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The Future Prime Minister For Singapore Has Been Found


Ironman Teo Ser Luck definitely will be a charismatic and highly capable future Prime Minister of Singapore. He is super smart and extremely athletic. Under his leadership, Singapore has won Asian Games gold medals, clinched the right to host the prestigious inaugural Youth Olympics and the Standard Chartered Marathon has grown from a few thousand runners to this year's 50,000 etc.

Ser Luck is an avid sportsman and triathlete. He participates in numerous triathlons, marathons and has completed 3 Ironman Triathlon races (3.8km swim, 180km cycle, 42.2km run).

Has any weaklings from the Opposition even manage to complete a 5km run?:mad:


are u gay about him?


teo ser luck is a babbling fool who lacks confidence when he speaks. next time observe his spastic continuous blinking of his eyes. and that blank facial expression....alamak!! a total blurcock!!


Can someone post the latest photo of this CBK holding the flagstaff, like holding a dick in a very effeminate position? I can't seem to find it.

Always post that photo in reply if this thread is upped.

A picture tells a thousand stories.

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i haven't seen lee hsien loong run 5km either. so by your logic, lee hsien loong is a weakling too. shame on you, call our beloved PM a weakling!

You spastic maggot :oIo:

Our PM Lee is a SAF General. He has gone through the elite OCS and super-elite West Point School. He can easily run 50km, what is 5km:mad:



You spastic maggot :oIo:

Our PM Lee is a SAF General. He has gone through the elite OCS and super-elite West Point School. He can easily run 50km, what is 5km:mad:

pinkie blew the pipe 吹箫 in the military band la. someone can also put this pic to confirm.


Can someone post the latest photo of this CBK holding the flagstaff, like holding a dick in a very effeminate position? I can't seem to find it.

Always post that photo in reply if this thread is upped.

A picture tells a thousand stories.

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U mean this gu niang here..


Haa... wasn't he the joker that said we going to take part in winter Olympics?? I think ice-hockey or something he was saying.... Maybe ice ko-leong will be more possible lah

Maybe he can start by getting our 'united nation / local' soccer team to bring back the Asia Cup first.


Kan ni na bu lao chee by! Siow tiao kia, chow piow kia!

ironman teo ser luck definitely will be a charismatic and highly capable future prime minister of singapore. He is super smart and extremely athletic. Under his leadership, singapore has won asian games gold medals, clinched the right to host the prestigious inaugural youth olympics and the standard chartered marathon has grown from a few thousand runners to this year's 50,000 etc.

Ser luck is an avid sportsman and triathlete. He participates in numerous triathlons, marathons and has completed 3 ironman triathlon races (3.8km swim, 180km cycle, 42.2km run).

Has any weaklings from the opposition even manage to complete a 5km run?:mad:



[color="_______"]kan ni na bu lao chee by! Siow tiao kia, chow piow kia![/color]
ironman teo ser luck definitely will be a charismatic and highly capable future prime minister of singapore. He is super smart and extremely athletic. Under his leadership, singapore has won asian games gold medals, clinched the right to host the prestigious inaugural youth olympics and the standard chartered marathon has grown from a few thousand runners to this year's 50,000 etc.

Ser luck is an avid sportsman and triathlete. He participates in numerous triathlons, marathons and has completed 3 ironman triathlon races (3.8km swim, 180km cycle, 42.2km run).

Has any weaklings from the opposition even manage to complete a 5km run?:mad:



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You retarded gay dog :oIo:

That is call courage. And if you have never run the marathon before you should STFU :mad:

hi there

1. this is plain stupidity and foolishness.
2. what was he trying to prove.
3. honest, i ran races too and still running, i should be in some position to comment.


THE HORRIBLE TRUTH of leetahbar a.k.a. Bob Sim Kheng Hwee - EXPOSED!!!

Bob Sim Kheng Hwee of Blk 171 Stirling Rd,

Not only are you a bastard son who beat his father and scold his mother laucheebye, you are a freaking big liar who spin tales and lies like your pappy master, trying to portray yourself as a uprighteous helpful harmless "silly goon", when you are really a devious double-headed snake telling lies through your venomous fangs.

What about you beating your father and scolding your mother laucheebye?

You put up this lie that you beat your father becos he goes to Hatyai to call prostitute. That is really one BIG LIE, and you will have retribution for it.

Let me expose the truth about this Hatyai trip lie for everyone here to know.

Yes, you dad did go to Hatyai, but not alone to call prostitue. He went with your mom to Hatyai to pray to one of the Wat there. He never went alone.

Their trip is always sponsored fully by Elsie. So why has that got to do with a bastard son like you? Becos you wanted to join them, and was angry that they have made plan to go Hatyai without informing you.

You want to go along with them n also want Elsie to sponsor your trip as well. Elsie disagree and you were very upset. You curse Elsie in front of your parents, and when your dad rebuke you for that, you physically rough up your dad, DIDN'T YOU?

On that fateful day, didn't the neighbours came to check out your unit when there was shouting and screaming? And when your mother tried to protect your dad, what did you shout at her?

Oh, you conveniently forgotten right?

Let me refresh your memory...KAN CHOW LAH LAU CHEE BYE!! (go away old vagina).

Do you know that your neighbours were truly shocked by that? And what did your mom shouted back at you? Oh you forgotten again right?

Let me refresh your memory.." LEE DAT JIK MAH WAH LAU CHEE BYE, LEE DOR DEE KOR LIE? LEE MAH SEE DOR LAU CHEE BYE LIE GAI.. (you always scold me laucheebye, where did you came from, you also came through my vagina).

Can you remember that if it is not if not for your neighbours protecting your mom, you would have strike her too?

And did your mom also say that you always scold her laucheebye when you never get your pocket money?

All the above are not true?

You claim that the F4 and others here are your enemies and they have agenda against you. DON'T TELL ME YOUR NEIGHBOURS ARE ALSO GANGING AGAINST YOU AND HAVE THE SAME AGENDA AGAINST YOU?

All your cursing and scolding can be heard by your neighbours becos you are just a staircase away from them, don't think that your two units are at the corridor end, nobody will hear how you constantly trash your father and scold your mother.

omg hes such a bad person!!!! what about this teekee fella??