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Sorry Singaporeans your Money in CPF may be lost shortly


Last time there was news that the American Indian DBS CEO invested huge sums in China, which i later heard that DBS made huge losses during that time after which the growth of UOB became prominent in SG and many Singaporeans shifted their accounts to UOB,

Now Singapore Sovereign Government investments are heavily invested in India. So neither i am sure that my CPF is safe and neither you are. So all the best in blaming FT, Indians working there, indian PRs and other honest so called FT people who try to come to Singapore to earn a living in the hope of a good future. The fact remains ========

The fact remains some one else in India in turn is reaping huge profits out of the mutual investments by sg sovereign wealth funds and playing the share markets. Do check out who are the primary investment managers of sg sovereign wealth funds yes to your surprise they will be someone whom you call Foreign Talents. For now, everyone is happy as the markets are bullish always .. thanks to media and algorithmic trading, when the bears win it will be worrisome if sg will be even able to safeguard cpf monies or not.

Some insights for your eyes!!! are you worrying???



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Byebye Penis

The infographics is severely understating our country's exposure in India. Many of our GLCs also invested in India, eg. bharti airtel is owned by GIC and Singtel, DBS's Lakshimi Vilas, Capitaland India Trust


I guess the above is only listed direct Investments by GIC, Bharati is via Singtel so it is not through sovereign. there is a 35 pct others section but there are many more investment modes besides direct shares investments by GIC.

i dont doubt the accuracy as it is developed by TAta group, TCS a tata subsidiary has got major projects of Singapore companies in the past decades

Do you know that Bharati CEO mittal stays in one of the posh bungalows of Sentosa.

Besides these, in my view there are tons of party to party deals that has likely happened at a very high level which promotes investments via Singapore companies against jobs to particular section of the workers from the particular state/community. So it may be jobs against investments or other such undertakings.

Add to it sg investments in various technology companies in even tier 2 / 3 and 4 cities... Did any of you knew Singapore Changi airport helped develop Nagpurs airport so there are many nagpur professionals working in Singapore. There was a similar deal between Hyderabad and singapore which was scrapped and many other states like chennai or others

There are tons of real estate projects developed in Mumbai in collaboration with Singapore architects or construction companies.

So to summaries some times its not always good to blame FT as what looks outside is just whitewashing, look at what is happening at the bigger picture then you will understand where is the cream going. I have lived very long in Singapore to understand the workings of Singapore very properly even more than a citizen would.

Any ways happy cribbing about FTs while the cake is eaten by the top 20 pct in Singapore and the top 20 pct in India private and public sectors based on various dealings. And Singapore states it is based on merit.

I am sure Singapore may be investing against jobs deals with other Asean countries as well.
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Sham is seriously thinking of POFMAing this….
The best way to counter a lie is to tell the truth instead of just saying that it is a lie…bobby(2024)

The above in your own words :-) please correct what is the truth??