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Tan Kin Lian - Robin Hood Complex


This is his latest media release. Sounds like a confused man. Look at each individual comment. Bear in mind these are his comments with nothing changed. And he wants to be head of state. Illusion of grandeur?

- I did not want to contest the general election as I did not like to spend time to run a town council, if I were elected. ( he thinks he might be elected as an MP)

- I was also not yet ready to join any of the political parties – until their leaders agreed to merge and build their membership base. ( once all the opposition parties merge, he will join and do what?)

- Initially, I did not want to contest the presidential election either. I changed my mind after receiving requests from many people to stand and offer them a chance to vote. (who are these people and how many are pushing this reluctant man)

- They said that I was one of the few non-PAP people that might be able to get the certificate of eligibility (god's gift to Singapore)

- After Dr. Tan Cheng Bock expressed interest, I decided also to join in. My reasoning was that it would be difficult for the “powers” to disqualify both candidates but it would be easier for them to find the reason to disqualify a single candidate. ( he things that Tan Cheng Bock might be disqualified if he was only candidate from anti Govt camp.)

- I would be quite happy to lose the election. (gracious in defeat)

- Some people may prefer some other candidates and not me, but that is all right. ( wow, humble)

- There is really no need for them to insult me or smears my character or reputation ( highly respected individual ?)

- I hope that right minded people will stop these bad behavior. (wrong minded people please carry on)

Friday, June 24, 2011
Contesting the Presidential Election

Some people commented in some blogs that it would have been better for me to participate in the general election, rather than the presidential election. I like to explain my decision.

I did not want to contest the general election as I did not like to spend time to run a town council, if I were elected. I was also not yet ready to join any of the political parties – until their leaders agreed to merge and build their membership base.

Initially, I did not want to contest the presidential election either. I changed my mind after receiving requests from many people to stand and offer them a chance to vote. (They said that I was one of the few non-PAP people that might be able to get the certificate of eligibility).

After Dr. Tan Cheng Bock expressed interest, I decided also to join in. My reasoning was that it would be difficult for the “powers” to disqualify both candidates but it would be easier for them to find the reason to disqualify a single candidate.

I acknowledge that I do not have the same “class” or “charisma” as Dr. Tony Tan. If that is what the people of Singapore wants, I would be quite happy to lose the election.

I can only offer to the people the chance to vote for a candidate who is willing to listen to the people and reflect their aspirations, have an independent approach to the decisions that have to be made by the President’s office (and not be confrontational to the Government) and able to use my knowledge to safeguard their CPF money and the national reserves.

Some people may prefer some other candidates and not me, but that is all right. There is really no need for them to insult me or smears my character or reputation. (I refer to defamatory remarks and smears posted against me in some blogs or websites or being circulated by e-mail. I hope that right minded people will stop these bad behavior.)

Tan Kin Lian
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No person is perfect but at least Singaporeans have a choice than to believe all the rubbish from PAP. Have you had not enough of PAP bullying in the past 50 years?
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For 30 of the 50 years when PAP was at its worst, guess who was a PAP cadre member. Less than 1% of Singaporeans are PAP members and less than 2% of the 1% are cadres members. Nobody forced him to be a PAP cadre member. He has to live with it.

Ignorance is a sad fact of life.

No person is perfect but at least Singaporeans have a choice than to believe all the rubbish from PAP. Have you had not enough of PAP bullying in the past 50 years?


EP election is similar to GRC and it is time to break up this system. We all know that EP purpose is to stop a new gahment from accessing the GIC and TH if PAP lost and become an Opposition. Singaporeans do not believe the PAP anymore and as long as they have a choice they will vote against an unpopular regime. PAP is history.

When PAP promised to deliver the upgrading program to Hillview Ave Estate voters if they win the election, did they deliver? No, instead they bull dozed the whole estate and dispersed the voters. Now they want to deliver TT to you, do you trust the PAP anymore! Let TKL be the EP and gain ground and we will see how PAP can handle the Peoples' choice EP.

For 30 of the 50 years when PAP was at its worst, guess who was a PAP cadre member. Less than 1% of Singaporeans are PAP members and less than 2% of the 1% are cadres members. Nobody forced him to be a PAP cadre member. He has to live with it.

Ignorance is a sad fact of life.
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And what do you really think that TKL can do that TT cannot do when he is EP? You really think that TKL can stop the PAP govt from doing what it plans to do?

