique. Pass it far and wide and put the leaders and messengers in your prayers. Many of them are under a lot of pressure and attack by unseen negative influences.

God Speed

James Gilliland




I intend to declare Facebook & Twitter are being made "PUBLIC UTILITIES" and thus Property of the U.S GOVERNMENT. Marines will Seize HQ's and upper Apprehend their upper Management, Many whom are Suspected to have taken Bribes from CCP. Profits from both will be sent to NEW OWNERS of the COMPANY...aka...The American PEOPLE in the form of Monthly Checks estimated in the range of $100 to $200 to eligible Tax Payer FREE SPEECH will be REINSTATED on both PLATFORMERS.

I am Drafting and executive order to take the following Propaganda Media outlets OFF the Airways: ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, I'm also working with the FCC to pull their LICENSES. We have Evidence that all of these Media Organizations Employ agents of CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY, as well as embedded CIA Agents, whose sole purpose is to BRAINWASH, HYPNOTIZE, and Direct Public Opinion toward certain Agendas, Particularly aA
Agendas that Support the Left and the DEEP STATE. These Organizations are a THREAT to NATIONAL SECURITY and virtually NOTHING they REPORT is actual NEWS.


I read that Gates actually was dead a number of years ago. He vaccinate indian children and many die and female sterilised ( something like that) and Indian people execute the Gates. The current Gate now is just an AI running Clone which is to put up a show for the people in order to expose the Deep State. It is up to the people to reasonate this statement.


all the crazies have come out of the woodwork for trump. manic, bipolar, narcissist, psychopaths all having their delusions fed by Trump. would love to see their faces after inauguration when Nothing Happens.


15000 National Guards moved to DC, but it appears that they are there to protect Biden for next week's inauguration
I am sooo looking forward to Jan 20. Biden,imo, doesn't appear in this saga anymore. It is more about arrest and he is one of them being arrested. I read that Trump will not be the next President even thought Republican won but General Fynn might be called to run the show.


I am sooo looking forward to Jan 20. Biden,imo, doesn't appear in this saga anymore. It is more about arrest and he is one of them being arrested. I read that Trump will not be the next President even thought Republican won but General Fynn might be called to run the show.

Hasn't you been conned enough? Are you a Q believer? come 21 jan, biden will be president. And life goes on.


Breaking News

Very important

Received a few minutes ago. Please read and share widely.
Thank you.

Michael Green From Gregory Ervin:
Dear Patriots:
Some of you may recognize my name. I have daily briefing with POTUS and have posted here before a handful of times as a “helper”.
What I’m about to disclose is the most important post you’ll read before the inauguration. Q will not post here again, at least not for a while.
The operation is ongoing but must run silent at this point. Once we wind down you will not hear from Q again. Don’t let this worry or upset you. We are in perhaps the most critical juncture of American history. POTUS is fully aware of the gravity of this time period. We have prepared from before 2015 for this exact moment.
I am not asking for faith in us. Q should have already used logic, reason, and multiple proofs to establish our credibility. What happens this week will change history.
We are asking you for now to stay in your homes and do NOT under any circumstances interfere with the operation. You’ll soon see things unfold that many would think impossible. POTUS is insulated and 100% safe. Our plan is almost complete. The DS has already lost. Everything you’re seeing in the MSM and on Twitter is a last-ditch attempt. Why has Kamala not yet left the senate? Where is Joe? Where is Joe really?
Hunter has turned himself in.
We asked you at the beginning to prepare. Your role is crucial, and your task is to help the population deal with that is about to be revealed. Those patriots who have been here from the start will understand and recognize this directive. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn.
Do not believe the MSM over the next week. Do not, for a single minute give them any credence. We have legally won this election and what comes next is the greatest mop up job in the history of the world.
Patriots, we thank you. We could not have gotten here without you. Now is our time. Hold
the line. You will receive no further message on this channel from us until the operation is over. At that point, the entire world will know.
Thank you and God bless. Pray for us, POTUS, and the United States of America. We are in the most dangerous phase and the stakes could not be higher. Military takedowns and arrests begin this weekend and will continue forward for the next 13 days/nights. Some international raids have already started. Italy has also been found complicit in our election fraud.
Everyone will be getting emergency alerts on their phones, tv's, radios & internet. It will override all other broadcasts and could last for several hours at a time.
Do not to be scared of what's coming as it is for the safety of our nation for this to unfold. DO NOT travel to any large cities (especially Philadelphia) for the rest of the month. Military operations will be taking place in many of the major corrupt cities.
People will start rioting once this intel breaks, thinking Trump is a military dictator. He only has 13 days to put this dog down.
The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump's broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act.
Marines and National Guard troops are being moved as needed for the riots that will start after the national release of the intel. The intel will be dropped for everyone to see and hear in loops that will be several hours long.
The system was just checked by the FCC a few days ago alerting ALL media that they cannot block the flow of intel under federal regs.
Trump will be moved continuously like a chess piece from now until the 20th in order to avoid any retaliation against him and family.
This is very important Share with your friends