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Chitchat Syed ter u see don't need to peel skin but can't marry 4 hui Chinese wives. Sometimes I regret to let him know too much.....


Can see this XMM has bery bery high participation and drive de woh

Beware, not for lao hero above 50yrs.old


Can see this XMM has bery bery high participation and drive de woh

Beware, not for lao hero above 50yrs.old
How can u tell ah? She chio and young and smooth skin cfm high value. She don't really look like tat kind that like to associate with Syed instead Han Chinese stand more chance but Syed hate Han Chinese guys! Will he pissed?


How can u tell ah? She chio and young and smooth skin cfm high value. She don't really look like tat kind that like to associate with Syed instead Han Chinese stand more chance but Syed hate Han Chinese guys! Will he pissed?
You see her cheeky look, u know liao
U are NOT a Player , but a Good Boy de woh:smile: