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The Perversion or Nationhood by the FAP Traitors


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=2]The perversion of Nationhood[/h]


June 10th, 2013 |
Author: Contributions


Mind the gap between The Pink and The Blue

A state cannot exist without citizens. A state is created by the citizen as a
protective umbrella for the common good of a collective citizenry. A state and
its citizenry co exist in a symbiotic relationship. One cannot exist without the
other. A people without a state become stateless. A country without a citizenry
is waiting to be taken over, or a loose or disorganized state will soon be taken

The role of a govt is an intermediary between the citizens and the state. A
govt in a democratic state is voted by the people as a caretaker of the state
and to promote the interests of the citizens. Promoting the interests of
residents or non citizens is incidental and can only be pursued by the good
grace of the citizens, on the generosity of the citizens. A govt that usurped
the power given to it by the people to take care of non citizens and neglect the
interests and rights of the citizens has no reason to exist or be supported by
the citizens.

Permanent Residents are not citizens and owe no loyalty or responsibility to
the state but to themselves. They are fair weather residents and will move to
greener pasture when things are not favourable to them. They have no right to
vote and be represented in Parliament. They cannot enjoy the same privileges as
citizens. Period.

Non residents or transient workers have even lesser rights than PRs. It is
pure stupidity to allow non residents and PRs to have the same opportunities in
all things, especially in employment opportunities.
There could be exceptions
for those who are here to contribute extraordinarily to the country and people.
Such people, like the tycoons, may even get special privileges in some areas to
make their stay worthwhile but not to compromise the well beings of the
citizens. One glaring problem is the buying up of properties and high property

Top talents in their respective fields, not joker talents dressed up as
talents, can also be welcomed and bestowed with certain privileges. This group
is unlikely to be more than 1 or 2% of the foreigners here. The rest are here to
benefit themselves more than the state and better enjoy their time here and the
hospitality of the state and people, and not to exploit the people.

Discrimination by foreigners against the citizens must be made a crime. It
has no place in the country. The govt of the people, by the people must be for
the people, must be there to protect the people in its own territory. Neglecting
this principle cannot be tolerated. When a govt sees it its responsibility to
care more for the foreigners than its citizens, it is a dereliction of duty to
the citizens, a perversion of nationhood.


Chua Chin Leng aka redbean

* The writer blogs at [url]http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com[/URL]


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=2]Singapore: Towards denationalization[/h]


June 10th, 2013 |
Author: Contributions


Singapore is a unique country that is not a country, a
nation that is not a nation. While many countries have developed themselves into
distinct nations with distinct people and culture, Singapore is in a reverse
process. We seem to have abandoned the path most travelled by young and old
nations, to build a country into a nation of people, proud of what they are,
their distinct and unique culture.

Singapore is in a process of deNationalisation. We have gone through a 40
year process of nation building when the people were talked and educated about
nationhood, about being Singaporean, about defending the country, about us as a
new people of a new nation. We were progressing quite well and could be a nation
today, when the citizens are proud of what and who we are, that we are a
successful and rich nation with our own people, our distinct culture and way of

Did we fail in this process and a new philosopher has taken the people along
a new ideology of no nation, no nationals, but just an economic organisation
where anyone with some merits or ability is welcomed to reside in the island?
Our citizenship is given away freely, our national identity prostituted and
bastardised by new residents and ever changing and evolving. Our national
identity is in a constant state of flux, and we do not know where we are going
or what we will become, maybe a vague idea of being international citizens, or
citizens of the world, but no country?

Our national mantra, or just mantra without the adjective of national, is
survival of the fittest regardless of creed, colour or country of origin. We
sell our citizenship, we sell our little piece of land, we sell our strategic
assets, we sell our jobs and people to foreigners with no qualms of what the
consequences will be when everything is sold. The next thing we will be selling
our parents and children and wives, if they make economic cents. Nationalism and
citizens of a nation have lost their meanings.

Singapore is pioneering a new paradigm of deNationalisation, without borders,
without citizens, everyone a resident for only one reason, economic well being.
No sentiments, no emotions, no roots, everyone be proud of being a migrant and
be prepared to be migrants again in someone’s country when everything is sold
and gone, including their rights as citizens. Citizens that cannot contribute
better than foreigners are best discarded in favour of the latter. There is no
need for frivolous ideas of nationalism, patriotism, loyalty or defending the
country, for there is no country or nation to defend and be loyal to. Such ideas
are just silly aspirations of medieval people. Clinging on them is meaningless
and has little economic values.

This deNationalisation process has been gaining momentum in recent years
without much fanfare or any official pronouncement of its existence. Perhaps it
is just an unconscious outcome of years of pragmatism that is stretched to
become another animal of different stripes and colours. Was there an originator
of this trend, or it just happens, just like the population explosion over the
last 10 years and the ballooning of property prices due a grave shortage in
supply and an overflow of demand? No one knows a shit how it happened or had an
inkling that it is happening.

Why is there a need to call ourselves Singaporeans? ‘Sinkies’ is any time
more appropriate in all aspects. The bottom line of such a philosophy is all
about self and self interest above all interests. And the idea of country or
nation is simply superfluous, a meaningless attachment. The next thing to be
sold away will be the soldiers and all the weapons and equipment of wars when
there is nothing left to defend for. DeNationalisation will eventually lead to
no nation, just a corporation run and own by a few elites.

Chua Chin Leng AKA RedBean

*The writer blogs at http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com


Alfrescian (Inf)
<cite class="fn">Emeritus Singaporean:</cite>

10, 2013 at 4:38 am

A country without citizens – except for rotating residents that come and go –
must surely be the ultimate utopia for the PAP to rule into perpetuity.

This must be the ultimate goal for the PAP to become reality, as it will
ensure all their darkest secrets and skeletons will never see the light of

Such hopeless short sighted thinking is not too far fetch when one consider
all the destructive self-serving policies that had been forced onto us over the
last 54 years, which show that the PAP is willing to take all the reckless risks
to ensure its own continued survival.

Only the dumbest Singaporean will continue to support the PAP even as the PAP
leadership has directly spite Singaporean by calling us ‘DAFT’ – as we remain
impotent after they raided our National Reserves by paying themselves their

Only in Singapore can politicians become MULTI-MILLIONAIRES while holding
political office, and laugh their way to the bank without being charged for


I will zap you with my limited points!:oIo:

Show you a bediow thA these are very much welcomed.. Don't thnk you mere mortals will understand.
