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S'porean Kenna CHEATED By PRC. Also Kenna Fucked By own S'poreans.


Read the comments at the end of the article. I liked the one that says...."S'porean so smart until can be cheated by VILLAGE people"....

She overcharged us by $1 for green tea

soshiok.com | Mon Nov 23 2009

Reader Eve had to pay $2.50 for a can of green tea, $1 more than the actual price because of this tout. Reader Eve had to pay $1 more for canned green tea at open-air kopitiam.
Singapore, November 23, 2009 - Reader Eve wrote to soshiok.com recently to complain about how she was overcharged for two cans of green tea at an open-air coffeeshop next to Concorde Hotel in Orchard Road.

A waitress (apparently a China national) charged her $2.50 for each can. But Eve found out later at the drinks stall that the right price should be $1.50.

She also discovered that the wait staff wasn't exactly working at the drinks stall - she was seen walking back to the noodle stall.


It is likely the drinks and noodle stalls were run by the same operator as all the wait staff there wore the same T-shirt uniform.

Some possibilities: the waitress pocketed the difference of $1 to earn a quick buck; she's not aware of the right price or she confused it with the prices of other drinks.
Whatever it is, here's Eve's account of what happened:

"I want to share my "green tea" incident with fellow Singaporeans and all who log on to soshiok.com.

On 31 October at about 1.30am, my friend and I headed for the open air kopitiam at the side of Concorde Hotel (or the previous Meridien Hotel) for supper. We decided to order Bak Chor noodles and found a table and took our seats.

Then came a womany (Chinese national) who was wearing the kopitiam's uniform and she asked if we would like to order drinks. We did and ordered two cans of green tea. Imagine our shock when she brought the drinks and told us that they cost us S$5.00!! That is S$2.50 a can!!

I am not a foreigner - I have been liviing in Singapore all my life. I have never come across any coffeeshop or even foodcourt (airconditioned) that charges this kind of price for a can of green tea! Restaurants maybe but it's definitely a ridiculous price for a normal kopitiam.

We reluctantly paid her and watched her walked away with our money. We assumed that she worked for the drinks stall. It was then we realized that she did not walk back to the drinks stall (one and only there) but instead, to a stall that sold noodles.

Puzzled, we approached the drinks stall (above) and checked the price for the same can of green tea that we ordered and it cost only S$1.50!!

Now, isn't it strange that this kopitiam or open air food court (whatever you would like to call it) have their staff wearing the same uniform and going around taking orders but charging different prices?

And we are not even talking about 20 - 50 cents more. We are talking about a dollar more per can of drink!

I totally understand that at a lot of places, different stalls might charge different prices for the same item. However, how are we supposed to differentiate their workers if they all wore the same uniform?

I felt totally duped. I can imagine that if I am a foreigner, I wouldn't be surprised if this particular "cut throat" stall would charge me S$5 per can of green tea. This is definitely ridiculous and I hope that no other fellow Singaporean or tourist have gone through the same "scam".


I took some pictures of the woman who served us our very expensive drink, as well as another staff (above, right) that worked there but for the drinks stall.

You might notice that they were wearing the same uniform. Beats me how they justify the difference in pricing. A pity because the food was quite nice but I wouldn't patronize them ever again."

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Hey Eve, for being so dumb, you and your friend should pose with the waitress and submit for the "dumbest competition". We too like to look at your stupid face and laugh at you. I think the China girl looks more intelligent than you and stupid Ah Peks want to keep them as mistress and suck their retirement money out. You can live in a most modern city but get fooled by uneducated village people.
Posted by skooter86 on Fri Nov 27 2009 at 13:12 PM

You must be the dumbest singaporean and have the guts to say you live here all your life. You give the money and then try to find out the cost. You should have question on the spot. You deserve it and by giving $5, it shows you can afford so save your face and stop complaining. Man, you are really stupid for paying to a foreigner in our own land.
Posted by skooter86 on Fri Nov 27 2009 at 13:06 PM

You are stupid or just ignorance. Since you know that the drinks stall charged only $1.50, why don't you approach the Chinese National waitress for overcharging instead of making a big fuzz over the forum. If you accepted it, then don't make noise.
Posted by lauhelow on Fri Nov 27 2009 at 12:05 PM

Overcharging by a S$1/- per can for a S$1.50 drink is way too much. Eve is just trying to warn other patrons. Pls don't condemn her. But I felt she should have approached that Chinese National straightaway so that she doesn't cheat other patrons esp tourist.
Posted by lovemelovemenot on Fri Nov 27 2009 at 11:51 AM

I think its good that the writer notified us about the dodgy dealings of these bloody China nationals. But then again, I can't blame them for taking advantage of even stupider Singaporeans who let this happen under their noses AND whine about it, hoping SOMEONE ELSE takes action against them. This is the gripe I have about the majority of Singaporeans. They rather let someone else get their hands dirty instead of doing it themselves. Story of our lives. The whole reason these things happen is because most of us are non-confrontational and are generally push-overs. If you wanna make a change, put your foot down there and then. Turn the other cheek and you might get more than just a slap for a second time.

Posted by F1amethrower on Fri Nov 27 2009 at 11:18 AM


Only Sinkaporeans are so shameless to boast of getting conned over a princely sum of $1.

I am truly ashamed....


I would approach her and asked for my $1.00 back!
And give her a piece of my mind. Tell her to go back
where came and she charged wherever she wants in her
own country!


Yeah..the sinkie is so meek too. Why didnt he/she confront that PRC and demand her excess change back! If it was in China, you can be sure that the PRC customer will make a lot of noise loudly and even become physical! Don't have to give face to these hungry and smeel hordes that invade our shores at the courtesy of our govt. Show thme some colour.