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Sylvia Lim: NEA is politically motivated to tarnish the image of AHPETC


Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

Slyvia is lying. Period.

I totally agree, the briefing I got today from boss was to stir more shit with this cleaning issue to move the heat away from the AIM problem.

Thanks senior.


Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

NEA is lying. Period. Vivian is an imbecile. Period. The CEO of NEA is an utter dumbhead. Period.

To save our tax dollars, Vivian and the NEA CEO should be fired immediately.

Please, you are talking about the knight in white we voted in. We got him out of the YOG, what makes you think we can't get him out of this?


Re: Will Vivien have the bola to accept Pritam's meeting invitation to present eviden

Pinky gonna let it fester for awhile, till he back from holiday. When he realise public buay song already, he will do a special review handled by PMO. Few months later, the review will confirm blame WP.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Will Vivien have the bola to accept Pritam's meeting invitation to present eviden

The wp clowns are trying to fuel anger. thats all they can do. a rubbish bunch of super clowns.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Will Vivien have the bola to accept Pritam's meeting invitation to present eviden

That fork tongue snake with a woman's name will never accept the challenge as he knows he will lose. If that happens, that will be the end of him as he already screw up on the Youth Olympics. It shows what an incompetent buffoon he really is. That will be another nail in his coffin. And since Pritam offered the challenge means the evidence against the PAP is solid,,,fork tongue cant get out of it.


Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

Dumbfuck opposition supporting retard. NEA was not the one who started accusing AHPeTC of the extra charges. That accusation came from the hawkers. Title of the thread should be changed to Sylvia Lim accused Hawkers of lying.

Accusation came from the Hawkers? Or someone who claimed to represent the hawkers?


Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

Why are we paying millions of dollars for 2 ministers to debate on such a small matter? Where the fuck is the NEA CEO?
This kind of small matter should just be handled by a manager in NEA. Our dengue cases going to break 10,000 liao (and its only half year!) and they are arguing over who should pay for cleaning a hawker centre? They have yet again proven that it is politically driven.


Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

Why are we paying millions of dollars for 2 ministers to debate on such a small matter? Where the fuck is the NEA CEO?
This kind of small matter should just be handled by a manager in NEA. Our dengue cases going to break 10,000 liao (and its only half year!) and they are arguing over who should pay for cleaning a hawker centre? They have yet again proven that it is politically driven.
You are absolutely spot on. Even the hawker center cleaning aunties also asking what's the big deal that need ministers and super senior civil service chief to interfere personally.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

Why are we paying millions of dollars for 2 ministers to debate on such a small matter? Where the fuck is the NEA CEO?
This kind of small matter should just be handled by a manager in NEA. Our dengue cases going to break 10,000 liao (and its only half year!) and they are arguing over who should pay for cleaning a hawker centre? They have yet again proven that it is politically driven.

Not forgetting NEA also fronting the return your tray campaign. You know where these people's priorities are........


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

Still waiting for TOC/TRE/one of the bloggers to head down to the hawker centres and find out the true story..

Don't trust anything from MSM in sg..


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

You are absolutely spot on. Even the hawker center cleaning aunties also asking what's the big deal that need ministers and super senior civil service chief to interfere personally.

The involvement of the ministers reflects the smallness of their mind, their lack of intellectual capability in solving really big problems with strategic implications. So, we have the small time ministers, strutting around like peacocks, talking cock all round, and shitting all over the place to assure themselves that they are important. These kind of problems, at a corporate level, would have been handled at HOD rank.

Let's see how the Longkang Man handles Pritam Singh's invitation. Or will he say, okay, let's move on.

Dark Knight

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Will Vivien have the bola to accept Pritam's meeting invitation to present eviden

That fork tongue snake with a woman's name will never accept the challenge as he knows he will lose. If that happens, that will be the end of him as he already screw up on the Youth Olympics. It shows what an incompetent buffoon he really is. That will be another nail in his coffin. And since Pritam offered the challenge means the evidence against the PAP is solid,,,fork tongue cant get out of it.

I thought that snake has a very sharp tongue?
He can talk well and "was" the best debater during his school days many many years ago.
Now met his challenge and decided to dig a hole to hide his head like an ostrich?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

exactly...oppo should all be eliminated in 2016!

PAP & Oppositions should be eliminated in 2016, we form a "vegetarian party"...meat eater can't think straight...

numero uno

Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

nea ceo wastes tax payer money on the stupid return tray campaign , publishing million of flyers and notice , getting MSM to play it up for past few months and ignoring dengue. such useless CEO obviously thinks this returning tray crap is more important tahn the dengue epidemic. more interested in pacifying the foodcourt businessmen than the public. real incompetence
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Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

It is amazing that LHL tolerates such incompetence. If LKY was in charge, Vivian would have been long gone and NEA CEO would have been throw into the cesspool of stupid individuals.

what do you expect when his own wife is the BIGGEST INCOMPETENCE in sg


Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

PAP & Oppositions should be eliminated in 2016, we form a "vegetarian party"...meat eater can't think straight...

