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SPH open apology for fabricating Covid interview!





关于“南大生不解为何染疾”的报道 ——致读者的公开信
文 / 韩咏梅
发布 / 2020年5月13日 2:40 PM


《联合晚报》在5月7日刊登一则新闻“阻断措施期间足不出户 南大生不解为何染疫”,被当事人柯政杰在网络上指责,引起关注。因为华文媒体集团三合一网站zaobao.sg上也节录了这篇报道的一则文,一些读者和公众以为《联合早报》也刊登了这则新闻,实际上《联合早报》并没有刊登。
这个新闻发生在4月中旬,是病毒阻断期。那段期间,社区里还是出现一些零星的无法追踪病例,让人担忧。所以,当柯先生在社交媒体Instagram上,公开自己得病的消息(public post),我们的记者因为之前已认识柯先生,因此就注意到了他的贴文。当时柯先生以英文写道:我一直留在家,仍然感染了冠病。


星期天(10日)傍晚,柯先生在面簿上发表文章“National Newspaper fabricates interview based on my COVID-19 experience”,指责《联合早报》刊登了虚构他得病过程的新闻。他说:This is misleading because it suggests and perpetuates the idea that people can get COVID-19 even if they stay home.
柯先生IG story截图。
Open letter to readers concerning news article "NTU Student perplexed at how he contracted COVID virus"
Lianhe Wanbao published an article on 7 May, titled "NTU Student perplexed at how he contracted COVID virus despite not having left the house during circuit breaker period". The content of the article was later refuted by Mr Quah Zheng Jie, the subject of the article, in his social media post.
As zaobao.sg carries the content of SPH's three Chinese news dailies, readers and the public alike assumed that the article was carried in Lianhe Zaobao, which was not the case.
Firstly, let me explain the rationale for reporting this story.
Our reporter had worked on this story since mid-April, during the circuit breaker period. At that time, there remained a number of COVID cases in the community that could not be traced. This was a concern to our readers, and therefore became a focus of our reporting. Our reporter, who is acquainted with Mr Quah, saw his Instagram post which read: "If by the end of the few stories and you still don't get it I got the covid even though I stayed home".
Our reporter contacted Mr Quah via IG and struck up a conversation. When our reporter made it clear that he was a journalist and requested an interview with Mr Quah, Mr Quah turned down the request.
Notwithstanding the unwillingness of Mr Quah to be interviewed, our reporter used the wrong method to report on the story, by framing the article as an interview when it was actually written based on Mr Quah's IG posts and his personal understanding of Mr Quah. He did not inform his immediate supervisor that he had not obtained Mr Quah's consent for the interview.
The newsroom has in place strict protocols and procedures to ensure that our news reporting standards are upheld. In this instance, the reporter had not followed the procedures and protocols expected of all our journalists. As Mr Quah had declined to be interviewed, the reporter could still have written the article, making reference to the facts publicly available, e.g. public social media posts, but should not portray it as an interview piece.
In addition, Mr Quah's family circumstances and surname were changed in an attempt to obscure the real identity of Mr Quah. No permission was granted to do so and the reporter also did not indicate, as our protocol requires, that an alias was used to protect the identity of the newsmaker. These actions also constituted a deviation from our protocols.
On 7 May 2020, Mr Quah took to social media accusing our reporter for behaving unethically. He followed up with an email to our newsroom on 8 May 2020. The newsroom management took his accusations seriously, and after confirming that the reporter in question did not interview Mr Quah, we replied to Mr Quah saying that "we have taken down the report from our website and social media after an internal investigation".
We further explained to Mr Quah that the reporter had written the story based on Mr Quah's social media posts, and that the reporter "had made a mistake and a wrong judgement to mention in the article that you were interviewed despite the fact that you said you were not willing to. We apologise for the wrong attribution and the inconvenience caused".
On Sunday 10 May, Mr Quah posted an article on his facebook page: "National Newspaper fabricates interview based on my COVID-19 experience".
The article accused Lianhe Zaobao of fabricating his experience and alleged that, "This is misleading because it suggests and perpetuates the idea that people can get COVID-19 even if they stay home."
This news in fact ran on Lianhe Wanbao and not Lianhe Zaobao. In addition, the story was not fabricated. The details were based on extracts from Mr Quah's social media posts.
Screenshot from Mr Quah's IG Story.
The reporter is relatively new to the job, having just joined the newsroom two months ago. In his second email to the newsroom on 11 May, Mr Quah urged the newsroom to consider dismissing the reporter. Although the reporter has indeed made a mistake, the reporter has been truthful in admitting his mistake and expressing his remorse for misleading readers and impacting the newspaper's reputation. We need to carefully consider if there are mitigating factors for someone who is just starting off his career.
The company has a disciplinary system in place, and if a reporter or staff is alleged to have violated any protocols or code of conduct, he or she has the right to a proper investigation process and hearing. We have set up an independent disciplinary committee to review the case, and will decide on the penalties to be imposed. SPH, as the employer of the reporter, will take responsibility by addressing the mistake, and take measures to avoid further recurrences.
We sincerely apologise to Mr Quah, as we should not have attributed the story we ran to an interview with him when he expressly declined the interview request. This incident serves as a timely reminder to us, that we should constantly review our working procedures and reiterate to our colleagues the importance of adhering to journalistic principles and processes.
Han Yong May
Editor, NewsHub
SPH Chinese Media Group


