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Sporeans lost faith with police forces or so call home team


Singapore is no longer safe anymore.
Remember to wear kevlar or steel suits before leaving home.
Bring along a sword if you have.


Chee Soon Juan is the most safe person in singapore....he is under police survalliance 24hrs eveyday.....therefore no gangster will dare to go near him...if u all want to be safe...stick closely to chee and his sister...u will get "police protection" 24/7 ...:biggrin:

haha, then i must really be a hardcore opposition so that the police will keep me 24 hours under police survalliance!!! free protection!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


What should a policeman do if he sees 20 gangsters with parangs charging towards him and he only have 6 bullets in his revolver?

1) Shoot 6 gangsters
2) Warn them not to come over
3) Run for his life

If i am the policeman, i will tell them nicely like this :" heh bengs, dont leh! we are all brothers of Singapore.Why fight each other?Come here and have a smoke first." :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


all because of hong kong movie industries and taiwan movie industries, making gangster movie. why they can't make movie about the great people who invent paper, gunpowder and porcelain. Let the young people copy inventer, rather than youth copy gangster.

most youngest want to be street gang becos inventors are nerd and gangsters are cool in the eyes of the sexy gals!!!
most of them are doing it out to impress ladies!!!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What should a policeman do if he sees 20 gangsters with parangs charging towards him and he only have 6 bullets in his revolver?

1) Shoot 6 gangsters
2) Warn them not to come over
3) Run for his life

that will never happen, just like a few japanese imperial soldiers force march hundreds of british soldier until they are so tired, then kill them like a helpless pig. yes only 6 gangsters might die, but everyone will be afraid to be one of the six. So no one will charge the police.

singapore police so old fashion meh still use revolver? what about glock which take in 17-19 rounds.


Today's Home Team & ISD is to fix the locals and opps, only

yup agree.our police force waste so much time on this instead of walking around in downtown east!!!
so many police on 1 poor harmless lady.why not send them to walk around downtown east instead???
what have to do, they dont do.what dont need to do, they go and do.what the hail???


:mad: :mad: :mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)
What should a policeman do if he sees 20 gangsters with parangs charging towards him and he only have 6 bullets in his revolver?

1) Shoot 6 gangsters
2) Warn them not to come over
3) Run for his life

4) Shoot himself

5) Shout BANZAI and charge at them

6) Kneel and beg for his life

7) Ask to join them


Hehe... Your taxpayers' money hard at work. Singapore is such a safe cuntry indeed. I feel so safe in this tropical paradise.

Everything is fcked up now: public safety, public hospitals, public utilities, public transport.

P.S: Let's hope that these murderous young punks did what they did due to a lack of discipline and/or parental guidance/love, and were not foot-soldiers acting under the instructions of big shot triads (two casinos... it's only a matter of time, just you wait and see).


Alfrescian (Inf)
It depends, i believe the 'Am Pai' are still recruiting pai kias into their ranks, would bro GoldenDragon or Scroobal have any knowledge? :biggrin:

Bro, I am flattered to be mentioned in the same breath as scroobal. Thank you.

The 'am pais' we have today is a different breed from the past. The lau chiaos "am pais" in the past were also SS/Triad members who were able to speak the lingo and even more violent and vicious than the pai kias. The respect and fear factor existed then. No names need to be mentioned though 2 of the lau chiao "am pais" went through the entire process at Mandai Crematorium over the past 2 years. One was very influential in Geylang.

In the past, if any problems with a particular group, they knew who to summon for immediate remedial action to prevent an escalation of bad blood between rival groups. The behind-the-scene work of these lau am pais should not be underestimated. They were the ones that frequent underground gambling dens, brothels, nightclubs, hair saloon on a very regular basis. They spent more time outside than in their office. Office only for roll call and show face. Then they disappear into their own world. But they know the ground and the who's who of the underworld.

The am pais today cannot speak to the senior figures of SS/Triad leaders without being laughed at, behind their backs of course. This new generation of am pais do not have the substance. They don't gain the respect of underworld figures. The latter group merely makes use of the new bird am pais.

If you come in contact with this new generation, you may mistake them for university students! Even if they try their best to act macho, their hokkien vulgarities "out-of-tune" leh. You must also look at the Head of SSB. If he the goodie goodie type, how is he to impress his men who must then impress the ground.

Whoever heads SSB today, if he walks through Geylang and other notorious haunts of SS/Triad members and remain unidentified, need we say more? In the past where a certain Head SSB, then only known as OC SSB walks the ground, from 100m away, the SS/Triad members either run or stay behind to respectfully greet him. He is in his 60s today, still alive.