Must be another one of those 39.9% idiots. What makes you think the opposition will still have any seats come 2016?


Re: Sylvia to NEA: Please provide evidence that TC asked hawkers to pay

It is amazing that LHL tolerates such incompetence. If LKY was in charge, Vivian would have been long gone and NEA CEO would have been throw into the cesspool of stupid individuals.

Are you a Singaporan? seriously? You are a dimwit! We had no issue when bang selamat swam to JB, no issue with VD on his showcase (and yes, food gave you laosai, so? What can you do about it??).

Please grow up, leave if you don't like, we can take in more FT after you fuck off.
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Re: Will Vivien have the bola to accept Pritam's meeting invitation to present eviden

The wp clowns are trying to fuel anger. thats all they can do. a rubbish bunch of super clowns.

Totally agree senior, these WP don't know that NEA and VD fucked so big time that WP is laughing at the press release.

Lets continue to bomb them with these to take their attention away from the dengue problem.


AHPETC korean drama

Idiot's guide to 2.5m saga

Clean two hawker centres - so complicated meh? But its like a korean drama for past two weeks, AHPETC vs hawkers vs NEA.

So what's story? We decided to pay the hawker centres a visit and ask penetrating questions like "What happened ah?"

So here's a simple version.

Hawker centre 1 close for 5 days, but when hawkers came back, they realized the AHPETC only wash the floor and never clean the ceiling. Damn angry, lost income for 5 days for nothing. How can?

3 months later, hawker centre 2 which is due to close for 5 days cleaning, is increasingly anxious -"Will I also kena?" They talk to AHPETC, who told them "This one not my pasa, anything above 2.5m, look for NEA." Now hawkers lagi angry.

Then newspapers expose the story. Angry hawkers wrote petitions and say the ceiling must be cleaned - and free of charge, like last time.

After story come out, NEA issued notice to AHPETC that must clean. AHPETC said they would clean and FOC to hawkers. Everything solved (more or less)!

But like every Singaporean school teacher and army sergeant, we want to ask – whose fault is this?

NEA said AHPETC’s fault. Every town council in Singapore also know it's their job to clean the ceiling, and they already collect money from hawkers every month so cannot charge anymore for cleaning ceiling.

AHPETC said NEA’s fault. Pritam Singh produced letter from NEA saying that hawkers would settle the scaffoldings. Since scaffoldings not set up by hawkers, cleaners cannot climb to the ceiling, so they never clean the ceiling of hawker centre 1.

NEA said the letter was referring to the cover of the stalls, not scaffoldings for climbing.

NEA said AHPETC not truthful. AHPETC said NEA politicizing.

So whose fault? We say:

First, scaffolds is scaffolds, cover is cover. If NEA really write like that, AHPETC sure misinterpret what.

Second, even if really miscomm, hawker centre 1 close for 5 days and nobody clean ceiling, how come nobody scream ‘Ooi, what's going on??!!". Actually the hawkers got scream but AHPETC never do anything to solve the problem. And after 3 months, same thing going to happen to hawker centre 2 and still no solution from AHPETC other than - above 2.5m not my pasa.


NEA cannot write.
AHPETC know got problem but act blur
Hawkers got balls. I salute them.
Lesson learnt – politics or not, we need to work together. Especially with more and more opposition-run TCs around. Next time may have AHPEAMKPRECMKNSJEHBPTP Town Council.

But one thing still puzzles us. AHPETC said they never ask hawkers to pay for cleaning the ceiling. hawkers told us they did. But they rejected because they never had to pay before.

Korean drama deepens.. One thing I know for sure, all the hawker aunty uncles I know earn a hard living, every dollar counts for them.. So I doubt they were lying.. So AHPETC, urm, I think you should prove yourself lah.."



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: AHPETC korean drama

New member of PAP IB ah?

Alamak, you got your 'facts' like rojak ....I suggest you read all the details again.

Here are questions you should ask NEA ...why did they get involved with the hawkers in the first place? Do NEA get involved in PAP wards when there is cleaning? It was an NEA that introduced the confusion. Now, if they were involved, there wouldn't be this confusion on the scaffolding. By the way, the e-mail is clear on the scaffolding. Only dumb people like the NEA would interprete that as scaffolding to cover the stalls.

Second question ...why didn't NEA just talk to WPTC? Instead, NEA went public to score points. If that's not a political attack, tell me what is? Since the TC concept started, there hasn't been an instant of NEA attacking a PAP ward.

Third question ...after the issue was resolved, why the NEA continued to launch public attacks on the NEA?

It is clear that the NEA was doing somebody's dirty political work. The events speak for itself.