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"The article accused Lianhe Zaobao of fabricating his experience and alleged that, "This is misleading because it suggests and perpetuates the idea that people can get COVID-19 even if they stay home."
This news in fact ran on Lianhe Wanbao and not Lianhe Zaobao. In addition, the story was not fabricated. The details were based on extracts from Mr Quah's social media posts."
End quote.

The editor is splitting hairs. Zaobao.sg is the digital version of Zaobao. The complainant may have missed the difference. But it is not the main focus. Instead of giving a sincere apology, the editor attempts to obfuscate the matter.

As for her defense that the story was not a fabrication, it is a lame argument. The very fact that the reporter manufactured the story citing it as an interview is in itself a lie.

Our media must learn to come clean and not behave like the politicians of this country.


Mr Quah's reply to the SPH prostitute Ms Han.

Quah Zheng Jie
Disappointing response from SPH - A follow up to ‘National Newspaper fabricates interview based on my COVID-19 experience’.
I thank SPH’s editor, Ms. Han Yong May, for her public response (on behalf of SPH) to my situation and my earlier write-up. On top of Ms. Han’s public response, I also have received an email response* from SPH’s legal counsel, the contents of which I shall not disclose.

edit: *To clarify it was not a legal letter, but just an email from their legal counsel. (“Private and Confidential”)
In my view, both responses were disappointing and did not fully address all the points I have made in my first write-up, hence I am compelled to pen this open response to SPH.
In short, SPH asserted that:
  1. James’ story was not fabricated – the details were based on extracts from my social media posts
  2. James was in the wrong for lying about interviewing me (to date, the only thing they have apologised for is “wrongly attributing a story they ran to an interview with me”)
  3. James is still allowed to write the article, making reference only to publicly available facts.

Here is my response:
1. Ms. Han shared one of my public Instagram stories in her response. I wish to clarify this Instastory: when I mentioned getting COVID-19 despite staying at home, “staying at home” meant I stopped non-essential exposure to the outside world in line with the Circuit Breaker rules.
Not once was I asked by James/SPH about what my Instagram Story meant, even though SPH published that I “never left the house during CB”.
2. James’s story IS concocted, just not wholly. It was a mix of my actual personal details, details from social media, and fake information as clarified below:

"Time to fact-check!"

3. How can SPH make up a fictional story based around my real information?
  • SPH claims that the changes made to my family circumstances and my surname were an attempt to obscure my identity. I cannot help but doubt this statement, but I do not wish to pursue it.
  • The true identifiers (age, school, gender) mentioned in the article easily linked back to me and - by extension - my family. As mentioned in my first write-up, a friend’s father easily recognised that the person “interviewed” in the article was me. This has psychologically affected me and my family.
  • I am perplexed by how this fake news managed to make its way through so many pairs of eyes in the organisation (e.g. editors, typesetters). Especially since it was given front page (top story) coverage in the papers, it is implied that they must have viewed it as important, exclusive news.

Featured on cover page, article even took up a majority of a page" Source : (James, 2020, p. 3).retrieved from: https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/main/sphnewspapers

4. What exactly was the purpose of the article?
  • SPH claims that they reported their story following public concerns about the number of untraceable COVID-19 community cases.
  • By downplaying my pre-CB routine, and conconting a fictional tale of how my parents stayed home during CB, it feeds the paranoia that one could get infected with COVID-19 even with less exposure (“Staying Home”)?
  • The original article was also titled “NTU Student perplexed at how he contracted COVID virus despite not having left the house during the circuit breaker period”. It perplexes me why this title, when unproven, was published in such a time of public concern and paranoia.
  • In actual fact, the article has stoked public concern (see NTU confessions, FB comments). Did James/SPH not consider this potential consequence before publishing his false story?
  • Hence, I can only ponder the intended purpose of publishing this false story.
5. A fact that we have established: James went against my wishes by publishing a story quoting my actual social media/personal details despite me explicitly saying that I did not want my experience to be used for a story.
  • I have been told that it is common practice to utilise citizens’ information, but only if permission has been granted and the source appropriately cited (which never happened).
  • It is upsetting that SPH seems to defend their actions by implying that my social media was publicly available, without acknowledging their fake story concocted based on my Instagram Stories.
6. Disciplinary Action
  • It is unfortunate that SPH published my request for James to be fired. Nevertheless, I apologise if I have offended anyone.
  • I hope the public understands that this request was made when I was under extreme stress from many sources, including catching COVID and the entire Wanbao situation.
  • I firmly believe that all journalists hold a special place in society. They are entrusted with serving and informing the public with the truth and translating complex matters into understandable terms. Therefore, I hope that fresh journalists (like James) can be supervised more, with additional layers of vetting of their publication drafts. This ensures accuracy of information, allowing the media to fulfil their sacred responsibilities.
  • Finally, I acknowledge and thank SPH for their swift response in setting up an independent committee to review this matter. I will also respect any disciplinary decisions (if any) meted out to “James”.
In Summary:
  • SPH has made multiple assertions in their response, but I am of the view that some were incorrect as explained above. Additionally, SPH has also not fully acknowledged my concerns. Contrary to SPH’s claim, James concocted fictional information. In light of the recent introduction of POFMA, I also hope the public can ponder the following questions:
  • Is the media allowed to take citizens’ real details and associate/extrapolate liberally into a fictional story?
  • If a citizen says “no” to the sharing of his social media/personal information/experience, is it acceptable for the media to do so against his wishes?

