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The politics thread :)


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Hi Lord Ethan,

Precisely, Malaysia will not changed overnight even if the outcome of GE13 is unexpectedly skewed towards the favour of BN or PR.
However, it is heartening to see growing number of Malays, Chinese and Indians have already awakened and realized that racial policies are not longer relevant.:smile:

Hi Truly Asia,
We seem like one minded, I seconded your opinions :smile:
How I really wish that BN with their racial policies abolished but it might not happen in my lifetime I'm afraid. As most of the tweets from Malaysians also have doubt it will happen due to the diversities and policies that so entrenched that it might take years to be taken off.
Eventhough I really wish that BN will lose this election but I think they win and probably with the similar margin in the last election. The bright side is that it will offset some positive impacts for Malaysia as a whole. You can see some positive impact from last election when BN couldn't win with 2/3 majority. BN need to have a wake up call with a vigorous shake to wake them up.


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Forgive me if I caused misunderstanding with my earlier statements, I did not know investor5 is a M'sian then.
My point is I would respect anyone who is supporting BN or PR NOT by the means of instilling fear and disunity among different races/religions.

How you know it is host country, maybe these forummers are Msians expressing their choice? Don't know the rest but forummer investor5 already said he is still holding Msian passport i.e he is a Msian supporting BN..

GE13: Respect the choice of others, actress Lee Sin Jie tells cyber bullies


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

It is your liberty to insist that your view on DAP as a Chinese chauvinist party is correct.
On other hand, are you insinuating anything by associating me with a so-called chauvinist party in your perspective? Can you clarify?

To answer your question:
In GE11/12 - Given a choice to choose between BN or PAS, I decided "ABU"
In GE13- a vote for PAS = vote for PR = vote for PKR/DAP/PAS.

Juz curious. Why didnt u vote for DAP? Majority Chinese i spoke to rather vote for DAP, a Chinese chauvinist party.


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Hi Whoami & Ginfreely,

Referring to #502
"The Star" & "New Straits Time" is equivalent to "Today" & "Straits Times" that you read in Singapore.
Their neutrality in reporting of news is very well known.:biggrin:


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Good. They will start chopping hands of burglars. Malaysia will be a safer place.

GE13: Hudud is a must, say PAS leaders

Friday April 26, 2013

MORE PAS leaders have come out in support of the implementation of the hudud law should Pakatan Rakyat capture Putrajaya.

They expressed their support for party deputy spiritual leader Datuk Dr Haron Din who had said that hudud would be implemented in a Pakatan government even if the DAP opposed it.

Kelantan PAS deputy commissioner II Datuk Nik Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah said the willingness of the DAP to use the PAS symbol (when it faced deregistration) showed that it no longer feared the implementation of hudud.

Nik Mohd Amar, who is contesting the Pasir Puteh parliamentary seat, said it was incumbent on PAS to implement hudud if Pakatan took over Putrajaya.

“Everyone should welcome hudud of their own free will. But if one is a Muslim, it is considered a must to embrace hudud,” he said in an interview. “It is fine if some of you do not want to embrace the (hudud) law, but do remember that there is a path to heaven and another to hell. One can choose.”

The hudud issue had resurfaced in the run-up to the May 5 polls, with PAS adamant on imposing punishment for crimes according to Syariah law.

On Tuesday, Dr Haron said: “I am confident that the DAP will accept hudud because of its willingness to contest under the PAS symbol.

“Pakatan must take over the federal government. Only then can we amend the Constitution to implement hudud.”

Party Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib said the objections of the DAP would then not matter as it would be up to the new Parliament to decide on the implementation of hudud.

However, PAS Supporters Congress chairman Hu Phang Chaw said the party leaders should not be talking about hudud at the moment.

“Now is not the time to discuss hudud. We can talk about it another time, not during the elections,” said Hu, the PAS candidate in a straight fight for the Air Hitam parliamentary seat in Johor against MCA Youth chief Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong,

“PAS and its allies in the opposition front should be talking about their desire for a new Malaysia.”

In Petaling Jaya, observers noted the serious implications of implementing hudud, referring to cases when Islamic law was imposed on non-Muslims as well in Kelantan.

In December last year, four non-Muslims two men on a plane-spotting outing and a couple in a park were issued with summonses for “indecent behaviour”.

The incidents followed a nationwide uproar when fines were imposed on salon operators who allowed their stylists to cut the hair of customers of a different gender, regardless of whether they were Muslims or not.

In Kedah, the PAS-controlled government laid down guidelines for public celebrations of the Chinese New Year, which infuriated the community.

For more election stories, please visit The Star's GE13 site




Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

What if e criminals set a trap to accuse u of stealing? I have read about such extortion in JB before.

How many of such cases actually occurred in term of numbers? How many cases of armed robberies, snatch thieve, house breaking in terms of numbers? As far as latter concerned, i tink everyone here know the numbers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

It is your liberty to insist that your view on DAP as a Chinese chauvinist party is correct.
On other hand, are you insinuating anything by associating me with a so-called chauvinist party in your perspective? Can you clarify?

To answer your question:
In GE11/12 - Given a choice to choose between BN or PAS, I decided "ABU"
In GE13- a vote for PAS = vote for PR = vote for PKR/DAP/PAS.