EP election is similar to GRC and it is time to break up this system. We all know that EP purpose is to stop a new gahment from accessing the GIC and TH if PAP lost and become an Opposition. Singaporeans do not believe the PAP anymore and as long as they have a choice they will vote against an unpopular regime. PAP is history.

When PAP promised to deliver the upgrading program to Hillview Ave Estate voters if they win the election, did they deliver? No, instead they bull dozed the whole estate and dispersed the voters. Now they want to deliver TT to you, do you trust the PAP anymore! Let TKL be the EP and gain ground and we will see how PAP can handle the Peoples' choice EP.


For 30 of the 50 years when PAP was at its worst, guess who was a PAP cadre member. Less than 1% of Singaporeans are PAP members and less than 2% of the 1% are cadres members. Nobody forced him to be a PAP cadre member. He has to live with it.

Ignorance is a sad fact of life.

There're about 2,000 PAP cadres at one time or another, including TT and TCB who held higher offices and wielded more influence and powers. Suddenly, TKL becomes supremo responsible for all? Intellectual dishonesty is a sad fact of your life. I actually don't give a hoot about TKL; I just like to have a presidential contest. But the more you smear TKL, yes smear is the word, the more I warm toward TKL.
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No, like Joan of Arc, he's hearing voices telling him he must stand for election for EP. 100,000 people are at his feet begging him to offer himself. Like Jesus, he is prepared to die on the cross for mankind. You guys are just too much. Look, he's self-effaced, he's not seeking vainglory but the beckoning of a higher order to offer himself to selfless service. Like Jesus, he was spurned but never mind, he is not seeking fortunes but sacrificing his time and energy to fight social injustice, income disparity, and generally make Singaporeans a happier lot against a tyrannical govt.

This is his latest media release. Sounds like a confused man. Look at each individual comment. Bear in mind these are his comments with nothing changed. And he wants to be head of state. Illusion of grandeur?

- I did not want to contest the general election as I did not like to spend time to run a town council, if I were elected. ( he thinks he might be elected as an MP)

- I was also not yet ready to join any of the political parties – until their leaders agreed to merge and build their membership base. ( once all the opposition parties merge, he will join and do what?)

- Initially, I did not want to contest the presidential election either. I changed my mind after receiving requests from many people to stand and offer them a chance to vote. (who are these people and how many are pushing this reluctant man)

- They said that I was one of the few non-PAP people that might be able to get the certificate of eligibility (god's gift to Singapore)

- After Dr. Tan Cheng Bock expressed interest, I decided also to join in. My reasoning was that it would be difficult for the “powers” to disqualify both candidates but it would be easier for them to find the reason to disqualify a single candidate. ( he things that Tan Cheng Bock might be disqualified if he was only candidate from anti Govt camp.)

- I would be quite happy to lose the election. (gracious in defeat)

- Some people may prefer some other candidates and not me, but that is all right. ( wow, humble)

- There is really no need for them to insult me or smears my character or reputation ( highly respected individual ?)

- I hope that right minded people will stop these bad behavior. (wrong minded people please carry on)

Friday, June 24, 2011
Contesting the Presidential Election

Some people commented in some blogs that it would have been better for me to participate in the general election, rather than the presidential election. I like to explain my decision.

I did not want to contest the general election as I did not like to spend time to run a town council, if I were elected. I was also not yet ready to join any of the political parties – until their leaders agreed to merge and build their membership base.

Initially, I did not want to contest the presidential election either. I changed my mind after receiving requests from many people to stand and offer them a chance to vote. (They said that I was one of the few non-PAP people that might be able to get the certificate of eligibility).

After Dr. Tan Cheng Bock expressed interest, I decided also to join in. My reasoning was that it would be difficult for the “powers” to disqualify both candidates but it would be easier for them to find the reason to disqualify a single candidate.

I acknowledge that I do not have the same “class” or “charisma” as Dr. Tony Tan. If that is what the people of Singapore wants, I would be quite happy to lose the election.

I can only offer to the people the chance to vote for a candidate who is willing to listen to the people and reflect their aspirations, have an independent approach to the decisions that have to be made by the President’s office (and not be confrontational to the Government) and able to use my knowledge to safeguard their CPF money and the national reserves.

Some people may prefer some other candidates and not me, but that is all right. There is really no need for them to insult me or smears my character or reputation. (I refer to defamatory remarks and smears posted against me in some blogs or websites or being circulated by e-mail. I hope that right minded people will stop these bad behavior.)