Ending Note:
It has been a stressful, tiring, and long Covid-19 recovery process for me. This long-drawn situation has not made things easier. As I am physically and psychologically drained, this will be the last time that I address my issue against SPH and Wanbao publicly, regardless of the adequacy of their response.
I hope my ordeal will remind journalists, regardless of seniority, that the pen is mightier than the sword. The words they use and stories they run can potentially feed into and become someone else’s reality. I also hope that the public can be reminded to always be critical and not take anything at face value. May some good come out of this entire situation.
At this juncture, I would like to sincerely thank all those who have lent me support in this trying time, from wishing me good health to stepping forward with your own unfortunate encounters with the media. To those dear to me and to the strangers who have read my earlier piece, I thank you all. :smile:

Some other clarifications:
  1. SPH claims that James and I are old friends. The Chinese version of their response used “旧相识“, a phrase which suggests a degree of closeness that is not true. The English version used “acquainted” which would be a slightly more appropriate term for this matter. The fact of the matter is that I have only briefly met James ONCE in real life.
  2. I would also like to thank Ms. Han for clarifying that the story was published in Lianhe Wanbao and zaobao.sg, and the latter carries the content of SPH’s three Chinese news dailies. For this, I would like to acknowledge this new information and apologise for my blunder in associating zaobao.sg with Lianhe Zaobao. Nonetheless, they posted the article on Zaobao’s Facebook page. I would like to clarify that my previous write-up referred to a Lianhe Wanbao published story instead.
Reference list:
“James” (2020) "阻断措施期间足不出户 南大生不解为何染疫", 联合晚报, 7 May, p.3.

PUBLISHED WITH APPROVAL FROM MYSELF: "IG Stories posted on the day James reached out to me do not contain my daily activities, and my details of my family."
Show more reactions


Quah Zheng Jie
It seems like my photos were REPORTED and thus, REMOVED from my previous post.
I will update them again
1 hrLikeReplyMore

Sean Tan
good job calling it out! Supporting David against this massively unaccountable Goliath.

#Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
30 minsLikeReplyMore

Thang Thang
Very high handed of them to issue legal counsel letter on the sly by leaving this out from their open letter. Get your rest now but reserve the right to pursue this contravention of your privacy later. They must have done the same thing to countless victims whom they intimidated before.
25 minsLikeReplyMore
Thang Thang replied · 3 replies

Nigel Kow
Well done! Need any financial backing for legal fees? Let me know.
23 minsLikeReplyMore
Quah Zheng Jie replied · 1 reply

Windsor Lim
Is not worth to talk to stubborn bulls. Just cut the ties totally with this unethical reporter.
1 minLikeReplyMore

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There's no excuse for lack of supervision by editors on the writer. All the more so when the writer is a rookie. One of the first questions an editor should ask a writer is his source. Unless the writer also lied about it to his editor, the fact that the story had not originated from an interview would have been evident from the start. So, Ms Han's defense is lame.

I am intrigued by the legal counsel's letter. I can only surmise one of two things. First, an offer of goodwill in some form monetary compensation for their mistake, on condition that this marks the end of the matter. Two, a veiled warning to Mr Quah to not repeat certain accusations against SPH and its newspapers. I wonder...



Another attempt to hoodwink readers and investors. Anybody can implement Google Analytics 360 as long as you purchase the software from Google. About $150k a year, I think. Unless Anthony Tan, the dy CEO is saying SPH gets to use it free of charge, which I doubt.

You're probably wondering why SPH has to cooperate with Google. Truth is SPH has no choice but to surremder it's own backyard to a media superpower to survive in the digital sphere. For all the talk about its digital first strategy, SPH has no answer to the Google and Facebook of this world. So, instead of competing, SPH is caving in and yielding its market to Google in return for crumbs. Things are getting from bad to worse under the current leadership of NYC and Anthony Tan.