Maybe u misinterpreted my previous post. I mentioned most Msian Chinese i spoke to. The gave me the impression they would vote for DAP. MCA or Gerakan no chance.

So when u, a Chinese, decide to vote for PAS (a Malay party), of course i am quite surprise.

Of couse for the sake of unity, all differences put aside for the sake of the GE. But after the GE, i wonder whether DAP can tango with PAS? Hudud law ya.

Btw I am a malay.
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Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Hi Abang,

I see, the majority of Chinese support DAP or Pakatan Rakyat for some valid reasons:

- PKR/DAP/PAS strive to help all poor Malaysians regardless of race and religion - integrate and not differentiate
- MCA leader not participating in GE13, how could they demand respect and support from the ethnic group they represent?
- BN policies help the cronies of UMNO/MCA/MIC (yes, all races corrupt in M'sia), giving very little to the bumiputras that NEP intended to assist.

Chinese supporting PAS is not uncommon, you will be more surprised to see Malays show their support for DAP in public - which used to be a taboo in the past.
This is the beginning of an era of new Malaysia.

Maybe u misinterpreted my previous post. I mentioned most Msian Chinese i spoke to. The gave me the impression they would vote for DAP. MCA or Gerakan no chance.

So when u, a Chinese, decide to vote for PAS (a Malay party), of course i am quite surprise.

Btw I am a malay.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

you will be more surprised to see Malays show their support for DAP in public - which used to be a taboo in the past.
This is the beginning of an era of new Malaysia.

Definitely a BIG SURPRISE! Cos now the Malays are willing to sacrifice and forgo all those special privileges given to them? Now all Malays, rural and urban, are willing to compete with the handworking, enterprising and rich Chinese on equal footing? Really?


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Only very small fraction within the Malays (mostly well-educated), but that is already a quantum leap from my point of view.
I'm alright with special privileges given to bumi who really needs help, but not the bumi who can afford RM1 million house and government still give 15% subsidy from tax payers money.

Definitely a BIG SURPRISE! Cos now the Malays are willing to sacrifice and forgo all those special privileges given to them? Now all Malays, rural and urban, are willing to compete with the handworking, enterprising and rich Chinese on equal footing? Really?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Only very small fraction within the Malays (mostly well-educated), but that is already a quantum leap from my point of view.
I'm alright with special privileges given to bumi who really needs help, but not the bumi who can afford RM1 million house and government still give 15% subsidy from tax payers money.

We all know is only a very small faction of Malays tat r well off. Since these small percentage of Malays r "willing" to vote for DAP, they should be upfront and declare they dont need those Bumi special privileges.

Now if u compare, in terms of numbers, the proportion of poor Malays and Chinese, u should know who really need help most. But u know DAP manifesto, rite? And of course tat Malay opp leader who like to ape the Indon and Arabs, calling for Reformasi and Change. Wats his manisfesto? Wat happened to Indon 1997, should draw a lesson for Msians. We also know which race at the receiving end. Wealth sharing is important and i totally agree with wat Dr Mahathir had suggested. But to put into action, is another tricky part.
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Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Definitely a BIG SURPRISE! Cos now the Malays are willing to sacrifice and forgo all those special privileges given to them? Now all Malays, rural and urban, are willing to compete with the handworking, enterprising and rich Chinese on equal footing? Really?

A lot of urban Malays vote for PKR, voting for PKR is as good as voting for DAP


As I reiterate my previous post somewhere, I know a lot of Malays who are very hardworking and succeeded due to their talents and hard works. They do not need any handouts from the government hence the privilege of bumis is not their main agenda but majority are urban dwellers.


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

I think you did not get my message, I said small percentage is willing to vote for DAP but doesn't mean they have to gave up Bumi special privileges.
They should enjoy bumi special privileges (BSP) if they are poor bumiputras, don't you agree rich bumiputras shouldn't be given BSP?

Refer to the link below :


We all know is only a very small faction of Malays tat r well off. Since these small percentage of Malays r "willing" to vote for DAP, they should be upfront and declare they dont need those Bumi special privileges.

Now if u compare, in terms of numbers, the proportion of poor Malays and Chinese, u should know who really need help most. But u know DAP manifesto, rite? And of course tat Malay opp leader who like to ape the Indon and Arabs, calling for Reformasi and Change. Wats his manisfesto?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

I think you did not get my message, I said small percentage is willing to vote for DAP but doesn't mean they have to gave up Bumi special privileges.
They should enjoy bumi special privileges (BSP) if they are poor bumiputras, don't you agree rich bumiputras shouldn't be given BSP?

Refer to the link below :


Yes. I got ur message. Tats y i said the well off Malays should be upfront and declare they do not wish to receive special privileges. And yes, those poor Bumi should be given Bumi sp privileges. But would LKS agree to tat? Wats his party manifesto?
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Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

As Singaporeans living in JB, I think it's best we keep our thoughts and comments on Malaysia's politics to our own circle of friends, instead of posting pro BN or PKR messages in a public forum. Would appreciate if Singaporeans can think first before posting, ESPECIALLY in this sensitive period. Thanks to all!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Juz tat i have alot of relatives over at Msia. Cant help it at times lah. Hehehe..

Ok. Will stop such discussion on Msia politics...especially on individual political parties :smile:
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