Politicians and am pais quite similar. Politicians who sit in their office knows nothing on the ground but they impress with their academic credentials. Am pais today maybe "O" levels quite good liao. Coffeeshop MPs read the ground like reading their palm. Same for the lau am pais who knew what was happening on the ground.

Take the 369 vs Pak Hai Tong recent case for example. The fact that 369 went around looking for PHT chaps tell us that there was an earlier conflict. Was SSB aware?

So, the am pais today cannot 'recruit' influential members of the underworld to be their eyes and ears. At best, they talent spot the wannabes. One very well known lau pai kia once told me how he was spotted for cultivation by a young officer from Police Intelligence. He told me he was old enough to be the mata's papa, even kong kong if he marries at 18 and his son 18 too.

The am pais today also scared to mix with SS chaps. SS chaps don't attend concerts and go library. If seen with these chaps at brothels, massage parlors and niteclubs, CPIB may start probing. So, for various reasons, the am pais of today is only 25% of the lau am pais' capability.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Our Home Team is aptly named - they stay home after work at 5.30pm. This idea belongs to WKS. He left his legacy behind.


thanks for sharing with us. Do you have any idea who was behind the dismantling of the neighbourhood police post structure? I find npp quite quite a good deterrent against crimes like the recent kids' choppings.


Alfrescian (Inf)
thanks for sharing with us. Do you have any idea who was behind the dismantling of the neighbourhood police post structure? I find npp quite quite a good deterrent against crimes like the recent kids' choppings.

Bro, police, like all government departments always change for the sake of change whatever the end result, even if it is the same.

I have no idea who suggested this but I dare bet it came from a scholar. When a new scholar sits on a new chair, he must show something to his bosses. He can't just carry on from where his predecessor left. They are supposed to be thinking scholars, eh?

No idea about the pluses and minuses of the NPPs and NPCs. In the old days, NPP only needed an Insp to be OC NPP. Today you have Supts as CO NPCs. Maybe the need to expand is related to the need to promote the ranks and manage their expectations.

My apologies if I did not value-add to what you already know. To me, no difference if NPP or NPC.


there r many different between watch team (npp) and the current (npc) system. watch team mainly copy from japan policing system and have really touch on the ground and effective reduce the crime. npc simply suck. they reduce the number of npp and the existing one only operate till certain hr, the excuse r they wanted deploy more police officers to patrol! my foot! patrol? they basically go take cover. npp provide a good source of reporting crime also good static point for individual division to deploy manpower, there r many adventage than npc system, can't said all out in one night. the best is all officers work with rapport! the ops rm personal and patrol team work closely together and report work as a team! curremt system they don't know each other, use up too much time in attending a simple case etc,...cannot finish lah, simply fail system. the jiby kai behind tis idea i heard already left the force liao...


its all abt saving cost. no npp means need lesser policeman, reduce operating cost in npp and etc. find ways to improve revenue means gd for the scholars


that will never happen, just like a few japanese imperial soldiers force march hundreds of british soldier until they are so tired, then kill them like a helpless pig. yes only 6 gangsters might die, but everyone will be afraid to be one of the six. So no one will charge the police.

singapore police so old fashion meh still use revolver? what about glock which take in 17-19 rounds.

Singapore Policeman also don't wish to fire bullet, wait go back police station must write report until xiao.


8,000 Sinkies Peasant People passes by a smoking car in the miiddle of the business district but none of them are security personnel who noticed the
strange smoking car with wires dangling out.:oIo:

Singapore is a lot more safer previously... don't know who to blame, the Police, new citizen or PR.


Did they asked you this gang fights that is going on armed? If you tell them yes, it will take more than 30 minutes for the police to arrive. I was told by a friend former policeman, they will not go immediately to the "fight scene" they will take their own time. Most of the time the whole gang fight dies down then the police arrive. This Singapore Police Force! But if you carry a placard that says "Tak Boleh Tahan" at Parliment House less than 1 sec police will arrive very efficient.:oIo:
2 words- Krav Maga

I have given up expecting the government or the inept policeman to protect me anyway. If you call the 999 hotline during a fight, it probably will take them about 10-30 minutes for anyone to arrive based on my previous experience. Too late to do anything except waiting for the ambulance to arrive.


gangster can use computer to eradicate or not?

attend enough seminars can make gang fights disappear?

with the latest technology toys good for suppressing gangs?

If all cannot, what you want the police to do?