Tan Kin Lian
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EP is PAP ways of getting at their voters if PAP is voted out. What TKL and TT can or cannot do is hypo case but what is most important to Singaporeans is to stand up like Aljunied GRC voters that delivered WP into parliment. Now is the time to deliver a non-PAP as EP.

There will always loopholes in the EP terms that can challenge this Leegime and it is time to deliver a peoples' choice EP.

And what do you really think that TKL can do that TT cannot do when he is EP? You really think that TKL can stop the PAP govt from doing what it plans to do?


If you vote TKL in there will be many professionals that will assist him and 'no man is an island'. If you vote TT you can never see him working for you, the choice is yours.

The guy is a dud. Bad choice and even poorer turn of phrase. He'll not even make the worst of the best. I'll not vote for him even if he was the last man standing.


Alfrescian (Inf)
EP is PAP ways of getting at their voters if PAP is voted out. What TKL and TT can or cannot do is hypo case but what is most important to Singaporeans is to stand up like Aljunied GRC voters that delivered WP into parliment. Now is the time to deliver a non-PAP as EP.

There will always loopholes in the EP terms that can challenge this Leegime and it is time to deliver a peoples' choice EP.

You do mean vote for an EP who is not the choice of the PAP? All 3 are tainted.


Are you new or what? TKL has been a PAP member for 30 years, a branch sec for 3.

EP is PAP ways of getting at their voters if PAP is voted out. What TKL and TT can or cannot do is hypo case but what is most important to Singaporeans is to stand up like Aljunied GRC voters that delivered WP into parliment. Now is the time to deliver a non-PAP as EP.

There will always loopholes in the EP terms that can challenge this Leegime and it is time to deliver a peoples' choice EP.


Yea, just like he wanted 100,000 signatures before standing.

If you vote TKL in there will be many professionals that will assist him and 'no man is an island'. If you vote TT you can never see him working for you, the choice is yours.


TCB was a village doctor at Ama keng and gave medical services to the poor, long before he became MP. even when he became MP, he spoke out against many PAP policies in and outside parliament.

TKL quietly enjoyed 30 years of easy income from his PAP connections at NTUC Income selling insurance to a captive market, never raising a squeak against the many iniquities of PAP rule. After he was 'dethroned' from NTUC Income, he suddenly found a new avocation to champion causes for the common man against the system that has fed him.

One is what you see is what you get and the other is a charlatan, a pretender, and a dishonest ingrate.

I will choose between TKL and TCB simply because they are the non endorsed candidates...
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TCB was a village doctor at Ama keng and gave medical services to the poor, long before he became MP.

For that , he has my support. This sort of things is hard to fake. Action speaks louder than words. That's why people always say words are cheap. Even though we cannot pin much hope on the president to have a hand in policy making, if there is a good candidate contesting, I will give him a hand with my vote. :biggrin:


Every country in the world enjoyed the past 30 years of economic boom except for a few like Vietnam, do you? Those good easy years whoever support any government will benefits from the past good years.

Until when we realised that the country monies held by GIC and TH are not accountable to the people and when PAP skewed the EP terms in their favor in case they were voted out it become a big concern recently. It is the PAP that want you to vote an EP in their favor so why suit them. So what TKL was a PAP man for past 30 years and time has changed and many do not believe in whatsoever PAP come up with. Question is where is the CPF money? CSJ goes to jail for you and how many more must go to jail for you find out where is the CPF money?

Hello! back in the 80s, 25% of your pay goes to CPF and now those born in 1958 cannot see their hard earn CPF money in 2 years time when they hit 55.

Singaporeans can only try! just don't put TT in if you want to see your CPF money.

TCB was a village doctor at Ama keng and gave medical services to the poor, long before he became MP. even when he became MP, he spoke out against many PAP policies in and outside parliament.

TKL quietly enjoyed 30 years of easy income from his PAP connections at NTUC Income selling insurance to a captive market, never raising a squeak against the many iniquities of PAP rule. After he was 'dethroned' from NTUC Income, he suddenly found a new avocation to champion causes for the common man against the system that has fed him.

One is what you see is what you get and the other is a charlatan, a pretender, and a dishonest ingrate.


Most of us voted for PAP when times are good. Now there is a sea change and people and people want to know where is their CPF money.

You do mean vote for an EP who is not the choice of the PAP? All 3 are tainted.
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