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Smokers have lower IQ


I suppose you don't believe in science and medicine too? I thought you have low IQ but now I am beginning to think that you are a complete moron.

You mean scientists "imagine" those ingradients in cigarettes? I have proven to you that a cigarette is far far from being "natural". Yet, you choose to bury your head under the ground.

By the way, I am not the least bit concerned about you smoking or not (as I have emphasized before), as far as I am concerned, you are a gone case. A complete imbecile.

I am hoping those silent readers here will think about quitting smoking (if they are smokers) or will never pick up smoking (if they are currently non-smokers).

Hey! dont overestimates yourself. Believing in science and medicine is one thing while not believing in propaganda and speculation is quite another altogether.

What makes you think you have better IQ then me, believing in propaganda and speculations? that's imbecilic, a moron in the sense of the word.

What scientist do I dont care, they cant even substantiate their claims so who the hell are you to prove that cigarettes are far from natural, it's your head that's buried.

As far as I am concerned when they cant find a cure, they put the word *Cancer* and starts to speculate causes, researchers are good at these and very good.

My smoking has no bearing on you whatsoever, the case is going and I dont need you to tell me what I should or should not do.

Your intentions may be good but dont patronize smokers, they have better IQ than you ever imagine. They know when to quit if they want to quit, they dont need those resaearcher's rubbish and propaganda to make decisions.


You mean scientists "imagine" those ingradients in cigarettes? I have proven to you that a cigarette is far far from being "natural". Yet, you choose to bury your head under the ground.

I am hoping those silent readers here will think about quitting smoking (if they are smokers) or will never pick up smoking (if they are currently non-smokers).

Tobacco-cigarette USED to be 100% natural during our ah-gong/ah-ma era where they can smoked to their death at 80s or 90s years old.
Until when Big-Tobacco company (especially America Tobacco MNCs) come into the world market, tobacco-cigarette then begin to CHANGE secretly and gradually. Many so called "trade secrets" additives and chemicals are being introduced into the tobacco-cigarette to enhance the 'taste', to mask up other chemicals harmfulness, to enhance the shelf-life longer, to enhance addiction and to increase consumptions. Before the last two hundred years (the time before America learn to make cigarette from the native red-indians), the world virtuously did not have any traces of lungs related diseases other than tuberculosis.

When I was a smoker, I adored two popular brands : Marlboro Lights (America Brand) and Davidoff Brown (Germany Brand). I realised I always feel more shoik and have greater hit feeling when smoking Marlboro than Davidoff. I am always puzzled why as Davidoff which was much more expensive than Marlboro but felt less shoik! After years of experimenting with others America tobacco-cigarette brands, I still find Marlboro was the best! Then I begin to research further and discovered a lot of "trade secrets" additives and chemicals are added into Marlboro in comparison with other. That is why Davidoff is a less sought after consumer brand. So as years goes by, the technology inside the tobacco-cigarette also advances with times thought their external package does not changed much. The technology advances inside the tobacco-cigarette are introduced to increase profitability via increased addiction and brand loyalty without the consumer awareness. I can bet that during LKY time, the cigarette he used to smoke definitely do not 'taste' as good as those on the shelves of 7-11 nowadays.

So back to your question, smoker got lower IQ? I do not know? But I just know my IQ now is of an ex-smoker that wrote above postings.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I can bet that during LKY time, the cigarette he used to smoke definitely do not 'taste' as good as those on the shelves of 7-11 nowadays.

You must be another ball licking loser. All talks about cigarettes and then slot in something about LKY. THe world does not revolved around that sinkie. ONly ball lickers do that. i guess you must be one.


"Smokers have lower IQ"...... maybe
"Smokers have lowered IQ"..... definitely, because they made a bad choice and still making it everyday


These things don't happen in a short time.
If you need a cigarette to prevent a scandal, fraud or bankruptcy from happening, there will be plenty of time to get one.

That's all very fine except that one is paid to work, not smoke on the job and certainly not to look around for ciggies just to make decisions. Much more productive & efficient to hire a non-smoker.


Curious observation.

When health authorities say get the flu shot, some individuals scream that the authorities are paid by Big Pharma.

When health authorities say smoking is bad and causes cancer, the same individuals believe them?


Curious observation.

When health authorities say get the flu shot, some individuals scream that the authorities are paid by Big Pharma.

When health authorities say smoking is bad and causes cancer, the same individuals believe them?

It should be the other way round.

When health authorities say get the flu shot, most individuals get them (including smokers)

When health authorities say smoking is bad and causes cancer, the same individuals disbelieve them.

Let's see how many smoking parents refuse to give their babies immunization shots because, you know, researchers are all liars and don't know what they are doing.


it should be the other way round.

When health authorities say get the flu shot, most individuals get them (including smokers)

when health authorities say smoking is bad and causes cancer, the same individuals disbelieve them.

Let's see how many smoking parents refuse to give their babies immunization shots because, you know, researchers are all liars and don't know what they are doing.

? .


This article is a bunch of crap! I bet that they are smoking while doing this research as well.

There are also much much more non-smoker having lower IQ than smoker with lower IQ in general population speaking. Can we now start another research saying, "There are more lower IQ non-smoker than lower IQ smoker" How's that sound? There answer is obvious.

The listed so called chemical doesn't mean a thing, otherwise, smoking would have been banned ages ago. And I think smoking is still "safer" than chewing gum.