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S'pore became a 1st-world nation under PM Lee's leadership: Ng Chee Meng at 2024 NTUC May Day Rally


Continued to deliver results for Singaporeans? Lets see.... exploding HDB pigeon hole prices, sky-rocketing COE prices, inflation spiraling out of control, foreigners taking over local jobs, the SimplyGo fiasco, just to name a few. Job well done. Ownself praise ownself.

And sure, Sinkieland has made exceptional economic and social gains.... at the expense of local retard sinkies, for the benefit of the foreigners.


This cb guy really how to por lan par , cb,now u see how useless ppl survive by sucking cocks, ntuc chief ,cb lah, u put a monkey there all same, lol
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Continued to deliver results for Singaporeans? Lets see.... exploding HDB pigeon hole prices, sky-rocketing COE prices, inflation spiraling out of control, foreigners taking over local jobs, the SimplyGo fiasco, just to name a few. Job well done. Ownself praise ownself.

And sure, Sinkieland has made exceptional economic and social gains.... at the expense of local retard sinkies, for the benefit of the foreigners.
But they did help the reduce the rental price at Ridout Road, lol!





Alfrescian (Inf)
He lost his MP and minister position after the loss of Sengkang GRC during GE2020, but shamelessly stayed on as ntuc chief.

He stayed on because his master told him to stay on. Nothing these goons do is out of their own volition.

Pappies who lose in an election tend to fall into these categories:

1) Lurk around in the same GRC and become the 'grassroots advisor' rabble rouser responsible for bribing the residents there ('sweeten the ground') for the next election.

2) Get parachuted to another 'safe' GRC.

3) Hang about in the various organizations e.g. CASE, NTUC or GLCs, or certain law firms or the academia.

4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Yeo#Post-political_career